The Project Gutenberg eBook of A concise history and directory of the city of Norwich for 1811 This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: A concise history and directory of the city of Norwich for 1811 Author: Christopher Berry Release date: June 15, 2010 [eBook #32829] Language: English Credits: Transcribed from the 1810 C. Berry edition by David Price. Many thanks to Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library, UK, for kindly supplying the images from which this transcription was made *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A CONCISE HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF THE CITY OF NORWICH FOR 1811 *** Transcribed from the 1810 C. Berry edition by David Price, email Many thanks to Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library, UK, for kindly supplying the images from which this transcription was made. A CONCISE HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF THE _CITY OF NORWICH_; For 1811: Containing besides the LISTS, A VARIETY OF LOCAL INFORMATION, _USEFUL and INTERESTING_ To RESIDENTS and STRANGERS. [Picture: Decorative divider] _Embellished with an engraved Plan of the City_. {0} [Picture: Decorative divider] * * * * * Norwich: Printed by and for C. Berry, jun. Dove-Lane. 1810. THE _Editor's Address to the Public_. Nine years have expired since the publication of the last NORWICH DIRECTORY (which was out of print almost as soon as in); during which period, alterations have been constantly taking place in the residence of the inhabitants, independent of those which have been entirely removed by death or otherwise. It will be found of those which were inserted in the former, and are still to be found in this, not half of them remain in the same residence.--He was not aware of the difficulty of obtaining the address of so large a population, or he would have been deterred from the undertaking: he has used his utmost endeavors to render it as correct as possible, and hopes he has made no very flagrant errors or omissions.--The DIRECTORY contains several hundred names more than that before noticed--the historical part is entirely written and compiled for the present purpose--many charitable and public institutions are noticed which cannot be found elsewhere--and the lists are much augmented, and corrected to the present time.--The alphabetical order of the DIRECTORY, is corrected to the first vowel. He cannot let this opportunity escape, without returning his thanks to several gentlemen who have rendered him information he could not otherwise have obtained.--He writes not for fame, but throws himself on an indulgent public; and should his feeble efforts prove in any degree useful, or meet the approbation of his fellow-citizens, his end is gained. _NORWICH_, _October_ 19, 1810. TABLE OF THE _POPULATION of the City and County of NORWICH_, In the Years 1801, 1786, 1752, & 1693. PARISHES. Houses Persons Persons Persons Persons 1801 1801 1786 1752 1693 St. Peter 123 378 507 425 470 Southgate St. Etheldred 68 252 254 247 243 St. Julian 211 662 846 595 593 St. Peter 316 1350 1362 1408 1376 Permountergate St. John 312 1144 1114 1004 781 Sepulchre St. Michael at 402 1198 1442 1127 865 Thorn St. John 231 888 975 890 668 Timberhill All Saints 176 701 825 578 425 St. Stephen 541 2211 2360 2314 1769 St. Peter 460 2120 2299 2288 1953 Mancroft St. Giles 239 1076 1117 961 910 St. Benedict 227 830 900 715 652 St. Swithin 120 503 643 751 496 St. Margaret 173 662 859 856 664 St. Laurence 269 899 1018 952 668 St. Gregory 221 1057 1113 1202 772 St. John 160 1698 1571 1107 657 Maddermarket St. Andrew 235 1858 1773 1334 935 St. Michael at 77 446 502 482 479 Plea St. Peter 88 371 394 341 267 Hungate St. George 135 750 720 737 722 Tombland St. Simon and 83 333 443 420 362 Jude St. Martin at 253 936 1109 1083 819 Palace St. Helen 80 393 446 386 338 St. Michael 255 1031 1185 1046 1026 Coslany St. Mary 306 1018 1202 1178 949 St. Martin at 370 1747 2153 1698 1243 Oak St. Augustine 402 1232 1899 1226 850 St. George 283 1132 1272 1295 1154 Colegate St. Clement 146 853 800 816 593 St. Edmund 99 446 531 520 370 St. Saviour 225 984 593 810 701 St. Paul 378 1395 1681 1461 983 St. James 251 520 608 696 416 Pockthorp 241 979 1272 1116 732 Heigham 227 854 923 653 544 HAMLETS. Lakenham 89 428 486 165 221 Eaton 38 278 260 226 153 Earlham 12 95 66 68 50 Hellesdon 17 81 108 70 65 Thorpe 17 74 82 36 69 Trowse, Carrow, 89 353 348 386 258 and Bracon Precinct of the 118 616 700 650 Close Norwich Goal 22 Total 8763 36854 40051 36396 28911 A CONCISE _HISTORY OF NORWICH_. In attempting a brief History of Norwich, it shall be endeavoured, so far as the limits of the design will admit, to consider its situation and extent, foundation and present state, former and present population, memorable events, antiquities, eminent or learned inhabitants, trade, manufactures, &c. Norwich is situate in 1. 25. E. of London, and in 52. 40. N. latitude; it lies considerably eastward of the centre of the county of Norfolk, of which it is the capital, and indeed it may be considered as the principal city in the eastern district of the kingdom. It occupies the top and sides of a gentle hill, which runs parallel with the river Wensum on its western side; the river suddenly takes an almost western course, and runs through nearly the centre of the city. It is distinguished in the annals of Great Britain for its manufactures, the memorable events that have occurred, its antiquities, and for various other objects which shall be briefly touched upon. Norwich, in its present state, is said to occupy more ground, comparatively with its population, than any city in the kingdom, being much interspersed with gardens, and it is frequently stiled, a city in an orchard; its shape is irregular, and may not unaptly be compared to a shoulder of mutton--it is full one mile and a half in length, and a mile and quarter broad. It contains thirty four churches and a number of chapels and meeting houses, besides the cathedral; it has five bridges over the river; it was formerly nearly surrounded with a wall, planted with forty two towers and had twelve gates, the former is dilapidated the latter, within a few years have been taken down. The original foundation of Norwich is not easily asertained; however, it is certain, that the Romans, presently after their establishment in Britain, either erected fortresses near the British towns, or invited the natives to assemble round the Roman military stations; and most of our cities and chief towns occupy the site of such stations, or are in their immediate vicinity, which makes it probable, that Norwich orginated in the decay of (_Venta Icenorum_) Castor, and which the following old distich commemorates. "Castor was a city when Norwich was none, "And Norwich was built of Castor stone. Camden says, he had no where met with the name of Norwich previous to the Danish invasion; on the origin of the name, various opinions have been formed; however, there is very little doubt that it received its name from the Saxons, their word _Northwic_, signifying a northern station, castle, or town, and the word occurs on the Saxon coins of various reigns. Blomfield mentions several of these--one in the time of Alfred the Great, about the year 872; another in the early part of the reign of Athelstan about the year 925, and several others; besides three coins minted here of Ethelred, called the _Unready_, of which it seems, some are yet extant; and from which it appears, that Norwich was a place of note before the Danes were in possession of Britain. The Saxons immediately took advantage of the Romans leaving Britain, to pour in their own troops, under pretence of protecting the natives; but they soon threw off the mask, and erecting fortresses to defend what they had seized, they shortly became possessed of the whole Island. At this period 'tis probable the former Castle of Norwich was first founded. Vulgar chronology makes it as old as Julius Caesar; but its gothic structure belied such conjecture--the elevated spot on which this castle stood, commanding a prospect over a large space of country, pointed it out as a proper place to fix an advanced post. Uffa is considered the first Saxon monarch over this part of the kingdom, in the year 575; but it appears, notwithstanding, from undoubted authority, that Grecca, the father of Uffa, was the first sovereign of East Anglia. The monarchy, therefore, was probably established between the years 530 and 540, and the castle erected about the same period. In the year 642 it is said to have been a fortified royal seat of Anna, the seventh king of the East Anglian line. From this time till the reign of Alfred, we find little or no mention of the Castle: but during the incursions of the Danes, it was frequently possessed by them and the Saxons alternately; and it appears, that king Alfred in his time, finding the walls and ramparts of Norwich Castle insufficient to repel the attack of the Danes, caused others to be erected with the most durable materials. Norwich Castle was evidently a military station in Alfred's time, as appears also by the coin struck here, about the year 872, before noticed; but in the reign of Etheldred the II. it is described to have been utterly destroyed by an army under Sweyne, king of Denmark, about the year 1004. In 1010 the Danes again settled in and fortified Norwich, and the Castle appears to have been rebuilt by Canute, about the year 1018; to have been first used as a prison in the early part of the 14th century, and from this period, its history merges into that of the city. Mr. Wilkins says, Norwich castle is the best exterior of this kind of architecture extant. The area of the ancient castle, including its outer works, contained about 23 acres, the whole of which was surrounded by a wall; the principal entrance was by Bar, now Ber-street, through Golden-Ball-lane, by the Barbican Gate, which was flanked by two towers, and connected with the external vallum, by a wall; the extent of the outermost ditch reached on the west part to the edge of the present Market Pace, on the north to London-lane, which it included; and on the east almost to King-street; the southern part reached to the Golden-Ball-lane, where the grand gate stood. According to Mr. Wilkins, the entrance into the Barbican was at the south end of Golden-Ball-Lane, and not at the north, as Blomfield has it; over each foss in this direction was a bridge, but only one of them remains; this extends across the inner ditch, and according to Mr. Wilkins, is formed of "the largest and most perfect arch of Saxon workmanship in the kingdom." This bridge is nearly 150 feet in extent, and the Castle stands just across it on the south west part of the hill; the extent of the Castle from east to west, including a small tower through which was the principal entrance, is 110 feet 3 inches, and from north to south, 92 feet 10 inches; and the height to the top of the battlements, 69 feet 6 inches; the height of the basement story is about 24 feet, which is faced with rough flint; the upper part is ornamented with small arches and decorated so as to appear something like Mosaic work; the small tower before-mentioned on the east side, was of a richer kind of architecture, called, Bigod's Tower, which is now chiefly inclosed, defaced or pulled down, as in the year 1793 the county thought it necessary to erect a new goal, and it was resolved to attach it to the eastern side of the old Castle. Mr. Wilkins expresses himself justly indignant at the addition, which he calls an heterogeneous and discordant mass.--This venerable pile has been a castle of defence to British, Saxon, and Norman kings; it has been the boast and pride of the province for ages past, yet by this recent change it is bereaved of its ancient beauty; but, surely, whatever alterations were necessary, they might have preserved the same character and apparent date of architecture with the mutilated parts of this stately pile. The interior is also now an unroofed area, although formerly covered and divided by floors. The entrance to the top of the Castle is on the west side, at the south corner by a flight of 99 steps. The Castle precinct contains upwards of six acres, and the summit of the hill is in circumference 360 yards, the whole of which is enclosed with iron palisadoes, as is also the ditch around it; which, within the last 20 years, have been occupied for gardens, many of which are tastefully laid out; and the summit of the hill on all sides commands a most delightful view of the city and surrounding country. The Castle with the hill and ditch surrounding it, may be considered a _chef d'oeuvre_, and the prospect therefrom superior to any thing of the kind in England. A panoramic view of the city and surrounding country has been lately published by Messrs. Stevenson, Matchett, and Stevenson, taken from several stations on the hill. The shirehouse which joins the Castle, has lately undergone complete internal repair, and considerable alteration whereby the courts are enlarged and rendered much more commodious than heretofore; and here all county business is transacted, and the summer assizes held. The town of _Nor_-_wic_ probably soon succeeded the building of the Castle, and became occupied by the Anglo-Romans, from Castor, at which time it appears to have been chiefly inhabited by fishermen and merchants. According to ancient manuscripts, a large arm of the sea flowed up to Norwich, till about the time of William the Conqueror. There exists positive evidence of Norwich being a fishing town in the reign of Canute, about the year 1020. In the time of Edward the Confessor, about the year 1050, it appears to have had 25 churches, and 1320 Burgesses; during the peaceable reign of Edward, and his successor, Harold, it continued to increase in wealth and population. In the year 1075, it experienced a serious decrease by siege; in about the year 1085, according to Doomsday book, a great number of houses were uninhabited, yet the churches were increased to 54, and the houses to 738, which, allowing six persons to each house, makes the population 4428. In the reign of William II. the bishop's see was removed from Thetford hither, which together with a great influx of Jews at that time, made a considerable increase to the population. In the reign of Henry I. the government of the city was separated from the castle jurisdiction and in the following reign licence was granted for Norwich to have coroners and bailiffs. In the time of Richard I. 1193, the inhabitants were called citizens. The city wall was begun in 1294, and finished in 1320. Previous to the plague in 1348, according to Blomfield, the population amounted to 70,000; but, surely, this account as applied to the city, must appear incredible from the extent of the walls, and from the increase of population since 1085, a term of 263 years, the population must have increased sixteen fold--a circumstance, I believe, unparalleled in the annals of History. In 1336, a great influx of Flemings in consequence of religious persecution, settled in Norwich, and introduced the worsted manufactory. Henry IV. in the year 1403, granted the city a charter, which made Norwich a county of itself; and from this time it was governed by a mayor instead of bailiffs; and in 1406, another charter was obtained for regulating the mode of choosing the mayor, sheriffs, &c. This city has suffered greatly at various times by the plague and scarcity, and few places have sustained more damage by fire, which may be attributed, in some measure, to the custom of covering the houses with thatch.--Two desolating fires which happened in the latter part of Henry VII's reign, induced the corporation to make a law, that no new building should afterwards be covered with thatch. Norwich was beginning to decline, but again revived in 1566, by the settling here of about 300 Dutch and Walloons, who had fled from the persecution of the Duke of Alva; and their number kept increasing very rapidly for several years. About this time, bombasines and some other valuable articles were invented here, and contributed much to the population of the city. In 1574, Norwich exhibited on its muster roll 2120 able men, towards the general defence against the invincible Armada. In 1578, queen Elizabeth took up her abode for several days in the city. In 1688, the charter was confirmed to its full extent, by virtue of which, the government is vested in a mayor, recorder, steward, two sheriffs, twenty-four aldermen, of which the mayor is one, sixty common councilmen, a town clerk, chamberlain, sword bearer and other officers. In 1556, the extent of Norwich was ascertained, by which it appears to be 14 miles in circumference. Norwich first sent members to parliament in 1264. In 1403, four citizens were summoned to parliament, but as they were paid by the citizens 3 pounds for their attendance, they petitioned sending only two to save expence. The city at present sends two who are chosen by the freeholders and freemen, some of whom are so by inheritance, some by servitude, and others by purchase--the sheriffs for the time being, are the returning officers. Till within a few years, the population of Norwich had been increasing, _viz._ from the year 1693 to 1786, as will appear by the annexed parochial list; but this is owing principally to strangers resorting to Norwich as a manufacturing place, for by comparing, the births with the deaths within that period, the latter have considerably exceeded the former. The decrease in the population observable in the table since 1786, is 3197; but 1786 was a year of peace; and in 1801, those serving in the army, navy, and militia, were not included; out of the number of houses in 1801, there were 747 unoccupied, and of the total number of persons, 21,044 were females, and 15,810 males, being nearly in proportion of 4 to 3. At what period the art of manufacturing cloth from wool was first introduced in this Island, is not certain; but it may be supposed it was early practised in Norfolk, from the circumstance of spinning with the distaff, being still retained here. Before William the Conqueror woollen cloths were made in Norwich; but what tended most to increase the Norwich worsted manufactory, was the number of Flemish artizans who came over here in 1336; and in the time of Richard the II. and succedings reigns, various statutes were enacted for the encouragement and regulation of the trade. In 1445 the trade had arrived to such a degree of excellence, as to rival all other nations in the foreign Markets. In Henry VIII's time, according to Blomfield, the sale of stuffs made in Norwich only amounted annually to 200,000 pounds besides hose which were computed at 60,000 pounds more. During the reigns of Edward VI. and Queen Mary, new articles of Manufactory continued to be introduced, and new regulations made. In the time of Queen Elizabeth, encouragement was given to the inhabitants of the low Countries, under the persecution of the Duke of Alva, to settle here; and they introduced a variety of new fabrications, by the intermixture of silk and mohair and several new articles were manufactured as various in their qualities as their names. In 1575 Bombasines were first introduced, for the manufactory of which elegant article, Norwich has ever since been famed, but still the trade seemed confined principally to home consumption; and the act of 1721, which prohibited the general wearing of cottons, and the order for the Court Mourning to consist of Norwich crapes, serve as proof that the trade did not depend so much on foreign demand as home consumption. From about, 1740 to 1760, the stuff trade gradually declined, and through the prevalence of the India and Manchester cotton goods the destruction of the home trade was almost completed. The Manufacturers were obliged to extend their continental connections, their travellers were seen in every kingdom in Europe, and the great continental fairs were crouded with purchasers for goods of Norwich manufactory. They also sent their sons to be educated on the continent that by learning the languages they might strengthen their connections; the taste and habits of every country and clime were consulted. Hence Norwich and the Country for many miles round, became crowded with looms, and though Norfolk and Suffolk, were incessantly employed, yet the produce was unequal to the demand. It became necessary to import yarn, as well as wool, and the consumption of bay yarn from Ireland was very great. The neighbouring Counties and Scotland also contributed something considerable. At this meridian of prosperity, the trade, from the capriciousness of fashion, began again to decay, and the disastrous war breaking out, dissolved its continental connections, depressed the spirit of enterprise, and paralized the hand of industry. The author of the Tour through the Island of Great Britain, in 1724, gives a statement which was furnished by a manufacturer, whereby it appears 120,000 persons were employed in the various branches of the Norwich manufactory. Arthur Young considers the interval from the year 1743, till the unfortunate dispute with the American colonies, to have been a flourishing era; the number of looms were then found to be 12,000, and it was calculated that each loom, with its attendant preparation, produced work to the value of 100 pounds per annum; and that every loom employed five hands besides the weaver, in the various processes before and after the weaving, so that the whole number of persons employed, many of which were old women and children, amounted to 72,000, and the money earned by them to 1,200,000 pounds. At present, the merchants being shut out of foreign markets by war, and from our own by fashion, the number of hands employed must be considerably reduced. The principal articles of this manufactory, are bombazines and broad camblets, for the latter, of which the East India Company, have annually given large orders, and it is much to be lamented that the benefits, which formerly accrued from this manufacture, should within the last few years have been in a great measure dissipated by a narrow jealousy and want of unanimity amongst the manufacturers. This discordance has created a baneful competition, for the favours of the East India Company, which are consequently distributed, in the greatest proportion, to that quarter, where the labours of the poor must necessarily be the most depreciated. A good understanding between them would not only have preserved their consequence with the company, but would certainly have rendered their connection with that body much more advantageous, the Company finding their account in the goods; and not being able to procure them at any other market. However, during the failure of a continental trade, it certainly is of considerable consequence to the city. The wools of Lincolnshire and Leicestershire are chiefly used. To articles before mentioned, have been of late years added, cottons, shawls and some other fancy goods, both of silk and cotton; some of which are calculated for furniture, and some for dress, and which for elegance, surpass any thing of the kind made in the kingdom. Cotton thread lace is also made here, and no inconsiderable quantity of hempen cloth. The staple manufactory of Norwich, furnishes about fifty distinct occupations from the shearer of the sheep to the mariner who ships the goods. The earnings of the different artizens are various--men from 6s. to 30s. per week; women from 5s. to 15s. and children, by spinning, filling and tire drawing, from 1s. to 4s. The combing of wool used to employ a great number of hands; but since the invention of machines, their employ is in a great measure superseded. In the time of Edward III. it is recorded there were not less than 76 places of Christian worship, besides a Jewish synagogue, in Norwich--we shall now proceed to give a brief account of some of these now remaining. The foundation stone of the cathedral is recorded to have been laid by bishop Herbert, in 1096, and it was not until the year 1430, the cloisters were completed. In 1361, the upper part of the steeple was partly blown down by a hurrican, after which, the present spire was built. About the year 1470, the stone roof of the nave was constructed, and adorned with sculptures of scripture history; and shortly after, the stone roof over the choir was erected, and adorned in a similar manner; and about the same time, the whole vaulting was covered with lead. In 1509, it was considerably injured by fire; in 1601, part of the spire was struck down by lightning, but speedily repaired; it again suffered considerably by the rebellion, in 1543; it was completely repaired and beautified in 1763, and again in 1807. The architecture is chiefly of the style, called Norman; the columns and arches are exceedingly various in their size, mouldings, and ornaments; the choir terminates with a semicircular east end, over which, are curiously painted windows, by Dean Lloyd's lady. The walls include various chapels, and some courts belonging to the dean and chapter. The extreme length of the building is 411 feet from east to west; and the width from north to south, 191 feet; the height of the spire and tower, 315 feet; the spire is ornamented with bold crockets, 5 feet asunder, attached to and running up the ribs at each angle, and is the highest in England, except Salisbury. The cloisters are 174 feet square, with arched openings or windows, looking inwards on all sides; the roof, which is about 16 feet high, is ornamented with scripture sculptures, which however, are much injured by accident and time. The west front of the cathedral displays a large central compartment, corresponding with the width and heigth of the nave; also two lateral divisions corresponding with the side aisles, the whole forming a very grand entrance. The interior must be allowed to have a grand and solemn general effect, and that the whole appears of an unusual, bold and substantial stile. It is to be lamented that the fitting up of the choirs serve to destroy part of the grandeur and solemnity, and shuts out the sight from a general and comprehensive view of the building. Within the church and cloisters, still remain some curious memorials of the dead; but the greater part are removed, like those to whom they belong, to make room for others, or have fallen a sacrifice to the gradual inroads of time. The Bishop's Palace stands on the north side of the cathedral, was erected in the year 1318, and was enlarged and ornamented by several successive Bishops; it suffered greatly in the rebellion, and it was with some difficulty made habitable; it has been improving ever since, and is now made a tolerable neat and convenient residence. On the south side of the cathedral, formerly stood a priory, occuping part of the space, now called the Lower Close, and which was built as a residence for 60 monks, who officiated in the cathedral. In the year 1804, on pulling down the workhouse, which stood at the entrance of the deanery, some curious ruins were discovered, and the shafts of three massive pillars are still left standing, as specimens of the architecture of the age in which they were built. At the west end stands the free school, formerly the charnel-house--was built about the year 1316; the upper part was appropriated for the residence of four officiating priests, the part beneath was a vault used as a charnel house, which is now rendered into cellars, and part of the building occupied by the master of the school. The present portico is much more modern than the other parts of the building. Adjoining the free-school, stands Erpingham's gate, (it having been built by Sir Thomas Erpingham as a penance) and is an elegant specimen of the architecture of the time; it is much enriched with columns, mouldings, and many small statutes in canopied niches, in one of which, over the centre, is Sir Thomas Erpingham kneeling, and in the act of prayer. The gate called St. Ethelbert's gate, from a church dedicated to that saint, having formerly occupied its scite, and which appears to have been built prior to the cathedral, was burnt down in the insurrection, in 1272; after which, the citizens were compelled to build the present handsome gate with the chapel over it: the front facing tombland was formerly richly ornamented, but by modern innovation and repair, it is deprived of all its beauty. The chapel was some years since used as the bishop's registry, but has for the last ten years been occupied as a weekly concert room, by a society of gentlemen amateurs. There are few churches after the cathedral which deserves particular mention as architectural objects, their names may be found in the list of population; however, we shall notice St. Julian's church, being founded anterior to the conquest and for its exhibiting some specimens of Saxon architecture. St. Peter's Mancroft church, a handsome regular building, and after the cathedral, superior in size and architecture to any other; it stands on an elevated spot at the south west corner of the market place. Blomfield states it was finished in the year 1455; it consists of a square tower, about 100 feet high, though evidently intended to have been much higher, as appears by the double buttresses extending to the top, and the thickness of the walls; it contains an excellent peal of 12 bells, by Messrs Pack and Chapman, in 1775; the tenor weighs 41cwt. they are acknowledged for general effect, to be the first peal in the world--and the ringers are justly ranked with the first in the kingdom. The church is wholly covered with lead, and supported by two rows of pillars remarkably neat and slender; the body of the church, including the chancel, is 212 feet in length, and is 70 feet wide; on the north and south sides are entrance porches. The altar is ornamented with a painting, representing the deliverance of St. Peter out of prison, was executed by Catton, and presented to the parish by Alderman Starling, in the year 1768. Within the church are some few sepulchral monuments worthy notice, and a fine organ built in 1707. The plate and furniture of the altar is very valuable, one cup weighing upwards of 46 ozs. very beautifully chased with the story of Abigal bringing presents to David, which was given to the church, by Sir Peter Gleane. In the vestry is a neat old painted carving, in alabaster. A very curious piece of tapastry, in high presevation; there is also an octavo Bible, on vellum, written in 1340, and a folio manuscript much more ancient. St. Laurance church occupies the spot, which at a remote period, was the quay for landing all fish brought to Norwich; the tythes of the fishery, which must have been considerable, were granted to the abbey of St. Edmund's Bury, on condition that the abbot would erect a church. The present church was erected in 1472, at the expence of the monastery of St. Edmunds Bury, aided by private benefactions; the tower is a bold square building, 112 feet in height; over the west door are several figures sculptured in stone. Previous to the civil war, the church was highly decorated with various altars, tabernacles, &c. the window ornamented with glass, and, according to Blomfield, in 1643, the communion rails were broken down, the floor of the chancel taken up, and the stained glass defaced. In the parish registry is this entry, "laid out to Goodman Perfett, for the putting out the superstitious inscriptions in the church window, and the pulling down of crucifixes 1s. 8d." In this church are several monuments. Norwich is much indebted to monachism for many charitable institutions, among which, are the free Grammar School, before mentioned, which was originally kept in the fratry of a suppressed convent of friars; but afterwards the charnel house was appropriated to that use, the houses of the chaplains being fitted up for the Master, and the chaple for the school-room. The master has 50 pounds per annum, and the house; it is also endowed with scholarships and fellowships belonging to Caius College, Cambridge. Are here also five charity schools for boys, and one for girls, which have been instituted more than a century, and are supported by benefactions, annual subscriptions, annual collections made at fourteen sermons, preached at different parishes, by rents of two estates left by Alderman Riseborough, the one situate in Walpole, and the other in Walton, in Norfolk, and by dividends arising from funded property. The boys are taught reading, writing and arithmetic, and the girls reading and sewing, and both instructed in the religious duties according to the Liturgy of the Church of England. In the year 1784, labour was introduced and the boys and girls went alternately to spinning and reading, &c. but so prejudiced were their parents against this plan, that the number of children was reduced from 480 in 1784, to 188 in 1803. At a special meeting held in 1803, the low stale of the schools was taken into consideration; and the introduction of labour being considered as the cause of it, the abandonment of the spinning school was unanimously agreed; and the number from that time has gradually increased. From the last state of the charity, it appears that 46 boys are taught at each of the schools, making a total of 230. Since the publication of the last state, the girls school has been established on the improved system of teaching, according to the plan of Dr. Bell, and Mr. Lancaster; and 104 girls are taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and sewing, at very little more expence than formerly 40 were.--The Rev. C. J. Chapman, Treasurer. Each of the masters have a liberal salary, including house rent and firing, and the governess of the girl's school has similar advantages. The boys, in addition to their learning, have a coat once a year, in February, and such books as they want during their term, which is five years--the girls are suitably allowed. In addition to the above, are various parish Sunday schools, where children of both sexes are instructed in the early rudiments of education; also a school for 48 girls, where they are taught reading, writing, sewing, and every other necessary accomplishment, in the Bull-lane, St. Stephen's, which is under the patronage, direction, and at the entire expence of Miss Gurney. They attend church with the governess every Sunday, and in addition to their learning, &c. have each a hat, and those whose parents are unable, are furnished with other articles of dress, to render their appearance suitable and decent. There is also a school belonging to the Unitarians; the present master, Mr. Harwin, lives in the Rose-lane, King-street, where 50 boys and girls are educated. The Independents and other dissenters from the church, contribute something towards the education of the children of their respective persuasions; besides, a school for the education of girls has been lately established by the dissenters, which is supported by annual collections at the different meetings. The school-room is in St. Paul's and the number educated is 120. Of the hospitals, there were formerly one in St. Edmund's, for 30 boys, who were clad in blue coats and red caps, and altogether educated and maintained upon the foundation; and one for 24 girls, who where clothed in blue gowns, and educated and maintained upon the foundation. The original plan of both these institutions is entirely altered, and they are at present consolidated on the premises of the boy's hospital, in St. Edmund's, were 40 boys, and 31 girls are educated, and their parents allowed 10. pounds a year for their maintenance, out of which, they pay for their education.--The present master for the boys', Mr. Gidney, and the governess of the girls', Mrs. Gidney. St. Giles' or the old Man's Hospital, in St. Helen's parish, was founded 1249; and was originally intended for men only; at present it maintains 53 men, and 53 women, including 6 nurses; any one before they can be admitted must be 60 years of age; are elected by a court of mayoralty, and must carry with them, a featherbed, blankets, and ten shillings for a coffin. Doughty's hospital, in St. Saviour's parish, was originally endowed for 24 poor men and 8 poor women, each being 60 years of age and upwards, having a room in the hospital, partly furnished, with an allowance of two shillings a week, and one chaldron of coals annually delivered them, at several stated times, by the master, who must be a single man, has two rooms, and double allowance; the men were also allowed a coat, and the women a gown, every 2 years, of purple cloth; but the trustees have been enabled to add sixpence per week, at several times, to the original donation, in consequence of various benefactions left of late years to the foundation; at present, the establishment is for 28 men and 10 women, who have an allowance of three shillings and sixpence weekly; the coals as heretofore, and the coats and gowns changed to a pair of shoes, and a shirt or a shift each annually. Cooke's hospital, in the Rose-lane, St. Peter's per Mountergate was endowed by Robert and Thomas Cooke, Esqrs. for the habitation of 10 poor women being 60 years of age or upwards, of good character, and who had been inhabitants of the city at least 10 years. Each of them in addition to their room are allowed thirteen shillings per quarter, and some who are exceedingly needy, assisted with clothing. The Norfolk and Norwich hospital was first opened for the reception of patients, in 1772; it stands about a quarter of a mile from the walls of the city on the London road. Its front aspect is nearly south east; it is a neat brick building, in the form of an H; it was erected and is still supported by voluntary contributions, and cost upwards of 13,000 pounds. A new wing was added in 1802, which completed the original plan. The governors meet every Saturday at eleven o'clock, to transact the business of the hospital. It appears from an abstract of the register to the end of the year 1808, a period of 36 years--there have been on the admission list, 27,051 in and out patients, out of which 17,727 have been discharged as cured; 3786 relieved; 3400 for non-attendance, and other irregularities; 640 incurable; 1292 died; and 206 remaining on the books, the number of patients have been much increasing, as appears from the yearly statements. Bethelham Hospital, or Bedlam, was founded in the year 1713, for the reception of lunatics; for its endowment, the founder settled by will, all her estates on a body of trustees, who were to have the management of the house forever. As many poor lunatics are kept here gratis, as the funds will allow--the inhabitants of the city having the first claim; after which the trustees have the power of selecting proper objects from any part of the county; they may also admit others, while there is room, whose friends will agree to pay the moderate allowance of four shillings and sixpence per week. Additions were made to the building in 1807. The number of objects are considerably increased, by the good management of the trustees, and some late benefactions, and the funds are in a thriving state. The master's salary is 40 pounds besides his dwelling, and two chaldron of coals yearly.--There is also a private lunatic house, situate near where brazen doors formerly stood. The Norwich Dispensary, in Pottergate street, instituted in 1804, for the purpose of giving advice and medicine gratis to such indigent poor of the city, as are unable to procure assistance. Mr. Powel, the apothecary, has a liberal salary, including house rent and taxes. The physicians attend every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, for the examination and admission of patients. The number of patients who have received the benefit of this institution, have in the course of 12 months, amounted to near 600, of which the greater part have been discharged cured. The Infirmary in St. Augustine's parish, just outside the city walls, was probably founded by a bishop of Norwich, as an hospital for lepers, but is now occupied by ancient poor of both sexes, who are past labor, and not fit to be put into common workhouses; they are in wards from 8 to 12 in each ward, and have every necessary, both of food and raiment; the number entertained here is 103, and as soon as one dies, the vacancy is filled up by election of the committee of the court of guardians for the poor. The master has a good house on the premises, and a liberal salary. The hospital for indigent blind of Norfolk and Norwich, was instituted in 1805, and in the month of October, various pupils were admitted. It is principally indebted to Thomas Tawell Esq. who purchased a very handsome house, with upwards of 3 acres of ground, in Magdalen-street, which he contributed for the use of the establishment, and applied it as an asylum for aged blind persons, and a school for the instruction of the young, in manufacturing articles, by which they may obtain a livelihood; there are now 5 aged persons and 16 pupils. The annual subscriptions already raised for its support, amount to about 400 pounds, and the benefactions to nearly 1000 pounds. The Humane Society for the recovery of persons apparently drowned, paid from June 1807, to June 1809, 5. pounds 8s. 6d. for assistance given to 18 objects who were in danger of being drowned--The Mayor of Norwich, for the time being, is Treasurer. The Friars' Society, for the participation of useful knowledge, instituted in 1785; their rooms for meeting are in Crown-Court, Elm Hill. Their principal is an abbot, who has a prior and other officers under him; they, during the winter season, distribute soup and bread to a great number of the poor in Norwich. The Friendly Society, for the benefit of poor women in sickness and old age, was instituted in April, 1802, and consists of subscribing and recommended members. A subscribing member pays on admission 5s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. annually, which enables her to recommend one poor woman under 45 years of age. A benefactor of five guineas has the same privilege. A recommended member pays 2s. 9d. on admission, and 6.5d. on the first Monday of every calendar month, which after one year entitles her to 5s. per week during her confinement in child-bed, for one month, and 2s. 6d. per week afterwards, if confined by consequent illness; and during any other sickness or misfortune, 3s. 6d. per week for one month, and 2s. 6d. per week afterwards; at the death of her husband 1 pound; and 5s. for each of her children under 14 years of age. At the age of 60 years, a recommended member ceases to pay her monthly subscriptions, and is entitled to an annuity of 2. pounds 12s. for life, or to such other annuity as the funds of the society are judged capable of paying. This society from its institution, to April, 1809, has paid 613. pounds 11s. 6d. to 760 women; to 308 during confinement in child-bed; 438 during sickness; and to 14 losing their husbands. Treasurer, the Rev. C. J. Chapman Secretary, Mr. J. English. Charity for Clergymen's widows, &c. in Norwich and Norfolk. President, the Lord Bishop of Norwich for the time being Treasurer, the Rev. Mr. Parr. The Norfolk Dissenters' Benevolent Association, for the relief of aged dissenting Ministers, their widows and orphans, is supported by voluntary subscriptions among the Calvinistic Unitarian, and Baptist Dissenters; and an annual collection, in aid of the funds, is made at every meeting of the above persuasions in the county. The annual meeting of the society is held the first week in May. J. Barnard, Esq. of Knapton, Treasurer. The Benevolent Association, for the relief of decayed tradesmen's windows, and orphans; was instituted in 1790. From the statement of the society, it appears that near 700 tradesmen's widows and orphans have already received benefit from the funds of the association; and that the accumulating fund of the society from benefactions, &c. amount to nearly 3000 pounds. Mr. C. Bagg, Clerk. The Norfolk Benevolent Medical Society, for raising and establishing a fund for the relief and benefit of widows and children of surgeons and apothecaries, and of indigent members of the profession, in Norfolk and Norwich, instituted in 1786. This society holds a general meeting yearly, in May, at Norwich and Swaffham, alternately. The Society of Universal Goodwill, in Norwich, for the relief of foreigners who are not entitled to assistance from the parish laws of this country. The number of persons who have been relieved by this society, amounts to near 3000. The Amicable Society for Attornies, for raising and establishing a fund for the relief and benefit of the widows and children of Attornies in Norfolk and Norwich, instituted 1784. Subscribers pay one guinea annually, and they have accumulated a fund of upwards 2000 pounds. Meetings of the society are held at the White Swan, St. Peter's, on the first Monday in April and October. Besides the preceding, here are some other public, and many private charities and benefactions, which, together with those already enumerated, serve to shew that the spirit of beneficence is not fled, nor the hand of liberality closed. Formerly, here were two workhouses for the poor, one the Duke of Norfolk's Palace, hired by the Court of him for that purpose, and within these few year, pulled down; the other in St. Andrew's, adjoining the Hall, which is the only place occupied for that purpose at present. The annual expence of maintaining the poor of Norwich, has amounted to 20,000 pounds on an average for the last 20 years, which has been raised by an assessment on the half rental of occupations, at about 5s. on the pound quarterly. The workhouses falling to decay; inconvenient, unhealthy, and unnecessarily expensive; an act was obtained, in 1802, for building a new workhouse, without side the city walls, capable of containing 1300 persons. Seven acres and a half of land was purchased for this purpose, in a healthy situation, near Chapel-field; but, after many meetings, and various plans and estimates offered, it was determined not to build a new house, but to enlarge and completely repair the old one in St. Andrew's, some adjoining buildings were accordingly purchased, the whole new modelled, and made convenient and comfortable for 600 people, and if necessary, room can be made for 200 more. Bridewell is in the Mayor's jurisdiction for the confinment of such as commit petty offences or outrages in the city, is situated in St. Andrew's parish. The north wall of which is about 79 feet in length, by 27 in height, and is considered one of the greatest curiosities of the kind in the kingdom; it is incrusted with flints squared to about three inches each, and cut to so great a nicety, that the edge of a knife can scarcely be insinuated between the joints; it appears as regular and smooth as brick-work; it was built about the year 1370, and seems to have sustained little or no injury by time or accident, although the other parts of the building have been twice nearly consumed by fire. There are some other pieces of flint-work in the city, equally well executed, particularly on the south side of St. Michael's Coslany church. The art of squaring flints appears to have been lost in England, but some works executed in that way within the last century in France, prove the art is in some measure recovered there. The City Gaol, till the year 1597, occupied the east end of Guild-hall, at which time it was removed to its present situation, opposite the Guild-hall in the market, and had, until that time been a public inn, called the Lamb, which was purchased by St. George's company, to be converted to its present use. The Guild-hall was originally a small thatched building, and in Edward the third's time, was called a toll-booth; about the same time, a small room was added, from which it acquired the name of the Guild-hall, and continued in this state till Henry the Fourth in 1406, granted the city, a charter for electing a Mayor, &c., at which time, a committee was formed, and a warrant granted them to raise money, and press all workmen for the erecting of a new Guild-hall, which business was so vigorously pursued, that in 1409, the roof was raised; in 1511 part of the roof at the east end fell down, and in 1635 it was near being demolished by the deputes' servants undermining its foundation in digging for saltpetre. The windows of the Council chamber were formerly of painted and stained glass, which have been miserably mutilated.--This room is ornamented with portraits of various eminent persons, and also the arms of the great Norfolk hero, the late Lord Nelson, with the sword of the Spanish Admiral, taken by his Lordship in 1797, and presented by him to the Corporation. The Common-council-chamber underwent a complete repair in 1806, at which time it was considerably enlarged: in this Hall the Assizes, and quarter Sessions, for the city, are held. It contains also the Mayor's office for transacting daily business, the Town-clerk's and Chamberlain's offices; and all elections for Majors and other officers, and all questions of moment relative to the city, are here determined. St. Andrew's hall, is a noble fabric, and was formerly a conventual church of Benedictine friars, it was founded in 1415, consists of a nave and two aisles, which remain nearly perfect; it had formerly a handsome steeple, which fell down in 1712; the aisles are separated from the nave by six elegant slender colomns which support the roof, they are half the width of the nave, and the same length, the whole is 120 feet long, and seventy wide; within the walls there are 45 windows, most of which were formerly ornamented with painted glass, which is chiefly removed or demolished. In the time of Henry the Eighth, through the interest of the Duke of Norfolk, the citizens obtained leave to make of the church, a fair and large hall for the Mayor, &c. to repair unto at a common assembly, &c. The St. George's Company formerly held their feasts and meetings here. This fraternity took its rise in 1385, and at one time amounted to 240 members; in 1416, they received a charter of incorporation: in 1731, the company resigned their charter into the hands of the Corporation; their plate and paraphernalia were sold, their debts paid, and their meetings entirely ceased. In 1544, the first Mayor's feast was held here, and in 1561, a sumptuous dinner, was given to the Duke of Norfolk, and a numerous assembly of nobility and gentry, at which the Mayor's portion of the expence, amounted to l. pound 12s. 9d. The bill of fare exhibits a striking difference between the price of provisions at that period and the present, beef being 1s. 6d. per stone, flour 6d. per bushel, and double strong beer 2s. 6d. per barrel. King Charles the Second, and many of the nobility, were entertained here in 1671. In 1774, this building, underwent alterations, and received some additions, among which were the present porch, and the room over it, fitted up as the City Library, in which the Court of Requests for the recovery of small debts, is held. In 1796, the hall was opened as a Corn-Exchange for which purpose it is used every Saturday. It was new painted, and the pictures cleaned in 1806. The walls are decorated with numerous portraits of those who from official situations or otherwise, have contributed to the welfare of the city, among which, at the upper end is an admirable portrait of the immortal Nelson, being the last, and it is considered the best for which he ever sat. It was painted by Sir Wm. Beechey, in 1801. Also, two fine historical paintings by Wm. Martin, of Edward and Eleanora, and the death of Lady Jane Gray, which he presented to his native city. At the lower end over the window is displayed, the ensign of the French ship, La Genereux, captured by Sir Edward Berry, in 1800. Every satisfactory particular, relative to this place, the pictures, artists, &c. may be learned from a late publication, "A Companion to St. Andrew's Hall, Price, 1s." There is also a Jew's synagogue in St. Peter's Mancroft; two Catholic meetings, one in St. John's Maddermarket, erected within the last thirty years, the other in St. Swithins lane, of longer standing, and much smaller. A French church in Queen-street, near Tombland, and the Dutch church, so called, from having been formerly used by a Dutch congregation adjoining St. Andrew's hall, but which is now used for the poor belonging to the workhouse. Two Quakers' meetings, one of which is in St. Augustine's Parish, on the south side the Gildencraft, which is a strong brick building with a large burying-ground; the other in the Goat-lane, near the market-place, which is much smaller and more generally attended. There are several other places of worship, used by the Protestant Dissenters, of which, that belonging to the Unitarians is by far the most elegant. It is an octangular building supported within-side by eight elegant Corinthian Pillars. The pews are wainscot, the cieling is an ornamented dome, and the effect of the whole, is remarkably striking. The first stone of the Building was laid, by the celebrated Dr. Taylor, on the 25th of February, 1754. The expence of the building which was near 5000. pounds was defrayed by the congregation, who can number among their Ministers, several of great literay celebrity, in particular Dr. John Taylor, Dr. Enfieid, Mr. Bourne, and Mr. George Morgan. The Independents' meeting-house, stands a little to the east of the foregoing, in the parish of St. Clement's: it is a large handsome square building, and was finished about 1693. The limits of this design will not admit of a particular enumeration of all the places of worship, belonging to the various congregations of Anabaptists, Methodists, &c. of which there are many, chiefly in the northern part of the city. The Excise-office, is at the Bull, in Magdalen-street. The Permit-office, in St. Peter's Hungate, opposite the Church. The Stamp-office, St. Giles's Broad street, I. H. Cole, Esq. Receiver. The Post-office is in the Tuns' court, near the market-place, where the Mails arrive from London, every forenoon, (Monday excepted), between and 12 o'clock, and are dispatched every afternoon, (Saturday excepted), at four o'clock; the Mails from all the intermediate places branching upon the London road, arrive and are dispatched at the same time every day. The Mail to Yarmouth, is dispatched immediately after the arrival of the Mails from London, and the Mail from Yarmouth, arrives here every day at four o'clock. The Mails from Cromer, Aylsham, North-Walsham, &c. arrive here every day, early in the forenoon, and are dispatched from twelve to one. G. Litchfield, Esq. Post-master. Post-horse duty office, Rampant-horse street, St. Stephen's, Mr. J. M. Murry, Collector. Surveyor of Assessed Taxes, Mr. C. Lay. St. Giles's, broad street. Norwich market has for a long series of years, been held in the highest estimation, for the quantity and quality of provisions, with which it has been supplied, particularly for poultry, which are sent from hence, in considerable quantities to London, and various other parts of the kingdom. The market is under the regulation of a Committee from the Court of Aldermen, and Commons. Market-days, Wednesday and Saturday. Collector of the market, Mr. R. Harmar. The Fish-market, adjoining, is generally well supplied (from Yarmouth) daily, as is the butchery, with beef and mutton. The Norwich cattle-market, held on the castle meadow, every Saturday, has for many years been increasing, and is considered at this time, the first cattle-market in the kingdom, out of the metropolis. The Corporation, at an Assembly held in September, 1809, ordered pens to be erected for pigs and sheep, more convenient places to be assigned for beasts, horses, stalls, waggons, carts, &c. and tolls were ordered to be collected, viz. for pigs and sheep, 8d. per score; beasts, when sold 2d. each, by the purchaser; for horses, 6d. each; for waggons, brought for sale, 1s. each; for stalls, 6d. each; for every auction, 1s.; for calves and mules, 1d. each. Here also is the weighbridge for Hay, &c., Mr. C. Hubbard, hay-weigher, and collector of the cattle-market. Norwich Public Library, was instituted in 1784, and was held in the City Library-room adjoining St. Andrew's hall, till 1794, when it was removed to the building formerly the catholic chapel, Wymer-street, where books are delivered by the librarian to the subscribers, every day, between the hours of eleven and two, Sundays and a few holidays excepted. It contains upwards of 7000 volumes. Every subscriber pays two guineas and a half, on his admission, and an additional half-guinea, annually. There are about 500 subscribers, under the regulation of a President, Vice-president, and a Committee of 24, chosen from their body, half at each of their annual meetings for two years. A meeting of the Committee, is held on the second Monday of every month, and the annual meeting, the first week in September. The Assembly-rooms, usually called Chapel-field-house, where assemblies, &c. are held, built in 1754. The rooms are spacious and brilliant. The Theatre was built in 1757, and much enlarged, and improved by the present Patentee, W. Wilkins, Esq. in 1800, at which time, distinct entrances were made to each part of the house; it is convenient, and tastefully fitted up. It contains two circles of boxes, besides those above which range with the gallery. The box-lobbies are commodious, and at the back of the upper-circle, is a bar-room, where refreshments of every kind may be procured. The stage is large, and the house has every necessary convenience of green-room, dressings-rooms, scene-rooms, painters-room, property-rooms, music-room, carpenter's shop, several rooms occupied by the person who keeps the house, &c. It will conveniently hold 130. pounds and has been a nursery for many performers of celebrity, who have afterwards become favorites in the metropolitan theatres, among whom where Mr. Murray, Harley, C. Bannister, Powell, Townshend, Waddy, Blanchard, &c. The house when well filled, appears to the best advantage, and then any person who has a taste for theatrical amusements, neatness and elegance, cannot fail being agreeably entertained with the appearance of the audience, the performers and the house. The principal place of Summer-amusement and resort, is Ranelagh garden, just without side the City walls, on the London road. Here is a large octangular building, the Pantheon, which is 70 feet in diameter and is fitted up with two tier of boxes, for the reception of company, and an orchestra with rooms behind, for the accommodation of the musicians, leaving a large area in the middle; it is capable of conveniently holding 1200 persons, and here on some public occasions, and annually in the Assize week, which in the regular way commences on the Monday, eight weeks after Trinity Sunday; the proprietor entertains the public with some of the principal vocal performers from the London theatres, and a suitable band. In the garden is also a bowling-green and an orchestra for the reception of a military band, and the garden and pantheon on this occasion is elegantly lighted up with thirty thousand lamps, in a style superior to any thing of the kind out of the metropolis; the pantheon is at other times occasionally used for very large dinner parties, and for the exhibition of performances, for which the theatre is not adapted. The area is sometimes fitted up as a circus for equestrian exhibitions, for which it is better calculated than any place in the kingdom, out of London. A garden and bowling-green, called Norwich Vauxhall, in Barrack-street, Pockthorpe, very pleasantly situated against the navigable river from Yarmouth; it is on a smaller scale than Ranelagh, is well furnished with boxes for company, and was tolerably frequented for two or three seasons after it was enlarged and fitted up in its present manner, but has been gradually falling in public estimation since, notwithstanding the proprietor has at several times brought forward a variety of amusements: and indeed it is not probable his exertions can be productive, its situation precluding it from a share of public favor. The bowling-green near chapel-field, is much the largest in or near Norwich, and is well frequented by the tradesmen in the neighbourhood, and strangers, during the summer season. The Adam and Eve garden, in St. Martin's palace, near the cathedral, is a pleasant rural spot, on the opposite side of the river to Vauxhall, it has a good prospect of the horse-barracks, and in the summer seasons is very well frequented. At Bracondale and Carrow, are some pleasant gardens, commanding a beautiful general prospect, particularly towards Thorpe, over the river. The village of Thorpe is delightfully situated on the navigable river to Yarmouth, and commands a charming prospect; here are several places of public resort which are well frequented during the summer season. Chapel-field, which is on the south-west part of Norwich, was formerly a place of much resort as a promenade, particularly on Sunday afternoons; but within the last few years a reservoir has been made, and a large tower built, which by a steam engine, at the New Mills, (which were first erected in 1430, improved in 1695, and brought to perfection in 1802,) and a subteraneous conveyance, is constantly suplied with water, some of which is by machinery conveyed from the reservoir to the tower, for the supply of such parts of the city as are above the level of the reservoir, from whence it is distributed by cylinders and pipes of different materials. The reservoir and tower have however, in some degree, spoil'd its appearance, and together with military parades being generally in the Market, or on the Castle-hill, and Meadow, have occasioned those places to become the principal promenades. The horse-barracks, about a quarter of a mile north-east of the City, were erected in 1792, and are well worth the observation of a stranger; they are capable of holding about 230 horses and men; the foot barracks, just on the northern side of Coslany-bridge, are calculated to contain about 740 men. There are five public bridges over the river Wensum, besides one at the New Mills, generally used by sufferance, which is of wood; four of the others, viz.--Blackfriars', Fye-bridge, Whitefriars, and Bishop-bridge, of stone, and Coslany of iron. Among the miscellaneous buildings, &c. worthy the attention of the antiquarian or stranger, is Kett's castle, so called from the famous Norfolk rebel of that name, who encamped there in 1549, at the head of 20,000 insurgents, whose numbers were continually increasing. From this place he attacked the city, where he committed every kind of outrage, wantonly destroying many of the principal inhabitants, merely because they were gentlemen, and burning and plundering most part of the city and country adjacent. Every possible means were used by government to disperse them by lenient means in vain; after which, a sufficient military force was sent to subdue them, which was not effected till many battles and skirmishes had taken place, with great slaughter to the insurgents, and some loss to the army. After the main body were subdued, pardon was again offered to a smaller party who remained in reserve, and who presently complying with the offer, and with one voice cried out "_God save King Edward_." Kett and his brother were soon taken and committed to the Tower of London, where they were tried and convicted of high treason, and shortly after executed on gibbets, and hung in chains, one on the top of Norwich castle, the other upon Wymondham steeple, Wymondham being the place of their nativity, and nearly three hundred others of the ringleaders suffered. It is computed that Kett's rebellion cost the nation at that time near 20,000 pounds. This Castle was founded by Bishop Herbert, about seven hundred years since, as a Chapel dedicated to St. Michael, some small ruins of which are yet standing: it is situate on the brow of Mousehold hill, just over Bishop bridge, near to which, close by the river on the left hand, flows a spring of pleasant water, formerly much resorted to, and over which was erected a handsome freestone conduit, by Sir John Pettus, in 1611. A little further to the left, on the other side of the river, stands the tower in the Hospital meadow, called the Dungeon, or Cow's tower; it is a circular building, about fifty two feet in height, and twenty four in diameter, with a round spiral staircase reaching to the top; is supposed to have been originally built as an advanced post and watch tower to the castle; Blomfield thinks it was built in order to levy the tolls then belonging to the prior and the church, and says it was used as a prison for the jurisdiction of the Cathedral. The present tower is stated to have been built in 1390, at the expence of the city. In St. James's parish, opposite the church, is an old house, said to have been built by the celebrated Sir John Fastolf, and termed in antient records his palace, or city house. Just within side of the walls near Ber-street, stands St. Catherine's hill, on which is Mrs. Burroughes's house, the sight of which will well repay the trouble of a walk. The buildings in Surry-street, among which is Surry-house, a curious specimen of domestic architecture, the windows of which were emblazoned on glass, with many armorial bearings. There are also a number of good houses in St. Giles's-street, Messrs. Gurneys' Bank, in St. Michael's Plea; the Flour mill, by steam, in St. Andrew's; Mr. Patteson's brewery, in Pockthorpe, and many others, which will arrest the attention of the stranger in his perambulation about the city. Norwich, including the Hamlets, is divided into four great wards, viz.--_Conisford ward_, _Mancroft ward_, _Wymer ward_, and _Great Northern ward_; each of which is again subdivided into three small wards; _Great Conisford_ containing _South Conisford ward_, in which is comprized the parishes of St. Peter per Southgate, St. Etheldred and St. Julian, and the hamlets of Trowse-milgate and Carrow; _North Conisford ward_, in which is the parish of St. Peter per Mountergate. _Ber-street ward_, in which are the parishes of St. John at Sepulchre, St. Michael thorn, St. John Timber-hill, All Saints, and the Hamlet of Lakenham. _Great Mancroft ward_ contains the Parishes of St. Stephen, St. Peter per Mancroft, and St. Giles, each parish being a small ward in itself, including the hamlets of Eaton, and part of Earlham and Heigham. _Great Wymer ward_, is subdivided into three small wards, viz.--_West Wymer ward_, contains the parishes of St. Benedict, St. Swithin, St. Margaret, St. Lawrence and St. Gregory, with part of the hamlets of Earlham and Heigham. _Middle Wymer ward_, contains the Parishes of St. John at Madder-market, St. Andrew and St Michael at Plea. _East Wymer ward_, contains the parishes of St. Peter at Hungate, St. Simon and Jude, St. George Tombland, St. Martin at the Palace, and St. Helen. _Great Northern ward_, subdivided into three small wards, viz.--_Coslany ward_ contains the parishes of St. Michael, St. Mary and St. Martin. _Colegate ward_ contains the parishes of St. George's Colegate, and St. Augustine. _Fye Bridge ward_ includes the parishes of St. Edmund, St. James, St. Paul, St. Saviour, and St. Clement. Each of the small wards have the right of electing two Aldermen, and one of the Nominees for the Common Council; the rest of the Common Council being chosen by the Nominees. _Great Conisford ward_, including the Nominees, choosing twelve,--_Great Mancroft ward_ sixteen,--_Great Wymer ward_ twenty,--and the _Northern ward_ twelve. In ward elections the resident freemen only have at right to vote, and the election for Nominees takes place on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, before passion-week. The City is governed by a Mayor, Recorder, Steward, two Sheriffs, twenty-four Aldermen, (of which the Mayor is one,) sixty Common Council-men, a Town-clerk, Chamberlain and Sword-bearer, attended by suitable officers. The Mayor is elected by the freemen, on the first day of May, and sworn into office on the guild-day, which is on the Tuesday before Midsummer, except Midsummer-day fall on a Wednesday, in which case the guild is kept the Tuesday se'nnight before the Mayor is chosen from among the Aldermen, is a Justice of the quorum during his mayoralty, and afterwards Justice of the peace. On the death or resignation of an Alderman, the Mayor on receiving notice thereof, must within five days, and not less than two; and giving not less than twenty-four hours notice to the freemen in the great ward, in which the small ward belongs, to elect another. The Sheriffs are chosen--one by a letter from the court of Aldermen, in the early part of July, and returnable if a full assembly can be made, within fourteen days, upon paying a fine of 80 pounds to the corporation, till the 10th of August; on which day, whoever holds it must serve the office. The other Sheriff is elected by the freemen on the last Tuesday in August, and they are both sworn into office on Michaelmas-day. The Mayor with the Sheriffs, hold courts every Wednesday and Saturday, to hear complaints, and to do every other act tending to the peaceable government of the city. The Recorder assists in the Mayor's court as chief Judge, as does the Steward in the Sheriffs' court, they must both be barristers, and are always Justices of the quorum, and Council for the city. The quarterly assemblies are held on February the twenty-fourth, May the third, the day before guild-day, and Sept. the twenty-first. There are three Fairs in Norwich,--one on the Thursday before Easter, on Tombland;--one on Easter-Monday and Tuesday;--and one on Whit-Monday and Tuesday, by Bishop-bridge. Here are several Insurance-offices, viz.--The Norwich Insurance Fire-ffice, on Orford hill, opened in November 1792. The Union office for insurance against loss by fire, corner of Briggs's lane, near the market, established in March 1797;--and at the same place The Union office, for the insurance of lives, and granting Annuities and Endowments for children. The General Equitable assurance office, for insuring property from fire, in Bank street, established Michaelmas, 1807. The Anchor fire office, Back of the inns, established in June 1808; besides various agencies, viz.-- Sun fire office agent, Mr. John Taylor, _St. Andrew's_;--Royal Exchange, Mr. J. Woodrow, _St. George's Colegate_;--Phoenix, Mr. H. Francis, _Surry street_;--Suffolk, Mr. Marsh, _Bank street_;--British, Mr. L. F. Boyce, _St. John's Maddermarket_;--Imperial, Mr. Charles Norton, _King street_. A gentleman desirous of spending a few days in Norwich, cannot help being gratified by seeing the various employments of its extensive manufactories in Stuffs, Cottons, Shawls &c.--the first and last of which are here carried to a perfection no where else to be met with in England. Norwich adds greatly to the trade of Yarmouth, by the importation of about 40,000 chaldrons of coals yearly; wine, fish, oil, Irish yarn, and all heavy goods which come from thence by the river Yare: and in Peace the exportation of its manufactures to Russia, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Italy, &c. The keels and wherries which navigate between Norwich and Yarmouth are acknowledged to be superior to any other small craft in England, for carrying a larger burthen, and being worked at a smaller expence;--their burthen is from fifteen to fifty tons; they have but one mast, which lets down, and carry only one large square sail, are covered close by hatches, and have a cabin superior to many coasting vessels, in which oftentimes the keelman and his family live; they require only two persons to navigate them, and sometimes perform their passage (thirty-two miles) in five hours. Norwich has experienced of late years, a number of improvements; the lighting is much more brilliant, and better regulated than formerly; the paving also, which is in great forwardness, and the alterations consequent thereon, have already much improved many parts, and will when finished, add greatly to the beauty of the city, and to the convenience and comfort of the inhabitants and occasional visitors. The act for paving the streets, &c. was obtained in June 1808, and empowers the commissioners to levy on all houses laid to the poor-rate, four shillings in the pound on the half-rental, and one shilling and four pence in the pounds on such houses &c. as do not pay to the poor-rate, computed on half their annual value; also by a frontage of two-pence per running foot. The commissioners under the paving act are one hundred and thirty-six in number; sixty-three permanent, besides the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, Recorder, Steward, the Speaker of the Commons, the Rev. the Dean and Prebendary, in all thirty-one, and forty-two Parochial Commissioners, chosen annually. Clerk's office on Elm-hill, there are also a surveyor and four collectors of the rates. Among the modern institutions of the city is one which serves to shew that the fine arts are encouraged even at this distance from the metropolis; this is a "_Society of Artists_," the members of which have made an annual public exhibition of their pictures, for the last few years, during the Assize and following week, at their room in Sir Benjamin Wrenche's court, St. John's Maddermarket, where they also hold a meeting once a fortnight. If societies of this kind were more encouraged, instead of that deformity, which disgraces many modern alterations, beauty, consistency, and propriety would be introduced. Two mail coaches run daily between London and Norwich; a double bodied coach, called the Expedition, by Newmarket daily, and a post coach by Bury three times a week;--they all leave Norwich in the afternoon, and arrive in London the following morning. A Lynn and Norwich Expedition by Dereham and Swaffham, leave Norwich on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning at seven o'clock, and arrive at Lynn the same evening, returning to Norwich on Wednesday, Friday and Monday, in winter time it runs only twice a week, viz. on Tuesdays and Saturdays. A Machine to Yarmouth twice every day, from the Black horse, Tombland, at eight o'clock in the morning and four in the afternoon, in the summer, and nine o'clock in the morning and three in the afternoon in winter, Saturday mornings excepted; and in the worst part of the winter it sometimes runs only once each day. Two London waggons leave Norwich every Tuesday and Friday evening, and return to Norwich every Wednesday and Saturday sen'-night following. By these waggons through Cambridge, there is a regular conveyance to Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, York, and all the manufacturing towns in Yorkshire:--here are also York, Manchester, Lynn, Bury waggons, &c.--also a Barge to Yarmouth every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The Diocese of Norwich consists of a Bishop, Chancellor, Archdeacon, Commissaries, and other officers of the Ecclesiastical Court, a Dean, Prebendaries, Minor-Canons, and other officers of the cathedral. The Bishop's office is in the upper close--the Consistory court is held in the cathedral, about once in three weeks--the Dean and Chapter's office is in the cloyster--Archdeacon's office at Mr. Steward's, Bank street. [Picture: Decorative image] _List of the Bishops and Deans of Norwich_, _during the last century_. BISHOPS. 1691 John Moore, translated to _Ely_, the forty-ninth Bishop. 1707 Charles Trimmel, to _Sarum_. 1721 Thomas Green, to _Ely_. 1723 John Lang. 1727 William Baker. 1732 Robert Butts, translated to _Ely_. 1738 Thomas Gooch, ditto. 1743 Samuel Lisle. 1749 Thomas Hayter, to _London_. 1761 Phillip Yonge. 1783 Lewis Bagot, to _St. Asaph_. 1790 George Horne. 1792 Charles Manners Sutton, to _Canterbury_. 1805 Henry Bathurst. DEANS. 1689 Henry Fairfax, the fifteenth Dean. 1702 Humphry Prideaux. 1724 John Cole. 1730 Robert Butts, afterwards Bishop. 1733 John Baron. 1739 Thomas Bullock. 1761 Edward Townshend. 1765 Phillip Lloyd. 1790 Joseph Turner. _Also eleven Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons_;--viz.-- No. 16 White Sawn, St. Peter's Mancroft, the first Wednesday in the Month,--constituted May 11th, 1724. No. 80 Bull, Magdalen-street, first Tuesday,--1749. No. 99 Moon and Stars, St. Michael, at Coslany, third Tuesday,--Nov. 20th, 1753,--_Faithful Lodge_. No. 105 Castle, Castle-ditches, second Thursday,--March 13th, 1757,--[Picture: Symbol of hand with finger pointing right] _Do not meet_. No. 120 Wounded Hart, St. Peter's Mancroft, fourth Tuesday,--Sept. 16th, 1766. No. 153 Norwich Volunteer, St. Stephen's, second Wednesday.--_Lodge of Friendship_. No. 166 Wild Man, St. Andrew's Steps, first Monday.--_Ancient Masons_. No. 192 Union Lodge, Gate House, Tombland, last Friday,--February 11th, 1766. No. 294 Lodge of Union, city of Norwich, St. Stephen's, second Sunday and fourth Monday.--_Ancient Masons_. No. 563 Norwich Theatrical, at the different Theatres in the circuit, second Friday,--June 26th, 1797. Royal Arch Masons, Knight Templers, and Grand Chapter of Harodim, Gate House Tombland. _Also Three Lodges of ODD FELLOWS_, _instituted in_ 1804. At the _Norwich Volunteer_, in St. Stephens, and since removed to the _Duke of York_, on the Cattle Meadow, called the YORK LODGE--they have near 400 names enrolled on their books. The TRAFALGAR LODGE, instituted in 1808, at the _Three Tons_, near St. Andrew's Steps The PRINCE OF WALES LODGE, instituted in 1809, at the _Old Lobster_, in Lobster-lane. There is likewise a LODGE OF DRUIDS, at the _Rose_, in St. Augustines. * * * * * A sketch of the actions and characters of those persons born in this city, who have distinguished themselves by their talents or application, would furnish ample materials for an interesting volume; yet, to pass over so important a topic entirely, might be censurable; brief particulars of some few of the most eminent are here given:-- William Bateman, commonly known as William de Norwico, was born in the beginning of the 14th century, (his father represented the City in Parliament in 1326;) he received the rudiments of education at Norwich, and afterwards at Cambridge studied the civil law, and was early noticed for his literary acquirements, Bishop Ayremine recommended him to Rome, where he soon acquired several offices of trust and honor; he was sent as Nuncio, to mediate for peace between Edward III. and the King of France, and was honorably received on his return to England in 1345: he is said to have been tenacious of the perquisites and privileges of office; he founded and endowed Trinity Hall, Cambridge, in 1347; in 1354, being sent by Edward III. to acquaint the Pope with the nature of the King's claim to the Crown of France, he died at Avignon, then the residence of the Pope, and was buried in the Cathedral there in 1354. Matthew Parker, was born in St. Saviour's parish, August 6th, 1504, he received his education in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he made rapid progress in almost every kind of learning; he was appointed Chaplain to Queen Ann Boleyn, and through her interest obtained several preferments;--and on her being brought to the scaffold, the Princess Elizabeth, with a solemn injunction, was put under his care. He was shortly after made Vice Chancellor of the Cambridge University; he was appointed Chaplain to King Edward the VIth. and in 1552 preferred to the Deanery of Lincoln; he withdrew from his native country in Queen Mary's reign, but was recalled on her death, and appointed to the See of Canterbury by her successor. In his character he combined learning and religion, in his household he was hospitable and courteous, of his charity his liberal benefactions bear ample testimony; he collected many valuable manuscripts, which he gave to the library of the College where he received his education: he was a profound Antiquarian, and was the author of _Antiquitates Britannicae_; he caused many valuable records where copies were scarce to be printed; he published some other works, and superintended a translation of the Scriptures from the original tongue, known by the name of the Bishops Bible; he died at his palace in Lambeth, May 17, 1575. John Kaye or Cains, was born in Norwich, in 1510, and received his education at Cambridge. He finished his studies on the Continent, where he wrote many books, and formed numerous valuable literary acquaintance; on his return to England he practised as a Physician in Norwich with great success, and in 1557 he was considered the most able practitioner of medicine in the kingdom: he was physician to King Edward VI. and held the same office to Queen Mary, with whom he was in high favor; in the latter part of his life he retired to Cambridge, but being called to London on some urgent business, he was taken ill, and died in July, 1573, and was buried in Caius College Chapel, Cambridge; he exercised his pen on almost every branch of learning, and left upwards of four-score different treatises on various subjects. William Cuningham, was born in Norwich, in 1531; he studied physic, and graduated at Heidelburgh; he wrote several treatises on Astronomy, Chronology and Medicine, particularly the Cosmographical Glass--printed in 1559, at the close of which year he died. Thomas Legge, born in 1535, was student at Cambridge, and succeeded his friend Caius in the mastership of Caius College; he was a great and distinguished Antiquarian; having attached himself to the Law, he was appointed King's legal professor, and twice filled the vice Chancellor's chair; he was also a dramatic writer, he died in 1607. John Cosin, was born in Norwich, in 1594, he studied in Caius College, Cambridge; he was promoted to several church preferments, which, at the commencement of the civil wars, he was deprived of, being the first clergyman who suffered that species of punishment for his loyalty. On the return of King Charles the II. he was appointed to the deanery of Peterborough, and soon afterwards called to the Bishoprick of Durham, and died in 1672; he wrote some pieces on polemical divinity. Edward Brown, was born in this city about the year 1642, he was educated at the grammar school, and in 1665 took the degree of Bachelor in Physic, at Cambridge, and was soon after admitted at Oxford, where he in 1667 obtained a doctor's diploma; he then travelled over great part of the Continent, and on his return, published an account of his travels, which contain some valuable information of Natural History, particularly on Minerology and Metallurgy; after settling in London, he was appointed physician to King Charles the II. and in 1705, became president of the College of physicians, which office he held till his death; he was well versed in the living and the dead languages; he died in 1708, at his seat at Northfleet, in Kent. Doctor Samuel Clarke, the son of Edward Clarke, esq. an alderman of Norwich, and for several years one of its representatives in Parliament; he was born in 1675, and completed his studies at Cambridge, where he soon distinguished himself, particularly in the Mathematics; the Newtonian Philosophy attracted his notice, and by his illustration of that theory, he obtained very considerable credit at the early age of 22; he afterwards applied himself to divinity, and was appointed to some church preferments, but from his attachment to Mathematical knowledge, he was unwilling to admit any thing for truth which did not allow of that kind of demonstration; this gave a bias to his judgment, which is apparent in all his writings. In 1706, he published a Latin edition of Sir Isaac Newton's Optics, on the credit of which, he was noticed by Queen Ann, and appointed to the valuable rectory of St. James's, Westminster; in 1710, he published Caesar's Commentaries in royal folio, (one of the most magnificent Books ever printed in England,) elucidated with eighty-seven engravings. On the death of Sir Isaac Newton, he was offered the lucrative place of Master of the Mint, which he refused, as being incompatible with his character as a clergyman; he died in 1729: his writings were very voluminous, and will remain a lasting monument of his uncommon abilities and profound learning. Edward King, F. R. and A. S. S. was born at Norwich, in 1734; in 1748, he was sent to Cambridge to finish his education; he soon distinguished himself by his progress and regularity. Having obtained academical honors, he entered a student at Lincoln's-Inn, and from thence practised at the Bar for some time, with great credit; but coming to a large fortune by the death of his father, he quitted the profession, and applied himself to scientific pursuits; he was particularly calculated for profound research; he had long been an active and useful member of both the Royal and Antiquarian Societies, and became vice president of the latter in 1781, and president in 1783; he resigned the latter the year following; his works were numerous and his observations on Ancient Castles, is in great repute. He died in London, April, 1807. There are some other eminent men, who (although not natives,) have spent the principal part of their time in Norwich, of whom a slight notice may not be unacceptable. Herbert de Losinga, the first Bishop Norwich was born in Normandy, from whence he was brought by William the II. towards the close of the 11th Century: Henry I. appointed him his chancellor. He is said to have been very loose and wild in his young time, although afterwards he became quite the reverse, he was an excellent scholar for the time in which he lived, to atone for the extravagancies of his early years, he founded the Cathedral, the Bishops Palace, &c. Joseph Hall, was born in Leicestershire, in 1574; at the age of fifteen was sent to Cambridge, to finish his education, and at the age of twenty-three distinguished himself as a wit and a poet, he became successively Bishop of Exeter and Norwich, but was soon bereaved of all his preferments and properly by religious persecution; in 1647, he retired to a little estate he rented at Heigham, where he died in September, 1656, and was buried in the chancel of the parish church there; he was by foreigners stiled the English Seneca; his works are numerous, which are collected and printed in three volumes, folio. Norwich is 108 miles from London by Newmarket, 110 by Colchester, 114 by Bury St. Edmunds, and it is a remarkable fact, that Norwich, Bury and Lynn, form an equilateral triangle, each side measuring 42 miles, it is also 43 miles from Ipswich, and 24 from Yarmouth. The soil of Norwich is mixed the upper stratum is light of sufficient depth for the plough upon chalk, gravel and sand; the air is remarkably salubrious, it is screened from the easterly wind by Moushold Heath, and abound in springs of water of the purest kind. There are five Banks in Norwich, which draw upon London, viz.-- _Messrs. Gurney's_, St. Michael at Plea, upon BARCLAY'S, TRITTON and BEVAN, No. 56, Lombard-street. _Messrs. Harvey_ and _Hudson's_, King-street, upon HANKEY and Co. No. 7. Fenchurch-street. _Messrs. Ketts_ and _Back_, Orford-hill, upon HOARE, BARNETTS and Co. No. 62, Lombard-street. _Starling_, _Day_ and _Son_, Pottergate-street, on FORSTER, LUBBOCK and Co. No. 11, Mansion-House-street. _Thomas Bignold_, _Son_ and_ Co._ Market-place, upon STEPHENSON'S, REMINGTON'S, SMITH and Co. No. 69, Lombard-street. _List of MAYORS during the last Century_. 1701, John Hall. 1702, John Atkinson. 1703, John Freeman. 1704, William Blyth. 1705, William Thacker. 1706, William Cooke. 1707, Peter Seaman. 1708, Thomas Havers. 1709, Mathew Nall. 1710, Robert Bene. 1711, William Cockman. 1712, John Goose. 1713, Nicholas Helwys. 1714, John Norman. 1715, Peter Attelsey. 1716, Augustus Metcalf. 1717, R. Lubbock, died--T. Bubbin, died, A. Parmenter succeeded. 1718, Richard Mott. 1719, John Hall. 1720, Edward Coleburne. 1721, Benjamin Nuthall. 1722, Thomas Newton. 1723, Edmund Hunton. 1724, John Croshold. 1725, Daniel Fromanteel. 1726, John Custance. 1727, John Harvey. 1728, Thomas Harwood. 1729, John Black. 1730, John Pell. 1731, Robert Marsh. 1732, Francis Arnam. 1733, Jeremiah Ives. 1734, Phillip Meadows. 1735, Thomas Vere. 1736, Timothy Balderstone. 1737, John Spurrell. 1738, Robert Harvey. 1739, William Clark. 1740, John Nuthall. 1741, Edward King. 1742, William Wiggett. 1743, James Nasmith. 1744, John Black. 1745, Simon Waller. 1746, John Wood. 1747, William Crowe. 1748, Thomas Harvey. 1749, B. Nuthall, _second time_. 1750, J. Custance, _second time_. 1751, T. Balderstone, _second time_. 1752, Thomas Hurnard. 1753, John Press. 1754, John Gay. 1755, Peter Columbine. 1756, Jeremiah Ives. 1757, John Goodman. 1758, Nockhold Tompson. 1759, Robert Rogers. 1760, Bartholomew Harwood. 1761, T. Churchman. 1762, Jeremiah Harcourt. 1763, Benjamin Hancock. 1764, John Dersley. 1765, James Poole. 1766, John Patteson. 1767, Thomas Starling. 1768, John Day. 1769, Jeremiah Ives, jun. 1770, Robert Harvey, jun. 1771, Knipe Gobbet. 1772, Charles Weston. 1773, J. Addey. 1774, J. L. Watts, died.--James Crowe, succeeded. 1775, Richard Peete. 1776, Francis Columbine. 1777, Nathaniel Roe. 1778, Roger Kerrison. 1779, John Thurlow. 1780, Benjamin Day. 1781, John Morse. 1782, Starling Day. 1783, Jeremiah Ives Harvey. 1784, Robert Partridge. 1785, Elias Norgate. 1786, Jeremiah Ives, junior. 1787, Robert Harvey, jun. 1788, John Patteson. 1789, Charles Weston, jun. 1790, Thomas Watson. 1791, John G. Baseley. 1792, John Harvey. 1793, John Buckle. 1794, James Hudson. 1795, Jeremiah Ives, _second time_. 1796, William Herring. 1797, J. Crowe, _second time_. 1798, John Browne. 1799, John Herring. 1800, R. Harvey, _second time_. 1801, Jeremiah Ives, _second time_. 1802, Sir R. Kerrison. 1803, John Morse, _second time_. 1804, James Marsh. 1805, Ed. Rigby. 1806, T. A. Kerrison. 1807, Rob. Herring. 1808, Starling Day, _second time_. 1809, Thomas Back. 1810, John Steward. * * * * * _Members of Parliament for Norwich_, _from the Restoration_, 1660, William Barnham, Thomas Rant. 1661 Francis Carey, Christopher Jay, who dying, were succeeded by William Paston and Augustin Briggs. 1678 William Paston, Augustin Briggs. 1679 Hon. Wm. Lord Paston, Augustin Briggs. 1681 The same. 1685 Hon. Robert Paston, Sir Neville Catline, Knt. 1688 Sir Nevil Catline, Knt. Thomas Blofeild. 1692 Thomas Blofeild, Hugh Borkenham, who dying in 1694, was succeeded by John Ward. 1695 Francis Gardiner, Thomas Blofeild. 1698 Robert Davy, Thomas Blofeild. 1700 The same. 1701 Edward Clarke, Esq. R. Davy, Esq. 1702 Robert Davy, Esq. Thomas Blofeild. 1703 Thomas Palgrave, in place of R. Davy, dec. 1705 Waller Bacon, Esq. John Chambers, Esq. 1707 The same. 1710 Robert Berney, Esq. R. Bene, Esq. 1714 The same. 1715 Waller Bacon, Esq. Robert Britiffe, Esq. 1722 The same. 1727 The same. 1734 Horatio Walpole, Esq. Waller Bacon, Esq. 1735 Thomas Vere, Esq. Miles Branthwayt, Esq. 1741 Horatio Walpole, Esq. Thomas Vere, Esq. 1747 Rt. Hon. Horatio Walpole. Right Hon. John Lord Hobart. 1754 The same. 1756 Edward Bacon, Esq. Harbord Harbord, Esq. 1761 The same. 1768 The same. 1774 The same. 1780 The same. 1784 Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. William Windham, Esq. 1786 Hon. Henry Hobart, Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart. 1790 Hon. Henry Hobart. William Windham, Esq. 1796 The same. 1799 John Frere, Esq. Robert Fellows, Esq. 1802 Robert Fellows, Esq. William Smith, Esq. 1806 John Patteson, Esq. Robert Fellows, Esq. May the 4th _Brief Particulars worthy Notice_. PRINTING first introduced in Norwich, in 1570, and again, after it had been discontinued many years, in 1701. In 1701, An Act passed for lighting the Streets. Crosgrove's Newspaper, called, _The Norwich Gazette_, first printed in 1707. _Remarkably great Floods in Norwich_. 1373--1519--1570--1614--1646--1673--1691--1697--1706--1737--1739--1762-- 1770--1794--1705. The Court of Guardians incorporated 1711. Bethel built in 1713, by Mrs. Mary Chapman, see page 23. In 1738 the Castle Ditches were levelled, since such time the Cattle Market has been kept here. The first Bank established here in 1756, by Charles Weston, Esq. 1783 The Pagent of the Golden Fleece, or what is called Bishop Blaize, was exhibited by the Woolcoombers, in a stile far surpassing all former processions of the kind in this city. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE _STREETS_, _LANES_, &c. All Saints Green, by All Saints church. Alms House Lane, from Gildengate-street to Muspole-street. Andrew's, St. Bridge-street, from the Hall to Blackfriers-bridge. -- Chancel-streets. -- Plain, by the Hall. -- Steps, from St. Andrew's pump to London-lane. Augustine's, St. Church-row, from St. Augustine's street to Gildencroft. -- Street, from Botolph-street to City-walls. Anne's St. lane, King-street, by Thorn-lane. * * * * * Back of the Inns, from Orford-hill to London-lane. Bank-place, from London-lane to Bank-street. Barrack-street, from Saint James's street to Horse-barracks, Pockthorpe. Ber-street, from St. John's Timberhill church to opening, late Ber-street Gates. Bethel-street, from the Upper Market to Saint Giles's church. Bishop-gate-street, from the Close-precincts to Bishop's-bridge. Bracondale, from Ber-street to Carrow-road. Bridewell-alley, from Pottergate-street to Saint Andrew's church. Briggs's-lane, from the Market to Rampant-horse-street, St. Stephen's. Buff-coat-lane, from Golden Ball-lane to Common Pump-street. Bull-lane, from St. Stephen's-street within the walls to Upper Surry-street. Butcher's-market, by St. Peter's Church and Market-place. Bank-street, from Bank-place to King-street. Botolph-street, from Stump-cross to St. Augustine's church. Bennet's St. Road. Bull Close-street, from St. James's church to Magdalen-street. * * * * * Castle Dykes and Meadow, round the Castle-hill. Chapel-field, by the Theatre. Chapel-field-lane, from Gun-lane to Chaple-field. Chapel-field-row, from St. Stephen's-street under the walls to Chapel-field. Chapel-street, from St. Martin's Palace Plain to Hospital-lane. Charing Cross, Wymer-street between Middle and Lower Westwick. Cherry-lane, from Pitt-street to Gildengate-street. Clement's, St. Church-alley, from Fye Bridge-street to Colegate-street. Close, Upper, in Precincts of the Cathedral. Close, Lower, ditto. Cockey-lane, from Market-place to London-lane. Cockey-lane Little, from Cockey-lane to Pottergate-street. Colegate-street, from Magdalen-street to Saint Michael's Coslany Corner. Common Pump, St. Michael's Thorn. Common Pump-street, from Common Pump to King-street. Common-staithe, old, King-street. -- new, King-street. Cook's lane, King-street, near Rose-corner. Coslany-street, from Coslany Bridge-street to St. Martina-lane. Coslany Bridge-street, from Coslany Bridge to the church. Cow-hill, from St. Giles's church to Pottergate-street. Cow-gate-street, from Whitefriar's Bridge to St. James's Church. Cross-lane, from Snail Gate-street to Gildengate street. Catherine St. hill, near St. John's Sepulchre church. * * * * * Dove-lane, from Market-place to Madder-market church. Duke's Palace. * * * * * Elm-hill, from St. Peter's Hungate church to St. Simon's church. Elm-lane, from Elm-hill to Tombland. * * * * * Faith's, St. Lane, King-street. Field-square, opposite the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Finket-street, Ber-street by the church. Fish-market, by Guildhall. Fisher's-lane, from St. Giles's Broad-street to Pottergate-street. Fishgate-street, from Fyebridge-street to Saint James's-street. Fyebridge-street, from Fye-bridge to Magdalen-street. Fyebridge-quay, from Fye-bridge to Privy-lane. * * * * * George's, St. Bridge-street, from Blackfriar's Bridge to St. George's church. -- Church-alley, from Gildengate street to Muspole-street. Gildencroft, by St. Augustine's church. Gildencroft-lane. Gildengate-street, from Colegate to St. Augustine's. Giles's, St. Street, from the church to the City Walls. -- Hill. -- Back-street, from St. Giles's-street inside the Walls to Pottergate. -- Broad-street, from Guildhall to Saint Giles's church. ---- Road. Goat-lane, Upper, from St. Giles's Broad-street to Pottergate-street. -- Lower, do. Golden Ball Lane, Castle-dykes. Golden Dog Lane, from Snailgate-street to Magdalen-street. Green's-lane, from Gildengate-street to Snailgate-street. Gregory's, St. Church-alley, by St. Gregory's church. Griffin-lane, from King-street to the Horse Fair. Gun-lane, from Rampant-horse-street to Hay-hill. * * * * * Hall's End, near the Market. Heigham-street, from Lower Westwick to the Causeway. Heigham Upper. Horns-lane, from Ber-street to King-street. Hungate-street, from Elm-hill to Tombland. Horse-fair, bottom St. Faith's Lane. Hay-hill, from Gun-lane to Mancroft church. Hospital-lane, from Chaple-street to Bishopgate street. * * * * * John's, St. Timberhill street, from Orford-hill to Timberhill church. Jail-hill, near the Guildhall. Jenkin's-lane, from St. Martin's-street to Gildencroft. James's, St. Street, from St. James's church to Barrack-street. * * * * * King-street, from Tombland to City-walls. * * * * * Lady's-lane, from Bethel-street to Theatre-plain. Lawrence, St. Church-alley, from Middle to Lower Westwick. -- Lane, from Pottergate street to Middle Westwick. --Steps, from Middle to Lower Westwick. Life's-green, in the Close Precincts. Lobster-lane, Potter-street. London-lane, from Cockey-lane to Bank-place. * * * * * Maddermarket-street, from Dove-lane to Duke's Palace. Magdalen-street, from St. Clement's church to the City-walls. Margaret's, St. Lane, from Pottergate street to Middle Westwick. -- Church-alley. Mariner's-lane, from Ber-street to King-street. Market-lane, from Scole's-green to Thorn-lane. Market-place, St. Peter's, Mancroft. Martin St. Street, from St. Martin's-lane to City walls. -- Lane, from Tooley-street to St. Martin's-street. -- Palace-plain. ---- street, from Tombland to Palace-plain. Mary's, St. Plain, Coslany-street. -- Church-alley. Michael's Coslany Church-alley. -- St. Thorne-lane, from Ber-street to King-street. Muspole-street, from St. George's Plain to Alms Lane. Margarett's, St. Plain, Lower Westwick. * * * * * Nailer's-lane, by Duke's Palace. New Mills Lane, St. Margarett's-plain. Norman's-lane, from St. Saviour's Back-street to Cowgate-street. * * * * * Orford-street, from Hog-hill to Castle Ditches. Orford-hill, formerly Hog-hill, near the Castle Ditches. Orford-street, Little, from Rampant-horse Back street to Orford-hill. * * * * * Peacock-street, from St. Edmund's church to St. James's Church-lane. Pig-lane, from St. Martin's Palace to Fyebridge Quay. Pitt-street, from Tooley-street to St. Augustine street. Pottergate-street, from St. Andrew's-steps to City-walls. Privy-lane, from Palace-plain to Fyebridge Quay. Pudding-lane, from Lower to Upper Market Place. * * * * * Queen-street, from Bank-place to Tombland. Quay-side, from Fyebridge to Privy Lane. * * * * * Rampant Horse-street, from St. Stephen's-street to the church. -- Back-street, from Brigg's-lane to Red Lion-street. Red Lion-street, from St. Stephen's-street to Orford-hill. Redwell-street, from Bank-place to Hungate street. Rising Sun Lane, from Golden Ball Lane to Scoles Green. Rose-lane, King-street. Rosemary lane, from Coslany church Alley to St. Mary's church. Rodney street, from All Saints Green to Surry street. * * * * * St. Saviour's Lane, from St. Saviour's church Lane. -- Church Lane, from Magdalen-street to Peacock-street. -- Church Alley. Scole's Green, bottom Rising Sun Lane. Shuttle Lane, from Rising Sun Lane to Common Pump. Soutergate-street, from St. Mary's church to Alms Lane. Stephen's St. street, from Red Lion-street to City-walls. -- Back street, from St. Stephen's Church-alley to Chaplefield Row. -- Church Alley. -- Road, from City-walls to Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Stepping-lane, from Scoles green to King-street. Surrey-street, from St. Stephen's-street to Upper Surrey-street. -- Upper, from Surrey-street to City-walls. -- Mewse, upper end of Bull-lane, St. Stephen's. Swan-lane, from Cockey-lane to Pottergate-street. Swithin's St. lane, from Pottergate-street to St. Swithin's church. -- Church-lane, from Middle to Nether Westwick. -- Church-alley. Snailgate-street, from Colegate-street to Botolph street. Simon, St. Street, from Tombland to Fyebridge. * * * * * Theatre square, near Chaple-field. Tooley-street, from Pitt-street to Southergate street. Timberhill-street, from Orford-street to Timberhill church. Upper Market, by Mancroft church. -- street, from Mancroft church to Guildhall. * * * * * Wastlegate-street, from St. Stephen's-street to All Saints church. Water-lane, St. George's Bridge-street. -- St. James's. -- King-street. -- St. Martin's. Weaver's-lane, Old Hay Market. Westwick Middle-street, from Charing-cross to City-walls. -- Lower-street, from Charing-cross to Heigham-street. Wherry-staithe, King-street. Whitefriars Bridge-street, from St. Martin's Palace to the bridge. White Lion-street, from Orford-hill to Market Place. Willow-lane, from St. Giles's Broad-street to Pottergate-street. World's End Lane, St. Martin's Palace. Wymer-street, from St. Andrew's-hill to Charing cross. Wounded Hart Lane, from Upper Market to Bethel street. THE _NORWICH DIRECTORY_. [Picture: Decorative divider] Abbs Zach. Shoemaker, Coslany Bridge street Abbs & Rudd, Plummers, Glaziers and Ornamental Painters, Rodney street Abram John, Pattenmaker, Magdalen street Adams and Bacon, Coachmakers, St. Stephens without side the walls Adams John, China man, by Duke's Palace Adlam John, Gardener, Coslany street Aggs & Son, Linen and Sack Manufacturers, Pitt street Aggs J. G. Iron Founders, King street, St. Faith's lane Allman Sam. Gingerbread Baker, Coslany Bridge street Algar Thomas, Publican, Pitt street, Pelican Able John, Publican, New Mill Lane, Lord Nelson, Able W. C. Carpenter, Middle Westwick, opposite St. Mary's Church Able Wm. Publican, St. Lawrence, near Coslany Bridge, White Horse Abel Daniel, Shopkeeper, Coslany Bridge street Able Robert, Shopkeeper, St. Martin's lane Addey Mrs. Lodging House, Chapel Field Addey John, Linen Draper, London lane Akers Carter, Baker, Bank street Allen Rich. Tailor and Draper, London lane Alefounder, Wm. Gardener, Middle Westwick, near Ten Bell Lane Alderson Robert, Barrister, Bishopgate street Alderson James, M. D. Colgate street Allen C. Pork Seller, Magdalen street Allen Wm. Gardener, Eaton Allen Wm. Publican, St. Andrew's Bridge street. Black Friars Ames Joseph, Publican, Market Place. Bear Ames Robert, Shopkeeper, Lower Westwick, opposite Fair Flora Ames Eliz. House Broker, Elm hill Ames Daniel, Paper and Rag Warehouse, St. George's Bridge street Angel John, Publican, Gildengate street Angel & Son, Curriers, Golden Ball lane Ansell John, Plumber and Glazier, Dove lane Andrews Thomas, Shopkeeper, Common Pump street Asker Sam. Hairdresser, Upper Market Aldridge John, Whitesmith, Pottergate street, by Goat lane Aldridge --, Dyer, Coslany Bridge street Annis John, Bookseller and Binder, London lane Allison Wm. Bricklayer, Wounded Hart lane Artis John, Shoemaker, Rampant Horse street Atkins Miss, Ladies Dress Maker, St. Giles's street Atkins Barth. Tailor, Lower Westwick, near St. Lawrence steps Atkinson J. T. G. Attorney, King street, by Cook's lane Atkinson Leonard, Publican, Colegate street. Sun and Anchor Adcock John, Gent. St. Stephen's street, near the corner Adcock W. Hairdresser, St. Giles street Adcock Jn. Publican, Cowgate street. White Friars Adcock Henry, Publican, Hungate street. Coopers Adcock James, Publican, St. Augustine's street. Royal Oak Alborough Thomas, Publican, Ber street. Prince of Wales. Aldouse Mary, Shopkeeper, St. Martin's lane Anthony Wm. Shoemaker, St. George's Bridge street Athow John, Stone and Marble Mason, Back of the Inns Arrup J. Carpenter, Barrack street Ayers Mary, Publican, Magdalen street. Red Lion Amy Thomas, Cooper, Magdalen street BACK Mary, Bowling Green House, near Chapel field Back James, Wine Merchant, Orford hill Back Thos. and Co. Grocers, Market place Back W. Surgeon, Willow lane Back Thomas, Esq. St. Giles's Broad street Bacon Peter, Shopkeeper, King street, St. Julian's Bacon Tho. Gingerbread Baker, Wastlegate street Bacon Daniel, Publican, Timberhill street. Red House Bacon James, Confectioner, St. Stephen's street near the corner Bacon Othenial, Brazier, Market place Bacon John, Publican, St. Martin's street. Mad Bess Bacon Richard, Appraiser, Botolph street Bacon R. M. Printer and Bookseller, Cockey lane Bacon John, Gardner, near St. James's church Bacon Edmund, Gent. St. Martin's Palace street Bailey Anthony, Cotton Manufacturer, and Bell-man, St. Martin's Palace Plain Baker Benjamin, Gardener, St. Faith's lane Baker Henry, Haberdasher, Market place Baker and Cross, Mantuamakers, Gun lane. Baker Roger, Shawl manufacturer, Peacock street Baker John, Book and Shoemaker, Hungate street Baker H. Ladies' Dressmaker, Orford Hill Baldy Edmund, Dyer, Coslany street Balls, Robert, Publican, St. Mary's Church alley, White Horse Balls, James, Tailor, Snailgate street Balls James, Publican, Bishopsgate street. Bull Baldwin John, Basketmaker, Charing Cross Baldwin John, Baker, by Charing Cross Bamendge George, Publican, Coslany Bridge street Jolly Dyers Banham James, Pumpmaker, King street, near the Green Man Bantan William, Publican, Southergate street. Recruiting Serjeant. Barlow John, Lodging House, Timberhill street Barlow John, Publican, St. Martin's street. Oak. Barlow John, Hairdresser, Fyebridge street Barlow John, Shawl Manufacturer, Upper Westwick Barlow John, Shawl Manufacturer, Middle Westwick, by the Lord Nelson Barker, John Farmer, Eaton Barker, Publican, St. James's street. Castle. Barker John, Publican, by Fyebridge. Ribs of Beef Barker John, Woollen Draper, London lane Barker Wm. Salesman, opposite St. Lawrence steps Barker Richard, Coal seller, Lower Westwick, near the Mills Barker Jere, Pawnbroker, Lower Westwick, near St. Lawrence steps Barker John, Publican, Upper Heigham. Gibraltar Barker Christ. Publican, Botolph street. Woolpack Barker and Co. Liquor Shop, Market place Barker Samuel, Liquor Shop, Market place Barker Thos. Whitesmith, by Mancroft church Barwell Mrs. Wine and Liquor Merchant, St. Stephen's street Barrow S. and A. Tea Dealers, Brigg's lane Barrow and Co. Cotton Manufacturers, Colegate Barber John, Publican, Bishopsgate street. Fishmonger's Arms Barnham Daniel, Publican, King-street. Tompson's Cellar Barnes and Son, Bricklayers, All Saints Green Barnes Wm. Carpenter, Magdalen street Barnes Robert, Farmer, Eaton Bamer, Wm. Whitesmith, King-street, near Tombland Barnard, Publican, Upper Market. White Swan Barnard, Abraham, Schoolmaster, Botolph street Barnard and Scott, Manufacturers, Muspole street Barnard John, Shopkeeper, Colegate street Bare Wm. Wheelwright, King street, near Horns-lane Baseley, Young and Roe, Beer Brewers, King-street Bassham Charles, Appraiser and Auctioneer, St. Stephen's street Basey Charles, Shawl Manufacturer, Southergate street Basey Ann, Shopkeeper, St. Martin street Basey John, Shopkeeper, Botolph street Basey Robert, Cowkeeper, Cowgate street Basey John, Carter, Barrack street, near the Barracks Batley Richard, Publican, King street, without the city walls Bayfield Mrs. Baker, St. Martin's street Bateley, Wm. Eating House, Lower Goat lane Bateman John, Woolfactor, Muspole street Baxter Fred. Grocer, Coslany Bridge street Bayfield John, Ironmonger, Magdalen street Blackburn John, Stonemason, King-street, near the Imperial Arms Blake John, Attorney, Surrey street Blake James, Shawl Manufacturer, Gildengate street Blake Isaac, Hotpresser, Snailgate street Blake Robert, Cotton Manufacturer, Heigham street Blake and Stanuard, Hog butchers, Lower Westwick, near the Dove Tavern Blake, Salesman, Lobster lane Blake Mrs. Milliner, Pottergate street, near Cockey lane Blake Thos. Esq. Barrister, Queen street Blake Wm. Publican, outside St. Giles's walls. Grapes Black Wm. Confectioner, Market place Blaxter James, Cookshop, Colegate street Blakeley Elijah, Duffield Maker, Saint Mary's Church alley Blazeby Paul, Publican, Saint Martin's street. Fighting Cocks Blanchflower Fr. Publican, Lower Westwick. Drum Branch James, Baker, Magdalen street Brady John, Innkeeper, Magdalen street Bransby, Benj. King street, at the Old Anglers Bradfield James, Pattenmaker, Little Cockey lane Bray John, Tailor, Draper and Salesman, Saint Andrew's bridge street Bradley John, Boot and Shoemaker, St. Simon's street Brazil Rob. Publican, near St. Andrew's Steps. Wild Man. Beare, Wm. Boot and Shoemaker, Upper Market Beare Tho. Leathercutter, St. George Bridge street Beare John, Boot and Shoemaker, St. George's Bridge street Bean Mark, Bricklayer, near Charing Cross Bean Rob. Pelican, Ber street. Bull's Head Beaumont, Rev. Mr. near Charing Cross Beaumont John, Shopkeeper, Middle Westwick, by the Queen of Hungary Beatniffe Richard, Bookseller, Cockey lane Beckwith Mary, Boarding School, South Place, Griffin lane Beckurth and Co. Attorneys, St. Martin's Palace street Beckham Ed. Cooper, Gildengate street Bedford Charles, Brazier, Rampant Horse street Bedford Charles, Brazier, Pottergate, Street, by Bridwell alley Beevor James, St. Andrew's Steps Beevor Ann, House Broker, by St. Andrew's Steps Beevor John, M. D. St. Giles's Broad street Beesley George, Shoemaker, Coslany Bridge street Bell George, Shopkeeper, St. Lawrence, near Coslany Bridge Bell Thomas, Publican and Carpenter, King street, White Swan Bell, Wm. Baker, near Rose Corner, King street Beloe Arthur, Cordwainer, Orford hill Beloe Wm. Publican, White Friars Bridge street. White Friars Bensley John, Carpenter, Rodney street Bensley Robert, Baker, St. Stephen's street, near the Crown Bensley Edm. Publican, Market place. Half Moon Bendy Chas. Druggist, London lane. Bennet James, Clock and Watch Maker, Briggs lane Bennet Ann, Ladies boarding school, St. Stephen's street Berry Christ. Bookseller and Printer, Dove-lane Berry John, Printer and Stationer, Upper Market Besowth Ann, Mantuamaker, Ber street, opposite the Lamb Bessy W. F. Innkeeper, Upper Market. Wounded Heart Beswick John, Cotton-bleacher, Trowse Milgate Betts Ann, Publican, Trowse Milgate. Rose and Crown Betts Wm. Blacksmith, Trowse Milgate Bexfield Richard, Cabinetmaker, Pottergate street Brereton John, Shopkeeper, St. Margaret's plain Brereton John, Collarmaker, Middle Westwick, near St. Bennet's church Brewerton, Tho. Merchant, St. Margaret's plain Brewer Mark, Publican, St. Giles's street. Queen's Head Brewer James, Boarding and Day School, Colegate street Brett John, Baker, Fishgate street Brewster Stephen, Carter, Tooley street Bidle John, Shopkeeper, St. Martin's street Bidwell Richard, Sack Manufacturer, St. George's bridge street Bilham John, Grocer, Fyebridge street Bird Bailey, Land-surveyor, Red Lion street Bird, widow, House-broker, Red Lion street Bird Samuel, Jeweller, &c. Briggs lane Bignold and Son, Bankers, Market place Birch Mrs. Circulating Library, Little Cockey lane Briggs James, Coal-dealer, White Fryers bridge Brighton Rich. Publican, Bethel street. Theatre Brittingham W. Esq. outside of St. Augustine's walls Blofield Geo. Woolcomber, St. Martin's street Blogg Wm. Silk Mercer, Swan lane Blogg Samuel, Bricklayer, Wymer street Blogg Wm. Building Surveyor, Ber street, outside the city walls Bloy Edward, Shopkeeper, Ber street, by Pump Bloom Dan. Merchant, Duke's Palace Boardman Messrs. Woollen Drapers, Market Place Boardman John, Linen Draper & Hosier, Market Place Boardman Ben. Clerk to the Hull Trader, King street, opposite the Common Pump Boardman Ben. Hatter and Hosier, London lane Boast Robert, Sawyer, near All-saints green Boast Jonathan, Publican, St. Stephen's road.--Trowel and Hammer Body M. Shopkeeper, Barrack street, opposite Barracks Bolton John, Merchant, St. Faith's lane Bolton Zeba, Coachmaster, Red Lion Street Bolton John, Innkeeper, St. Giles's Broad street. Wool Pack Bolingbroke Nath. Wholesale Haberdasher, Jail hill Boltz John, Gardener, Barrack street Boltz George, Gardener, Magdalen street Bone Thomas, Baker, Middle Westwick Bone Nicholas, Shoemaker, Lower Goat lane Bone Wm. Surgeon, Tombland Bond Robert, Surveyor of Assessed Taxes, Hungate street Borkham Tho. Publican, Colegate street. Crown and Sceptre Botwright Wm. Grocer, St. George's Bridge street Bowen Widow, Merchant, Tombland Bowen Ann, Music-seller and Stationer, Cockey lane Booty William, Shopkeeper, Common Pump street Booty Joshua, Shopkeeper, St. Augustine's street Booty William, Bookseller and Printer, Market place Boyce Sarah, School-mistress, St. Margaret's Church alley Boyce & Beacon, Attorneys, Wymer street Boulter Thomas, Baker, St. Giles's Broad street Bougin John H. Publican, Lower Westwick. Three Turks Brown Crisp, Merchant, King street, St. Peter's, Southgate Brown Ed. Carpenter, near Mountergate church Brown Wm. Butcher, Ber street, by Lock and Key Brown John, Millwright and Founder, Timberhill street Brown W. Pipemaker, All Saints Green Browne Charlotte, Ladies Boarding School, Rampant Horse street Brown and Son, Ironmongers, Upper Market Brown and Barker, Hatters and Hosiers, Cockey lane Brown Eliz. Milliner, Upper Market Brown, Geo. Pipemaker, Middle Westwick, near Lord Howe Brown Mrs. Glover, Dove lane Brown and Chace, Merchants, Dukes Palace Brown Rev. St. Andrew's Wymer street Browne Wm. Taylor, Queen street Brown Wm. Baker, St. Martin's street Browne John, Iron Foundery, Colegate street Brown Rev. Gildengate street Browne Charles, Hair-dresser, Magdalen street Browne Joseph, Pipemaker, Fishgate street Brown Surveyor, St. Giles's Broad street Browne John, Cow-keeper, Magdalen street Browne John, Publican, Bracondale. Lord Nelson Brooks Thomas, Inn-keeper, Timberhill street. Castle and Lion Brookes and Son, Curriers and Leather-cutters, Goat lane Brooks Tho. Brickmaker, outside Ber street walls Brookes Cath. Straw Hat Manufacturer, Little Cockey lane Brookes I. and B. Tanners, Heigham street Brownson James, Gent. Theatre square Brownfield and Roe, Cotton Manufacturers, Magdalen street Brunton Mary, Baker, Hungate street Brundell Wm. Grocer, Redwell street Blunderfield Samuel, Carpenter, Tooley street Bush John, Miller, Gildengate street Bush Zachariah, Publican, Back of the Inns. Horse and Groom. Buck Mrs. Ladies' Dress Maker, Surry street Buck John, Miller, St. Stephen's street, near the King's Head Buckenham John, Plumber and Glazier, Magdalen street Buckle J. and W. Ironmongers, Market place Buddey Anthony, Grocer, St. Martin's Palace street Bullen Joshua, Ironmonger, Jail hill Bullen and Taylor, Ironmongers, Rampant Horse street Bulwer Rev. near St. Cathrine's hill Bunting James, Publican, Ber street, outside city walls. Pheasant Cock Burgoyne John, Publican, Lakenham. Cock Burton John, Gardener, St. Bennet's road Burton John, Innkeeper, Magdalen street. Cat and Fiddle Burton John, Publican, Barrack street. Red Cow Burt and David, Upholsterers, Hay hill Burgess Robert, Publican, Barrack street. 7 stars Burgess, John, Shopkeeper, St Martin's street Burrows John, Shopkeeper, Barrack street Burrows John, Shopkeeper, Coslany street Burrows Wm. Grocer, Magdalen street Burrows Stephen, Publican, Upper Heigham Burrows Mrs. St. Cathrine's hill Burrell James, Toyshop, Magdalen street Burrell Mrs. Lodging House, Ladies' Lane Burrage Robert, Publican, Ber street. Windmill Burks John, Silk Dyer, Allsaints green Bush Henry, Miller, outside St. Augustine's walls Bush W. Shopkeeper, Timberhill street Bush George, Publican and Tailor, King street.--Rose Bushell --, Baker, corner of Timberhill street Butcher James, Grocer, Middle Westwick, opposite Cardinal's Cap Butcher and Decaux, Grocers, Queen street Butler Joseph, Shopkeeper, Hungate street Butler John, Duffell maker, Hungate street Butler, Wm. Gardener, Ber street by Church Blyth Phillip, King street without the walls, at the Ship Blyth Samuel, Plaisterer, Pottergate street Blyth --, Machine maker, opposite Norfolk and Norwich Hospital Bryant H. Leather Cutter, St. Gregory's ch. alley Bygrave Robt. Attorney, St. Giles's Broad street Byrne Peter, Leather and Fancy Breeches Maker, London lane CALEY Sam. Gardener, Thorn lane Calthorpe Chris. Cooper, London lane Caldecott Millener and Ladies' Dress Maker, St. Stephens street near the Bull Campin Robert, Linen Draper, Cockey lane Campin John, Boot and Shoemaker, Cockey lane Cann James, Cabinet Maker, Timberhill street Candler Benj. Grocer, Little Cockey lane Cannell Thomas, Publican, Fyebridge quay Jolly Waterman Cannell Aquilla, Collar and Harness maker, Coslany street Capon Christ. Painter, Bethel street Carver Jas. Publican, Castle Ditches. Golden Ball Carver Daniel, Worsted Manufacturer, Timberhill street Carr Wm. Shopkeeper, Coslany Bridge street Carr Wm. Shoemaker, Botolph street Carman Rich. Shopkeeper, Coslany Church alley Carrington Rev. Rampant Horse street Caryl Thomas, Adjutant of Norwich Volunteers, St. Stephen's street, near city walls Cask Tho. Shopkeeper, Trowse Milgate Caston Carpenter, Middle Westwick, opposite the Prince of Wales Catchpole John, Publican, Jail hill. Guild hall. Catchpole James, Shopkeeper, Pottergate street, near Fisher's lane Catten Wm. Baker, Heigham street Cattermone Charles, Publican, St. Andrew's steps Chamberlain Henry, Tonage Collector, King street, in a yard near the Rainbow Chamberlain Frances, Shopkeeper, King street, opposite Cockey lane Chamberlain Peter, Grocer, Upper Market Chamberlain Charles, Grocer, White Lion street Chamberlain Tho. Inn-keeper, Upper Market. White Swan Chamberlain John, Publican, Eaton. Lion Chamberlain Geo. Carpenter, Trowse Milgate Chapman Tho. Publican, King street. Prince Ferdinand Chapman Rev. C. J. St. Giles's street Chapman Shopkeeper, St. George's Bridge street Chalker Robert, Publican, St. Stephen's Road. King of Prussia Chambers Nethercoat, Gent. Chaple Field Chambers Henry, Publican, Lower Westwick. New Brewery Challis and Son, Boot & Shoemakers, London lane Chaplin Wm. Shopkeeper, St. Simon's street Charlesworth Joseph, Duffield-maker, Magdalen street Clabburn Tho. Gent. Rodney street Clabburn Mrs. Confectioner, St. Simon's street Clabburn Rob. Oatmeal-maker, Elm hill Clary Wm. Publican, St. Stephen's, outside the walls. Coachmaker's Arms Clarke, Son, and Co. Warehousemen, Chaplefield lane Clarke James, Boot and Shoemaker, Colegate street, by the Moon and Stars Clarke Wm. Publican, St. Martin's street. Crown Clarke Mat. Shopkeeper, Gildengate street Clarke Rob. Shoemaker, Gildengate street Clack Richard, Straw Hat Manufacturer, London lane Claxton John, Farmer, St. Martin's, outside the walls Claxton Mrs. Shopkeeper, St. Martin's street Crakenthorpe Sam. Gent. St Stephen's street Craske Peter, Shoemaker, Briggs's lane Craske Christ. Baker, St. Martin's street Craske Benj. Bricklayer, St. Augustine's street Craske Christ. Baker, Botolph street Crane Job, House-broker, Maddermarket street Chestney Rob. Surveyor, Bracondale Chesnut Mrs. Collar and Harness Maker, Magdalen street Chesnut John, Hair-dresser, St. Giles's Broad street Chesnut Rob. Hair-dresser, St. Giles's Broad street Chettleborough William, Baker, Rampant Horse street Chettleborough Harrison, Plumber and Glazier, Bank place Chettleborough Daniel, Sadler, corner of Queen street, Tombland Chettleborough Rob. Haberdasher, Market place Clements Rob. Auctioneer, Rampant Horse street Clements and Strange, Coachmakers, Back of the Inns Creek Mary, Cloaths Warehouse, by St. Andrew's Hall Chittock James, Baker, Rising Sun lane Clift Lenold, Gent. Rose lane, King street Crips Geo. Grocer, Market place Critchfield James, Cutler, Market place Clover Joseph, Gent. Barrack Master, Snailgate street Coates William, Publican, St. Lawrence lane. Checquers Coate H. N. Shopkeeper, Hay hill Cocks Dan. Blacksmith, Tombland Cocksedge J. P. Grocer, by Timberhill church Cock John, House-broker, Upper Westwick Codling John, Eating-house, Maddermarket street Codman Steph. Hairdresser, St. Martin's street Coe Agatha, Ladies Boarding School, Griffin lane Coe John, Shoemaker, Lobster lane Coe John, Cabinetmaker, Middle Westwick, near St. Laurence's church Coe Lionel, Trowsterer, Magdalen street Cogman Benj. Baker, Ber-street, opposite Thorne lane Coleby James, Shoemaker, St. Laurence's steps Coleby Sam. Gardener, Cowgate street Coleman Jere. Miller, Pockthorpe. Coleman, John, Carpenter, Coslany street Coleman Geo. Linen-draper, Cockey lane Coleman Jeremiah, Miller, outside Magdalen walls Coleman Geo. Bricklayer, Snailgate street Coleman James, Farmer, Hellesdon Coleman, Jere, Bricklayer, Thorne lane Colman Ed. Surgeon, Tombland Colman Joseph, Baker, Upper Market Colket and Dybale, Cotton Manufacturers, St. Stephen's street Colket Mary, Druggist, St. Stephen street Coldham W. Publican, Jail hill. Labour in vain Cole J. H. Esq. Stamp Office, St. Giles's Broad street Collins David, Shoemaker, Lower Westwick, opposite St. Laurence's steps Cone Sam. Trowsterer, St. Saviour's Back street Cooper Thomas, Publican, St. Andrew's steps. Shoulder of Mutton Cooper Samuel, Nurseryman, inside St. Martin's walls Cooper Rob. Shopkeeper, Gildengate street Cooper, Lewis, and Co. Wholesale and Retail Linen-draper, Market place Cooper Chas. Barrister at Law, near Orford hill Cooper Richard, Publican, Magdalen street. New Two Brewers Cooke and Neal, Dyers, near St. Simons' church Cooke and Co. Shawl Manufacturers, Gildengate street Cooke Wm. Bone Merchant, Fishgate street Cook Henry, Baker, Heigham street Cook Rob. Publican, St. Stephen's street. Jolly Gardeners Coppin and Courtnell, Plumbers, Glaziers and Painters, St. Stephen's street Coppin James, Plumber and Glazier, Hay hill Copeman E. and R. Woollen-drapers, Market place Corbet --, Cook-shop, Magdalen street Corfield William, Currier, King street, opposite St. Julian's church Corfield, Eliz. Leathercutter, Orford hill Cordwell and Brewster, Machine-maker, Golden Ball lane Cork Joseph, Publican, Cow hill. Red Cow. Cork Wm. Plumber and Glazier, Middle Westwick, near the Crown Corsbie Benjamin, Publican, St. Martins' street. Arabian Horse. Cosins James, Merchant, Middle Westwick Cossey Wm. Shopkeeper, by common pump Cossey Thos. Publican, Timberhill street. Star and Crown Cossey John, Publican, Cross lane. Rifleman Cotterell John, Bricklayer, Maddermarket church alley Cotman Artist, Whymer street Cotman Edm. Haberdasher, Cockey lane Coulson John, Shopkeeper, St. Martin's street Coulson Ralph, Factor, Muspole street Cousins John, Leathercutter, Upper Market Cousins & Waite, Tobacco Manufacturers, Jail hill Coward Rob Publican, Tombland. Fleece Coxton Henry, Publican, Market plain. Two-necked Swan Cozens and Copeman, Grocers, Market place Crowland, Publican, Lobster lane. Boy and Cup. Crocket Mrs. China-shop, Swan lane Crockett Sarah, Bookseller and Stationer, near St. Simon's church Crowfoot Mrs. Publican, St. Martin's street. Queen Caroline Cross Cha. Dentist, by Mountergate church Cross Joseph, Pattenmaker, Rampant Horse street Cross John, Farmer, Earlham Crook and Co. Brushmakers, Market place Crook Tho. Gardener, Heigham Crowe Spicer, Plumber and Glazier, opposite St. Laurence's steps Crome John, Drawing-master, Gildengate street Cropley Rich. Shoe-warehouse, Gildengate street Crotch Mich. Carpenter and Musical Instrument Maker, St. Clement's church alley Church Mrs. Milliner, Pottergate street, by Little Cockey lane Church James, Coal-dealer, Rose corner Crusoe Miss, Ladies' Dress Maker, St. Andrew's steps Crusoe Tho. Liquor Shop, Market place Cubit Mary, Ladies Boarding School, Pottergate street, by Goat's lane Cuckow Tho. Inn-keeper, Market place. Star Culling Tho. Publican, Botolph street. Shuttles Cullyer Wm. Collar-maker, Castle meadow, near the Griffin Culyer Henry, Milk-seller, Ber street, near the Baker's Arms Culyer Sam. Shoemaker, Timberhill street Culyer Wm. Cooper, Rampant Horse street Culyer Sam. Publican, Market Place. Church Stile Culyer John, Whitesmith, Cow hill Culyer W. Coach-master, St. Giles's Broad street Culley and Co. Lace Manufacturers, Duke's Palace Cully John, Liquor Merchant, St. Andrew's steps Culley and Co. Grocers, Upper Market Cullington John, Publican, St. Stephen's, under city walls. Lame Dog Cunningham Tho. Publican, Elm hill Cupper Tho. Duffield-maker, Heigham Curson Tho. Patten-maker, Fye Bridge Curchin John, Bricklayer, Lobster lane Curtis John, Publican, Castle ditches. Half Moon Curtis Mrs. Boarding School, Burt's court Hay hill Curtis John, Hog-butcher, Timberhill street Cushing Samuel, Carver and Gilder, St. Giles's Broad street Cushing Joshua, Stonemason, St. George's Bridge street Cushing Ed. Shopkeeper, Quay side Cushing John, Bookbinder, Wymer street Cutler Tho. Upholsterer, Rampant Horse street DADY, Charles, Eating House, Bridewell alley Dade Miss, Ladies School, outside St. Augustine's walls Daglass John, Baker, Maddermarket street Dalrymple Wm. Surgeon, Snailgate street Dale Wm. Woolcomber, Gildengate street Damant Fr. Sadler and Harness maker, Magdalen street Dann John, Gardener, Barrack street Dann Robert, Publican, St. Martin's Palace plain Buck Dann Edward, Shopkeeper, World's End lane Dann Robert, Taylor, St. George's Bridge street Daplyn Wm. Whitesmith, Bull lane Darkin Robert, House-broker, Red Lion street Darking George, House-broker, Lobster lane Darkin Publican, Pottergate street. First and Last Darley Wm. Turner, Soutergate street Davey Robert, Clock and Watch Maker, Back of the Inns Davey Jonathan, Esq. Back of the Inns Davey Ann, Mantua Maker, St. Giles's street Davey Wm. Dyer, St. Clement's Church alley Dawson Wm. Shopkeeper, Timberhill street. Day Eliz. Hog Butcher, St. Stephen's street, near the Crown Day Wm. Dyer, St. Stephen's street Day Francis, Publican, Bethel street. Coach-maker's Arms Day Wm. Publican, Back of the Inns Day Starling, junr. Esq. St. Giles's street Day Dalton and Day, Bankers, Pottergate street Day Rich. Rev. Pottergate street Day John, Woolcomber, Pottergate street, near Goat lane Day James, Publican, Tooley street. Whip and Egg Drake Tho. Glazier, King street, near the Rose corner Drake John, Tailor, St. Giles's street Drake Fr. Cooper, St. Martin's Palace street Drane Wm. Publican, Timberhill street. Woolpack Death Seth, Cooper, Lower Westwick, near St. Lawrence's Steps Deary Mrs. Shopkeeper, Barrack street, by Barracks Deacon John, Attorney, Gildengate street Deacon Sam. Surgeon, Magdalen street Deacon Rev. John, St. Martin, lane Decker Rev. St. Giles's street Decarle Rob. Stone and Marble Mason, Duke's Palace De Day --, Manufacturer, Coslany street De Hague and Stone, Attorneys, Elm hill Delf Moses, Whitesmith, Rampant Horse back st. Denmark Tho. Shopkeeper, Magdalen street Denmarke Mary, Shopkeeper, Tombland Dent Sam. Publican, Hay hill. White Horse Denny Mrs. Toy-shop, St. Andrew's steps Denton Joseph, Publican, London lane. Red Lion Dennet Jas. Publican, Coslany street. Queen Anne Denham Sam. Shoemaker, Coslany street Devenny Mrs. Lodging house, Castle Ditches Devereaux Whitesmith, St. James's street, by Wrestlers Devereaux Edm. Plumber and Glazier, Gildengate street Davenport Land Surveyor, Snailgate street Drewell Rob. Saddle and Harness Maker. St. Martin's Palace street Drewell Innkeeper, Magdalen street. King's Head Dickerson Mrs. Publican, Pottergate street. Two Quarts Dickerson T. Shopkeeper, Botolph street Dillenger and Graham, Confectioners, White Lion street Dilly Mrs. Publican, St. Augustine's. Catherine Wheel Dingle John, Thwisterer, Botolph street Dingle John, Shopkeeper, Gildengate street Dixon Dan. Hairdresser, Hay hill Dixon and Fairhead, Straw Hat Manufacturers, Bethel street Dixon Mary, Publican, St. Stephen's street.--Should of Mutton Dixon Robert, Drawing Master, St. Clement's Church alley Dring John, Baker, St. Giles's street Dring Geo. Baker, Magdalen street Dobson Jas. Carpenter, Rodney street Doe Tho. Baker, Gildengate street Doman John, Shoemaker, King street, opposite Horn's Lane Doman Geo. Stone Mason, Rose Lane Dove Tho. Timber Merchant, Scoles Green Dove Wm. Publican, Ber street, Flecked Bull Dowson, Son and Norgate, Merchants, King street opposite Southgate church Dowing John, Publican, Ber street, outside the walls. Waggoners Ducker Wm. Shopkeeper, Bethel street Duckett Jas. Innkeeper, Magdalen street. Bull Ducket John, Hairdresser, Coslany street Ducket Widow, Tripe-dresser, Ber street, near Lock and Key Duckett Wm. Publican, Bethel street. Twelve Bells Dunnington Wm. Gentleman, St. Faith's lane Dunn Mrs. Publican, St. Simon's street. Jolly Dyers Dunning Shopkeeper, Middle Westwick, by city walls Dunham & Yallop, Goldsmiths, &c. Market Place Durrant Tho. Shopkeeper, Heigham street Durrant Tho. Publican, St. Martin's street. Buck Dyball Tho. Baker, Magdalen street Dye Sam. Grocer, St. Stephen's street Dye Susan, Fishmonger, Fishmarket Dye Tho. Publican, St. Martin's Palace Plain.--Jolly Farmers Dye Sam. Publican, Fishgate street. Marlborough EARL W. E. Cabinet Maker, Red Lion street Eaton Thomas, Silk Mercer, Market Place Eaton M. Hog Butcher, Cowgate street, by church Easton Mrs. Ladies' Dress Maker, St. Giles's st. Eagleton John, Cowkeeper, Heigham street Eagling Robert, Shoemaker, Pottergate street, by Goat lane Eager James, Publican, Bridewell alley. Fleece Edwards Henry, Merchant, King street, by Story's wharf Edwards W. G. Tailor and Draper, Orford hill Edwards Widow, Innkeeper, St. Stephens. Crown Edwards Fr. Hog Butcher, St. Martin's street Edwards John, Baker, St. Augustine's street Edwards Edmund, Gardener, Botolph street Edwards Wm. Tailor and Salesman, Colegate street Edwards John, Carpenter, St. Margaret's Church alley Evans T. B. Esq. Tombland Ebetts Dan. Farmer & Corn Merchant, Hellesdon Eke Wm. Innkeeper, Rampant Horse street.--Rampant Horse Elsegood Charles, Publican, Ber street. Lamb Emery Joseph, Wellsinker, outside St. Augustine's walls Emery Publican, Magdalen street. Lord Nelson Emperor Mrs. Publican, Norman's lane. Sawyers Emms R. Publican, Heigham street. Royal Oak Ewen T. G. Esq. Pottergate street Eglinton Rich. Sadler and Harness Maker, St. Simon's street Ellis John, Gentleman, Rose lane Ellis Henry, shopkeeper, opposite Mountergate church Ellis Rob. Shopkeeper, St. Martin's street Elvin Rev. Colegate street Elwin James, Baker, Pottergate street, opposite Fisher's lane Elliott Charles, Haberdasher, Brigg's lane Emms Robert, Publican, Heigham street. Royal Oak English John, Liquor-shop, Ber-street, by the Jolly Butchers English John, Turner, St. Stephen's street English Rob. Inn-keeper, Surrey street. Greyhound English James, Schoolmaster, St. Lawrence steps FAIR Mary, Ladies Boarding School, King street, by Rose corner Fair Charles, Shoemaker, Gildengate street Fairhead Cha. Bricklayer, Hungate street Farnell Keeling, Taylor and Draper, Lower Goat lane Farnell Tho. Schoolmaster, Maddermarket church alley Fayerman Arnold, Schoolmaster, Little Cockey lane Francis Henry, Attorney, Surry street Francis Sam. Yarn maker and Hosier, St. Martin's Palace street Fearmley Jonathan, Shopkeeper, Middle Westwick, near Margaret's Church Fell Jos. Salesman, near Duke's Palace Fenton Paul, Tailor, Middle Westwick, near the Pidgeons Fenn Abraham, Boot and Shoemaker, Tombland Fletcher Tho. Cordspinner, Dove lane Fletcher and Co. Sack Manufacturers, near Fye-bridge Freemantle D. Gentleman, Chapelfield lane Freeman John, Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer, Upper Market Freeman J. Tavern-keeper, Lower Westwick, Dove Freeman & Son, Carvers & Gilders, London lane Freeman Jas. Publican, Fyebridge quay. Cock and Pye Freeman Jas. Publican, Fishgate street. Jolly Dyers Freeman Wm. Shopkeeper, Cowgate street Frewer J. H. Sadler and Harness Maker, Market Place Freshfield John, Porter Merchant, Elm hill French John, Hairdresser, St. George's Bridge street Fiddy James, Publican, King street. Green Man Fiddey Mrs. Cloaths Warehouse, Orford hill Field Eliz. Shopkeeper, St. Giles's Broad street Filby John, Wool and Yarn Factor, Lower Westwick, near Three Turks Finaghty Linen Draper, Magdalen street Firmin Wm. Baker, Ber street, by Church Fish Wm. Musician, London lane Fish John, Cotton Manufacturer, Fishgate street Fisk Hammond, Timber Merchant, Fishgate street Fitt Cha. Publican, St. Augustine's street.--Shoulder of Mutton Fitt and Crotch, Pipe Makers, opposite Timberhill Church Fitt Benj. Publican, Charing Cross. Pidgeons Fitch and Taylor, Chemists and Druggists, Market Place Fitch and Taylor, Chemists and Druggists, Bridewell Alley Flint Rich. Grocer, St. Giles's Broad street Flowers Rob. Butcher, Ber street, near Lock and Key Flowers Thos. Dealer in Small Seeds, Weaver's lane Flowerdew, John, Shopkeeper, St. Martin's street Folliot John, Shopkeeper, Pottergate street, by Fisher's lane Forster Ann, Butcher, Ber street, near Prince of Wales Forster John, Woollen Draper, Market Place Forster and Unthank, Attorneys, Queen street Forster Aug. Publican, Muspole street. Dove Fountian Martin, Bricklayer, Tooley street Foulger, Sam. Gardener, Magdalen street Fox Paul, Schoolmaster, Pitt street Fox and Son, Plumbers and Glaziers, near Bridewell alley Frost John, Shopkeeper, Magdalen street Frostdike John, Publican, Upper Heigham.--Dragoon Fuller Henry, Tailor, Golden Ball lane Fuller Miss, Mantua Maker, St. Stephen's street, near the Peacock Fullock John, Publican, St. Stephen's street.--Volunteer Furness Jas. Carpenter, Lower Westwick, opposite new Brewery Furze Wm. Publican, Botolph street. Old Cat and Fiddle GAGE Mrs. Millener and Mantua Maker, London lane Gapp James, Merchant, St. Laurence, near Coslany Bridge Gapp James, Dyer, Coslany Bridge street Gatty David, Shopkeeper, King street, opposite St. Faith's lane Gay Robert, Basket Maker, Tombland Gaze John, Tanner, near Charing Cross Gaze Sam. Publican, King street. Compasses Gaze James, Tailor, Ber street, near Jolly Butchers Gaze Joseph, Currier, St. Bennet's road Grand John, Attorney, St. Giles's Board street Gray Wm. House Broker, Charing Cross Gray Rob. do. do. Gray House Broker, Middle Westwick, near St. Laurence's steps Gray Edward, Gardener, Upper Heigham Giant Chas. Tailor and Draper, Tombland Grant T. and J. Grocers, Cockey lane Graver Spooner, Publican, Colegate street. Black Boys Graham W. G. Haberdasher Cockey lane Graham Widow, Breeches Maker, Upper Market Gedge Lionel, Eating House, Pottergate street, by Bridewell alley Gee Benj. Publican, Gildengate street. Crown and Anchor Geldart and Son, Liquor Merchants, St Simon's street George Wm. Publican, King street. Old Barge George Rob. Shopkeeper, Ber street, opposite Baker's Arms Glegg John, Land Surveyor, All saints green Greenfield George, Publican, King-street. Half Moon Greenfield Samuel. Shopkeeper, King street, near the Half Moon Greenfield Dennis, Baker, Golden Ball lane Green Henry, Publican, King street. New Barge Green Dan. Gentleman, Rose lane Green James, Cordwainer, Red Lion street Green Rose, Publican, Surry street. Anchor Green George, Gentleman. Timberhill street Green Wm. Stay Maker, Dove lane Green Mrs. Lodging House, Upper Market Green Wortly, Basket Maker, Middle Westwick opposite St. Lawrence's Church Green Wm. Lodging House, Hungate street Green Gabriel, Boarding and Day School, Soutergate street Green Wm. Publican, Soutergate st. Cock & House Green John, Farmer, Eaton Greaves John, Woollen Draper, Market Place Greaves Publican, Middle Westwick. Adam and Eve Greeves Tho. House Steward, Chaple street Greeves and Co. Hotpressers, Rosemary lane Gibbs Henry, Linen Draper, Market Place Gidney and Norton, Fancy Gig and Harness Makers, Wastlegate street Gidney James, Fruiterer and Broker, Trafalgar House, Red Lion street Gidney John, Fruiterer, Queen street Giffer Chris. Shopkeeper, Timberhill street Gilman John, Foreign Warehouse, Bethel street Gilman Edm. Shopkeeper, outside St. Martin's walls Gilman Cha. Hatter, London lane Gillham Rob. Whitesmith, St. Martin's lane Gill Cha. Grocer, near Duke's Palace Gill J. Dealer in Earthenware, St. Giles's Broad st. Gilmore David, Hairdresser, Maddermarket street Gilmor Wm. Boot and Shoemaker, Magdalen street Girling William, Publican, St. Stephen's street. Wheatsheaf Gittens Fr. Shopkeeper, outside St. Martin's walls Grimmer Tho. Carpenter, St. Martin's lane Grimmer Wm. Gardener, Ber street, by the Fox and Hounds Grindley Henry, Woolcomber, by Rose corner, King street Griffiths John, Plane-maker, Ber street Greenwood Tho. Gent. Scoles green Grimble --, Tailor, Bethel street Griggs Mrs. Shopkeeper, St. Margaret's plain Grinling Widow, Woolen-draper, London lane Glover Ed. Rev. Pottergate street Godfrey Ann, Linen-draper, Market place Godfery Sarah, Milliner, Market place Goat Wm. Shopkeeper, St. Martin's street Godward Sam. Cotton-spinner, Cowgate street Goffin Eliz. Shopkeeper, Middle Westwick, near St. Laurence's steps Goodings Jonathan, Publican, St. Stephen's street. Trumpet Goodwin Widow, Liquor-shop, Pudding lane Goodwin James, Attorney, Willow lane Goodwin Benj. Baker, Charing Cross Goodings James, Gardener, Bank street Gooch James, Publican, Castle ditches. Weighing Machine Goodrhum John, Shopkeeper, King-street opposite the Half-moon Goose Robert, Horse-dealer, outside St. Stephen's walls Goose John, Shopkeeper, Pitt street Gostling. F. Gent. Faith's lane Gotts Tho. Publican, St. Mary's plain. Hen and Chickens Gotts Geo. Blacksmith, St. Augustine's street Goulding and Neal, Gardeners, outside St. Benedict's walls Gowen Wm. Linen-weaver, Fishgate street Grout and Co. Gauze-manufacturers, Magdalen street Gunns John, Carpenter, under St. Augustine's walls Gunton James, Cabinet-maker, Timberhill street Gurney Samuel, Publican, Red lion street. Red Lion Gurney Sam. Fishmonger, Fishmarket Gurney Messrs. R. J. H. and J. Bankers, Bank place HADMAN James, Tavern-keeper, Cockey lane. Tunns Hagon Jas. Glover, Magdalen street Hagg Edward, Cutler and Grinder, Little Cockey lane Hague Publican, Hungate street. Princes Inn Haines Wm. Cowkeeper, King st. by city walls Hall Geo. Gardener, Ber street, opposite Mariner's lane Hall Henry, Gentleman, Ber street Hall Mary, Boarding School, Bethel street Halton John, Publican, Back of the Inns. Globe Hales Jas. Attorney, St. Giles's street Hallows Tho. Hairdresser, Coslany street Hampp I. C. Merchant, St. Giles's Broad street Haymant Wm. Coal Merchant, King street Hanworth John, Pork Seller, King street, St. Ethelred Hansworth John, Shoemaker, Bethel street Hanworth L. B. Publican, Redwell street. Red Well Hanshaw Ebenezer, Publican, Timberhill. White Hart Hankes Wm. Merchant, Colegate street Hansell John, Shopkeeper, Middle Westwick, near the Prince of Wales Harbord John, Publican, Lower Westwick. Three Turks Hardy and Son, Grocers, corner of Rampant Horse street, St. Stephens Hardiman John, Shoemaker, Brigg's lane Hardiman Rob. Shopkeeper, Magdalen street Hardesty John, Grocer, St. George's Bridge st. Hardingham Jo. Musician, St. Martin's Palace st. Harling Benj. Baker, Bethel street Harman Jas. jun. Tailor and Salesman, Back of the Inns Harman Sam. Tailor and Salesman, Middle Westwick, near Charing Cross Harman Rich. Habersdasher, Cockey lane Harman Geo. Shopkeeper, White Lion street Harmer John, Carter, King street, near Cockey lane, St. Julian Harmer S. and H. Attorneys. Chaplefield lane Harmer W. Coal Seller, St. Stephen's street, near the George Harmer Henry, Attorney, Chaplefield lane Harmer John, Haberdasher, White Lion street Harman Publican, Middle Westwick. Cardinal's Cap Harmer Dan. Publican, St. James's. Checquers Harper John, Hosier, Cockey lane Harper Geo. Liquor Merchant, St. Stephen's st. Harper Wm. Hatter and Hosier, London lane Harper Rich. Shopkeeper, Bishopgate street Harper John, Shopkeeper, Tooley street Harper Robert, Ranelagh Gardens, outside St. Stephen's walls Harris Jas. Publican, Allsaints, outside city walls. Brickmaker's Arms Hart Wm. House-broker, Orford hill Hart Geo. Ironmonger, Orford hill Hart Phil. Wheelwright & Carpenter, Botolph st. Harvey and Hudson, Bankers, King street Harvey Rob. Esq. Colegate street Harvey and Gibson, Manufacturers, Colegate st. Harwin Wm. Schoolmaster, Rose lane Hastings Benj. Publican, by Common Pump.--Checquers Hatch --, Leathercutter and Trunkmaker, Pottergate street, near Goat lane Hatch Francis, Shopkeeper, Lobster lane Hatch Widow, Baker, Upper Goat lane Hawkes Rob. Warehouseman, Bethel street Hawkes Rob. Felmonger, St. Martin's street Hawkes John, Hog-butcher, Cross lane Hawkins Tho. Grocer, Tombland Hayles Joseph, Baker, Middle Westwick, opposite St. Swithin's Church Hays Rich. Shopkeeper, Barrack street Haywood Isaac, Tinman, St. George's Bridge st. Haylett Mich. Publican, St. Martin's lane. Pine Apple Hazlewood John, Publican, Middle Westwick.--Lord Howe Heald Hen. Gardener, Rose Lane Heazlewood John, Shopkeeper, Ber street, opposite Horn Lane Hearne W. Publican, Market Place. Black Prince Heavers Nat. Publican, Barrack st. Robin Hood Heasell Miss Ladies' Boarding School, Redwell st. Heasel Tho. Baker, Colegate street Herring J. & Sons, Manufacturers, Gildengate st. Herring Wm. Esq. Merchant, St. Faith's lane Herring Robert, Esq. Bracondale Hedgman Rich. Carpenter, Quay side Hewett Coleby, Shoemaker, Red Lion street Hewett Lodging house, Chapelfield lane Hewett Shopkeeper, Botolph street Hewett John, Hairdresser, Magdalen street Hewett Jas. Esq. Gildengate street High Peter, Baker, Fishgate street Higgins and Clarke, Shawl Manufacturers, Pitt st. Hill Jas. Tailor, Coslany Bridge street Hill Sam. Carpenter, St. Martin's street Hill Mrs. Publican, St. Martin's street. Fellmonger's arms Hill Cotton Manufacturer, Botolph street Hilling Wm. Confectioner, Lower Goat lane Hilton Geo. Publican, Middle Westwick. Prince of Wales Hinsby Wm. Carpenter, All-saints Green Hitchen Tho. Dyer, adjoining Coslany Bridge Hodgson Jas. Young Ladies' Academy, Wymer st. Hodgson Cha. Young Gentlemans' Academy, Hungate street Hogg Tabitha, Publican, St. Martin's street.--Two Neck'd Swan Holmes John, Shoemaker, Lobster lane Holmes J. Shopkeeper, Lower Westwick, near St. Laurence's steps Holl Geo. Shoemaker, Back of the Inns Holl Sam. Shoemaker, Pottergate st. by Goat lane Holt Tho. Lodging House, Wymer street, opposite St. Andrew's church Holland John, Shopkeeper, Barrack street Holmes Tho. Publican, without St. Augustine's walls. Magpye Homer Wm. Coach Maker, St. Giles's road Hook Edm. Esq. St. Giles's street Hood Wm. Innkeeper, Colegate street. Moon and stars Horstead --, Publican, Wymerst. Hole in the Wall Horstead Tho. Boot and Shoemaker, London lane Horth John, Upholsterer, Swan lane Horth Eliz. Cook Shop, Colegate street Horne Francis, Confectioner, Pottergate st. Hotblack Harriot, Shopkeeper, St. Gregory's Church yard Hovell Tho. Publican, St. Swithin's church lane.--Hampshire Hog Houghton Rob. Butcher, Ber street, near Lock and Key Houghton Wm. Publican, Golden Bull lane. Boot Houghton Jas. Publican Barrack street. Marquis of Gransby Howes Tho. Hotpresser, Coslany street Howes Wm. Gardener, Eaton Howes Rev. Tho. Cow hill Howlett John, Publican, Fishgate street. Pidgeons Hewlett Tho. Publican, Goat lane. Bell Howlett Wm. Shoemaker, St. George's Bridge st. Howlett James, Wheelwright, St. Martin's street Howard Wm. Attorney, Magdalen street Howard D. Wheelwright, Hellesdon Howard Simon, Carpenter, Soutergate street Howard Cha. Carpenter, Ber street, by Horn lane Howard John, Baker, Cowgate street Howell Wm. Publican, Ber street. Boar's head Howell Henry, Hairdresser, Orford street Howell Tho. Publican, Upper Goat lane. Old Goat Howell Tho. Hay and Straw Dealer, Duke's Palace Howell William, Glazier, Colegate street Hubbard Robert, Chinaman, White Lion street Hubbard Wm. Lodging house, St. Giles's Broad st. Hubbard I. Publican, Bethel street. White Lion Hubbard Wm. Chair Maker, Fisher's lane Hubbard Cabinet Maker. Wymer street Huby Simon, Shopkeeper, Lower Westwick, near St. Lawrence's steps Hudson George, Slea Maker, Fyebridge street Hufflett Cha. Publican, Elm hill. Turkey Cock Huggins Henry, Chair Maker, Middle Westwick, opposite the Duke of York Hugman Benj. Fellmonger, Heigham street Hunt Jas. Publican, St Martin's Palace Plain.--White Lion Hunnock H. Circulating Library, Bridewell alley Hutchinson Mrs. Publican, St. Augustine's street. Prince of Wales Hutchinson John, Bricklayer, King street, by Tombland Hurne P. Confectioner, Pitt street ISAAC Joseph, Grocer, Chaple street Isaac James, Butcher, Magdalen street Ives Rev. Jeremiah, Town Close Ives Wm. Gardener, Eaton Ivory John, Gentlemen, King street Iungius, Mrs. Music Seller, London lane Jackson Hatter and Hosier, London lane Jackson John, Venetian Blind Maker, Maddermarket Church alley Jackson Wm. Shopkeeper, Timberhill by Church Jackson Rob. Publican, Norman's lane. Hare & Cat Jacobs Tho. Publican, Eaton. Lamb Jacobs A. Optician, Magdalen street James Wm. Throwsterer, Cowgate street James John, Chinaman, Market Place James Frederick, Tailor, St. Andrew's Bridge st. James John, Whitesmith, Magdalen street Jenkinson James, Publican, Botolph street.--Boatswain's Call Jarvis Tho. Upholder, Bridewell alley Jarmy Edm. Cow keeper, Ber st. opposite Church Jarold J. Shopkeeper, Ber st. opposite Thorn lane Jay Tho. Merchant, opposite St. Ethelred's Church Jay John, Baker, St. Stephen's st. near the George Jenner Henry, Linen Draper, Cockey lane Johnson Frances, Publican, Swan lane. White Swan Johnson Rob. Publican, Heigham street. Crocodile Johnson Benj. Grocer, &c. St. Lawrence's steps Jones John, Hatter, Hosier and Stocking Manufacturer, Rampant Horse street Joslin Rob. Sadler and Harness Maker, Maddermarket street Joullain Miss, Ladies' French School, Griffin lane Joy Matthew, Linen Draper, Cockey lane Juby Tho. Publican, King street, at the Vats Judd James, Carpenter, Magdalen street Just John, Innkeeper, Market Place. Lamb KEER John, Duffield Maker, St. Martin's street Keith Chris, Linen Diaper, Cockey lane Kent Henry, Boot and Shoemaker, White Lion st. Kent Charles, Boot and Shoemaker, Orford hill Kett John, Butcher, Thorpe Hamlet Kett Henry, Publican, King street. Whalebones Kett and Back, Bankers, Orford hill Kett Edward, Butcher, Fishmarket Kett Linen Draper, Old Haymarket Kersey Sam. Publican, outside St. Martin's walls. Dun Cow Kew John, Hairdresser, White Lion street Keymer John, Liquor Shop, White Lion street Keymer Mrs. Shawl Manufacturer, St. Saviour's Back street Keymer James, Surgeon, Rampant Horse street Kittle James, Mahogany Merchant, King street, St. Anne's lane Kittle J. jun. Basket Maker, King st. St. Anne's lane Kidd Wm. Grocer, Elm hill King Tho. Carpenter, Cow hill King Geo. Publican, Lower Westwick. No where King James, Painter, St. George's Bridge street King Richard, Tailor, Chaple street King T. Corn Factor, outside St. Augustine's walls King William, Miller, Thorpe Hamlet Kinghorne Rev. Pottergate street Kitton John, Grocer, Ber street Kitton John, Harness and Collar Maker, St. Stephen's street, near Surry street Kitton Robert, Grocer, Coslany street Kirton British Lace Manufacturer, Bethel st. Kitson Roger, Writing Master, and Accompant Wymer street Kitson Cha. Bishop's Register Office, Tombland Kittle Rich. Woollen Draper, London lane Kittle T. Tailor, Fishgate street Knight's Clock and Watchmaker, St. Andrew's Bridge street Knights John, Tailor, Wastlegate street Knights Tho. Tailor, Middle Westwick, opposite St. Lawrence's steps Knights Geo. Cutler, Dove lane Knights Jas. Esq. Merchant, Colegate street Knights Tho. Hat Manufacturer, Elm Hill Knights Nath. Publican, Bishopgate street. Marquis of Gransby LACEY Benj. Tailor, Wymer st. by Duke's Palace Lack Mrs. Baker, Elm hill Ladbrooke Drawing Master, old Post Office yard, Market Place Ladbrook John, Farmer, Eaton Ladley Francis, Manufacturer, Lower Westwick, near the Drum Laite Cha. Turner, St. Stephen's street, near the Crown Lambert Mrs. Register Office, Pottergate street, by Cockey lane Lambert Robt. Gardener, World's End lane Lamb Wm. Butcher, Ber street by Lock and Key Lamb Cha. do. do. by Pump Lamb Jas. do. do. opposite Pump Lamb Wm. do. do. do. Lamb Eleanor, Shopkeeper, Castle Ditches Lamb John, Butcher, Market Place Lamb Tho. do. do. Langton Rich. Schoolmaster, Cowgate street Lane Robert, House-broker, neat St. Lawrence's steps Lane Rev. St. Swithin's lane Lane Rob. Circulating Library, Wymer street, opposite St. Andrew's Church Lane John, Publican, St. Simon's. Star and Garter Larrance S. House-broker, opposite St. Andrew's Hall Larter Joan, Pawnbroker Timberhill, opposite Church Lathom Henry, Esq. Upper Surry street Laws Cha. Shopkeeper, Colegate street Lawes Wm. Shopkeeper, Cowgate street Lawes T. Publican, Barrack street. Barracks Lawes John, Hog Butcher, Middle Westwick, near Cardinal's Cap Lawter Joshua, Under Chamberlain, Bethel street Lawter Rob. Law Stationer, Chaplefield Lay Cha. Attorney, St. Giles street Leeds Tho. Publican, Castle Ditches. Lord Nelson Leeds Cha. Publican, Rampant Horse street.--Nag's Head Leeds John, Brushmaker, Maddermarket street Leeds Robt. Brushmaker, Pottergate street Leeds John, Coal Merchant, near Charing Cross Leeds Gibbs, Sieve Maker, Hungate street Leeds Wm. Dealer in Coals, Pitt street Leech Wm. Innkeeper, Market Place. King's Head Le Fevre Wm. Coal Merchant, St. James's, under the city walls Lefrank F. T. Baker, Magdalen street Leman Wm. Shopkeeper, King st. outside the walls Leman Rob. Shopkeeper, Heigham street Lemon B. Esq. Magdalen street Le Strange John, Publican, Scoles' Green.--Weavers' Arms Levi Isaac, Jew-broker, Ladies' lane Lilly Hammond, Publican, near Maddermarket Church. Prince of Wales Ling Edm. Farmer. Eaton Ling Nich. Plumber and Glazier, Magdalen street Ling G. Linen Draper, Weaver's lane Ling W. Tailor, St. Michael's Plea Church yard Linstead Henry, Butcher, Ber street, by Church Linstead Sam. do. do. do. Lincoln John, House Steward, Snailgate street Lindsey, Joseph, Publican, Magdalen st. Red Lion Lock Nat. Millwright, Wymer street Lock Marg. Tea Dealer, Redwell street Lovick Tho. Thatcher, Ber st. near Mariner's lane Lovick John, Haberdasher, Cockey lane Lovick Sam. House-broker, St. Andrew's Bridge st. Lovick W. Publican, Elm hill. Briton's Arms Love Mrs. Schoolmistress, Maddermarket Church alley Love Rob. Plumber and Glazier, Swan lane Love Sam. Plumber and Glazier, Magdalen street Lovewell Isaac, Innkeeper, Lobster lane. New Lobster Lownd John, Butcher, Ber street, by Lock & Key Lowe John, Publican, by Common Pump. King's Head Lowe Rob. Hog Butcher, Gildengate street Lowe Fred. Baker, St. George's Bridge street Lowne Geo. Publican, Fishgate street. Checquers Lowden John, Farmer, Upper Heigham Lowden John, Butcher, Market Place Lowden Jas. do. do. Lubbock Dan. Cotton Manufacturer, Snailgate st. Lubbock Mary, Baker, Surry street Lubbock Tho. Attorney, Bethel street Lubbock Wm. Boot & Shoemaker, St. Martin's st. Luckett John, Tanner, Wymer street, opposite the Hole in the Wall Lyng Arthur, Bricklayer, St. Stephen's Back st. MAC BRIER, Thomas, Publican, Barrack st. Light Horse Man Mace Stephen, Grocer, White Lion street Mack W. & Co. Waggoners, St. Giles's Broad st. Mackie W. A. Nursery Man, St. Stephen's road Magub Jas. Wheelwright, outside of St. Augustine's walls Mallet Nich. Shopkeeper, Muspole street Mallett John, Chinaman, Market Place Mallett Geo. Furrier, Middle Westwick, by St. Laurence's Church Malster Stephen, Shopkeeper, White Friars Bridge Maltby Sarah, Shopkeeper, Coslany street Maltby Dav. Shopkeeper, Cowgate street Mann E. G. Grocer, Dove lane Mann and Brown, Manufacturers, Pottergate street by Fisher's lane Mann E. S. Grocer, near Charing Cross Mann Jas. Carpenter, Castle Meadow Mann Robt. Watchmaker, opposite St. Simon's Church Mann Jas. do. near Fyebridge Mann Sam. Hairdresser, by Waggon and Horses, Tombland Manning Sam. Baker, Norman's lane Manning Edward, Brazier, Cockey lane Manning John, Baker, St. Lawrence, near Coslany Bridge Manning Joseph, Gardener, King st. near Rainbow Marker Rob. Shopkeeper, St. Augustine's street Marker Rob. Shopkeeper, Magdalen street Margerum Rob. Castle Meadow, Lodging house Martin Tho. Publican, St. Martin's street. White Lion Martin Rob. Publican, St. George's Bridge street. Two Quarts Martins Coal Dealer, Fishgate street Martin Sam. Cabinet Maker, Surry street Martin Wm. Coachmaster, St. Stephen's street Martin Edm. Parasol and Umbrella Manufacturer, London lane Martins Cha. Upholsterer, Elm hill Marshall Wm. Shopkeeper, Colegate street Martineau T. Manufacturer, Magdalen street Martineau P. M. Surgeon, King street, St. Peter per Mountergate Marston Robt. Stone Mason, Bethel street Martin Geo. Linen Draper, Cockey lane Marrison Wm. Shopkeeper, Middle Westwick, by the White Lion Marsh Jas. Esq. Attorney, Bank place Marsh and Sons, London Waggon Office, Tombland Markland Fr. Beer Brewer, Wymer street Matthews John, Plumber and Glazier, St. Stephen's street, near Surry street Matland Cha. Attorney, Redwell street Mason, Robt. Baker, St. James's street Mason Henry, House-broker by Charing Cross Mayes Wm. Carpenter, Middle Westwick, opposite St. Margaret's Church Mealing Jacob, Merchant, King street, near to the Whale Bones Meares S. Carpenter & Joiner, St. Steph. back st. Mears Jere. Wine Cooper, Tombland Medler Edw. Innkeeper, Lobster lane. Crab Meek Val. Farmer, Carrow Meek Wm. Publican, Coslany Bridge street. St. John's Head Meek & Royal, Ladies' Dress Makers, Snailgate st. Mendham John, Baker, Barrack street Mendham John, do. Hungate street Mendham Tho. Publican, Coslany street. Lamb Mendham Tho. Gardener, St. Martin's street Merry Robert, Cooper, Lobster lane Metcalf Wm. Shawl Manufacturer, St. Simon's st. Middleton Cha. Hotpresser, Middle Westwick, near St. Laurence's steps Middleton Hotpresser, near Duke's Palace Middleton Mich. House-broker, Bridewell alley Middleton Publican, St. James's. King's Head Middleton Mat. Shawl Manufacturer, Colegate st. Miller Widow, Public gardens, Chaple street.--Adam and Eve Miller, Hannah, Publican, King street. Cock. Miller Sam. do. do. Raven Miller Jas. Shopkeeper, Magdalen street Miller Edw. Tailor, Common Pump street Mileham Rich. Publican, Hay hill. Barley Mow Millard Rev. Charles, Bracondale Minner John, Publican, King st. at the Rainbow Mingay M. B. Woollen Draper, Market Place Minns Rob. Shoemaker, Back of the Inns Mitchell, Harris, and Co. Merchants, St. Martin's Palace plain Mitchell Henry, Baker, St. Martin's Palace street Mitchell Sam. Land Steward, Pottergate street Mitchell Jas. Collar Maker, Lower Westwick, opposite the steps Mitchell S. & E. Liquor Merchants, opposite St. Andrew's Hall Mitchell Sam. Publican, Coslany Bridge street.--Red Lion Mollett Francis, Publican, King street. Keel Mollet Rising, Furnishing Ironmonger, Tombland Molton Fr. Weather Glass Maker, Lower Westwick, opposite St. Laurence's steps Money John, Cowkeeper, outside St. Bennet's walls Moneyment Edw. Shopkeeper, Timberhill Monday Mrs. Shopkeeper, St. Stephen's street, by city walls Moon Robert, Farmer, Eaton Moon and Tayler, Carters, King street Moore John, Tailor, Ber st. opposite Thorn lane Moore John, Wheelwright, Ber street, opposite Thorn Church Moore Jas. Publican, Castle Ditches. Jolly Farmers Moore Wm. Ironmonger, London lane Moore and Thorne, Gardeners, St. Martin's street Moore and Jay, Bakers, St. Augustine's street Morgan John, Grocer, Ber street, by Flecked Bull Morgan Wm. Pawnbroker, Middle Westwick, by White Lion Morley Mrs. Throwsterer, Cowgate street Morris John, Whitesmith, Fyebridge Morse and Adams, Beer Brewers, St. Martin's st. Morse and Hall, Dyers, Fishgate street Mortlock Jas. Publican, Rampant Horse street. Moss Rich. Gentleman, Allsaints Green Mounsear Rob. Upholder, Hungate street Murrell Jas. Publican, Thorn lane. Toper Murrell John, Breeches Maker, Allsaints green Murry Mrs. Shopkeeper, Middle Westwick, near the White Lion Muskett John, Publican, Red Lion st. Yarmouth Bridge NASH John, Liquor Merchant, Wymer street Nave Matthew, Carpenter, Bethel street Neave John, Cotton Manufacturer, Castle Ditches Neave Wm. Bricklayer, Ber st. opposite Baker's Arms Neal Wm. Straw Hat Manufactory, Cockey lane Neal Phil. Publican, Magdalen st. Old Two Brewers Neal Phil. Gardner, outside St. Giles's walls Neep Edw. Pastry Cook, London lane Nelson Tho. Shopkeeper, Barrack street Nevell John, Publican, Heigham street. Cow and Hare Newman Gardener, Lakenham Newman Gardener, near Bishop bridge Newby Sam. Shoemaker, Back of the Inns Newton Fr. Silversmith, &c. Cockey lane Newstead Sam. Shoemaker, Maddermarket Church alley Newbegin Wm. Hog Butcher, St. Mary's plain Newson Wm. Grocer, Magdalen street Nichols Tho. Throwsterer, Middle Westwick, near the steps Nickels Tho. Shopkeeper, St. Andrew's Bridge st. Nichols Henry, Cowkeeper, outside St. Martin's walls Nichols Tho. Cordspinner, St. Augustine's street Ninbam John, Painter, Chaple field Nixon George, Publican, Coslany st. Checquers Nobbs Wm. Shopkeeper, Charing Cross Nockolds Henry, Gingerbread Baker, St. Gregory's Church alley Nokes Wm. Corn and Coal Merchant, Fyebridge street Nolbrow M. Publican, near Bishop bridge.--King's arms Norton Cha. agent to the Imperial Fire Office, opposite Cook's lane Norton Cha. Surveyor of Assessed Taxes, King street, near Tombland Norton Tho. Cowkeeper, outside St. Giles's walls Norman and Garrard, Linen Manufacturers, Castle Meadow Norman & Moore, Hotpressers, Coslany Bridge st. Norman Mrs. Shopkeeper, Botolph street Norman Jas. Blacksmith, Berst. opposite Church Norman Ben. Straw Hat Warehouse, Bethel street Norris Sam. Carpenter, Fyebridge street Norris John, Cabinet Maker, Allsaints green Norgate John, Grocer, St. Stephen's street Nosworthy J. Toy Warehouse, Queen street Noverre and Nicholson Dancing Masters, Theatre square Nunn Mrs. Baker, St. Andrew's steps OAKLEY Ch. Shopkeeper, Ber st. near Flecked Bull Oakley Wm. Blacksmith, St. Martin's Palace St. Ollett Mrs. Shopkeeper, Heigham street Orsborn Sam. Shoemaker, St. Martin's street Osborn Isaac, Gentleman, King street, St. Julian Osborne Wm. Sack Manufacturer, Cowgate street Outlaw N. Shopkeeper, near the Rainbow Ownsworth John, Bricklayer, St. Giles's street Oxley and Co. Hatters and Hosiers, Market Place Oxley John, Linen Draper, Cockey lane Oxley Jos. Manufacturer, Botolph street Oxley John, Cotton Manufacturer, Gildengate st. PAGE Tho. Baker, King street, near the Anglers Page S. D. Basket maker, Market Place Page John, Baker, Pottergate street, near Bridewell alley Page Jos. Draper & Clothier, St. Andrew's Bridge street Page Wm. Innkeeper, St. Augustine's street. Rose Palmer Wm. Shoemaker, Middle Westwick, opposite St. Laurence's Church Palmer Tho. Silk and Cotton Dyer, St. Andrew's steps Palmer Basket Maker, St. Stephen's street Partridge Jere. Gentleman, St. Stephen's, by Ch. Parsley Charlotte, Innkeeper, White Lion street. White Lion Parsons Mrs. Lodging House, Ladies' lane Parsons J. Bookseller & Stationer, Bridewell alley Parkinson Wm. Flour Merchant, Hellesdon Parlor Sam. Lock and Whitesmith, London lane Parkinson J. Haberdasher, London lane Parkerson J. Bell Founder and Blind Manufacturer, Hungate street Parr Rev. Robert, St. Giles's street Parr Tho. Tailor and Draper, London lane Paston Benj. Publican, Ber st. Recruiting Serjeant Pattle Innkeeper, St. Giles's Broad street.--Currier's Arms Patteson John, Esq. Beer Brewer, Barrack street Patteson John, Esq. M. P. Surry street Pentney John, Publican, near Golden Ball lane. King Alfred Paul Wm. Auctioneer, Back of the Inns Paul Tho. Shawl Manufacturer, Gildengate street Payne M. H. Baker, St. Stephen's, outside city walls Payne Jas. Sadler and Chinaman, Fyebridge street Payne Simon, Shopkeeper, Norman's lane Playford Geo. Publican, Ber street. Lock & Key Playford R. Trunk and Patten Maker, Dove lane Pratt Mrs. Hat Maker, Charing Cross Pratt Miss, Ladies' Boarding School, Colegate st. Pratt Rob. Surveyor, Snailgate street Pead Wm. Carpenter, St. Swithin's Church alley Pearse Tuthil, Farmer, Eaton Peck Edw. Butcher, Ber street, near Lock and Key Peck Mary, do do near the Pump Peck Wm. Tavern Keeper, Rampant Horse street. Thatched House Perry Paul, Turner, St. Gregory's church yard Perry Rev. Classical School, Pitt street Pennyman Isaac, Publican, St. Giles's Broad st. London Waggon Petch Jas. Publican, Trowse Milgate. Angel Pleasance Jas. Shopkeeper, Norman's gate Prentice Sam. Innkeeper, Hay hill. George Prentice Cath. Wine Merchant, Tombland Press Farmer, Lakenham Phillips Edw. Merchant, King street. St. Julian's Phillips Rob. Publican, Ber st. Fox and Hounds Phillips Wm. Publican, St. Stephen's st. Peacock Pickis Rob. Oatmeal Maker, St. Martin's street. Angel Piggen John, Throwsterer, Pitt street Pigg Wm. Shopkeeper, Ber street, opposite Mariner's lane Pigg Robert, Grocer, London lane Pigg Robert, Baker, London lane Pigg Tho. Carpenter, St. Saviour's Back street Pike Wm. Coal Merchant, Barrack street Pillar Barth. Publican, Lower Westwick. Fair Flora Pillans Wm. Esq. Tombland Pitchford John, Surgeon, Snailgate street Pitchers Coal Dealer, St. George's Bridge st. Pitchers Publican, Maddermarket st. Golden Lion Pitcher Isaiah, Pawnbroker, Lobster lane Pritchard John, Baker, Barrack street Primrose Wm. Baker. Pit street Prior Sarah, Lodging House, Bethel street Priest J. F. Chemist and Druggist, St. Giles's Broad street Priest Rich. Grocer, Market Place Pointer Widow, House-broker, Middle Westwick opposite St. Gregory's Church Pointer Wm. Publican, Magdalen st. Cross Keys Pooley Tho. Duffield Maker, Magdalen street Popjoy John, Pavior, Quay side Porter John, Tailor, Little Orford street Porter R. Gun Maker, Little Cockey lane Porter John, Carpenter and Joiner, St. Martin's Palace plain Potter Tho. Publican, All saints green. Rifleman Potter and Ramsbottom, Dyers, Lower Westwick by New Mills Potter Wm. Currier, Lower Westwick, near the Drum Powell John, Gardener, Scoles Green Powell Robert, Gentleman, Rampant Horse street Powley Rob. Hog Butcher, St. Martin's Palace Plain Powley Publican, Fyebridge street. Bishop Blaize Perowne Jas. Boulting Cloth Maker, Coslany st. Plummer Dan. Publican, Middle Westwick.--Fountain Plummer and Massey, Ironmongers, Pottergate st. Plumptre Robt. Esq. Barrister, Pottergate street Purland Rob. Druggist and Grocer, St. Simon's st. Pluxley Publican, St. Martin's Palace street, Cupid and Bow Pye and Riches, Haberdashers, London lane Pye Sam. Esq. St. Martin's Palace Plain Pye Mrs. Ladies' Dress Makers, Pottergate street, near the Checquers QAUNTRILL Wm. Baker, Soutergate street Quantrill John, Shopkeeper, King street, near Horn's Lane Quinton Perry, Throwsterer, Cowgate street RACKHAM Peter, Merchant, King street, St. Julian's Church alley Rackham Matthew, Publican, St. Stephen's street. Bull Rackham Mrs. Shopkeeper, St. Stephen's street, near the George Rackham Wm. Leather Cutter, Coslany Bridge st. Rainsforth John, Publican, Magdalen street. White Lion Rampley George, Innkeeper, Orford hill. Bell Rampley Baker, Middle Westwick, near Prince of Wales Ramm Wm. Pawnbroker, King st. near Rose lane Rand W. F. Surgeon, Tombland Raven, Beare, and Hooker, Wholesale Warehouse, Market Place Ray Fr. Breeches Maker, & Glover, St. Stephen's street Ray Fr. Glover, Magdalen street Reeve Rob. Butcher, Ber street, near Pump Reeve Henry, M. D. Rodney street Reeve John, Musician, St. Stephen's back street Reeve I. S. Baker, Coslany street Reeve Edw. Grocer, Botolph street Reeve Isaac, Duffield Maker, Snailgate street Remmington Richard, Sadler, London lane Reuben Wm. Publican, Ber street. Jolly Butcher Reynolds Edw. Wheel Seller, Castle Ditches Reynolds John, Bar Iron Warehouse, Goat lane Reynolds J. Cowkeeper, St. Jas. outside the walls Riches Robt. Publican, St. Giles's Broad street.--Black Horse Riches Jas. Publican, Heigham street. Crooked Billet Riches Tho. Publican, Cockey lane. Green Dragon Riches Ed. Hairdresser, Pottergate street Riches and Thompson, Merchants, King street, opposite Whalebones Riches Publican, adjoining City Walls, at Cinder Ovens Riches Wm. Wheelwright, St. Benedict's without the city walls Rice Jas. L. Tailor, Rampant Horse street Richer, Nich. Bookbinder, St. Giles's Broad st. Richardson Tho. Druggist, by Duke's Palace Ringer Ed. Leather Cutter, Maddermarket street Ringer Martin, Hairdresser, Middle Westwick, by St. Swithin's church Rigby Ed. Esq. Surgeon, St. Giles's street Rippon James, Tailor, Rampant Horse street Rising Tho. Innkeeper, Castle Ditches. Castle and Lion Rivet Mrs. Silk Dyer, Upper Market Rivet Cha. Musician, St. Giles's Broad street, by Woolpack Rix and Co. Glass Warehouse, Bridewell alley Roach Edw. Tailor, Bank street Roach Rich. Plumber, Glazier, & Lead Merchant, Elm hill Robinson Tho. Schoolmaster, Elm hill Robinson Grocer, Gildengate street Robinson John, Publican, Colegate street. Guild Robinson Mrs. Throwsterer, Botolph street Robinson John, Plumber and Glazier, Magdalen street Roberts Wm. Shawl Manufacturer, Pottergate st. by Day's Bank Roberts John, Shopkeeper, Coslany street Roberds and Son, Manufacturers, St. Saviour's Church lane Roberds John, Heavel & Slea Maker, Snailgate st. Robkin Cook Shop, St. George's Bridge street Rock Rich. Throwsterer, St. James's street Roe Benj. Upholsterer, Colegate street Roe Ed. Shopkeeper, St. Martin's Palace Plain Roe John, Tailor, Swan lane Roe and Son, Grocers, Back of the Inns Rogers Tho. Shoemaker, St. Lawrence lane Rogers Miss Ladies' Boarding School, Magdalen street Rogers Hugh, Brushmaker, St. Simon's street Rooks John, Carpenter and Joiner, Snailgate Root Jas. Whitesmith, St. Saviour's Church lane Roope Tho. Corn Grower, Lakenham Roper John, Publican, King street, at the Ship Roper James, Woollen Draper London lane Rowe Adam, Publican, Allsaints, without the walls. Golden-Lion Rowe Jas. Publican, St. Stephen's st. Two Quarts Rowe Edw. Publican, Lower Goat lane. Roebuck Royal Edm. Shopkeeper, by Rose lane Royal Mrs. Ladies' Dress Maker, Bank street Royal Jas. Miller, Magdalen street Royall Peter, Publican, Coslany Bridge street.--Two Quarts Robinson Wm. Gardener, Heigham street Robinson James, Surgeon, Goat lane Rudd John, Innkeeper, Middle Westwick. Crown Rudram Wm. and Co. Wharfingers, King street, St. Julian Rudram Rich. Carter, near St. Anne's lane, King street Rummer R. Gig and Post Horse Master, Castle Ditches Russell Benj. Watch Maker, Magdalen street Rust Widow, Publican, St. James's. Wrestlers Rust Eliz. Millener, Tombland Rye Wm. Linen Draper, Jail hill SABBERTON and Co. Woolcombers, Pit street Sadd John, Cotton Dyer, Coslany Bridge street Sadler Tho. Innkeeper. Market Place. Angel Sadler Tho. Publican, St. Giles's street. Cock Sadler Wm. Grocer, St. Giles's street Saint Shawl Manufacturer, Pit street Salmon Tho. Baker, Ber street, near the Pump Salmon Rich. Tailor, St. Saviour's Church alley Sampson Wm. Shoemaker, Lower Westwick, by Pump Sampson Aaron, Confectioner, Lower Goat lane Saul Wm. Carpenter, Cow hill Saunders Supervisor of Excise, St. Laurence's lane Saunders Stocking Manufacturer, St. Andrew's Bridge street Sayer John, Liquor Shop, Pudding lane Sayer John, Innkeeper, Upper Market. White-Swan Sayer and Bond, Post Chaise and Horse Masters, Swan yard. St. Peter's Mancroft Say Hugh, Plumber and Glazier, St. Martin's Palace street Say Tho. Plumber & Glazier, St. Giles's Broad st. Stcarnell John, Farmer, Earlham Shalders John, Grocer, St. George's Bridge street Shalders Wm. Leather Cutter, Redwell street Shalders and Son, Sadlers and Collar Makers, Orford hill Sharpe Rich. Publican, outside Magdalen walls.--Artichoke Sharp John, Publican, Elm hill. Crown Shafto Geo. Millwright, St. Martin's street Slater John, Farrier, Hay hill Spratt James, Pawnbroker, by Rising Sun lane Spratt, Wm. Coachmaker, Chaplefield Spratt John, Pawnbroker, Middle Westwick, near Charing Cross Spalls Geo. Carpenter, Pottergate street, near city walls Spanton Wm. Coach and Post Horse Master Sparks Briton, Post Horse and Gig Master, Tombland, Waggon and Horses lane Sparkes Tailor, Colegate street Sparkles Edw. Publican, Barrack street. Duke of York Spalding Dan. Liquor Merchant, Rampant Horse Back street Sparshall Edm. Liquor Merchant, Fyebridge street Smith Draper and Tailor, Brigg's lane Stafford Wm. Hairdresser, Brigg's lane Stafford John, Shopkeeper, St. Stephen's street Stannard Rev. Bethel street Stannard John, Plumber and Glazier, Middle Westwick, Ten Bell lane Stannard Joseph, Publican, Charing Cross. Lord Camden Stannard John, Billiard Table. Little Cockey lane Stannard John, Coal Dealer, outside St. Martin's walls Stannard Joseph, Carpenter & Joiner, Colegate st. Stacey and Son, Chemists and Druggists Orford hill Stagg Henry, Pawnbroker, Barrack street Staff John, Grocer, St. Martin's Palace Plain Stark and Son, Dyers, Colegate street by Moon and Stars Stangroom John, Shopkeeper, Coslany street Stangroom Robt. Gardener, outside St. Martin's walls Stackwood Hog Butcher, Coslany street Starr John, Hog Butcher, St. Martin's street Starling Edm. Shopkeeper, Fishgate street Starling Tho. Boot and Shoemaker, Botolph street Stamford Tho. Publican, near Bishop Bridge. Duke of York Swann John, Tinman, Bethel street Swann Tho. Straw Hat Warehouse, London lane Swann Wm. Tinplate Worker, Magdalen street Seaman Publican, Middle Westwick. Beehive Seggins Mrs. Publican, St. Giles's st. King's Head Sewell Sarah, Publican, St. Stephen's st. King's Head Sewell James, Publican, Coslany street. Sun Sewell & Co. Callico Glaziers, St. Giles's Broad st. Sewter John, Shopkeeper, Coslany street Sexton Wm. Ironmonger, Market Place Sexton Joseph, Shawl Manufacturer, Snailgate st. Shearman R. Carter, Barrack street Sheen Edw. Well-sinker, King st. St. Ethelred Sheldrake John, Tailor, St. Giles's Broad street Sherrell Miss, Millener, Bethel street Shearing Rob. Whitesmith, Golden Ball lane Shreeve Mrs. Shopkeeper, St. Augustine's street Shreeve Henry, Shopkeeper, Botolph street Shephard Jas. Gentleman, Rampant Horse street Skelton Widow, Umbrella Manufacturer, Maddermarket street Skelton Edward, Grocer, Swan lane Skelton Geo. Tailor, Bank Place Skeele Henry, Coffee House, Market Place Skedge Wm. Baker, St. Martin's Palace Plain Stevenson Wm. Farrier, Castle Meadow Stevenson, Matchet and Stevenson, Printers and Booksellers, Market Place Steward John, Esq. Attorney, Castle Meadow Steward Wm. Baker, Cowgate street Steward Jane, Haberdasher, London lane Stevens Charles, Coal Dealer, Colegate street Stevens W. House-broker, by Duke's Palace Sevens Pavior, Colegate street Stewardson Nathaniel, Printer, Bookseller, and Auctioneer, Magdalen street Stebbing Rob. Sadler, Rampant Horse street Stebbing Geo. Publican, Fisher's lane. Bear and Staff Spencer Chris. Carman, King street, opposite Green Man Shilling Sam. Gardener, Cowgate street Shildrake Tho. Lodging House, Middle Westwick, opposite St. Margaret's Church Shrimpling Dan. Throwsterer, Magdalen street Shickle Jas. Plaisterer, Hungate street Sidney John, Publican, King street, near Tombland. Griffin Sidel John, Wholesale Warehouse, Pit street Sillet Mrs. Innkeeper, Tombland. Black Horse Simpson & Rackham, Attorneys, St. Giles's Broad st. Sims and Pitchford, Wholesale Chemists, Elm hill Simons John, Publican, Fishgate street. Tiger Simons Rob. Hog Butcher, Ber street, opposite Flecked Bull Simons John, Tripe Dresser, top of Thorn lane Sillis Fr. Tanner, Heigham street Silvey Rob. Baker, Ber street, by Baker's Arms Silke Ann, Ladies' Boarding School, Chapelfield lane Sizeland Tho. Baker, Bethel street Skipper Sam. Grocer, Dove lane Skipper Rob. Carter, Barrack street Skinner Mary, Shopkeeper, St. Swithin's Church alley Skippon Jas. Ladies' Boot and Shoemaker, Allsaints' green Smith Thomas, Furrier, Jail hill Smith John, Cloathes Seller, Little Orford street Smith Sam. Shopkeeper, St. Giles's street Smith, Tho. Cabinet Maker, St. Giles's Broad street Smith Josiah, Publican, Cow hill. Duke of York Smith Edw. Cabinet Maker, St. Laurence's steps Smith Wm. Tanner, St. Giles's Broad street Smith John, Linen Weaver, by Duke's Palace Smith Blacksmith, Lobster lane Smith W. Innkeeper, Tombland. Waggon & Horses Smith Fr. Publican, Coslany st. Greenland Fishery Smith John, Shopkeeper, St. Martin's street Smith John, do. do. Smith Moses, Pawnbroker, do. Smith John, Druggist, Magdalen street Smith Mat. Tanner, Heigham street Smith Hugh, Gardener, Lakenham Smith Ann, Baker, by Common Pump Smith J. Schoolmaster, Ber st. near Baker's Arms Smith Wm. Shopkeeper, Timberhill opposite Ch. Smith John, Publican, Ber street. Baker's Arm Smith Wm. Lodging House, Allsaints Green Smith Sarah, Publican, Wastlegate st. Red Lion Smith J. Upholsterer, corner of Surry st. St. Stephens Smith Francis, Cooper, Red Lion street Smith Edw. Professor of Botany, Surry street Smith Fr. Woollen Draper, Market Place Smith Wm. Plumber and Glazier, Upper Market Smith Mrs. Fishmonger, Fishmarket Smith James, Shoemaker, Upper Market Springall Tho. Publican, Bethel st. Wheat Sheaf Springall Geo. Publican, London lane. Three Tunns Springall Wm. Carpenter, Cowgate street Springfield and Sons, Pawnbrokers, St. George's Colegate Church alley Springfield Tho. Watchmaker, Colegate street Spinks John, Publican, Muspole st. Woolpack Stiles Tho. Publican, Bank Place. King's Arms Stiles Tho. Staymaker, Bethel street Stringer Jas. Shopkeeper, Pottergate street, by Cow hill Stimpson Rob. Innkeeper, St. Giles's Broad st.-- Black Horse Swift J. Clerk to the Court of Guardians, Fisher's lane Scott James, Baker, St. Stephen's street Scott John, Upholsterer, White Lion street Scott Tho. Brushmaker, do. Scott Surgeon, St. Giles's street Scott Rob. Brazier, Lower Westwick, by steps Scott Publican, near Charing Cross. Jolly Farmers Scott Rob. House-broker, near Charing Cross Scott Martha, Shopkeeper, Colegate street Scott and Spaw, Manufacturers, Colegate street Scott John, Shopkeeper, do. Southgate John, Plumber and Glazier, Timberhill street Southwell Sigismund, Esq. Surry street Southern Geo. Chemist and Druggist, Market Place Sowell J. Publican, Cowgate st. Wheel of Fortune Sowter Mrs. Collar Maker, Trowse Millgate Spooner S. Straw Hat Maker, Ladies' lane Spooner Mary, Ladies' Dress Maker, St. Martin's Palace street Storey John, B Wharfinger, King street Story Charles, Coal-seller, Lower Westwick, the Drum Story Mrs. Publican, Magdalen st. Elephant Stone Wm. Shoemaker, Bridewell alley Stone Fr. Carpenter, King street, near Tombland Stone Sam. Painter, Colegate street Sword John, Post Horse Master, King street, near Tombland Spurrell R. Gardener, Ber street, near Finket st. Squires, late Sims, Chemist and Druggist, London lane Squires and Edwards, Merchants, King st. Common Staithe Squire and Hills, Liquor Merchants, Queen street Stubbs Publican, Wymer street. White Horse Studwell Edw. Chinaman, Market Place Sutten Edw. Shopkeeper, by Charing Cross Sutliffe Rev. Pottergate street, near Goat lane Sunstead Dan. Grocer, Soutergate street Sudbury Tho. Dyer, Fishgate street Sudbury Sam. Gentleman, Allsaints green Sudbury and Son, Upholsterers, Cockey lane Sly & Sons, Clock and Watch Makers, White Lion street Sydall Geo. Butcher, King street, Thorn lane Symons Rob. Tailor, Trowse Millgate Symonds Eliz. Publican, St. Andrews Bridge street. Red Lion Symonds W. Cotton Manufacturer, do. Syrett Confectioner, Dove lane TALLACK Mrs. Pawnbroker, Coslany street Tawell and Tomlinson, Iron Merchants, Back of the Inns Taylor John, Publican, King street, by Horn's lane. Jolly Watermen Taylor Jas. Goldbeater, Ber st. by Baker's Arms Taylor Wm. Esq. Surry street Taylor Adam, Attorney, Orford hill Taylor Wm. Shopkeeper, Middle Westwick near White Lion Taylor Rich. Woolcomber, Middle Westwick, near St. Margaret's Church Taylor Jas. Musician, Pottergate street, opposite St. Laurence's lane Taylor and Utting, Upholsterers, Bridewell alley Taylor M. Shopkeeper, St. James's, by Checquers Taylor Rob. Publican, Hungate st. Jolly Dyers Taylor John, Plumber and Glazier, St. Martin's Palace street Taylor John, Wool and Yarn Factor, Muspole st. Taylor Wm. Publican, St. George's Bridge street. Tunns Taylor Wm. Tailor, Gun lane Taylor Bookbinder, Market Place Twaites Alex. Linen Draper, London lane Tenant Rob. Gardener, Magdalen street Thetford Widow, Pawnbroker, Norman's lane Theobald Wm. Breeches Maker, White Lion street Theobald John, do. Cockey lane Theobald Sarah, Millener, Cockey lane Treasure Wm. Cordspinner, Magdalen street Tremlett & Deterville, Classical School, Wymer street Thirtle John, Boot and Shoemaker, Magdalen st. Tidd Mary, Druggist, Elm hill Tillet Wm. Publican, Hungate st. White Lion Tillett Tho. Draper and Hosier, Lower Goat lane Tilyard Rob. Shopkeeper, Fyebridge street Tilyard Rob. Manufacturer, Fishgate street Tinkler John, Tanner, Heigham street Tipple Tho. Tailor and Salesman, Dove lane Titter B. P. Cabinet Maker, St. Simon's street Trigg Fr. Tailor, Bethel street Twiddy Jas. House-broker, Timberhill by Church Thorpe Tho. Publican, Middle Westwick. Queen of Hungary Thorpe John, Publican, Dove lane. Shoulder of Mutton Thompson Jas. Rev. Bank Place Thompson Mrs. Publican, Snailgate street. Fortune of War Thompson John, Bricklayer, Colegate street Thorne Wm. Gardener, outside St. Giles's walls Todd Honor, Publican, King street. Black Horse Todd Sam. Patten Maker, Timberhill street Toft Sam. Tavern Keeper, Lobster lane. Sun and Anchor Toll George, Chinaman, Market Place Toll Rob. Warehouseman, do. Toll Henry, Woollen Draper, do. Tomlinson Rob. Staymaker, St. Andrew's steps Tomlinson Wm. Hatter and Hosier, Back of the Inns Tompson, Susan, Publican, King street. Music House Tompson Tim. Beer Brewer, King street Tompson Guy, Publican, Ber st. King's Arms Tompson Wm. Shoemaker, Bethel street Tompson John, Shawl Manufacturer, Snailgate st. Tompson Joseph, Miller, Bishopgate street Tompson Rob. Shopkeeper, Bishopgate street Tompson Ann, Publican, King street. Imperial Arms Tooke Mrs. Shopkeeper, Peacock street Tooke J. B. Esq. by Horse Fair Tooley Rob. Butcher, King street, near Cock Tooley Publican, Thorn lane. Ship Townshend Jas. Shopkeeper, St. Martin's street Towler Shawl Maker, Gildengate street Town and Harrison, Post Chaise & Horse Masters, Pottergate street Town Dan. Publican, Pottergate street. Ordnance Arms Troughton Tho. Surgeon, Coslany street Trombetta Cha. Weather Glass Maker, Timberhill by Church Thurston Sam. House-broker, by Dukes's Palace Thurston John, do. do. Thurgar Chris. Ladies' Academy, St. Giles's Broad street Thurlow Henry, Cordspinner, St. Martin's street Trueman Rich. Shoemaker, Pottergate street, near Cockey lane Tubby Sam. House-broker, St. Stephen's street Tuck Rob. Publican, King street. Trooper Tuck John, Hog Butcher, Elm hill, near the Hand Tunwell Wm. Shopkeeper, St. Giles's street Turner John, Publican, St. George's Bridge st.--Shakespeare Turner Cha. Schoolmaster, Cowgate street Turner Nich. Cotton Manufacturer, Ber street, near Church Turner Wm. Shopkeeper, Orford hill Turner W. G. Tailor and Draper, near Charing Cross Turner Tho. Shoemaker, St. Gregory's Ch. alley Turner Tho. Jeweller and Engraver, London lane Turner John, Carpenter, Pottergate st. by Goat lane Tuthill John and Co. Beer Brewers, Coslany st. Tuthill James, Shopkeeper, Soutergate street Tuttle John, Throwsterer, Botolph street VARNISH Benj. Butcher, Ber street, near the Pump Varnish Edw. Farmer, Thorpe Hamlet Varnish Rich. Hairdresser, Gildengate street Vialas Circulating library, Orford hill Vincent Wm. Earthenware-seller, St. Gregory's Church alley Vincent James, Shawl Manufacturer, St. Clement's Church alley Vince J. Publican, Trowse Millgate. Pine Apple UNDERWOOD Jas. Bricklayer, King street by Mountergate Church Upcroft John, Publican, Charing Cross, at Charing Cross Upcroft Wm. Publican, Coslany st. Woolpack Upcroft Wm. House-broker, Magdalen street Utting Stephen, Shopkeeper, Trowse Milgate WADE John, Butcher, Upper Market Wade James, do. do. Wagstaff Baker, St. Mary's Plain Waite John, Brazier, St. Giles's Broad street Waite Wm. Brazier, London lane Waites Georg. Toy Shop, Bank Place Waites Tho. Oatmeal Maker, Wastlegate street Waites John, Publican, Coslany Bridge street.--White Hart Waller John, Publican, Upper Market. Old Ch. Stile Walpole Sarah, Shopkeeper, King street, bottom of Stepping lane Walker Isaac, Gunsmith, St. Stephen's street, by Peacock Walker John, Bricklayer and House-broker, Hungate street Walker Tho. Machine Maker, Hungate street Walker Amos, Baker, Coslany street Walkington Jas. Livery and Lace Manufacturer, St. Giles's Broad street Wall Mark, Cotton Manufacturer, Weaver's lane Want Tho. Norwich Courier Office, London lane Warnet John, Bricklayer, King street, opposite Story's Wharf Ward Henry, Butcher, Ber st. rear Jolly Butchers Ward George, do. do. near Pump Ward Robt. do. do. do. Ward John, Innkeeper, St. Stephen's st. George Ward Wm. Liquor Shop, Market Place. Chop House Ward Joseph, Shopkeeper, Barrack street Warren James, Shopkeeper, Ber st. near Windmill Warters Geo. Innkeeper, Upper Market. Pope's Head Warnes John, Hairdresser, Queen street Warne Geo. Musician, King st. near Tombland Warne Lydia, Clear Starcher, Colegate street Warnes Robt. Publican, Fishgate st. Sawyers Ward John, Baker, Red Lion street Warner Jas. Blacksmith, Eaton Watts Tho. Brass Founder, Rose lane Watts, Aggs and Williams, Warehousemen, Little Cockey lane Watson Edw. Coal Merchant, St. Anne's lane Watson John, Baker, Orford hill Watson Rich. Farrier, Pottergate st. near Goat lane Watson Rev. Gildengate street Watling Jas. Carpenter, Timberhill, by Church Watling James, Tailor, Lower Westwick, near the Three Turks Watling Simon, Publican, Coslany street. Eight Ringers Waterson Ed. House-broker, Bridewell alley Watcham Tho. Gardener, Heigham street Watcham and Son, Gardeners, Eaton Whall Philip, Publican, Cowgate street. Queen's Head Whall John, Baker, Market Place, Bear yard Webb and Son, Wool and Yarn Factors, Coslany Bridge street Webster Rev. Stephen, Bracondale Webster John, Publican, King street. Wherry Webster Wm. Innkeeper, St. Simon's st. Maid's Head Webster James, Boot and Shoemaker, Magdalen street Weeks Wm. Plumber, and Glazier, Botolph street Wells Wm. Attorney, Theatre square Wells Mary, Pawnbroker, St. Martin's street Welton Wm. jun. Baker, Middle Westwick, near Charing Cross Welton Wm. House-broker, St. Gregory's Church alley Welch, John, Miller, Thorpe Hamlet Wenn Jas. Gingerbread Baker, St. Stephen's road West John, Linen Draper, Cockey lane Weston Cha. Beer Brewer, St. George's Bridge street Wetherick Jeremiah, Publican, Brigg's lane.--Fountain White Wm. Publican, St. Saviour's Back street.--Mischief White Eliz. Shopkeeper, St. Martin's street White Tim. King street, opposite Raven White Jas. Shoemaker, Upper Market White J. E. Ironmonger, Orford hill Whitelock, Mrs. Millener, Orford hill Whitehead W. Woolcomber, inside St. Augustine's walls Whitley Jonathan, Bricklayer, Botolph street Wicks Wm. Innkeeper, Duke's Palace Inn Wiffen Sam. Baker, Trowse Milgate Wiley Tho. Woolcomber, Soutergate street Wild Wm. Liquor Shop, White Friars Bridge st. Wilde Rob. Coal Dealer, Rising Sun lane Wilcockson and Co. Milleners, White Lion street Williams Tho. Liquor Shop, Middle Westwick, by Charing Cross Wilkins Cha. Publican, Upper Goat lane. New Goat Wilkins Jas. Plasterer, St. Benedicts Church alley Wilkinson Joseph, Sadler and Harness Maker, St. Giles's Broad street Willement Mrs. Hosier, Middle Westwick, near the steps Willement Martin, Manufacturer, Snailgate street Wilson W. Shoemaker, Dove lane Wilson Tho. Confectioner, Queen street Wilson Wm. House-broker, St. Stephen's street Wilson Joseph, Duffield Maker, St. Stephen's st. near the Crown Wilson Tho. Publican, Heigham street. Flower in Hand Wilson Widow, Duffield Maker, Middle Westwick, near St. Margaret's Church Wilsea Sam. House-broker, near Duke's Palace Wilsea Ann, Shopkeeper, near Duke's Palace Wilsea Peter, Plumber and Glazier, Coslany st. Wilsea Robert, Cotton Manufacturer, Cowgate street Wilch Jas. Baker, King st. opposite St. Julian's Church Wilkerson Rev. Surry street Wilmot Rob. Hat Maker, Dove lane Winter Shoemaker, St. George's Bridge street Wild Fr. Shopkeeper, Magdalen street Wilkes Mark, Farmer, Magdalen street Wimperis Mrs. Haberdasher, Bridewell alley Winter A. Baker, St. Simon's street Winter Jas. Shopkeeper, Lower Westwick, near New Mills Winter James, Baker, St. Margaret's Plain Wiseman Wm. Duffield Maker, Soutergate street Wright J. H. Plaisterer, St. Lawrence's lane Wright Warner, M. D. St. Giles's Broad street Wright John, Linen Draper, London lane Wright Robert, Shopkeeper, King street, near Griffin Wright and Davey, Gun and Pistol Makers, Queen street Wright Thomas, Shopkeeper, St. George's Bridge street Wright Throwsterer, Snailgate street Wright Susan, Shopkeeper, by St. Anne's lane King street Wright John, Hose Yarn Maker, Timberhill street Wright Rob. Linen Manufacturer, Chapelfield lane Wright Christopher, Woolcomber, St Giles's st. Wright John, Boat-builder, Carrow Wright John, Coal Merchant, Magdalen street Woolverton Miss, Ladies' Dress Maker, Elm hill Wolverton Edw. Cabinet Maker, Queen street Woodcocke William, Haberdasher, White Lion street Woodcock John, Hairdresser, Upper Market Woods John, Publican, by Mancroft Church.--Farriers Woods Tho. Duffield Maker, Middle Westwick, near Prince of Wales Woods Mrs. Publican, Barrack st. Black Boys Woodward George, Porkseller, St. Stephen's street near the George Woodward Gunsmith, Hay hill Woodhouse Wm. Shoemaker, Back of the Inns Woodbine John, Manufacturer, Goat lane Woodrow Tho. Carpenter, Bank Place. Woodrow John, Publican, Botolph st. Globe Woodrow Tho. Surveyor, Snailgate street Woodgate Phil. Woolcomber, Magdalen street Woolterton John, Publican, Tooley st. Flower in Hand Worth and Carter, Manufacturers, Gildengate st. Wyatt Noah, Shoemaker, St. Stephen's street Wyeth Nathaniel, Bricklayer, St. Margaret's Plain Wymer John, Publican, Buff-coat lane. Buff-coat YARINGTON I. C. Plumber and Glazier, King street opposite Compasses Yeoman Jonathan, Publican, Barrack st. Griffin Youngs Peter, Publican, St. Stephen's street. City of Norwich Young J. Innkeeper, Castle Ditches. York Tavern Youngman Wm. Dyer, Cowgate street Youngman and Green, Stocking Manufacturers, Fyebridge street ZIPFEL Wood Clock Maker, St. Andrew's Bridge street Zipfel C. do. Magdalen street [Picture: Decorative symbol of the Castle at Norwich] MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. JOHN PATTESON, Esq. _Town Residence_, Miller's Hotel, Jermyn-street. WILLIAM SMITH, Esq. _Town Residence_, Park-street, Westminster. A LIST OF THE CORPORATION OF NORWICH, 1810-1811. _Elected Alderman_ _Wards_ _Sheriff_ The R. W. J. _Mayor_ January, 1807 N. Conisford 1808 STEWARD, Esq. Charles Harvey, _Recorder_ Esq. Robert Alderson, _Steward_ Esq. Thomas Back, Esq. _Deputy- June, 1808 Mancroft 1809 Mayor_ Robert Harvey, _Alderman_ January, 1768 Coslany 1766 Esq. John Morse, Esq. do. July 1777 N. Conisford 1779 Starling Day, _Alderman_ September 1777 W. Wymer 1775 Esq. Robert Partridge, do. October 1778 Ber-street 1780 Esq. Jere. I. Harvey, do. January 1779 Ber-street 1779 Esq. Jeremiah Ives, do. September 1779 E. Wymer 1782 Esq. R. Harvey, jun. do. January 1780 E. Wymer 1784 Esq. J. Patteson, Esq. do. December 1781 St. Stephens 1785 J. Harvey, Esq. do. July 1787 Mid. Wymer 1784 J. Buckle, Esq. do. January 1788 St. Giles's 1787 W. Herring, Esq. do. May 1795 S. Conisford 1786 J. Browne, Esq. do. March 1798 St. 1794 Stephen's James Marsh, Esq. do. July 1802 W. Wymer 1802 Edward Rigby, do. November 1802 Colegate 1803 Esq. Robert Herring, do. February 1805 S. Conisford 1791 Esq. Starling Day, do. April 1807 St. Giles's 1789 jun. Esq. Mr. Alderman do. August 1797 Mid. Wymer 1804 Leman -- Alderman May 1804 Colegate 1800 Jonathan Davey -- Alderman J. W. December 1806 Fyebridge 1807 Robberds -- Alderman J. H. February 1809 Mancroft 1799 Cole -- Alderman J. H. June 1809 Fyebridge 1805 Yallop -- Alderman W. September 1810 Coslany Hankes SHERIFFS. F. MORSE, Esq.--T. TROUGHTON Esq. COMMON COUNCIL. Mr. HENRY HARMER, _Speaker_. _Conisford Ward_, 12. Mr. C. Browne } Mr. I. P. Cocksedge I. Kitton } _Nominees_. S. Sudbury I. Angell, jun } W. Rackham D. Bloom I. Hutchinson E. Browne F. G. Atkinson H. Gridley G. Chapman _Mancroft Ward_, 16. Mr. P. Chamberlain } Mr. H. Harmer R. Beatniffe } _Nominees_. Jos. Fitch H. Francis } G. Le Bas Hardy C. Chamberlain D. Copping Jas. Bennet Jas. Brookes T. Eaton R. Dunham J. Keymer T. S. Day Jas. Adams Rich. Wright _Great Wymer Ward_, 20. Mr. S. Mitchell } Mr. Rob. De Carle J. Reynolds } _Nominees_. J. P. Garrad J. Gapp } Cha. Gills Alex. Thwaites J. H. Wright Jas. Nosworthy W. Cork R. Roach E. Ringer F. Horne A. Brown Jas. Roper A. A. H. Beckwith B. Johnson J. Culley J. S. Turner F. L. Boyce _Northern Ward_ 12. Mr. W. Hankes } Mr. E. Devereaux T. Troughton } _Nominees_. Jas. Smith H. Fisk } M. Fountain J. Herring J. Deacon, jun. J. Oxley W. Howard J. Rooks T. Woodrow COMMITTEES IN NORWICH. _Chamberlain's Council_. The Mayor, Starting Day, jun. T. Back, J. Browne, Esqrs.--Messrs. I. Reynolds, R. Dunham, A. Thwaites, and W. Hankes. _Hospital Committee_. J. Harvey. W. Herring, J. Browne, E. Rigby, and T. Troughton, Esqrs.--Messrs. H. Harmer, S. Mitchell, and D. Coppin. _City Committee_. R. Harder, R. Partridge, R. Harvey, jun. and J. Marsh, Esqs.--Messrs. C. Chamberlain, I. P. Cocksedge, A. Brown, and J. Gapp. _Market Committee_. The Mayor, I. Browne, J. Marsh, Esqrs. and Mr. Alderman Leman--Messrs P. Chamberlain, S. Sudbury, F. Horne, and R. Roach. _Clavers_. Mr. Alderman Cole, and Mr. Alderman Yallop, Messrs. E. Ringer, and J. S. Turner. _Auditors_. J. Patteson, W. Herring, and I. Browne, Esqrs. Messrs. R. Beatniffe, J. Roper, J. Bennett, and J. P. Garrad. _Tonnage Committee_. R. Harvey, S. Day, R. Partridge, and I. Browne, Esqrs.--Messrs. D. Bloom, C. Browne, G. L. Hardy, and J. F. G. Atkinson. _River and Street Committee_. R. Harvey, J. Morse, W. Herring, and J. Harvey, Esqrs.--Messrs. E. Browne, J. Angel, junr. R. De Carle, and J. Kitton. _Committee to inspect the Assembly Bonds_ E. Rigby, R. Herring, and T. Back, Esqrs. and Mr. Alderman Robberd--Messrs. J. Nosworthy, J. Deacon, J. Herring, and T. Eaton. _Coal Committee_. J. Morse, R. Herring, and S. Day, jun. Esqrs.--Messrs. H. Gridley, J. Keymer, J. Hutchinson, and A. A. H. Beckwith. _Committee of Appeals to the River Water Assessments_. (_By the Assembly_) R. Partridge, and Esqrs.--Messrs. C. Gills, and R. Wright. (_By the Lessees_) Messrs. J. Webb, T. Hawkins J. Cozens, J. Grand. [Picture: Decorative divider] _Officers of the Court_. E. De Hague, Gent. _Town Clerk_ J. Roach, Gent., Mr. F. L. Boyce, _Coroners_ W. Simpson, Gent. _Chamberlain_ W. Foster, S. Stone, _Under Sheriffs_ Mr. T. Lubbock, _Sword Bearer_ Mr. W. Mack, _Chief Constable_ Mr. J. Lawter, _Under Chamberlain_ Mr. R. Harman, _Clerk of the Market_ Mr. C. Hubbard, _Clerk of the Cattle Market_, _and Hay Weigher_ Mr. J. Dunham, _Water Bailiff_ Mr. S. Cole, jun. _Inspector of Corn Returns_ [Picture: Decorative divider] _Treasurers of the several Hospitals_, _&c._ _Great Hospital_, R. Harvey, jun. Esq. _Court Bonds & Tonnage_ S. Day, jun. Esq. _Doughty's Hospital_, R. Harvey, jun. Esq. _Assembly Bonds_, J. Steward, Esq. _Boy's Hospital_, R. Harvey, jun. Esq. _Girl's Hospital_, Mr. W. DALRYMPLE, Surgeon to the four Hospitals. Mr. B. BIRD, Steward to the Estates of the same. The CORPORATION of GUARDIANS of the POOR of NORWICH. R. ALDERSON, Esq. _Governor_: W. HERRING, Esq. _Deputy Governor_. S. DAY, jun. Esq. _Treasurer_. The MAYOR, RECORDER, STEWARD, SHERIFFS and ALDERMEN for the time being. _MESSRS._ _MESSRS._ C. Browne S. Mitchell J. Kitton J. Reynolds J. Angel J. Roper E. Browne R. Roach S. Sudbury A. Browne W. Rackham A. A. H. Beckwith A. Squires J. Pitchford A. Mackie J. Stannard, jun. P. Chamberlain W. Hankes R. Beatniffe T. Troughton H. Harmer H. Fisk D. Coppin J. Herring R. Dunham J. Rooks W. Shanke R. Ward A. Taylor J. Angier W. Cutting J. Webb W. SIMPSON, Gent. _Clerk_. Mr. J. SWIFT, _Beadle_. T. NICHOLS, _Assistant Beadle_. C. CHURCH, _Mayor's Constable and Removal Officer_. T. WARREN, and J. SIMMONS, _Visitors_. _City Surgeons_. Mr. J. KEYMER, for Mancroft ward, part of Wymer ward, the Hamlets of Eaton, Earlham, Heigham, and the Jail. Mr. J. ROBINSON, for Conisford ward, part of Wymer ward, the Hamlets of Trowse, Carrow, Bracondale, and Lakenham with the Workhouse, and Bridewell. Mr. S. S. DEACON, for the Northern ward, the Hamlets of Pockthorpe, Hellesdon, Thorpe and the Infirmary. _City Man-Midwife_, Mr. W. DALRYMPLE. * * * * * _Governors of Bethel_. JEREMIAH IVES, Esq. Catton, President. W. Herring, Esq. Rev. R. Parr J. Gurney, Esq. R. Plumptre, Esq. S. Southwell, Esq. W. Foster _Treasurer_, J. Gurney, Esq. Lakenham _Physicians_, Dr. Wright, and Dr. Reeve _Surgeon and Apothecary_, Mr. J. Keymer _Steward_, Mr. W. S. Millard _Clerk_, Mr. T. Stoughton _Master_, Mr. James Bullard Committee the first Monday in every Month _Norfolk & Norwich Hospital_. OFFICERS OF THE CHARITY. T. BLOFELD, Esq. _Treasurer_. _Physicians_, Drs. Alderson, Wright, & Reeve _Surgeons_, Messrs. Rigby, Martineau, & Coleman _Assistant-Surgeon_, Mr. Bond _Secretary_, Mr. J. Deacon _Apothecary_, Mr. G. Hardy _Matron_, Mrs. Isabella Warcup The Physicians and Surgeons attend in turn, (_gratis_) every Saturday, at eleven o'clock, to take in Patients, and every Thursday, at the same hour, to prescribe to the out Patients. _Commissioners for selling the Land Tax_. The MAYOR, and two Senior Justices for the time being. C. Harvey, T. Blake, and R. Plumptre, Esqrs. _Commissioners for executing the Property Act in Norwich_. R. Plumptre, J. Patteson, M. P. J. Harvey, J. Marsh, J. Ives, R. Harvey, jun. W. Herring, J. C. Hampp, T. Blake, E. De Hague, W. Foster, E. T. Booth, E. Squires, and H. Gurney, Esqs. Mr. S. Stone, _Clerk_, his office on Elm-hill. _Committee of Woolcombers_, Appointed by Act of Parliament for "More effectually preventing abuses & Frauds committed by persons employed in the Manufactories of Combing wool and worsted yarn," in Norfolk and Norwich. Messrs. J. Day, J. Sabberton, T. Troughton, H. Gridley, P. Woodgate, T. Wiley, W. Dale, W. Scott, S. Lawes, R. Clabbourn. [Picture: Decorative divider, finis] _C. Berry_, _jun. Printer_, _Dove-Lane_, _Norwich_ A Corrected List of Carriers to and from Norwich. [The first column of figures shews the distance of each place from Norwich.] _The Hours having this Mark_, [*] _before them_, _signify in the Morning_. _M._ _Towns_. _Where they _Come in_. _Go out_. set up_. 11 ACLE Black Horse W. W. S. 1 & Horse Shoes, Tombland, and Jolly Farmers, St. Martin's at Palace 15 Aldborough Black Horse F. S. 2 Tombland & St. Giles', & Golden Lion, St. John's Mad. 8 Alderford By the W. S. W. S. 1 Reepham Carrier 14 Antingham Southreps & N. Walsham Carriers 8 Ashwelthorpe Red Lion, W. S. W. S. 10 Orford-hill 12 Aslacton. George, S. S. 2 Hay-market 14 Attleborough Lamb and W. S. W. S. 12 George, Hay-market 8 Attlebridge Fakenham, W. S. W. S. 11 Foxley, & Hindolv. Car. 11 Aylesham Wod. Hart, & W. S. W. S. 11 B. Swan, St. Peter's 165 Birmingham Coaches and Waggons 17 Bacton Bull, F. S. 12 Magdalen- street 7 Barford Hingham Carrier 24 Barney Black Horse, Tu. W. 11 St. Giles' 15 Barningham B. Horse, St. Giles', & Gresham Car. 40 Barton Mills Star, Tu. Tu. 3 Hay-market, and Coaches 14 Bawdeswell Foxley and Hindolveston Carriers 18 Beccles White Hart, M. F. Tu. S. 11 Star, and White Lion 33 Beechamwell White Lion, W. Th. 10 St. Benedict's 13 Blickling Aylesham Carrier 6 Blofield Coaches, F. S. 2 Acle Carrier, and Waggon and Horses, Tombland 11 Booton Moon & W. S. W. S. 11 Stars, Crown & Scep. St. Mic. 26 Botesdale Lamb, F. S. 10 Hay-market, & Bury Coach 6 Bracon Ash Ashwelthorpe and Carleton Carriers 16 Bradfield Southreps Carrier 73 Braintree Star, in the Market 24 Blakeney Holt Carriers 17 Briston Greenland F. S. 11 Fishery, St. Mic. Cos. 7 Brooke Greyhound, W. S. W. S. 3 St. Stephen's 21 Brockdish Wool Pock. T. F. W. S. 12 St. GiIes' & Pope's Head 15 Buckenham White Hart F. W. S. 12 14 Bungay Star and M. T. F. T. W. S. Barley Mow, Hay-market 11 Bunwell Buckingham and Kenninghall Car. 18 Burgh Bull, F. S. 2 Magdalen- street 9 Burlingham Acle and W. S. W. S. 3 Blofield Carriers 37 Burnham Labour in T. W. 2 vain 42 Bury St. Edmund Star and Th. F. F. 11 & 3 Lamb, Hay-market 8 Buxton Erpingham and Skeyton Carriers 29 Castle Acre Watton Carrier 63 Cambridge London Machines and York Wag. 10 Cantley Hasingham Carrier 14 Carlton Rode White Lion, W. S. W. S. 12 St. Peter's 22 Caston Ellingham and Watton Carriers 14 Catfield Elephant, W. F. W. S. 12 Magdalen- street 11 Cawston Ringers, St. W. W. S. 12 Michael's Coslany, and Jolly Farmers, St. John's Mad. 25 Cley Holt Carriers 3 Colney Hingham and Shipdham Carriers 7 Coltishall Duke's Pal. M. W. S. M. W. S. 2 and Pope's Head 15 Corpusty Edgefield T. W. 10 Carrier 22 Cromer Wounded T. F. W. S. 10 Heart and Pope's Head 5 Crostwick Coltishall Carrier 16 Dereham Labour in M. T. F. T. W. S. 11 Vain and Pope's Head 16 Dickleborough Diss and Hoxne Carriers 22 Diss Star and T. S. W. S. 12 Lamb, Hay-market 42 Downham White Lion, W. Th. 10 St. Benedict's 4 Drayton Lyng and Walsingham Carriers 15 Earsham Harleston and Bungay Carriers 5 Easton Mattishall and Yaxham Carriers 14 Ellingham Nag's Head, F. S. 10 St. Stephen's, and George, Hay-market 18 Elmham Duke's W. F. Th. S. *5 11 Palace and Wounded Heart 13 Elsing Lyng Carrier 50 Ely City York Waggons W. Th. 10 24 Erpingham Bull, F. S. 11 Magdalen- street 24 Eye Wool-pocket, F. S. 12 St. Giles' 19 Edgefield White Horse, F. S. 11 St. Laurence 25 Fakenham W. Hart, T. F. W. F. 2 Wool-pocket, and Labour in Vain, Jail hill 18 Felbrigge Cromer and Gresham Carriers 13 Felmingham Skeyton Carriers 22 Fieldalling Pope's Head, T. F. 5 St. Peter's 11 Forncet Yarmouth S. S. 2 Bridge, Red Lion-lane, and George, Hay-market 18 Foulsham Labour in F. S. 12 Vain 15 Foxley Wounded F. S. 12 Heart 4 Framlingham Bungay Carrier 30 Fressingfield Greyhound F. S. 11 6 Frettenham Swanton Carrier 11 Freethorpe White Lion, S. S. 2 St. Martin's Palace 20 Garboldisham Kenninghall Carrier 12 Garveston White Lion, S. S. 2 St. Benedict's 18 Gresham Black Horse, F. S. 11 Tombland, & Wounded Heart, St. Peter's 18 Guist Wells and S. 11 Walsingham Carriers 22 Gunthorpe Pope's Head F. S. 5 16 Gunton Black Horse, S. 11 St. Giles' 12 Hardwick Nag's Head, S. 2 St. Stephen's 20 Hampstead Edgefield Carrier 24 Halesworth White Hart M. F. Tu. S. 11 and Star, St. Peter's 203 Hallifax York Waggons Tu. Tu. 61 Halstead London T. W. 12 Coaches and Star 13 Halvergate Three S. S. 2 Farmers, St. Martin's Palace 19 Happisburgh King's Head, F. S. 11 Magdalen- street 9 Hapton George, S. S. 12 Hay-market 20 Harleston Wt. Hart, & F. S. 11 Wool-pocket, St. Giles' 20 Harling Crown, St. F. S. 11 Step. & Kenninghall Car. 9 Hasingham White Lion, S: S. 12 St. Martin's 8 Hevingham Shoulder of S. S. 2 Mutton, St. Augustine's 9 Heveringland Cawston Carrier 14 Heydon Moon and W. S. W. S. 1 Stars, St. Mic. Coslany, Rec. Serj. and Cawston Carrier 12 Heddenham Bungay and Harleston Carriers 10 Hempnall Nag's Head, W. S. W. S. 2 St. Stephen's 5 Hetherset Wymondham Carrier 16 Hickling Cat and F. S. 12 Fiddle, Magdalen- street 18 Hindolveston Moon and F. S. 12 Stars, and Black Horse 21 Hindringham Wounded T. W. 2 Heart 14 Hingham Cur. Arms, M. T. F. W. T. S. 11 Lobster, & W. Pocket 10 Hockering Dereham Carriers 22 Holt Bull, Mag. M. Tu. F. Tu. Th. S. 8* street, and Pope's Head 19 Hockham Bull, St. F. S. 11 Stephen's 14 Honing Dilham and Bacton Carriers 9 Horning Catfield and Ludham Carriers 4 Horsford Cawston and Edgefield Carriers 4 Horsford St. Faith Aylesham Carrier 33 Houghton Pope's Head M. T. 11 23 Hoxne Wool-pocket, F. S. 11 St. Giles' 7 Honingham Dereham Carriers 15 Ingham King's Head, F. S. 11 Magdalen- street 13 Ingworth Ditto T. F. W. S. 2 42 Ipswich Ditto, and T. W. 12 Diss Carrier 14 Itteringham Gresham Carrier 35 Ixworth Bury Carriers 19 Kenninghall Greyhound, F. S. 11 St. Stephen's 16 Knapton Cat & F. S. 1 Fiddle, & Elephant, Mag. st. 10 Lammas Bull, W. S. 2 Magdalen- street 193 Leeds Halifax and York Carriers 15 Lessingham White Horse, F. S. 1 Magdalen- street 24 Litcham Blk. Horse, T. F. W. S. 1 Cur. Arms, and W. Poc. 124 Lincoln Coaches and Waggons 230 Liverpool Ditto 10 Loddon Greyhound, F. S. 1 St. Stephen's 10 Long Stratton Cock, St. W. S. W. S. 1 Stephen's 13 Ludham Crown and W. S. W. S. 1 Anchor, St. Augustine's 8 Lingwood Black Horse, S. S. 2 Tombland. 11 Lyng Duke's W. S. W. 3 Palace, & Bl. Boys, St. Geo. 42 Lynn Regis B. Horse, C. W. S. W. 2 Arms, W. Pkt. & W. Ht. 42 Mildenhall London Waggons 9 Marsham Cherry-tree, W. S. W. S. 3 St. Augustine's 29 Massingham Pope's Head M. Tu. 11 12 Mattishall P. of Wales, W. S. W. S. 3 St. Bennet's & W. Poc. 202 Manchester Coaches and Waggons 20 Mendham Harleston Carrier 10 Morley Nag's Head, F. S. 10 St. Stephens 13 Moulton Shoulder of S. S. 3 Mutton, St. Stephen's, and Bell, Orford-hill. 5 Mulbarton Ashwelthorpe and Forncet Carriers 17 Mundesley Cat and F. S. 12 Fiddle, Magdalen- street 12 Neatishead White Horse, W. S. W. S. 2 Magdalen- street 24 Necton Wool-pocket, F. S. 11 St. Giles' 35 Needham Stowmarket Th. F. 2 waggons 49 Newmarket London Waggons and Mails 6 Newton Long Stratton Carriers 14 N. Walsham Duke's T. F. W. S. 2 Palace, and Pope's Head 13 Oulton Greenland F. S. 12 Fishery, St. Mic. Cos. 16 Pott. Heigham Ludham Carrier 16 Pulham Cock, St. T. F. W. S. 3 Stephen's, & Wool-pocket 4 Rackheath Ludham Carrier 25 Rainham Fakenham Carrier 14 Reedham Hasingham Carrier 20 Redenhall Harleston Carrier 11 Reepham Moon and W. S. W. S. 1 Stars 14 Rockland Ellingham Carrier 12 Reymerstone White Lion, F. S. 1 St. Benedicts 7 Saxlingham Star and W. S. W. S. 2 Crown, St. John's Timb. 35 Saxmundham Halesworth Carrier 15 Saxthorpe Edgefield Carrier 20 Scole Diss Carriers and Mails 9 Seething Wool-Pocket, S. S. 2 St John's Timberhill 10 Scottow K. Hd. Mag. W. S. W. S. 2 st. Lobster, & D. Palace 20 Sherringham Boy and Cup, W. S. W. S. 11 and Wounded Heart 19 Shipdham Black Horse, M. F. T. S. 11 St. Giles' 6 Shottisham Star and W. S. W. S. 2 Crown, Orford-hill 11 Skeyton King's Head, S. S. 2 Magdalen- street 10 Sloley Bull, ditto W. S. W. S. 3 11 Smallburgh Ditto F. S. 2 17 Southreps Ditto F. S. 12 10 S. Walsham Wh. Lion, S. S. 2 St. Martin's, & Waggon and Horses, Tmbld. 32 Southwold Star, T. W. 1 Hay-market 12 Sparham Fakenham and Walsingham Cars. 14 Stalham Bull, F. S. 1 Magdalen- street 22 Stanfield Lobster W. T. 2 5 Stoke Holy Cross Hardwick Carrier 40 Stow Ipswich Carrier and Mails 35 Stowmarket White Hart W. Th. 2 and ditto 7 Stratton Strawless Aylesham W. S. W. S. 1 Carrier 9 Strumshaw Farmers, St. S. S. 11 Martin's Palace 13 Swanton Morley Black Horse, F. S. 5 St. Giles' 27 Swaffham Curriers Tu. F. W. S. 10 Arms, and Lobster 8 Swannington Reepham Carrier 5 Swainthorpe Tasburgh Carrier 11 Swanton Abbots King's Head, W. F. S. W. S. 2 Cross Keys, and Bull Mag-street 4 Swardiston Tacolneston Carrier 13 Suffield Black Swan, S. 1 back of the Hall 9 Tacolneston Yarmouth F. S. 2 Bridge, Red Lion-lane 8 Tasburgh Ditto W. S. W. S. 2 28 Thetford Mails and Waggons 14 Thymelthorp Hindolveston Carrier 40 Thornham Woolpocket, Tu. Tu. 2 St. Giles' 26 Thursford Black Horse, T. W. 11 St. Giles' 16 Trunch W. Horse, F. S. 10 Mag str. & N. Walsh. Car. 26 Tottington Skeyton Carrier 27 Walsingham Woolpocket, T. Th. W. F. 2 and Wounded Heart 21 Watton Cur. Arms, M. T. F. T. W. S. 11 Lobster, and Wool-poc. 31 Wells Wounded T. Th. F. W. F. S. 3 Heart, and Wool-pocket 55 Wisbeach Woolpocket W. Th. 12 14 Wolterton Erpingham Carrier 42 Woodbridge Star and M. T. Th. T. W. F. 1 White Hart 42 Woolpit Stowmarket Carrier 14 Worstead White Horse, S. S. 2 Magdalen- street 7 Wreningham White Lion, W. S. W. S. 2 White Lion-lane, and Ashwelthorpe Carrier 6 Wroxham W. Horse, F. S. 11 Mag.-st. and Ludham Car. 9 Wymondham Nag's Head, W. S. W. S. 2 Cock, Shoulder Mutton, Recruiting Serjeant, and Coachmaker's Arms, St. Steph. 22 Yarmouth Machine and Barge 13 Yaxham Woolpocket, S. S. St. Giles' 190 York Star, Tu. F. Tu. F. 4 Hay-market 30 Yoxford Ditto M. T. 2 _C. Berry_, _jun. Printer_, _Dove-lane_, _Norwich_. 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