The Project Gutenberg eBook of Selected Records of Reptiles and Amphibians from Kansas

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Title : Selected Records of Reptiles and Amphibians from Kansas

Author : John Breukelman

Hobart M. Smith

Release date : December 3, 2010 [eBook #34554]
Most recently updated: January 7, 2021

Language : English

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[Pg 101]

Selected Records of Reptiles and Amphibians
from Kansas



University of Kansas Publications
Museum of Natural History

Volume 1, No. 5, pp. 101-112
August 15, 1946


[Pg 102]

University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History

Editors: E. Raymond Hall, Chairman, Donald S. Farner, Donald F. Hoffmeister

Volume 1, No. 5, pp. 101-112
Published August 15, 1946

University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas



[Pg 103]

Selected Records of Reptiles and Amphibians
from Kansas



Preparation of a handbook of reptiles and amphibians by the junior author has led to a survey of the collections of these animals at Kansas State Teachers College in Emporia. Numerous locality records of interest and importance have been accumulated there through the efforts of the senior author and a number of his students, particularly Mr. Allen Downs. The more important records, including the first record for Kansas of Rana sylvatica , are reported here. We have not mentioned specimens that are from counties from which the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History already has specimens.

Specimens examined by Smith are indicated by an asterisk; those identified by the late Dr. F. N. Blanchard are indicated by an encircled period (none of these specimens are now available). All other specimens here recorded have been examined either by the senior author or by Mr. Allen Downs, or by both. Specimen numbers, unless otherwise indicated, are those of the Kansas State Teachers College collection.

Triturus viridescens louisianensis (Wolterstorff), Newt.— Cherokee Co. : 1 mile north and 4 miles east of Crestline (No. 164).* This is a terrestrial adult, and provides the second known locality for the species in the state.

Ambystoma texanum (Matthes), Narrow-mouthed Salamander.— Lyon Co. : Emporia.

Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium (Baird), Tiger Salamander.— Lyon Co. : (No. 292); 2 miles east of Americus. Ness Co. : Ness City (No. 591).

Scaphiopus bombifrons Cope, Plains Spadefoot.— Ness Co. : 4 miles west, 1.5 miles north of Ness City (No. 592).

Bufo americanus americanus (Holbrook), American Toad.— Chase Co. : 10 miles southwest of Saffordville. Cherokee Co. : 4 miles southeast of Columbus. Lyon Co. : 6 miles south of Plymouth (No. 290)*; Emporia (Nos. 442, 443).* The records from Chase and Lyon counties represent the westernmost localities for the species in Kansas. [Pg 104]

Bufo cognatus Say, Great Plains Toad.— Ness Co. : 4 miles west and 1.5 miles north of Ness City (No. 594).

Bufo woodhousii woodhousii (Girard), Rocky Mountain Toad.— Clark Co. : 11 miles south of Bucklin (No. 401).* Decatur Co. : Sappa Creek near Oberlin (2 spec.).* Ford. Co. : 5 miles southwest of Dodge City (1 spec.).* Lyon Co. : Emporia (No. 352).* Ness Co. : Ness City (Nos. 502-504, 595, 596)*; 4 miles west, 1.5 miles north of Ness City (No. 593).* Sheridan Co. : Sheridan County State Park (Nos. 565-568).

Acris crepitans Baird, Northern Cricket Frog.— Ness Co. : 4 miles west and 1.5 miles north of Ness City (Nos. 506, 507, 597-606).*

Pseudacris nigrita triseriata (Wied), Striped Chorus Frog.— Lyon Co. : 10 miles south of Plymouth; 3 miles north of Emporia (No. 300); 7 miles west of Olpe; 2 miles northeast of Emporia (Nos. 434-441).* Neosho Co. : 3 miles west of Erie.

Hyla versicolor versicolor (Le Conte), Common Tree Toad.— Chautauqua Co. : Elk City (No. 621).

Rana catesbeiana Shaw, Bullfrog.— Ness Co. : 4 miles west and 1.5 miles north of Ness City (No. 607).* Wallace Co. : 3 miles east of Sharon Springs (1 spec.).*

Rana pipiens brachycephala Cope, Leopard Frog.— Clark Co. : 11 miles south of Bucklin (Nos. 398-400).* Ness Co. : 4 miles west and 1.5 miles north of Ness City (Nos. 505, 508, 509, 608).*

Rana sylvatica cantabrigensis Baird, Wood Frog.— Lyon Co. : extreme southwestern corner, 3 miles east of Chase County line, between the Verdigris River and the corner of the county (1 specimen, now Mus. Nat. Hist., Univ. Kans., No. 23149).* This specimen provides for the first time a basis for inclusion of the species in the fauna of Kansas. It measures 50 mm. snout to vent; hind leg from vent 80 mm.; tibia 23 mm. The ratio of hind leg to snout-vent measurement is 0.625, and that of the tibia to snout-vent measurement is 2.17. Both figures are too high for Rana s. sylvatica , in which the former ratio varies between 0.53 and 0.62, the latter ratio between 1.6 and 1.88. The ratios agree well with those of R. s. cantabrigensis , in which the former ratio varies from 0.62 to 0.75, the latter from 1.93 to 2.3. Direct comparison of the specimen with typical examples of both subspecies substantiates its allocation to R. s. cantabrigensis .

In the vicinity of Kansas, specimens of this species are known from Missouri (St. Louis and Stone Counties only) and northwestern Arkansas (Washington County: Winslow and Prairie Grove, Mus. [Pg 105] Nat. Hist., Univ. Kans., Nos. 16526, 18820, 18823). Reëxamination of these specimens confirms their identity as Rana sylvatica sylvatica to which the Missouri specimens from Stone County undoubtedly also belong. Accordingly this race is still to be anticipated in extreme southeastern Kansas.

Reference of the specimen from Lyon County to Rana s. cantabrigensis presents a problem in distribution, for the race is not known from nearer Kansas than North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and southern Illinois, except for a record given by Cope (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 34:437, 1889) from "western Missouri." Hurter (Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., 20:123, 1911) restricts this record to Cooper County, and presumably verifies Cope's identification. Hurter, too, recognized the other form, R. sylvatica , in Missouri (Marble Cave, Stone County). Cope distinguished between the two races (as they are now recognized) and recorded typical R. sylvatica from St. Louis. Accordingly the specimen from Cooper County may be considered properly identified racially. It apparently is from the locality nearest to Kansas at which the race has been taken.

It seems highly probable that the Kansas occurrence, and possibly those in Arkansas and Missouri also, is a relict one. It is highly improbable that the species has a continuous distribution in either state. A wider or more southern distribution in the past seems evident. The group to which it belongs certainly has had a more southern range, as indicated by Taylor's discovery in Meade County, Kansas (Univ. Kans. Sci. Bull., 28:217, 1942), of a fossil species of Rana ( parvissima ), from the Upper Pliocene, presumably related to sylvatica . It may or may not have been a direct ancestor of the living species.

Microhyla olivacea (Hallowell), Northern Narrow-mouthed Toad.— Lyon Co. : 6 miles southwest of Emporia. Wilson Co. : 7 miles northeast of Fall River.

Crotaphytus collaris collaris (Say), Collared Lizard.— Geary Co. : 4 miles south of Fort Riley. Wabaunsee Co. : 2 miles northeast of Alma.

Holbrookia maculata maculata (Girard), Earless Lizard.— Chase Co. : 7 miles south of Saffordville (No. 350)*; 6 miles southwest of Saffordville; 1 mile south of Saffordville (No. 338)*; 10 miles southwest of Olpe. Hodgeman Co. : Jetmore. Lyon Co. : 5 miles south of Plymouth; 6 miles southeast of Emporia; 9 miles southwest of Emporia. Ness Co. : 4 miles west and 1.5 miles north [Pg 106] of Ness City (Nos. 480, 481, 484-497, 609-611)*, 6 miles west and 0.5 miles south of Ness City (Nos. 482, 483, 498).*

Sceloporus undulatus garmani Boulenger, Northern Plains Lizard.— Ellsworth Co. : Carneiro; 10 miles south of Ellsworth. McPherson Co. : 4 miles west of Roxbury (No. 133). Ness Co. : 4 miles west and 1.5 miles north of Ness City (No. 479, 612).*

Phrynosoma cornutum (Harlan), Texas Horned Lizard.— Ellsworth Co. : 10 miles south of Ellsworth. Lyon Co. : 1 mile south of Emporia; 8 miles southwest of Emporia. Saline Co. : Coronado Heights; 3 miles northwest of Lindsborg.

Ophisaurus ventralis (Linnaeus), Glass-snake Lizard.— Lyon Co. : Emporia; 1 mile southwest of Emporia (No. 288).* Rooks Co. : 5 miles southwest of Stockton (No. 407).*

Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (Linnaeus), Six-lined Racerunner.— Ellsworth Co. : Carneiro. Lyon Co. : 1.5 miles northwest of Reading. Shawnee Co. : 5 miles east of Topeka (No. 14).*

Leiolopisma laterale (Say), Brown Skink.— Labette Co. : 7 miles northwest of Mound Valley (No. 301).* Lyon Co. : 1.5 miles northwest of Reading. Wilson Co. : 4 miles southwest of Coyville (No. 281).*

Eumeces fasciatus (Linnaeus), Common Five-lined Skink.— Bourbon Co. : 1 mile north of Fulton. Chase Co. : 7 miles southwest of Saffordville; 6 miles south of Clements; 2 miles south of Saffordville. Franklin Co. : 8 miles east of Ottawa; 2 miles south of Ottawa; 2 miles southwest of Lane; 4 miles east of Ottawa; 5 miles southwest of Ottawa. Labette Co. : 2 miles southwest of Dennis; 7 miles northwest of Mound Valley. Lyon Co. : 1.5 miles northwest of Reading. Miami Co. : 2.5 miles south of Fontana. Montgomery Co. : 5 miles west of Independence. Neosho Co. : 4 miles northwest of Erie (No. 318).*

Eumeces obsoletus (Baird and Girard), Sonoran Skink.— Coffey Co. : 4 miles south of Gridley (No. 467).* Ellsworth Co. : 10 miles south of Ellsworth. Franklin Co. : 2 miles south of Lane. Linn Co. : 0.5 miles north of Trading Post. Lyon Co. : 1.5 miles northwest of Reading; 10 miles south of Plymouth; 2.5 miles northeast of Dunlap; 4 miles southwest of Bushong; Emporia (No. 433)*; Dunlap (No. 444).* McPherson Co. : 4 miles west of Lindsborg. Morris Co. : 5 miles east of Skiddy; 1 mile east of Skiddy. Neosho Co. : 15 miles north of Parsons. Wilson Co. : 3 miles east of Buffalo.

Eumeces septentrionalis septentrionalis (Baird), Northern [Pg 107] Prairie Skink.— Chase Co. : 6 miles south of Clements; 1 mile south of Saffordville; 11 miles southwest of Olpe (No. 348).

Diadophis punctatus arnyi (Kennicott), Prairie Ring-necked Snake.— Bourbon Co. : 1 mile north of Fulton. Chase Co. : 5 miles southwest of Saffordville (No. 334)*; Elmdale (No. 146)*; 3 miles west of Bazaar. Franklin Co. : 2.5 miles southeast of Peoria; 2 miles south of Lane. Linn Co. : 0.5 miles north of Trading Post. Lyon Co. : 1.5 miles northwest of Reading (Nos. 6, 372)*; Emporia. Morris Co. : 5 miles south of Council Grove (Nos. 469-472). Neosho Co. : 4 miles northwest of Erie (No. 316).* Osage Co. : 8 miles southwest of Auburn. Shawnee Co. : 5 miles east of Topeka. Wabaunsee Co. : 2 miles northeast of Alma. Wilson Co. : 3 miles east of Buffalo.

Carphophis amoena vermis (Kennicott), Western Worm Snake.— Bourbon Co. : 6 miles northwest of Fort Scott. Chase Co. : 6 miles southwest of Cottonwood Falls (No. 365).* Geary Co. : 5 miles southwest of Wreford. Greenwood Co. : 4 miles northwest of Lamont (Nos. 516, 517).* Johnson Co. : 3 miles east of De Soto. Labette Co. : 9 miles northeast of Parsons (No. 313).* Linn Co. : 3.5 miles south of Pleasanton. Lyon Co. : 2 miles northeast of Reading; 5 miles northwest of Emporia. Neosho Co. : 4 miles northwest of Erie (No. 314).* Shawnee Co. : Wakarusa. Wilson Co. : 2 miles northwest of Neodesha (No. 322).*

Heterodon contortrix contortrix (Linnaeus), Common Hog-nosed Snake.— Saline Co. : Coronado Heights; 3 miles northwest of Lindsborg.

Heterodon nasicus nasicus Baird and Girard, Western Hog-nosed Snake.— Chautauqua Co. : Peru. Ness Co. : 6 miles west and 0.25 miles south of Ness City (No. 501)*; 5 miles northwest of Ness City (Nos. 619, 620).* Rooks Co. : Stockton (No. 418). Scott Co. : Near Scott City (Nos. 511-513, 515).*

Coluber constrictor flaviventris (Say), Blue Racer.— Butler Co. : 3 miles south of El Dorado. Chase Co. : 5 miles south of Saffordville (Nos. 4, 110, 122-129, 656, 657).* Chautauqua Co. : 1 mile south of Chautauqua (No. 375).* Geary Co. : 5 miles southwest of Wreford. Labette Co. : 7 miles northwest of Mound Valley (No. 356).* Lyon Co. : 5 miles northwest of Reading (No. 226)*; 2 miles west of Olpe (No. 341)*; 5 miles northwest of Emporia (No. 397)*; 17 miles southwest of Emporia (No. 655).* McPherson Co. : 4 miles west of Roxbury. Morris Co. : 4 miles west of Delavan. Neosho Co. : 4 miles northwest of Erie; 8 miles southeast of Chanute. [Pg 108] Ness Co. : 5 miles northwest of Ness City (No. 617).* Wilson Co. : 3 miles east of Buffalo; 2 miles northwest of Neodesha; 7 miles northeast of Fall River.

Masticophis flagellum flagellum (Shaw), Eastern Coachwhip.— Wilson Co. : 2 miles northwest of Neodesha (No. 302).* Elk Co. : 5 miles west of Grenola (No. 3).*

Masticophis flagellum testaceous (Say), Western Coachwhip.— Ness Co. : 5 miles northwest of Ness City (No. 616).* Rooks Co. : Stockton (Nos. 411, 412).*

Elaphe laeta laeta (Baird and Girard), Emory Rat Snake.— Chase Co. : 5 miles southwest of Saffordville (Nos. 117-120, 130, 326, 354)*; Wolf Creek; 2 miles northeast of Strong City (No. 366).* Coffey Co. : 7 miles east of Lebo. McPherson Co. : Lindsborg. Morris Co. : 10 miles south of Council Grove (No. 230).* Saline Co. : Salemsborg. Wilson Co. : 3 miles east of Buffalo (No. 161).*

Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta (Say), Pilot Black Snake.— Atchison Co. : Atchison (No. 15).* Labette Co. : 4 miles north of Oswego (No. 320).* Lyon Co. : Emporia (Nos. 12, 374, 514)*; 5 miles northwest of Emporia (No. 337); 1.5 miles northwest of Reading (No. 634).* Morris Co. : 0.5 miles north of Wilsey. Neosho Co. : 4 miles northwest of Erie (Nos. 321, 359).* Wabaunsee Co. : 4 miles southwest of Alma. Wilson Co. : 7 miles northeast of Fall River.

Pituophis catenifer sayi (Schlegel), Common Bull Snake.— Atchison Co. : Atchison. Chase Co. : 4 miles east of Elmdale; Toledo; 13 miles west of Emporia; Saffordville (No. 212).* Cherokee Co. : 4 miles southeast of Columbus. Coffey Co. : 6 miles west of Waverly. Ford Co. : Bucklin (No. 405).* Franklin Co. : 2 miles southwest of Lane. Hodgeman Co. : Jetmore. Jefferson Co. : 3 miles south of Nortonville. McPherson Co. : Lindsborg. Morris Co. : 3 miles southeast of Diamond Springs; 6 miles west of Council Grove; 4 miles west of Dwight; 3 miles north of Burdick; 3 miles east of Delavan. Ness Co. : 4 miles west and 1.5 miles north of Ness City (Nos. 499, 500, 615).* Rooks Co. : 5 miles southwest of Stockton (Nos. 409, 410).*

Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster (Harlan), Yellow-bellied King Snake.— Butler Co. : U. S. Highway 54 near Greenwood County line. Coffey Co. : 13 miles east of Emporia. Franklin Co. : 5 miles southwest of Ottawa (No. 207).* Lyon Co. : 8 miles east of Emporia (No. 2)*; 3 miles east of Emporia; 3 miles southeast of Olpe; southwest of Emporia (No. 216); 6 miles south of Plymouth (No. 22)*; 1.5 miles northwest of Reading (No. 633).* McPherson [Pg 109] Co. : Western edge of Lindsborg. Osage Co. : 4 miles northeast of Overbrook.

Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki (Stejneger), Speckled King Snake.— Chase Co. : 5 miles southwest of Saffordville (No. 109); 2 miles southwest of Elmdale (No. 363).* Hodgeman Co. : Jetmore. Lyon Co. : 5 miles east of Emporia; 4 miles southwest of Bushong (No. 200).* Marion Co. : 4 miles east of Antelope (No. 10).* Morris Co. : 1 mile east of Skiddy. Woodson Co. : Lake Fegan (No. 626).* Wilson Co. : 3 miles east of Buffalo (No. 162).*

Lampropeltis triangulum gentilis (Baird and Girard), Western Milk Snake.— Chase Co. : 5 miles southwest of Saffordville (Nos. 121, 131, 406).☉ Gove Co. : Fair Grounds (No. 18). Greenwood Co. : 4 miles southwest of Lamont (No. 376)☉; 6 miles south of Wilbur. Scott Co. : near Scott City (No. 510).*

Lampropeltis triangulum syspila (Cope), Red Milk Snake.— Cherokee Co. : 3 miles east of Crestline (No. 559). Franklin Co. : 2 miles southwest of Lane (No. 174).☉

Sonora episcopa (Kennicott), Great Plains Ground Snake.— Wilson Co. : 2 miles northwest of Neodesha (Nos. 303-305, 323-325).*

Natrix erythrogaster transversa (Hallowell), Yellow-bellied Water Snake.— Chase Co. : 6 miles south of Clements; 6 miles southwest of Saffordville; 3 miles east of Cottonwood Falls; 10 miles east of Matfield Green; 7 miles south of Plymouth (No. 287); Elmdale Hill, 0.5 miles east of Elmdale (No. 291)*; 10 miles southwest of Olpe (No. 343).* Lyon Co. : 9 miles south of Plymouth (No. 25); Emporia (No. 30)*; 5 miles northwest of Emporia (No. 67); 1 mile north of Hartford (No. 108)*; 7 miles southeast of Saffordville (No. 283).

Natrix grahami (Baird and Girard), Graham Water Snake.— Lyon Co. : Admire; 5 miles south of Plymouth (No. 19)*; 6 miles east of Emporia (No. 40)*; 0.5 miles north of Hartford (No. 85)*; 2 miles east of Emporia (No. 208)*; Emporia (No. 588).*

Natrix rhombifera (Hallowell), Diamond-backed Water Snake.— Lyon Co. : 1 mile south of Emporia (Nos. 218-225)*; 8 miles northwest of Emporia (Nos. 28, 29, 240, 261)*; 2 miles southeast of Emporia (Nos. 32-35)*; 5 miles northwest of Reading.

Natrix sipedon sipedon (Linnaeus), Common Water Snake.— Barber Co. : 8 miles west of Medicine Lodge. Bourbon Co. : 1 mile north of Fulton (No. 184).* Lyon Co. : 5 miles northeast of Emporia (No. 5)*; 9 miles south of Plymouth (No. 23)*; 1 mile west [Pg 110] of Neosho Rapids; 2 miles southeast of Emporia (No. 142, 211)*; 9 miles northeast of Emporia (No. 41); 3 miles northwest of Emporia (No. 66); 8 miles northwest of Emporia (Nos. 75, 78, 241, 254, 272)*; 5 miles south of Hartford (No. 86); 1 mile north of Hartford (Nos. 91, 100); 7 miles southwest of Emporia (No. 116); Emporia (No. 239). Morris Co. : 3 miles southwest of Council Grove. Shawnee Co. : 4 miles east of Topeka (No. 31).*

Haldea striatula (Linnaeus), Southern Ground Snake.— Cherokee Co. : 3 miles east of Crestline (No. 317)*; 2 miles north of Baxter Springs; 1 mile north and 4 miles east of Crestline.

Thamnophis radix radix (Baird and Girard), Plains Garter Snake.— Chase Co. : 5 miles southwest of Saffordville. Lyon Co. : Emporia (Nos. 209, 210)*; 1.5 miles northwest of Reading. Ness Co. : 5 miles northwest of Ness City (No. 618).*

Thamnophis sauritus proximus (Say), Western Ribbon Snake.— Chase Co. : 1 mile south of Saffordville (No. 340).* Lyon Co. : 2 miles southeast of Emporia (No. 38)*; 5 miles northwest of Emporia (Nos. 68-70)*; 12 miles southeast of Emporia (No. 215)*; 5 miles northwest of Reading (No. 229).* Wilson Co. : 3 miles east of Buffalo.

Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis (Say), Red-sided Garter Snake.— Barber Co. : 8 miles north of Medicine Lodge. Dickinson Co. : 1.5 miles northwest of Herington. Lyon Co. : 2.5 miles southeast of Emporia (No. 39)*; 1 mile northeast of Emporia (Nos. 43-48)*; 5 miles northwest of Emporia (No. 71)*; 8 miles northwest of Emporia (No. 84).* Wabaunsee Co. : 2 miles northeast of Alma.

Tropidoclonion lineatum (Hallowell), Lined Snake.— Chase Co. : Saffordville; 3 miles northeast of Bazaar. Labette Co. : 1 mile north of Montana (No. 362).* Lyon Co. : Emporia; 9 miles south and 5 miles west of Emporia. Marion Co. : 4 miles east of Antelope (No. 11).* Morris Co. : 3 miles east of Woodbine (Nos. 518-520).* Rooks Co. : 5 miles northwest of Stockton (Nos. 414, 415).*

Tantilla gracilis Baird and Girard, Slender Tantilla.— Cherokee Co. : 3 miles east of Crestline (Nos. 540-544). Geary Co. : 4 miles south of Fort Riley. Wilson Co. : 3 miles east of Buffalo; 7 miles northeast of Fall River; 2 miles northwest of Neodesha.

Tantilla nigriceps nigriceps Kennicott, Great Plains Black-headed Snake.— Rooks Co. : 5 miles northwest of Stockton (No. 416); Stockton (No. 417). This is the northernmost known record for the species. [Pg 111]

Agkistrodon mokeson mokeson (Daudin), Southern Copperhead.— Atchison Co. : Atchison (Nos. 201, 202, 573, 578)*; 5 miles north of Atchison (No. 653).* Bourbon Co. : 6 miles northwest of Fort Scott (No. 294).* Cherokee Co. : 1 mile north and 4 miles east of Crestline (Nos. 165-170)*; 2 miles east of Riverton (No. 293).* Coffey Co. : 4 miles northeast of Burlington. Franklin Co. : 2 miles southwest of Lane (Nos. 187-192, 194).* Lyon Co. : 1.5 miles northwest of Reading (No. 7).* Wabaunsee Co. : 2 miles northeast of Alma (No. 195).* Woodson Co. : Lake Fegan (Nos. 627, 628, 630-632, 649).*

Sistrurus catenatus tergeminus (Say), Western Massasauga.— Chase Co. : 5 miles southwest of Saffordville (Nos. 8, 26, 112, 113, 295)*; 3 miles southwest of Elko (No. 145)*; 11 miles northeast of Matfield Green (No. 231)*; 8 miles south of Clements; 2 miles southwest of Elmdale (No. 333); 10 miles southwest of Olpe (No. 344).* Lyon Co. : 10 miles south of Plymouth (Nos. 20, 121)*; 8 miles southwest of Emporia (No. 114)*; 5 miles northwest of Bushong (No. 353)*; 11 miles northeast of Emporia (No. 474). Wabaunsee Co. : Kansas State Highway 99 just north of Lyon County (No. 641).*

Crotalus horridus horridus (Linnaeus), Timber Rattlesnake.— Atchison Co. : Atchison (Nos. 204-206)*; 5 miles north of Atchison (Nos. 642-652).*

Crotalus viridis viridis (Rafinesque), Prairie Rattlesnake.— Hodgeman Co. : Jetmore.

Sternotherus odoratus (Latreille), Common Musk Turtle.— Cherokee Co. : 1 mile north and 4 miles east of Crestline (No. 171).

Kinosternon flavescens flavescens (Agassiz), Yellow Mud Turtle.— Ford Co. : Rattlesnake Creek 2 miles south of Bucklin (1 spec.).* Pratt Co. : 5 miles southeast of Pratt. Sheridan Co. : Sheridan County State Park (No. 569).

Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Linnaeus), Common Snapping Turtle.— Chase Co. : 10 miles southwest of Olpe (No. 345); 3 miles east of Cottonwood Falls; 5 miles northeast of Strong City. Greenwood Co. : (1 spec.).* Lyon Co. : 1.5 miles northwest of Reading (No. 336); 5 miles south of Plymouth; 10 miles north of Emporia; Admire; 4 miles northwest of Olpe; Emporia. Sheridan Co. : State Lake; 7 miles northeast of Quinter.

Terrapene ornata (Agassiz), Ornate Box Turtle.— Chase Co. : 14 miles southwest of Olpe; 6 miles south of Clements; 5 miles southwest of Saffordville. Coffey Co. : 4 miles south of Gridley (No. [Pg 112] 468)*; 1 mile west of Agricola (No. 638).* Ellsworth Co. : 10 miles south of Ellsworth. Greenwood Co. : (1 spec.).* Hodgeman Co. : Jetmore. Lyon Co. : 6 miles south of Plymouth; 8 miles southwest of Emporia; 7 miles west of Olpe. Morris Co. : 5 miles northwest of Council Grove; 1 mile east of Skiddy; 5 miles south of Council Grove. Rice Co. : Sterling. Rooks Co. : Solomon River near Stockton (No. 408).*

Terrapene triunguis (Agassiz), Carolina Box Turtle.— Coffey Co. : 1 mile west of Agricola (No. 637).*

Chrysemys picta bellii (Gray), Painted Turtle.— Chase Co. : Kahola Creek, near Morris County line. Dickinson Co. : 1.5 miles north of Herington. Ford Co. : Rattlesnake Creek; 2 miles south of Bucklin (1 spec.).* Lyon Co. : 3 miles north of Emporia; 6 miles south of Plymouth. Ness Co. : 4 miles west and 1.5 miles north of Ness City (Nos. 613, 614).* Sheridan Co. : Sheridan County State Park (No. 570). Wilson Co. : 4 miles southeast of Buffalo. Woodson Co. : Owl Creek north of Yates Center (1 spec.).*

Pseudemys floridana hoyi (Agassiz), Toothed Turtle.— Greenwood Co. : Holmer Creek south of Hamilton on Kansas State Highway 99 (Mus. Nat. Hist., Univ. Kans., No. 23148).* This is the second published locality for the species in Kansas; it has previously been reported from a locality 5.5 miles northeast of Coyville, Woodson County (Burt and Hoyle, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 37:198, 1934).

Pseudemys scripta elegans (Wied), Scribe Turtle.— Chase Co. : 7 miles southwest of Saffordville. Lyon Co. : 10 miles northwest of Emporia; 7 miles south of Plymouth.

Amyda mutica (Le Sueur), Spineless Soft-shelled Turtle.— McPherson Co. : Lindsborg.

Amyda spinifera spinifera (Le Sueur), Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle.— Chase Co. : 10 miles southwest of Olpe; 7 miles southwest of Saffordville (No. 351).* Lyon Co. : 5 miles east of Emporia. Ness Co. : 5.5 miles northwest of Ness. Sheridan Co. : State Lake; 7 miles northeast of Quinter.
