2024-06-03T02:41:16Z Gehirne: Novellen by Gottfried Benn Free eBooks since 1971. Project Gutenberg 25 1 2024-06-03T02:41:16Z Gehirne: Novellen

This edition had all images removed.

Title: Gehirne: Novellen

Contents: Gehirne -- Die Eroberung -- Die Reise -- Die Insel -- Der Geburtstag.

Credits: Produced by Jens Sadowski

Author: Benn, Gottfried, 1886-1956

EBook No.: 35435

Published: Mar 1, 2011

Downloads: 260

Language: German

Subject: German fiction

LoCC: Language and Literatures: Germanic, Scandinavian, and Icelandic literatures

Category: Text

Rights: Public domain in the USA.

urn:gutenberg:35435:2 2011-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Public domain in the USA. Benn, Gottfried de 1
2024-06-03T02:41:16Z Gehirne: Novellen

This edition has images.

Title: Gehirne: Novellen

Contents: Gehirne -- Die Eroberung -- Die Reise -- Die Insel -- Der Geburtstag.

Credits: Produced by Jens Sadowski

Author: Benn, Gottfried, 1886-1956

EBook No.: 35435

Published: Mar 1, 2011

Downloads: 260

Language: German

Subject: German fiction

LoCC: Language and Literatures: Germanic, Scandinavian, and Icelandic literatures

Category: Text

Rights: Public domain in the USA.

urn:gutenberg:35435:3 2011-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Public domain in the USA. Benn, Gottfried de 1