The Project Gutenberg eBook of Bible Stories and Pictures. From the Old and New Testaments

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Title : Bible Stories and Pictures. From the Old and New Testaments

Author : Anonymous

Release date : July 4, 2011 [eBook #36611]

Language : English

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Book Cover




The execution

The Crucifixion of Christ.

Published by S. Babcock.


[Pg 2]




When the children of Israel were journeying from Egypt to the land of Canaan, Moses disobeyed one command of the Lord. For this act, God told him he should not enter [Pg 3] the Land of Promise. But as Moses repented of his sin, God said he should be permitted to see the land.

So, when they arrived near Canaan, God said to Moses, Go to mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, and I will shew thee the land which I have promised to the children of Israel; and after that thou shalt die.

Then Moses went to the top of the mount, where he could see the land which the children of Israel were to inherit. And God then said to Moses, This is the land which I promised to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; I have caused thee to see it, but thou shalt not go into it.

[Pg 4]



Samson was one of the judges of Israel, after the death of Moses. He was the strongest man that ever lived. In his time the Philistines were at war with the Israelites. [Pg 5] These Philistines were a nation of heathen, who worshipped idols instead of the great God who made us all. Samson in one battle killed a thousand of them with the jaw-bone of an ass. After this, they found out one night that he was in their walled city, called Gaza, and so they fastened the great gates of the city, thinking they could in this way keep him there till morning, and then kill him.

But Samson arose at midnight and took the two great gates of the city, with the bar and the gate posts, and carried them to the top of a high hill, a great way off. In this way he escaped out of the hands of his enemies.

[Pg 6]

David and Goliath


While Saul was king of Israel, the Philistines made war upon him and his people. Among them was a giant, named Goliath, who went out in front of Saul's camp, in the morning and evening, for [Pg 7] forty days, and offered to fight any man in his army.

David, who was then a mere shepherd-boy, heard of this giant and his boastful challenge. He offered to go out and fight Goliath, trusting that God would enable him to conquer this proud enemy of his people. So he went out, taking with him only his sling and a few smooth pebbles. When Goliath saw him, he laughed at the Israelites for sending a mere boy to fight him. But David threw a stone with his sling with such force as to drive it into the giant's forehead. He then cut off his head with Goliath's own sword, and carried it to king Saul in triumph.

[Pg 8]

John and Christ


When Jesus Christ was about thirty years old, he began to preach the glad tidings of salvation. About the same time, John the Baptist was also preaching to the people and baptizing them. He lived [Pg 9] in the wilderness, and wore a garment of camel's hair, with a leathern girdle about his loins. He told of the coming of Christ, and warned all to repent of their sins. Many believed and were baptized.

Jesus also went to him to be baptized. John with great humility said, I have more need to be baptized by thee. But Jesus answered, Suffer it to be so this time. Then John baptized him in the river Jordan, and as he was coming out of the water, the Spirit of God descended upon him in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven was heard, saying, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.

[Pg 10]

A miracle


One of the first miracles performed by our Savior, was at Cana in Gallilee. There was a wedding there, and he and his disciples were among the guests. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was also one of the [Pg 11] company. Before the wedding feast was over, the wine was all gone, and Mary said to her son, They have no wine. Then Jesus ordered the servants to fill six water-pots, which were standing near, with water; and they filled them up to the brim. He then said to them, Draw out now and bear some to the ruler of the feast. And they did so.

When the ruler of the feast, who knew nothing of all this, had drank of the water which was made wine, he said to the bridegroom, Most men serve out the best wine first, and after that the poorer; but you have kept the good wine till now.

[Pg 12]

A child being blessed


Some mothers brought their little children to the Savior, that he might bless them. His disciples, however, told the women to go away and not trouble their master with children. Then Jesus, hearing this, reproved his disciples [Pg 13] and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And he then took them in his arms and blessed them.

Should you not like the Lord Jesus to bless you, my dear little reader? Then pray to him and he will do so. He is the same kind friend to little children now that he was then, and he loves all who love and serve him. Try, then, to be good, and he will love and bless you. You will then be happy in this world, and when you come to die you will go to heaven and be happy with him in the world to come.

[Pg 14]



There was a young man named Saul; he was a Pharisee, and a man of great learning, but he hated all the followers of Christ, who were then called, as they are now, by the name of Christians. So great was his hatred, that [Pg 15] he put many of them in prison and was in favor of having others put to death.

Once, when he was going to the city of Damascus, with authority to take the followers of Jesus prisoners, a light suddenly shone upon him with exceeding great brightness. It was so dazzling that he could not bear it, and he fell from his horse to the ground. At the same time he heard a voice calling out, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And Saul asked, Who art thou, Lord? Then the voice answered, I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest. Then said Saul, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? He was told to go to [Pg 16] the city and he should be there shown what to do.

When he arose from the ground he was entirely blind, and was led by his attendants to the city, and in three days his sight was again restored to him.

After this he was called Paul, and became one of the most energetic preachers of the gospel that the Christian religion ever had. By his zeal and learning he was able to confound all the Jews, and to prove that Jesus was the Christ,—the Son of God. At last, after a life of great usefulness, but of much trial and suffering, he was cruelly beheaded by the enemies of his divine Lord and Master.

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Transcriber's Note