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Title : Select List of Books ... Relating to the Far East

Compiler : Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography

Editor : Appleton P. C. Griffin

Release date : January 11, 2012 [eBook #38552]
Most recently updated: January 8, 2021

Language : English

Credits : Produced by Barbara Tozier, Bill Tozier, Diane Monico, and
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Transcriber's Notes

[Pg 3]


This List deals with the later conditions in the Far East. The political and economic aspects are the special subjects dealt with. For convenience of consultation the titles are arranged under the following subdivisions: Russia; History, politics, etc.; Russian expansion; Trans-Siberian railroad; Tibet; Manchuria; Japan; Korea; Russo-Japanese relations; Far East: American relations; Far East: European relations; Anglo-Russian relations; and China.

History of Russia. —A compendium of Russian history is Morfill's "A history of Russia from the birth of Peter the Great to Nicholas II." Rambaud's "The history of Russia" is a work of greater extent, the later editions bring the history down to 1904. In Wallace's "Russia" the history stops at 1877.

Recent works in English on the internal affairs of Russia are Brüggen's "Russia of to-day;" Drage's "Russian affairs;" Latimer's "Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century;" Leroy-Beaulieu's "The empire of the tsars and the Russians;" Palmer's "Russian life in town and country;" and Schierbrand's "Russia, her strength and her weakness." The volumes issued by the Russian government in connection with the World's Columbian exposition contain much statistical information. Works in foreign languages to be specially noted are: Anspach's "La Russie économique et l'œuvre de M. de Witte;" Brüggen's "Das heutige Russland;" Danielson's "Histoire du développement économique de la Russie depuis l'affranchissement des serfs;" Delage's "Chez les Russes;" Deschamps's "La Russie au 20 me siècle;" Kovalevskiĭ's "La Russie à la fin du 19 e siècle;" Kupchanko's "Russland in Zahlen;" Machat's "Le développement économique de la Russie;" Niet's "La Russie d'aujourd'hui" and Strannik's "La pensée russe contemporaine."

Russian navy. —Clarke's "Russia's sea-power, past and present; or, The rise of the Russian navy" and Jane's "The imperial Russian navy; its past, present, and future."

Russian expansion. —Rambaud's "The expansion of Russia" is a valuable economic study. Skrine's "The expansion of Russia, 1815-1900" is a sympathetic record down to 1900; Norman's "All the Russias" inclines to look with favor on Russian policies; Beveridge's [Pg 4] "The Russian advance" is the result of a study of conditions made in a visit in 1901 and is commendatory of Russia; Chirol's "The middle eastern question" considers phases of Russian expansion with special regard to Russian relations with Afghanistan, Persia and Tibet, and to the position of the Indian empire; Gerrare's "Greater Russia" is written with the object of conveying "an adequate idea of Russia's advance: her industrial progress, commercial prospects, the openings presented for both capital and labour, the markets closed to foreign enterprise." G. Frederick Wright in his work entitled "Asiatic Russia" holds that "except in the case of the United States, no other nation of the world has before it the clear field for expansion that Russia has in her Asiatic possessions, and no other nation has more completely at her command the material and moral resources of modern science and Christian civilization than she has, if she but continues to use them rightly." Krahmer's "Russland in Asien" is a detailed history in six volumes, of which a single volume is devoted to a special phase of Russian activities in the Far East.

Trans-Siberian railway. —There are numerous travellers' accounts including Cary's "The Trans-Siberian route; or, Notes of a journey from Pekin to New York in 1902;" Lynch's "The path of empire;" Shoemaker's "The great Siberian railway from St. Petersburg to Pekin;" Simpson's "Side-lights on Siberia. Some accounts of the great Siberian railroad, the prisons and the exile systems;" Vladimir's "Russia on the Pacific, and the Siberian railway" and others in the articles in periodicals noted on pp. 19-21 of this List. The sumptuous volume printed by the Russian Ministry of ways of communication, printed in English under the title "Guide to the Great Siberian railway" is to be specially noted. The account published by the United States Bureau of statistics in its Monthly summary of commerce and finance, April, 1899, contains valuable material.

Manchuria. —Hosie's "Manchuria: its people, resources and history" is a good first hand authority. Whigham's "Manchuria and Korea" is a study of political and economic conditions as well as descriptive.

History of Japan. —Recent works are Brinkley's "Japan; its history, arts and literature;" Diósy's "The new Far East;" Griffis's "The Mikado's empire. 10th ed., including history to beginning of 1903;" Gulick's "Evolution of the Japanese, social and psychic;" Koch's "Japan. Geschichte nach japanischen Quellen und ethnographischen Skizzen;" Murray's "The story of Japan" and Ransome's "Japan in transition." A history of Japan in restricted compass is given in the second volume of Helmolt's "The world's history, a survey of man's record."

The recent descriptive works are:—Brinkley's "Japan; its history, arts and literature" and the volume he has edited entitled "Japan; [Pg 5] described and illustrated by the Japanese; written by eminent Japanese authorities and scholars;" Browne's "Japan; the place and the people;" Brownell's "The heart of Japan;" Chamberlain's "Things Japanese" and the guide written with W. B. Mason entitled "A handbook for travellers in Japan;" Dumolard's "Le Japon politique, économique, et social"; Scherer's "Japan today;" Singleton's "Japan as seen and described by famous writers;" Sladen's "Queer things about Japan;" Gilbert Watson's "Three rolling stones in Japan" and W. Petrie Watson's "Japan; aspects & destinies."

The Japanese navy. —F. T. Jane's "The imperial Japanese navy" is similar in scope to his book on the Russian navy and is of likewise timely value.

Japanese art is treated in Anderson's "The pictorial arts of Japan;" Brinkley's "The art of Japan" and his "Japan; described and illustrated by the Japanese; written by eminent Japanese authorities and scholars; with an essay on Japanese art by Kaluzo Okakura;" Okakura's "The ideals of the East, with special reference to the art of Japan;" and Rein's "The industries of Japan. Together with an account of its agriculture, forestry, arts, and commerce."

Korea. —Hamilton's "Korea" is to be noted as a comprehensive account giving results of recent observations. Underwood's "Fifteen years among the top-knots; or, Life in Korea" gives a picture of missionary life in Korea.

The literature consisting of magazine articles on the present war is noted under the heading Russo-Japanese relations on pp. 40-48 of this List.

A selection of titles relating to the political interests of the United States in the Far East is given on pp. 49-52 of this List. It includes some works dealing with the first appearance of Americans in Asiatic countries and the history of their participation in Far Eastern affairs. In the section devoted to Anglo-Russian relations are noted works dealing with the Russian advance in Central Asia and its effects upon English interests.

History of China. —An extensive work is Boulger's "The history of China," first published in 1881-1884, and revised editions in 1898 and 1900, respectively. Its chief value lies in its detailed account of "European progress in China subsequent to the signing of the treaty of Nankin in 1842, including the Taeping rebellion in all its phases and Gordon's campaign." The earlier part of his history is drawn mainly from the Jesuit epitomes of the Chinese annalists. The new edition of his "Short History" has an additional chapter, written by another hand, giving a summary account of the reign of Kwang Su, covering the capture of Pekin.

Douglas's "China", forming a volume of the "Story of the nations series" gives all that the general reader needs. In Macgowan's "A [Pg 6] history of China from the earliest days down to the present" recourse has been had to the original authorities. "It is not a compilation gathered from all sources, but a reproduction from the original of the Standard History of China." Williams's "The middle kingdom" first published in 1848, constituted for a long time the principal source of information for English readers, and in its revised form is still regarded as a classic. Brinkley's "China; its history, arts and literature" is of very great value. The later history of China is dealt with, among others, by Beals, Colquhoun, Favier, Hart, Krausse, Landor, Leroy-Beaulieu, Lynch, Mitford, Norman, Thomson, Wen Ching and Wilson.

China. Political and economic conditions are discussed in works by Bard, Beresford, Brandt, Brenier, Colquhoun, Gorst, Krausse, Leroy-Beaulieu, Nelson, Parker, Parsons, Pinon, and Wilson. See also "Commercial China in 1904" published by the United States Bureau of statistics.

For the foreign relations of China there are to be noted Cordier's "Histoire des relations de la Chine avec les puissances occidentales 1860-1900," and Ireland's "China and the powers; chapters in the history of Chinese intercourse with western nations."

The social life of China can be studied in Douglas's "Society in China;" Hesse-Wartegg's "China und Japan;" Little's "Intimate China;" Smith's "Chinese characteristics" and his "Village life in China."

Travel in China. —Recent works are Bishop's "The Yangtze Valley and beyond;" Cumming's "Wanderings in China;" Jack's "The back blocks of China;" Little's "Through the Yang-tse gorges;" Scidmore's "China" and Thomson's "Through China with a camera."

Missions in China. —For this subject see works by Barrows, Edkins, Gundry and Michie.

Chinese bibliography. —Cordier's "Bibliotheca sinica. Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l'Empire chinois," is a monumental work.

A. P. C. Griffin
Chief Bibliographer

Herbert Putnam
Librarian of Congress
Washington, D. C., July 1, 1904

[Pg 7]



(See also Russians Expansion, pp. 12 - 16 of this list.)

Anspach , Alfred. La Russie économique et l'œuvre de M. de Witte, avec introduction par Ch. de Larivière.

Paris: H. Le Soudier, 1904. (4), xviii, 394 pp. Portrait. 12 o .

Appendix: La Russie et la Perse au point de vue commercial. Fragment d'un discours de M. de Witte.

Contains chapters on de Witte, railroads, emigration in Siberia, the frontier guard, the merchant marine, monetary reform, credit, public debt, bridges, etc., showing results which de Witte has achieved.

Brandes , Georg Morris Cohen. Impressions of Russia. Translated from the Danish by Samuel C. Eastman.

New York: T. Y. Crowell & co., [1889]. x, 353 pp. Portrait. 12 o .

Browning , Oscar. Peter the Great.

London: Hutchinson and co., 1898. viii, 347 pp. Portrait. 12 o .

Brüggen , Ernst von der. Das heutige Russland; Kulturstudien.

Leipzig: Veit & comp., 1902. (6), 276 pp. 8 o .

Contents : Ausseres Wachsthum.—Innere Kämpfe.—Finanzen.—Industrie.—Das Zentrum.—Der Adel.—Der Bauer.—Kirche und Moral.—Verarmung und Hungersnot.—Mittelklassen.—Stadtwesen, Schulen, Revolutionäre, Kunst, Litteratur.—Die europäischen Grenzländer.—Kolonien und Weltmacht.—- Die Landschaftsverfassung.—Büreaukratie.—Verfassungsfragen.

—— Russia of to-day. From the German, by M. Sandwith.

London: Digby, Long & co., 1904. vii, 306 pp. 8 o .

Bujac , Jean Léopold Émile. L'armée russe, son histoire, son organisation actuelle.

Paris: Limoges, H. Charles-Lavauzelle, 1894. 428 pp. 8 o .

Clarke , Sir George Sydenham. Russia's sea-power, past and present; or, The rise of the Russian navy.

London: J. Murray, 1898. xix, (1), 202 pp. 2 folded maps. 12 o .

A new edition has been published, and has been ordered by the Library.

[Daniels]on , Nikolaĭ Frantsovich. Histoire du développement économique de la Russie depuis l'affranchissement des serfs, par Nicolas-on. Traduit de russe par Gg.

Paris: V. Giard & E. Brière, 1902. vii, 523 pp. Tables. 8 o .

Delage , Émile. Chez les Russes; études et impressions de voyage mêlées. Préface par Georges Montorgueil. 3. éd.

Paris: Dujarric et cie. 1903. xxiv, 410 pp. 12 o .

Contents : Choses entrevues: Chemin faisant à travers la Pologne,—Choses vues et vécues: À Moscou.—Choses découvertes: Sur le Volga et alentour, oreille tendue et nez au vent.—Études annexes: Le commerce du vin dans l'Empire russe. La propriété industrielle et littéraire devant les pratiques russes. Les foires de Nijni-Novgorod de ce temps.

[Pg 8]

Deschamps , Philippe. La Russie au 20 me siècle.

Paris: Guillaumin & cie., 1902. (4), 284, (1) pp. 8 o .

Drage , Geoffrey. Russian affairs.

London: John Murray, 1904. xvi, 738 pp. Folded maps. 8 o .

Contents : Introduction; Russian ambitions; Agriculture; Agrarian development; Famines; Industry; Commerce; Finance; Poland, Finland, and the Baltic provinces; Dependencies. A. Northern Asia: Siberia; Manchuria; B. Central Asia; Conclusion; Appendices.

"This is a new and important work on the present internal state of Russia, derived from personal acquaintance with the country. Political questions and the economic problems connected with agriculture, industry, commerce and finance in European and Asiatic Russia are exhaustively dealt with, M. de Witte's budgets being carefully analysed." Spectator, Mar. 26, '04.

Foulke , William Dudley. Slav or Saxon, a study of the growth and tendencies of Russian civilization. 2d ed., revised.

New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1899. vii, (1), 141 pp. 12 o . (Questions of the day, no. 43.)

—— Same . 3d ed. rev. and enl.

New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1904. ix, (1), 210 pp. 12 o . (Questions of the day, no. 43.)

With an additional chapter on the causes of the war in the Far East and the issues involved.

Golovin , Konstantin Fedorovich. Russlands Finanzpolitik und die Aufgaben der Zukunft. Aus dem Russischen von M. Kolossowski. Vollständige deutsche Ausgabe.

Leipzig: Verlag von Otto Wigand, 1900. (4), 233 pp. 8 o .

Jane , Frederick T. The imperial Russian navy; its past, present, and future. New and revised edition.

London: W. Thacker & co., 1904. 23, (1), 23-736 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Plans. Facsimiles. 4 o .

The author states that in this new edition, he has "only laboured to bring the book completely up to date as regards matériel and personnel , deleting in the former matter that, owing to changes in design and so forth, is no longer applicable."

Kovalevskiĭ , Maksim Maksimovich. Le régime économique de la Russie.

Paris: V. Giard & E. Brière, 1898. (4), 362, (2) pp. 8 o . (Bibliothèque sociologique internationale, 14.)

—— Russian political institutions; the growth and development of these institutions from the beginnings of Russian history to the present time.

Chicago: The University of Chicago press, 1902. ix, 299 pp. Maps. 8 o .

Kovalevskiĭ , Vladimir Ivanovich, ed. La Russie à la fin du 19 e siècle.

Paris: P. Dupont, 1900. xx, 989, (2) pp. Maps. Tables. Diagrams. 8 o . (Commission impériale de Russie à l'Exposition universelle de Paris.)

Kupchanko , Grigoriĭ Ivanovich. Russland in Zahlen. Statistisches Sammelwerk. Mit einer Eisenbahnkarte.

Leipzig: O. Wigand, 1902. v, (2), 148 pp. Map. 8 o .

Anhang (pp. 135-148): 1. Gesetzlich bestimmtes Verhältnis zwischen den russischen und den metrischen Massen und Gewichten. 2. Russische Geldsorten. 3. Passvorschriften. 4. Eisenbahnfahrpreise.

[Pg 9]

Latimer , Mary Elizabeth Wormeley. Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century.

Chicago: A. C. McClurg and company, 1893. 413 pp. Portraits. 8 o .

Leroy-Beaulieu , Anatole. The empire of the tsars and the Russians. Translated from the third French edition, with annotations, by Zénaïde A. Ragozin.

G. P. Putnam's sons, New York, London, 1893-1896. 3 vols. 8 o .

Part 1. The country and its inhabitants; Part 2. The institutions; Part 3. The religion.

Lodge , Henry Cabot. Some impressions of Russia.

( In his A fighting frigate, and other essays and addresses, pp. 257-290. New York, 1902. 8 o .)

"This article was published in Scribner's Magazine for April, 1902."

Machat , J. Le développement économique de la Russie.

Paris: A. Colin, 1902. xvi, 310, (4) pp. Maps. Diagrams. 12 o .

"Bibliographie": pp. xiii-xvi.

Miliukov , Pavel Nikolaevich. Essais sur l'histoire de la civilisation russe. Traduit du russe par P. Dramas & D. Soskice. Avec une préface de Lucien Herr.

Paris: V. Giard & E. Brière, 1901. viii, 295, (2) pp. Maps. Diagrams. 8 o .

Contents : Introduction—1. ptie. La population—2. ptie. L'évolution économique—3. ptie. L'évolution de l'état—4. ptie. La structure sociale—Conclusions—Cartes et diagrammes.

Morfill , William Richard. A history of Russia from the birth of Peter the Great to Nicholas II.

New York: J. Pott & co., 1902. viii, 486 pp. Frontispiece. Maps (partly folded). 12 o .

—— The story of Russia.

New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1890. xix, (1), 394 pp. Frontispiece (portrait). Illustrations. Portraits. Folded maps. 12 o . (The story of the nations.)

Niet , pseud. La Russie d'aujourd'hui. Le tsar.—Les grands-ducs.—Les ministres.—La société.—Les finances.—La police.—L'administration.—La diplomatie, etc.

Paris: F. Juven, [1902]. (4), 312 pp. 12 o .

Author's pseudonym, "Niet," at head of title. "Une grande partie de cette étude a paru, en fragments publiés chaque semaine à l'Echo de Paris."

"Ce livre trouve une actualité brûlante dans les événements de notre heure; toutes les phases du grand drame qui commence ont été prévues par Niet, si sincèrement, avec une documentation si incontestable, qu'on a voulu lire bien des noms de diplomates sous l'anonymat de son auteur."

Palmer , Francis H. E. Russian life in town and country.

New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1901. xi, (2), 320 pp. Plates. 12 o . (Our European neighbours.)

Rambaud , Alfred Nicolas. Histoire de la Russie depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours. 5. éd. rev. et complétée jusqu'en 1900.

Paris: Hachette & cie., 1900. (4), 922, (2) pp. Maps. 12 o . (Historie universelle.)

"Note bibliographique": pp. [897]-914.

—— The history of Russia from the earliest times to 1877. Translated by Leonora B. Lang, with additional chapters covering the period from 1877 to 1904, by G. Mercer Adam.

A. L. Burt company, publishers, New York, [1904]. 2 vols. Frontispieces. Plates. Portraits. 12 o .

[Pg 10]

Rambaud , Alfred Nicolas. A popular history of Russia from the earliest times to 1880. Translated by L. B. Lang. Edited and enlarged by Nathan Haskell Dole. Including a history of the Turko-Russian war of 1877-78, from the best authorities, by the editor.

Boston: D. Estes and C. E. Lauriat, 1880-1882. 3 vols. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8 o .

Regelsperger , Gustave. Les Russes en Asie.

( In Revue universelle, vol. 2, May 15, 1902, pp. 261-266.)

Russia. Aperçu statistique des chemins de fer et des voies navigables de la Russie. Avec annexe de cartes et de tableaux graphiques. Section de statistique et de cartographie du Ministère des voies de communication.

St.-Pétersbourg: Impr. du Ministère des voies de communication (J. N. Kouchnereff & c ie ), 1900. (8), 180 pp. 2 folded maps. 4 folded statistical diagrams. 8 o .

"Rédigé pour l'Exposition universelle de 1900 à Paris."

—— Statesman's handbook for Russia. Edited by the Chancery of the Committee of ministers.

St. Petersburg: E. Thiele, 1896. 2 vols. 8 o .

Contents : I. Preface. Unity of the Russian empire. State organization. Rights of subjects. State administration. Separate branches of state administration. Material resources.—II. Spiritual welfare: 1. Ecclesiastical institutions. 2. National education. 3. Institutions of the Empress Mary. Policy of security. Justice. Local government and self government. Appendix: Races inhabiting the Russian empire.

—— The industries of Russia, by the Department of trade and manufactures, Ministry of finance for the World's Columbian exposition at Chicago. Editor of the English translation, John Martin Crawford.

St. Petersburg: [Trenke & Fusnot, printers], 1893. 5 vols. in 4. Maps. Diagrams. 4 o .

Contents : I-II. Manufactures and trade.—III. Agriculture and forestry.—IV. Mining and metallurgy.—V. Siberia and the great Siberian railway.

La Russie , géographique, ethnologique, historique, administrative, économique, religieuse, littéraire, artistique, scientifique, pittoresque, etc. Par MM. L. Delavaud, Girard de Rialle, Ch. Rabot, Alfred Rambaud, Albert Vandal, Maxime Petit, G. Regelsperger, Ernest Lehr, Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, Désiré Lecroix, Arthur Raffalovich, G. Lejeal, Louis Leger, E. M. de Vogüe, Maurice Tourneux, Maurice Vachon, Arthur Pougin, J. Grand-Carteret, Michel Delines, M me Lydie Paschkof, A. André, baron de Montalbo, Camille Couderc. 3. éd.

Paris: Larousse, [1900]. 490 pp. Illustrations. Portraits. Plans. Maps (partly folded). Folded facsimilies. 8 o .

Schierbrand , Wolf von. Russia, her strength and her weakness; a study of the present condition of the Russian empire, with an analysis of its resources and a forecast of its future.

New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1904. xiv, (2), 304 pp. Folded maps. 8 o .

Strannik , Ivan. La pensée russe contemporaine.

Paris: A. Colin, 1903. (4), 266, (2) pp. 12 o .

Contents : Introduction.—L'impuissance de vivre. Tchékhov.—L'esprit de vagabondage. Gorki.—Le sentiment de la pitié. Korolenko.—Orthodoxie et hétérodoxie. Tolstoï.—L'esprit sectaire. Les Doukhobors.

[Pg 11]

Thompson , Herbert M. Russian politics.

New York: H. Holt and company, 1896. xi, (11), 289 pp. Folded maps. Folded table. 12 o .

Tikhomirov , Lev Aleksandrovich. Russia, political and social; translated from the French by Edward Aveling. 2d ed.

London: S. Sonnenschein & co., 1892. 2 vols. 8 o . (Library of standard authors.)

Contents : I. The Russian empire and Russia. Russian Russia: Germans and Jews. The social classes in Russia: the people; the clergy, nobility, bourgeoisie. Economic and industrial Russia.—II. The intellectual movement. Political Russia. Appendices: A. Statistics of the national revenue. B. The term nihilists. C. Subjects forbidden by the censorship. D. Partition of the land. E. Works and publications quoted.

United States. Bureau of statistics. Commercial Russia in 1904. Area, population, finances, currency, railways, industry, and agriculture, and foreign commerce and commerce of the United States with Russia.

Washington: Government printing office, 1904. iii, (1), 2755-2869 pp. Folded map. 4 o .

Reprinted from the Monthly summary of commerce and finance for Feb., 1904.

Waliszewski , Kazimierz. Peter the Great. Translated from the French by Lady Mary Loyd.

New York: D. Appleton & company, 1897. x, 562 pp. Portrait. 8 o .

—— The romance of an empress, Catherine II of Russia. Translated from the French.

New York: D. Appleton and company, 1894. viii, 458 pp. Portrait. 8 o .

—— The story of a throne (Catherine II of Russia). From the French.

London: W. Heinemann, 1895. 2 vols. 8 o .

Wallace , D. Mackenzie. Russia.

New York: Henry Holt and company, 1877. xiii, (1), 620 pp. 2 folded maps. 8 o .

[Pg 12]


Aulagnon , Claudius. La Sibérie économique, considéré plus spécialement dans sa partie cisbaïkalienne. Préface par M. Frédéric Passy.

Paris: Guillaumin et c ie , 1901. xii, 230 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8 o . (Publication de l'Association des anciens élèves de l'École des hautes études commerciales.)

Beveridge , Albert Jeremiah. The Russian advance.

New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1903. iii, (5), 485, (1) pp. Maps. 8 o .

Appendix: Treaty of Shimonoseki, by which southern Manchuria was ceded to Japan; Mikado's rescript withdrawing from Manchuria; The (reputed) Cassini convention; The Russo-Manchurian railway agreement; Anglo-Russian agreement respecting spheres of influence in China; Treaty of offensive and defensive alliance between Great Britain and Japan; Specimen of the regulations concerning foreign joint stock companies operating in Russia.

Bookwalter , John Wesley. Siberia and Central Asia.

Springfield, O.: [New York printed, J. J. Little & co.], 1899. xxxi, 548 pp. Illustrations. 8 o .

Carol , Jean. Colonisation russe: les deux routes du Caucase; notes d'un touriste.

Paris: Hachette et cie., 1899. xl, 311 pp. Illustrations. Maps. 8 o .

Chirol , Valentine. The middle eastern question; or, Some political problems of Indian defence. With maps, illustrations, and appendices.

London: J. Murray, 1903. xiv, 512 pp. Plates. Maps. Genealogical tables. 8 o .

"Bibliography": pp. 499-500.

Based on a series of letters written for the Times. Preface.

De Windt , Harry. The new Siberia. Being an account of a visit to the penal island of Sakhalin, and political prison and mines of the trans-Baikal district, Eastern Siberia. With appendices, map, and twenty-eight illustrations.

London: Chapman and Hall, 1896. xiv, 324 pp. Plates. Portraits. Map. 8 o .

Durrieux , Alcée. Samarkand, la bien gardée.

Paris: Plon-Nourrit & cie., 1901. (4), vi, 304, (4) pp. Plates. 12 o .

Gerrare , Wirt. Greater Russia. The continental empire of the old world. With illustrations and a map.

New York: The Macmillan company, 1903. xiii, (1), 337 pp. Plates. Folded map. 8 o .

Hawes , Charles H. In the uttermost East; being an account of investigations among the natives and Russian convicts of the island of Sakhalin, with notes of travel in Korea, Siberia, and Manchuria.

New York: Charles Scribner's sons, xxx, 478 pp. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

Hellwald , Friedrich von. The Russians in Central Asia. A critical examination down to the present time of the geography and history of Central Asia. Tr. from the German by Theodore Wirgman.

Henry S. King & co., [London], 1874. xx, 332 pp. Folded map (colored). 12 o .

[Pg 13]

Krafft , Hugues. À travers le Turkestan Russe; ouvrage illustré de deux cent-soixante-cinq gravures d'après les clichés de l'auteur et contenant une carte en couleurs.

Paris: Hachette et c ie , 1902. (6), vii, 228, (4) pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portrait. Folded map. F o .

Krahmer , Gustav. Russland in Asien.

Leipzig: Zuckschwerdt & co., 1897-1903. 6 vols. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

Contents : vol. 1. Transkaspien und seine Eisenbahn. O. Heyfelder; vol. 2. Russland in Mittel-Asien; vol. 3. Sibirien und die grosse sibirische Eisenbahn; vol. 4. Russland in Ost-Asien; vol. 5. Das nordöstliche Küstengebiet; vol. 6. Die Beziehungen Russlands zu Persien.

Krausse , Alexis. Russia in Asia. A record and a study. 1558-1899.

London: G. Richards, 1899. 428 pp. Maps. 8 o .

Legras , Jules. En Sibérie.

Paris: Armand Colin & cie., 1899. xvii, 384 pp. Illustrations. Map. 12 o .

Cover-title: 2. éd.

Meakin , Annette M. B. In Russian Turkestan: a garden of Asia and its people.

London: George Allen, 1903. xvii, (1), 316 pp. Plates. Map. 12 o .

Norman , Henry. All the Russias; travels and studies in contemporary European Russia, Finland, Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1902. (4), xii, (2), 476 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

Rambaud , Alfred Nicolas. The expansion of Russia; problems of the East and problems of the Far East; with an essay on the Russian people, by J. Novicow. 2d ed.

New York: Scott-Thaw company, 1904. (8), 254 pp. 12 o (Contemporary thought series. II.)

Ravenstein , E. G. The Russians on the Amur; its discovery, conquest, and colonization, with a description of the country, its inhabitants, productions, and commercial capabilities; and personal accounts of Russian travellers.

London: Trübner and co., 1861. xx, 467 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

Reid , Arnot. From Peking to Petersburg.

London: E. Arnold, 1899. vi, (2), 300 pp. Frontispiece. Map. 8 o .

Russia's march towards India. By "An Indian officer."

London: Sampson Low, Marston & company, 1894. 2 vols. Map. 8 o .

Contains an account of Russia's advance towards India from the earliest times up to the present day.

Semenov , Petr Petrovich. La Russie extra-européenne et polaire Sibérie, Caucase, Asie centrale, Extrême-Nord.

Paris: P. Dupont, 1900. (4) 242 pp. Folded map. 8 o . (Commission impériale de Russie à l'Exposition universelle de 1900.)

Skrine , Francis Henry. The expansion of Russia, 1815-1900.

Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1903. vi, 386 pp. Maps. 8 o . (Cambridge historical series.)

Skrine , Francis Henry, and Edward Denison Ross . The heart of Asia. A history of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates.

London: Methuen & company, 1899. xi, (1), 444 pp. Illustrations. Maps. 8 o .

[Pg 14]

Stadling , Jonas Jonsson. Through Siberia. Ed. by F. H. H. Guillemard.

Westminster: A. Constable & co., 1901. xvi, 315 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Map. 8 o .

Ukhtomskiĭ , Esper Esperovich, kniaz' . Travels in the East of Nicholas II. emperor of Russia, when cesarewitch, 1890-1891. Written by order of His Imperial Majesty, and translated from the Russian by R. Goodlet, edited by Sir G. Birdwood.

London: A. Constable & co., 1896-1900. 2 vols. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. F o .

Wright , George Frederick. Asiatic Russia.

New York: McClure, Phillips & co., 1902. 2 vols. Plates. Folded maps. 8 o .

Contents : Physical geography; Russian occupation; Russian colonization; Political divisions; Social, economic, and political conditions; Natural history; Bibliography.

Yorck von Wartenburg , Maximilian, Graf . Das Vordringen der russischen Macht in Asien. 2. Auflage.

Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1900. 67, (1) pp. Map. 8 o .


1898. Dans le Tian Chan Russe. Au tour de l'Issyk Koul. G. Saint-Yves.

Annales de géographie, vol. 8 (May 15, 1898): 201-215.

1900. Dans le Tian Chan Russe. De L'Issyk Koul au Ferghana. G. Saint-Yves.

Annales de géographie, vol. 9 (Mar. 15, 1900): 119-140.

1900. Russia's field for Anglo-Saxon enterprise in Asia. Alexander Hume Ford.

Engineering magazine, vol. 19 (June, 1900): 354-368.

1900. Russian Central Asia: countries and peoples. With map. Archibald R. Colquhoun.

Society of Arts. Journal, vol. 48 (June 1, 1900): 554-568.

1900. Is Russia to control all of Asia? A. H. Ford.

Cosmopolitan, vol. 29 (July, 1900): 253-265.

1900. La politique russe en Chine. B. de Zenzinoff.

Correspondant, vol. 200 (Aug. 25, 1900): 662-669.

1900. The expansion of Russia: problems of the East and problems of the Far East. Alfred Rambaud.

International monthly, vol. 2 (Sept., 1900): 211-251; (Oct., 1900): 341-361.

1900. China and Russia. Josiah Quincy.

North American review, vol. 171 (October, 1900): 528-542.

1900. Russia's foreign policy. A Russian publicist.

Contemporary review, vol. 78 (Dec, 1900): 776-783.

1900. The spread of Russia. Poultney Bigelow.

Independent, vol. 52 (Dec. 20, 1900): 3021-3025.

1901. Russia and the "open door." A Russian publicist.

Contemporary review, vol. 79 (Feb., 1901): 188-194.

1901. Engineering opportunities in the Russian empire. Alexander Hume Ford.

Engineering magazine, vol. 21 (April, 1901): 29-42.

[Pg 15]

1901. Russia's conquest of Asia. John Kimberly Mumford.

World's work, vol. 2 (May, 1901): 704-719.

1901. Récentes explorations russes en Asie. J. Deniker.

Géographie, vol. 4 (July, 1901): 21-28.

1. Le Kamtchatka et le littoral de la mer d'Okhotsk.

2. Dernières nouvelles de l'expédition Kozlov 'en Asie Centrale.

1901. The colonization of Siberia. R. E. C. Long.

Forum, vol. 32 (Oct., 1901): 172-189.

1901. Russia as a great power. Sydney Brooks.

World's work, vol. 2 (Oct., 1901): 1277-1284.

1902. The new California [Siberia]. S. M. Williams.

Munsey's magazine, vol. 26 (Mar., 1902): 753-764.

1902. The future of Russia. A.-R. B.-de Bilinski.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 52 (Aug., 1902): 201-217.

1903. Russia's quest of the Pacific. Frederic Austin Ogg.

Chautauquan, vol. 36 (Jan., 1903): 358-369.

1903. The Russianization of Asia. W. C. Jameson Reid.

Gunton's magazine, vol. 24 (Feb., 1903): 102-106.

1903. Present tendencies of Russian policy. Charles Johnston.

North American review, vol. 176 (May, 1903): 765-777.

1903. Shall Russia own the earth? A. Maurice Low.

Public opinion, vol. 34 (May 14, 1903): 615-616.

1903. Les Russes en extrème-orient. Paul Labbé.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 15 (May 15, 1903): 623-639.

1903. La Russie en Chine. Pène-Siefert.

Revue de géographie, 27. année (May, 1903): 408-420.

1903. The shadow of Russia in the Far East.

Gunton's magazine, vol. 25 (Aug., 1903): 116-119.

1903. La prépondérance de la Russie en extrême-orient. B. de Zenzinoff.

Revue politique et littéraire revue bleue, vol. 20 (Aug. 29, 1903): 261-265; (Sept. 5, 1903): 293-297.

1903. The Russian absorption of Asia. Charles W. Barnaby.

World's work, vol. 7 (Nov., 1903): 4118-4125.

1904. The conquest of Asia by Russia. John Brisben Walker.

Cosmopolitan, vol. 36 (Feb., 1904): 381-386.

1904. Russland und China bis zum Vertrage von Nertschinsk. Georg Henning.

Grenzboten, 63. Jahrgang (Feb. 25, 1904): 441-449; (Mar. 3, 1904): 503-511.

1904. The Slav and his future. Emil Reich.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (Mar., 1904): 371-382.

Eclectic magazine, vol. 142 (June, 1904): 724-733.

Living age, vol. 241 (April 9, 1904): 65-74.

[Pg 16]

1904. Vladivostock. Ivan Beschinoff.

France illustrée, 31. année (Mar. 12, 1904): 171-172.

1904. Russia's commercial expansion: a brief sketch of her enterprising methods.

Magazine of commerce, vol. 4 (Mar., 1904): 197-199.

1904. Why Russia has gone eastward. Louis E. Van Norman.

Outlook, vol. 76 (Mar. 12, 1904): 639-643.

1904. Les Russes en Mandchourie. J. L. Croze.

Vie illustrée, 7. année (Mar. 4, 1904): 358-360.

1904. Russia's civilizing work in Asia. G. Frederick Wright.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (Apr., 1904): 427-432.

1904. The history of Port Arthur. Joseph H. Longford.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 55 (Apr., 1904): 618-629.

1904. L'Asie russe. G. Treffel.

Revue universelle, vol. 4 (May 15, 1904): 257-262.

1904. Russian emigration to Siberia. Bruno Simmerbach.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 30 (July, 1904): 91-92.

[Pg 17]


Boulangier , Edgar. Notes de voyage en Sibérie; le chemin de fer trans-sibérien et la Chine.

Paris: Société d'éditions scientifique, 1891. xii, 397, (2) pp. Illustrations. Plates. Folded maps. 4 o .

Cary , Clarence. The Trans-Siberian route; or, Notes of a journey from Pekin to New York in 1902.

New York: The Evening Post job printing house, 1902. 53 pp. Plates. Folded map. 8 o .

The author was chief correspondent of the Associated Press.

Colquhoun , Archibald Ross. The great Trans-Siberian-Manchurian railway.

( In his Overland to China, pp. 117-150. New York, 1900. 8 o .)

Crawford , John Martin. The great Siberian railway.

( In United States Consular reports, vol. 45, no. 166, July, 1894, pp.425-434. [Map.])

Dmitrief-Mamonof , A. J. and A. F. Zdsiarsky , eds.

See Russia .

Gourdet , Paul. Le chemin de fer en Asie centrale jonction du Transcaspien avec le Transsibérien.

( In Congrès national des sociétés françaises de géographie, xixe session.—Marseille.—Septembre 1898, pp. 256-274. Marseille, 1899. 8 o .)

Great Britain. Foreign office. Russia. Report on the Trans-Siberian railway. 29 pp. Folded sheet. 8 o .

( In Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. [1900.] Miscellaneous series, no. 533.)

"Sketches the history of the Siberian railway project and its probable influence on Siberian trade and settlement, with a section on the resources, etc., of the country."

Institut colonial international. Bruxelles. Les chemins de fer aux colonies et dans les pays neufs.

Institut colonial international, Bruxelles, 1900. 3 vols. Plans. Diagrams. 8 o . (Bibliothèque coloniale internationale.)

Transsibérien, vol. 2, pp. 721-733.

Jefferson , Robert L. Roughing it in Siberia; with some account of the Trans-Siberian railway, and the gold mining industry of Asiatic Russia.

London: Sampson Low, Marston & co., 1897. (8), 252 pp. Plates. Portrait. Map. 12 o .

Krahmer , G. Sibirien und die grosse sibirische Eisenbahn.

Leipzig: Zuckschwerdt & co., 1897. iv, (2), 103 pp. Folded map. 8 o . (Russland in Asien. Bd. III.)

Labbé , Paul. La situation des provinces traversées par le Transsibérien.

( In Société de géographie commerciale de Paris. Bulletin, vol. 23, pp. 514-529. Paris, 1901. 8 o .)

[Pg 18]

Lynch , George. The path of empire.

London: Duckworth & co., 1903. xix, 257 pp. Plates. Portraits. Folded map. 8 o .

Contents : From Kobe to Korea.—The path of empire through Korea.—In the land of the morning calm.—Dalny, the commercial terminus of the Trans-Siberian railway.—Port Arthur, the military terminus of the Trans-Siberian railway.—Pekin revisited.—The Japanisation of China.—From Pekin to New-Chwang.—Through Manchuria.—The importance of Manchuria.—The path of empire through Mongolia.—Lake Baikal.—Irkutsk.—People one meets on the way.—From Irkutsk to Tomsk.—The express.—The reform of the exile system.—Across the Obi basin.—The great trek eastward.—Unto Moscow, the heart of Russia.—Where leads the Russian path of empire?—Appendix.

Ruge , Sophus. Die sibirische Eisenbahn. Vortrag, gehalten in der Gehe-stiftung zu Dresden am 12. Oktober 1901.

Dresden: Zahn & Jaen, 1901. 52 pp. 8 o . (Jahrbuch der Gehe-stiftung zu Dresden. Bd. 8., Hft. 1.)

Cover-title: Die transsibirische Eisenbahn.

Russia. Siberia and the Great Siberian railway. Editor of the English translation, John Martin Crawford.

St. Petersburg: [Trenke & Fusnot, printers], 1893. xii, 265 pp. Folded map. 4 o .

Forms Vol. 5 of "The industries of Russia."

—— Guide to the Great Siberian railway. Published by the Ministry of ways of communication, edited by A. I. Dmitriev-Mámonov and A. F. Zdziárski. English translation by Miss L. Kúkol-Yasnopólsky, rev. by John Marshall.

St. Petersburg: Artistic printing society, 1900. (2), 520 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Folded maps. Folded plans. 8 o .

—— Guide du grand chemin de fer trans-sibérien. Édité par le Ministère des voies de communication, sous la redaction de A. I. Dmitrief-Mamonof et de l'ingénieur A. F. Zdsiarsky, tr. du russe par P. Tacchella.

St.-Pétersbourg: Société d'impression artistique, 1900. (4), 572 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Folded maps. Folded plans. 8 o .

—— Wegweiser auf der grossen sibirischen Eisenbahn; herausgegeben unter Redaktion von A. I. Dmitrijew-Mamonow und des Ingenieurs A. F. Zdziarski. Aus dem Russischen von A. Lütschg.

St.-Petersburg: Kunstdruckgesellschaft, 1901. (4), 602 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Folded maps. 8 o .

Shoemaker , Michael Myers. The great Siberian railway from St. Petersburg to Pekin.

G. P. Putnam's sons, New York and London, 1903. viii, (2), 243 pp. Plate. 12 o .

Simpson , James Young. Side-lights on Siberia. Some account of the great Siberian railroad, the prisons and the exile system.

William Blackwood and sons, Edinburgh and London, 1898. xvi, 383 pp. Plates. Folded map. 8 o .

Stahl , A. F. Entlang der sibirischen Bahn.

( In Geographische Zeitschrift, vol. 8, pp. 81-92. Leipzig, 1902. 8 o .)

United States. Bureau of statistics. The Russian empire and the Trans-Siberian railway.

( In its Monthly summary of commerce and finance, n. s., vol. 6, April, 1899, pp. 2501-2599. Folded map. Washington, 1899. 4 o .)

[Pg 19]

Vladimir , [ pseud ]. Russia on the Pacific, and the Siberian railway.

London: Sampson, Low, Marston & co., 1899. xii, 373 pp. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

Wiedenfeld , Kurt. Die sibirische Bahn in ihrer wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1900. (4), 202 pp. Map. 8 o .

"Begins with an historical survey of the Russian occupation of Northern Asia; then takes up the history of the Trans-Siberian railway from its inception and considers its commercial importance and its effect upon the development of Siberia, with much statistical information. The sources of information are given in footnotes."


1891. The Siberian railroad.

Railroad gazette, vol. 23 (July 10, 1891): 476.

Review of report of Nicolai Woloshinow.

1893. The western section of the Trans-Siberian railroad. Michel Nicolaevich Ghercevanof.

Railroad gazette, vol. 25 (Feb. 17, 1893): 132-133.

1893. The Siberian railroad [progress of the enterprise].

Railroad gazette, vol. 25 (Dec. 8, 1893): 890.

1894. The political and economic importance of the great Siberian railway. Hermann Schönfeld.

Engineering magazine, vol. 7 (July, 1894): 467-473.

1896. The climate along the route of the Trans-Siberian railroad. Frank Waldo.

Railroad gazette, vol. 28 (Apr. 10, 1896): 256-257.

1896. The Siberian railroad. Herbert H. D. Peirce.

Railroad gazette, vol. 28 (Aug. 7, 1896): 553-554.

1896. The Siberian railroad.

Railroad gazette, vol. 28 (Oct. 23, 1896): 737-738.

"A list of articles relating to the Siberian railroad which have appeared in the 'Railroad gazette.'"

1896. The great Siberian railway.

Engineer (London), vol. 82 (Nov. 6, 1896): 459.

1896. The Trans-Siberian railway.

Engineering news, vol. 36 (Nov. 19, 1896): 322-324.

1897. From London to the Far East by railway.

Engineering, vol. 63 (May 14, 1897): 649-650.

1897. Siberian railway extension in China.

Engineer (London), vol. 83 (June 4, 1897): 562.

1897. The Manchurian extension of the Trans-Siberian railway. With map.

Engineering news, vol. 38 (Nov. 11, 1897): 308-309.

1898. La Sibérie et le Transsibérien. Le pays et ses habitans. Le chemin de fer. Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu.

Revue des deux mondes, vol. 146 (March 15, 1898): 324-358; vol. 148 (Aug. 15, 1898): 808-844.

[Pg 20]

1898. The Trans-Siberian railway: its new terminus in China. Clarence Cary.

Forum, vol. 25 (May, 1898): 285-299.

1898. The Trans-Siberian railway. [Details from the Report of the Imperial commission to the Tsar.]

Engineer (London), vol. 85 (June 3, 1898): 519-520; vol. 86 (July 8, 1898): 25-26; (July 29, 1898): 99-100.

1898. Quinquennial report of the Committee for building the Siberian railroad.

Railroad gazette, vol 30 (Sept. 16, 1898): 663-664.

1899. The Trans-Siberian railway and the coal resources of Siberia.

Iron and coal trades review, vol. 58 (Jan. 27, 1899): 151-153.

1899. The Trans-Siberian railway.

Engineer (London), vol. 87 (Apr. 7, 1899): 331.

1899. The Trans-Siberian railway. William Durban.

Contemporary review, vol. 76 (Aug., 1899): 261-271.

1899. The Trans-Siberian railroad. Henry Michelsen.

Scientific American, vol. 95 (Aug. 26, 1899): 136-137.

Scientific American supplement, vol. 48 (Aug. 26, 1899): 19784-19785.

1899. Russian railway policy in Asia. R. E. C. Long.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 66 (Dec, 1899): 914-925.

1900. Die transsibirische Eisenbahn. Josef Grunzel.

Deutsche Rundschau für Geographie, vol. 23 (1900): 27-31.

1900. Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der sibirischen Bahn. Kurt Wiedenfeld.

Archiv für Eisenbahnen, vol 23 (Mar.-Apr., 1900): 341-397; (May-June, 1900): 693-756; (July-Aug., 1900): 895-943; (Sept.-Oct., 1900): 1095-1124.

1900. The marine department of the Trans-Siberian railroad. Waldon Fawcett.

Scientific American, vol. 96 (Mar. 31, 1900): 200.

1900. The Great Siberian railway. With map. M. Mikhailoff.

North American review, vol. 170 (May, 1900): 593-608.

1900. The opening up of Siberia by the Trans-siberian railway.

Board of Trade journal, vol. 30 (Aug. 2, 1900): 237-240.

Report of the British commercial agent at St. Petersburg. Taken from Foreign Office, miscellaneous series, 533.

1900. The Trans-Siberian-Manchurian railway. With two maps. Archibald R. Colquhoun.

Monthly review, vol. 1 (Nov., 1900): 40-55.

1900. Russia of to-day. II. The great Siberian railway. Henry Norman.

Scribner's magazine, vol. 28 (Nov., 1900): 515-541.

1900. The great Trans-Siberian-Manchurian railway. With two maps. Archibald R. Colquhoun.

Royal united service institution. Journal, vol. 44 (Dec, 1900): 1408-1430.

1901. La Sibérie et le grand Transsibérien. Léon Vallée.

Revue de géographie, vol. 48 (1901): 181-200.

1901. Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der sibirischen Eisenbahn.

Koloniale Zeitschrift, vol. 2 (Jan. 3, 1901): 13-14.

[Pg 21]

1901. The great Siberian railroad. With map. Arthur Montefiore Brice.

Manchester geographical society. Journal, vol. 17 (Jan.-March, 1901): 37-45.

1901. Trade and the Siberian railway. With map. A. Kinloch.

Monthly review, vol. 2 (Mar., 1901): 60-71.

1901. The progress of the Siberian railway.

Scientific American supplement, vol. 51 (Mar. 9, 1901): 21059-21060.

1901. From Peking to St. Petersburg by rail. Alfred Stead.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 24 (Dec., 1901): 682-685.

1902. From Japan to Europe by the Trans-Siberian route. H. A. Bonar.

Royal united service institution. Journal, vol. 46 (Jan., 1902): 18-38.

1902. The great Siberian railroad. Arthur M. Brice.

Cassell's magazine, n. s., vol. 24 (Feb., 1902): 357-364.

1903. Dalny, a fiat-city. Clarence Cary.

Scribner's magazine, vol. 33 (Apr., 1903): 482-493.

1903. The Trans-Siberian railway.

Geographical journal, vol. 21 (May, 1903): 553.

1903. The great Russian railway across Asia. J. M. Maclean.

Magazine of commerce, vol. 2 (May, 1903): 281-283.

1903. Exécution complète du chemin de fer transsibérien. F. Le Beschu.

Monde illustré, vol. 93 (Aug. 29, 1903): 204-206.

1903. Transsibérien-Transmandchourien. André Brisse.

Revue de géographie, 27. année (Aug., 1903): 97-111; (Sept., 1903): 215-228.

1903. La Sibérie et le transsibérien. S. Litman.

Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 18 (Sept. 15, 1903): 573-589.

1903. America's part in the completion of the Trans-Siberian railway. Alexander Hume Ford.

Collier's weekly, vol. 31 (Sept. 5, 1903): 19-20.

Pacific monthly, vol. 10 (Dec, 1903): 380-382.

1904. En route pour Wladivostock: croquis du Transsibérien. A. Debibert.

Correspondant, vol. 214 (Feb. 25, 1904): 714-724.

1904. The cost of the Siberian railroad.

Railroad gazette, vol. 36 (Mar. 4, 1904): 161.

1904. De Moscou à Port-Arthur et Vladivostock. Clavedy.

Vie illustrée, 7. année (Mar. 18, 1904): 388-393.

1904. The great Siberian railway. James W. Davidson.

Century, vol. 67 (Apr., 1904): 940-950.

1904. An engineer's views of the Trans-Siberian. L. Lodian.

Harper's weekly, vol. 48 (Apr. 9, 1904): 548-549, 563.

1904. Military aspects of the Trans-Siberian railway.

Scientific American, vol. 90 (Apr. 16, 1904): 308-309.

1904. The Siberian railway in war.

World to-day, vol. 6 (May, 1904): 607-615.

A series of illustrations with descriptive accounts.

[Pg 22]


Bérard , Victor. Lord Curzon et le Tibet.

( In Revue de Paris, 11. année, vol. 1, Feb. 15, 1904; pp. 881-894; 11. année, vol. 2, March 1, 1904, pp. 197-224.)

Bower , Hamilton. Diary of a journey across Tibet.

London: Rivington, Percival and co., 1894. xvi, 309 pp. Plates. Folded map. Folded diagram. 8 o .

Chirol , Valentine. The middle eastern question; or, Some political problems of Indian defence.

London: J. Murray, 1903. xiv, 512 pp. Plates. Maps. Genealogical tables. 8 o .

"Bibliography": pp. 499-500.

Based on a series of letters written for the Times. Preface.

"The north-east frontier of India," pp. 350-363; "The question of Tibet," pp. 364-377; Conventions relating to Tibet, pp. 467-476.

Deasy , Henry Hugh Peter. In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan; being the record of three years' exploration.

New York: Longmans, Green & co., 1901. xvi, 420 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portrait. Map. 8 o .

Desgodins , C. H. La mission du Thibet de 1855 à 1870, comprenant l'exposé des affaires religieuses, et divers documents sur ce pays, accompagnée d'une carte du Thibet d'après les lettres de M. l'abbé Desgodins, missionnaire apostolique. Par C.-H. Desgodins.

Verdun: Ch. Laurent, 1872. (2), iv, 419 pp. Folded map. 8 o .

Freshfield , Douglas W. Round Kangchenjunga; a narrative of mountain travel and exploration.

London: E. Arnold, 1903. xvi, 373 pp. Plates. Maps. 4 o .

Includes some comment on the present political situation on the Tibetan frontier and on the events that led up to it.

Great Britain. Foreign office. East India (Tibet). Papers relating to Tibet. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty.

London: Printed for His Majesty's stationery office, 1904. x, [2]-314 pp. Folded map. F o . [Cd. 1920.]

Dates cover Oct. 21, 1889-Jan. 30, 1904.

Hedin , Sven Anders. Central Asia and Tibet towards the holy city of Lassa.

London: Hurst and Blackett, limited; New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1903. 2 vols. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Folded maps. 8 o .

"Translated by Mr. J. T. Bealby."—Pref.

Landor , Arnold Henry Savage. In the forbidden land; an account of a journey into Tibet, capture by the Tibetan-Lamas and soldiers, imprisonment, torture, and ultimate release. With the government inquiry and report and other official documents.

New York and London: Harper & bros., 1899, [pub. 1898]. 2 vols. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Map. 8 o .

[Pg 23]

Rijnhart , Susie Carson. With the Tibetans in tent and temple; narrative of four years' residence on the Tibetan border, and of a journey into the far interior.

Chicago, New York, [etc.]: F. H. Revell co., 1901. (4), 400 pp. Plates. Portraits. Map. 8 o .

Rockhill , William Woodville. Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892.

Washington: Published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1894. xx, (2), 413 pp. Plates. Folded map. 8 o .

—— The land of the lamas; notes of a journey through China, Mongolia and Tibet.

New York: The Century co., 1891. viii, (2), 399 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Maps. 8 o .

Sarachchandra Dāsa. Journey to Lhasa and central Tibet. Ed. by the Hon. W. W. Rockhill.

London: John Murray, 1902. x, (4), 285 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portrait. Maps. Plans. 8 o .

Published by the Royal geographical society.

Wellby , M. S. Through unknown Tibet.

London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1898. xiv, 440 pp. Illustrations. Portraits. Maps. 8 o .

"This handsome volume gives a plain, straightforward narrative of the journey of Captain Wellby and Lieutenant Malcolm across Tibet and Northern China, an account of the geographical results of which was communicated to the [Royal Geographical] Society, and will appear in the Journal. It is well illustrated, and has a series of maps of the route on the large scale of 16 miles to an inch."


1903. In the heart of the forbidden country; or, Lhasa revealed. Archibald R. Colquhoun.

Cornhill magazine, vol. 87 (Jan., 1903): 39-52.

1904. Marco Polo and his followers in Central Asia. Archibald R. Colquhoun.

Quarterly review, vol. 199 (Apr., 1904): 553-575.

1904. Central Asia and Tibet.

Scottish geographical magazine, vol. 20 (Apr., 1904): 202-212.

1904. Great Britain and Thibet: the Asian crisis. E. John Solano.

Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, vol. 175 (May, 1904): 710-730.

1904. The solution of the Tibetan problem. Alexandre Ular.

Contemporary review, vol. 85 (May, 1904): 640-648.

1904. Turkestan and a corner of Tibet. Oscar T. Crosby.

Geographical journal, vol. 23 (June, 1904): 705-722.

1904. The British mission to Tibet. Sir Walter Lawrence.

North American review, vol. 178 (June, 1904): 869-881.

1904. Tibet. Russia and England on the international chessboard. Edwin Maxey.

Arena, vol. 32 (July, 1904): 28-31.

1904. The forbidden land: the march of civilization into Thibet. W. C. Jameson Reid.

Booklovers' magazine, vol. 4 (July, 1904): 17-28.

[Pg 24]


(Articles on Manchuria are likewise to be found in the United States Consular Reports.)

Colquhoun , Archibald Ross. Overland to China.

New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1900. xi, (1), 465 pp. Plates. Folded maps. 8 o .

"The great Trans-Siberian-Manchurian railway," pp. 117-149.

"Manchuria," pp. 188-254.

Dowding , H. H. The Russian campaign in Manchuria, 1900. With a map.

( In United service institution of India. Journal, vol. 30, July, 1901, pp. 213-236. Simla.)

Enselme , Hippolyte Marie Joseph Antoine. À travers la Mandchourie; le chemin de fer de l'Est chinois d'après la mission du capitaine H. de Bouillane de Lacoste et du capitaine Enselme. Préface du comte G. du Chaylard.

Paris: J. Rueff, 1903. ix, 202 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Plans. Double map. 12 o .

Fraser , John Foster. The real Siberia, together with an account of a dash through Manchuria.

Cassell and company, London, [etc.], 1902. xvi, 279 pp. Plates. Portrait. 12 o .

Great Britain. Foreign office. China. No. 2 (1901). Despatch from His Majesty's ambassador at St. Petersburgh respecting the Russo-Chinese agreement as to Manchuria. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. March 1901.

London: Printed for His Majesty's stationery office, [1901]. 3 pp. F o . [Cd. 439.]

—— —— China. No. 2 (1904). Correspondence respecting the Russian occupation of Manchuria and Newchwang. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. February 1904.

London: Printed for His Majesty's stationery office, [1904]. xi, (1), 98 pp. F o . [Cd. 1936.]

Hosie , Alexander. Manchuria: its people, resources and history.

Methuen & co., London, 1901. xi, (1), 293 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Map. 8 o .

James , Henry Evan Murchison. The Long White Mountain; or, A journey in Manchuria, with some account of the history, people, administration and religion of that country.

London: Longmans, Green and co., 1888. xxiii, (1), 502 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Map. 8 o .

Parker , Edward Harper. Russia's sphere of influence; or, A thousand years of Manchuria.

( In The Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review, 3d ser., vol. 9, Apr., 1900, pp. 287-313.)

Raffalovich , Arthur. Description de la Mandchourie.

( In Société de géographie commerciale de Paris. Bulletin, vol. 19, pp. 822-830. Paris, 1897. 8 o .)

An analysis of the work on Manchuria, issued by the Russian Ministry of Finance.

[Pg 25]

Ross , John. Mission methods in Manchuria.

Edinburgh: Anderson & Ferrier, 1903. 252 pp. 8 o .

Turley , Robert T. Through the Hun Kiang gorges; or, Notes on a tour in "No mans land," Manchuria. With map.

( In The Geographical journal, vol. 14, Sept., 1899, pp. 292-302.)

Descriptive notes on this map by G. F. Browne are given in the Geographical journal, June, 1900.

Weale , B. L. P. Manchu and Muscovite. Letters from Manchuria written during autumn of 1903. Historical sketch entitled 'Prologue to the crisis.'

New York: The Macmillan company, 1904. 572 pp. 8 o .

Whigham , H. J. Manchuria and Korea.

London: Isbister and company, 1904. (6), 245 pp. Plates. Map. 8 o .

"Mr. Whigham's description of the growth of Dalny, the commercial terminus of the Siberian railway, which bids fair before long to become a second San Francisco, of the huge army which has already been distributed throughout Manchuria, and of the various arrangements in progress for the elimination of Chinese jurisdiction, shows clearly enough that Russia has committed herself too deeply to her gigantic scheme of territorial and commercial expansion ever to retrace her steps.... Mr. Whigham has much to say upon economic and trade matters in the Far East that merits careful attention. As a critic of British policy he is somewhat of a firebrand and does not seem to make sufficient allowance for the wide issues that have to be considered in dealing with a very complex question."— Saturday Review, May 7, 1904, p. 594.

Younghusband , Francis Edward. Among the Celestials. A narrative of travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi desert, through the Himalayas to India. Abridged from "The heart of a continent."

London: John Murray, 1898. vii, (5), 261 pp. Plates. Folded map. 8 o .

—— The heart of a continent: a narrative of travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 1884-1894.

London: John Murray, 1896. xvii, (3), 409 pp. Plates. Portrait. Maps. 8 o .

Zabel , Rudolf. Durch die Mandschurei und Sibirien. Reisen und Studien. 2. durch ein Personal-und Sachregister verm. Auflage.

Leipzig: G. Wigand, 1903. xii, 324 pp. Illustrations. Portrait. 8 o .

"Nachweis einiger Werke über Sibirien": pp. 312-314.


1898. The Russians and Manchuria. E. H. Parker.

China review, vol. 23 (1898): 143-153.

1899. The Manchurian railway.

Engineering, vol. 68 (Sept. 1, 1899): 273.

1900. Railways, rivers, and strategic towns in Manchuria.

National geographic magazine, vol. 11 (Aug., 1900): 326-327.

1901. Micawberism in Manchuria. E. J. Dillon.

Contemporary review, vol. 79 (May, 1901): 649-663.

1901. The Russians in Manchuria. Petr A. Kropotkin.

Forum, vol. 31 (May, 1901): 267-274.

1901. Trade-routes in Manchuria. John Ross.

Scottish geographical magazine, vol. 17 (June, 1901): 303-310.

[Pg 26]

1901. Manchuria in transformation. Archibald R. Colquhoun.

Monthly review, vol. 5 (Oct., 1901): 58-72.

1902. Muscovite designs on Manchuria. L. Miner.

North American review, vol. 174 (Mar., 1902): 315-328.

1902. Some facts about Port Arthur. By Sniper.

United service magazine, vol. 146 (Apr. 1902): 13-22.

1903. Die wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse der Mandschurei. v. Kleist.

Asien, vol. 2 (Jan., 1903): 65-66.

1903. Russian rights in Mantchuria. George Frederick Wright.

Nation, vol. 76 (May 21, 1903): 411-413.

1903. Japan and Manchuria.

Speaker, n. s., vol. 8 (May 2, 1903): 111-112.

1903. Russia in Manchuria.

Spectator, vol. 90 (May 16, 1903): 768.

1903. American interests in Manchuria.

American exporter, vol. 52 (June, 1903): 34.

1903. Eastern Siberia and Manchuria. George Frederick Wright.

Chautauquan, vol. 37 (June, 1903): 245-262.

1903. Russia and Manchuria. E. J. Dillon.

Contemporary review, vol. 83 (June, 1903): 884-894.

1903. The mischief in Manchuria. Wirt Gerrare.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 73 (June, 1903): 1051-1059.

1903. Conquest by bank and railways, with examples from Russia in Manchuria. Alfred Stead.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 53 (June, 1903): 936-949.

1903. The Manchurian outlook.

American exporter, vol. 52 (July, 1903): 9.

1903. Our Manchurian trade. American pioneer [Sergey Friede] talks of Russia's performances and intentions in that region.

American exporter, vol. 52 (July, 1903): 15.

1903. Russia and Manchuria.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 28 (July, 1903): 87-88.

1903. The reopened door.

Nation, vol. 77 (July 23, 1903): 65-66.

1903. The Chinese eastern (Manchurian) railway. Alfred Stead.

Page's magazine, vol. 3 (July, 1903): 21-28.

1903. Russia, Manchuria and Mongolia. Alexandre Ular.

Contemporary review, vol. 84 (Aug., 1903): 189-208.

1903. The Manchurian peril. E. R. Thompson.

New liberal review, vol. 6 (Aug., 1903): 72-81.

1903. Au Japon et en Mandchourie. Souvenirs de l'an dernier. Paul Labbé.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 16 (Aug. 1, 1903): 198-220.

[Pg 27]

1903. Transsibérien-Transmandchourien. André Brisse.

Revue de géographie, 27e année (Aug., 1903): 97-111; (Sept., 1903): 215-228.

1903. Mandchourie et Corée. Robert de Caix.

Comité de l'Asie française. Bulletin mensuel, 3. année (Sept., 1903): 362-363.

1903. The Russification of Manchuria. Alexander Hume Ford.

Era magazine, vol. 12 (Sept., 1903): 199-210.

1904. Les Russes en Mandchourie. B. de Zenzinoff.

À travers le monde, vol. 10 (Feb. 13, 1904): 49-52.

1904. En Mandchourie: les Khoungouses. Francis Mury.

Correspondant, vol. 214 (Mar. 25, 1904): 1009-1024.

1904. The political and commercial situation in Manchuria. H. Fulford Bush.

Empire review, vol. 7 (Mar., 1904): 97-108.

1904. British interests in Manchuria.

Magazine of commerce, vol. 4 (Mar., 1904): 176.

1904. Russian development of Manchuria. Henry B. Miller.

National geographic magazine, vol. 15 (Mar., 1904): 113-127.

1904. Lumbering in Manchuria. Henry B. Miller.

National geographic magazine, vol. 15 (Mar., 1904): 131-132.

1904. La Mandchourie. Paul Barré.

Revue française de l'étranger et des colonies et exploration, vol. 29 (Mar., 1904): 155-165.

1904. Conditions in Manchuria. Henry B. Miller.

Scientific American supplement, vol. 57 (Mar. 12, 1904): 23574-23575.

1904. Russia's work in Manchuria. Sergei Iulitch Witte.

Harper's weekly, vol. 48 (Apr. 9, 1904): 544-545.

1904. A visit to the Yalu region and Central Manchuria. Robert T. Turley.

Royal geographical society. Journal, vol. 23 (Apr., 1904): 473-481.

1904. Russia in Manchuria,—a Russian statement [by M. Khoritz].

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (May, 1904): 602-604.

1904. Populations de la Mandchourie et de la Corée. Francis Mury.

Revue de géographie, vol. 54 (May 1, 1904): 134-143.

1904. Notes on Manchuria. Henry B. Miller.

National geographic magazine, vol. 15 (June, 1904): 261-262.

1904. Manchuria. James W. Davidson.

Century magazine, vol. 68 (July, 1904): 398-411.

[Pg 28]


Anderson , William. The pictorial arts of Japan. With a brief historical sketch of the associated arts and some remarks upon the pictorial art of the Chinese and Koreans.

Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1886. xx, 276, (16) pp. Plates. F o .

Bacon , Alice Mabel. Japanese girls & women. Rev. and enl. ed., with illustrations by Keishū Takenouchi.

Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1902. xiv, 337, (1) pp. Plates (partly colored). 8 o .

—— A Japanese interior.

Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1893. xix, (1), 267 pp. 12 o .

Bishop , Isabella L. Bird. Unbeaten tracks in Japan; an account of travels on horseback in the interior, including visits to the aborigines of Yezo and the shrines of Nikkô and Isé.

New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1881. 2 vols. Frontispieces. Map. 8 o .

Brinkley , Frank. The art of Japan.

Boston: J. B. Millet co., [1901]. 2 vols. Illustrations (partly colored). F o .

Contents : vol. 1. Pictorial art.—vol. 2. Applied art.

—— Japan; its history, arts and literature. [Library ed.]

Boston and Tokyo: J. B. Millet co., [1901-1902]. 8 vols. Plates (partly colored). 8 o . (Oriental series.)

"Captain Brinkley, who is qualified for the task by a residence of more than thirty years in Japan, and by a knowledge of its people and politics almost unique among Englishmen, has opportunely given us the most beautiful, fascinating, and authoritative work on that country, and its vast, unwieldy neighbour of China, which has yet been written in English." Spectator, May 7, 1904, p. 733.

——, ed. Japan; described and illustrated by the Japanese; written by eminent Japanese authorities and scholars.

Boston: J. B. Millet company, [1897-1898]. v, 382 pp. Illustrations. Colored plates. F o .

—— Japan; described and illustrated by the Japanese; written by eminent Japanese authorities and scholars; with an essay on Japanese art by Kakuzo Okakura.

Boston: J. B. Millet company, [ c 1897-1898]. 10 vols. Colored illustrations. Colored plates. F o .

Browne , George Waldo. Japan; the place and the people; with an introduction by the Hon. Kogoro Takahira.

Boston: D. Estes & company, [1904]. 438 pp. Illustrations. Plates (partly colored). Map. 8 o .

Published in 1901 in his "The Far East and the new America," vol. 2 (in part) and vol. 3.

Brownell , Clarence Ludlow. The heart of Japan; glimpses of life and nature far from the travellers' track in the land of the rising sun.

New York: McClure, Phillips & co., 1903. (8), 307 pp. Plates. 12 o .

Published in 1902 by Methuen & co., London.

[Pg 29]

Chamberlain , Basil Hall. Things Japanese; being notes on various subjects connected with Japan for the use of travellers and others. 4th ed., rev. & enl.

London: J. Murray; Yokohama: [etc.], Kelly & Walsh, 1902. vi, (2), 545 pp. Folded map. 8 o .

Notes arranged by subject, alphabetically.

Chamberlain , Basil Hall, and W. B. Mason . A handbook for travellers in Japan, including the whole empire from Yezo to Formosa. 7th ed., rev.

London: J. Murray; [etc., etc.], 1903. ix, (1), 586, (2) pp. Illustrations. Folded plates. Maps (partly folded). Plans (partly folded). 12 o .

Conder , Josiah. Domestic architecture in Japan.

( In Royal institute of British architects. Transactions, n. s., vol. 3, pp. 103-127. Illustrations. Plates. Plans. London. 1887. 4 o .)

Curtis , William Eleroy. The Yankees of the East; sketches of modern Japan.

New York: Stone & Kimball, 1896. 2 vols. Plates. Portraits. 12 o .

Dennys , Nicholas B., ed. The treaty ports of China and Japan. A complete guide to the open ports of those countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong, and Macao. Forming a guide book & vade mecum for travellers, merchants, and residents in general.

London: Trübner and co., 1867. viii, (2), 668, (2), xlviii, (2), 26 pp. Maps. Plans. 8 o .

Diósy , Arthur. The new Far East. With illustrations from special designs by Kubota Beisen, of Tokyo, and a reproduction of a cartoon designed by H. M. the German Emperor and a specially-drawn map. 3d ed.

London: Cassell and co., 1900. xx, 374 pp. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

"This is a brilliantly written history of New Japan, containing much instructive information on the affairs of the Far East."

Dumolard , Henry. Le Japon politique, économique, et social.

Paris: A. Colin, 1903. viii, 342, (2) pp. 12 o .

Appendice.— I. Constitution japonaise du 11 février 1889. II. Projet de loi ouvrière: pp. 331-342.

Fraser , Mary Crawford. Letters from Japan. A record of modern life in the island empire.

New York & London: The Macmillan company, 1899. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 o .

Great Britain. Foreign office. Report on the railways of Japan (with plans). Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, March, 1896. (2), 29 pp. Plates. Folded maps. Diagram. 8 o .

( In Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1896. Miscellaneous series, no. 390.)

Griffis , William Elliot. Matthew Calbraith Perry, a typical American naval officer.

Boston: Cupples and Hurd, 1887. xvi, 459 pp. Frontispiece (portrait). Illustrations. 12 o .

Japan, pp. 270-374.

—— The Mikado's empire. 10th ed., with six supplementary chapters, including history to beginning of 1903.

New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1904. 2 vols. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Map. 8 o .

Contents : v. 1. Book I. History of Japan from 660 B. C. to 1872 A. D. —v. 2. Book II. Personal experiences, observations, and studies in Japan. 1870-1875. Book III. Supplementary chapters, including history to the beginning of 1903.

[Pg 30]

Gulick , Sidney Lewis. Evolution of the Japanese, social and psychic.

New York, London [etc.]: F. H. Revell company, [1903]. vi, 457 pp. 8 o .

Hearn , Lafcadio. Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan.

Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1894. 2 vols. 8 o .

——"Out of the East;" reveries and studies in new Japan.

Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1895. (6), 341 pp. 12 o .

Helmolt , H. F. The world's history, a survey of man's record. Vol. II. Oceania, Eastern Asia, and the Indian ocean.

London: William Heinemann, 1904. x, (2), 642 pp. Plates (partly colored). Portraits. Facsimile. Maps. 4 o .

Japan, pp. 1-56.

Hertslet , Sir Edward. Treaties and tariffs regulating the trade between Great Britain and foreign nations: and extracts of treaties between foreign powers, containing most-favoured-nation clauses applicable to Great Britain. Japan. In force on the 1st April, 1879.

London: Butterworths, 1879. iv, 288, (1) pp. 8 o .

Inagaki , Manjiro. Japan and the Pacific, and a Japanese view of the Eastern question.

New York: Scribner and Welford, 1890. 265 pp. Maps. 8 o .

Jane , Frederick T. The imperial Japanese navy.

London: W. Thacker & co., 1904. xv, (1), 410 pp. Plates. Portraits. Map. 4 o .

Koch , W. Japan. Geschichte nach japanischen Quellen und ethnographische Skizzen.

Dresden: Verlag von Wilhelm Baensch, 1904. (4), v, (3), 410 pp. Folded sheet. 8 o .

Lowell , Percival. The soul of the Far East [Japan].

Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1888. 226 pp. 16 o .

Mitford , Algernon Bertram Freeman. Tales of old Japan.

London and New York: Macmillan and co., 1893. xii, 383 pp. Plates. 12 o .

Contents : The forty-seven rônins.—The loves of Gompachi and Komurasaki.—Kazuma's revenge.—A story of the Otokodaté of Yedo.—The wonderful adventures of Funakoshi Jiuyémon.—The Eta maiden and the Hatamoto.—Fairy tales.—The ghost of Sakura.—How Tajima Shumé was tormented by a devil of his own creation.—Concerning certain superstitions.—Japanese sermons.—Appendices: An account of the Hara-Kiri. The marriage ceremony. The birth and rearing of children. Funeral rites.

Morris , J. Advance Japan: a nation thoroughly in earnest.

London: W. H. Allen & co., 1895. xix, (1), 443 pp. Plates (woodcuts). 8 o .

—— What will Japan do? A forecast.

London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1898. xii, 190 pp. Folded map. 12 o .

Morse , Edward S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. With illustrations by the author.

Boston: Ticknor and company, 1886. xxxiii, (1), 372 pp. Illustrations. 4 o .

Murray , David. The story of Japan.

New York: G. P. Putnam's sons; London: T. F. Unwin, 1894. x, 431 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Maps. 12 o . (The story of the nations, v. 38.)

[Pg 31]

Norman , Henry. The real Japan. Studies of contemporary Japanese manners, morals, administration, and politics. 2d ed.

London: T. F. Unwin, 1892. 364 pp. Plates. 8 o .

Okakura , Kakasu. The ideals of the East, with special reference to the art of Japan.

London: J. Murray, 1903. xxii, 244 pp. 12 o .

Papinot , E. Dictionnaire japonais-français des noms principaux de l'histoire et de la géographie du Japon; suivi de 17 appendices sur les empereurs, shōgun, nengō, sectes bouddhistes, provinces, départements, mesures, etc.

Hongkong: Impr. de Nazareth, 1899. vii, 297 pp. 12 o .

Perry , Matthew Calbraith. The Americans in Japan: an abridgement of the government narrative by Robert Tomes.

New York & London: D. Appleton & co., 1857. viii, 415 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrations. 12 o .

—— Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States navy, by order of the government of the United States, comp. from the original notes and journals of Commodore Perry and his officers, at his request, and under his supervision, by Francis L. Hawks.

New York, London: D. Appleton & company, 1857. xvii, (1), 537 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Maps (partly folded). Folded fascsimiles. 8 o .

—— Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron ... comp.... by F. L. Hawks.

New York: D. Appleton and co.; London: Trübner & co., 1857. vii, 624 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Maps. 4 o .

This ed. contains only the material in v. 1 of the government ed.

Ransome , Stafford. Japan in transition: a comparative study of the progress, policy, and methods of the Japanese since their war with China.

New York: Harper & brothers, 1899. (2), xv, (1), 261 pp. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8 o .

Rein , Johann Justus. The industries of Japan. Together with an account of its agriculture, forestry, arts, and commerce. From Travels and researches undertaken at the cost of the Prussian government.

London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1889. xii, 570 pp. Illustrations. Plates (partly colored). Maps. 8 o .

A translation of v. 2 of his "Japan, nach Reisen und Studien," published in 1886.

—— Japan: travels and researches undertaken at the cost of the Prussian government. Translated from the German.

New York: A. C. Armstrong and son, 1884. x, (2), 543 pp. Plates (partly phototype). Maps (partly folded). Plans. 8 o .

Scherer , James Augustin Brown. Japan today.

Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott company, 1904. 323 pp. Plates. 12 o .

The author was for many years a teacher of English at Saga, Japan.

Singleton , Esther, ed. and tr. Japan as seen and described by famous writers.

New York: Dodd, Mead and company, 1904. xii, 372 pp. Plates. 8 o .

Contents : Pt. 1. The country and the race.—Pt. 2. History and religion.—Pt. 3. Places and monuments.—Pt. 4. Manners and customs.—Pt. 5. Arts and crafts.—Pt. 6. Modern Japan.

[Pg 32]

Sladen , Douglas. Queer things about Japan.

London: Anthony Treherne & co., 1904. xxxv, (1), 442, (1) pp. Plates (partly colored). 8 o .

"Illustrations by the celebrated Hokusai, never before reproduced in England."

United States. Bureau of statistics. Commercial Japan in 1904. Area, population, production, railways, telegraphs, and transportation routes, and foreign commerce of United States with Japan.

Washington: Government printing office, 1904. iii, (1), 2873-3017 pp. Folded map. 4 o .


Reprinted from Monthly summary of commerce and finance for Feb., 1904.

Watson , Gilbert. Three rolling stones in Japan. 3d impression.

London: E. Arnold, 1904. xi, 315 pp. Plates. 8 o .

Watson , W. Petrie. Japan; aspects & destinies.

London: G. Richards, 1904. xiii, (1), 336 pp. Plates. Folded maps. 8 o .


1897. Le développement économique du Japon depuis la guerre contre la Chine. J. Franconie.

Société de géographie commerciale du Havre. Bulletin, 14. année (1897): 109-117; 131-138; 214-223.

Extract from "Annales de l'École libre des sciences politiques."

1898. "Japan—A forecast." J. Morris.

Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review, 3d series, vol. 5 (Apr., 1898): 309-320.

1899. The awakening of an island empire. (Japan.) R. W. Grant.

Anglo-American magazine, vol. 2 (Sept., 1899): 269-277.

1899. The commercial development of Japan. O. P. Austin.

National geographic magazine, vol. 10 (Sept., 1899): 329-337.

1899. Commercial Japan. O. P. Austin.

Forum, vol. 28 (Oct., 1899): 146-159.

1900. A Japanese view of Ransome's Japan in transition. A. Kinnosuké.

Critic, vol. 36 (May, 1900): 454-459.

1900. Misunderstood Japan. Y. Ozaki.

North American review, vol. 171 (October, 1900): 566-576.

1900. The industrial revolution in Japan. Count Okuma.

North American review, vol. 171 (Nov., 1900): 677-691.

1901. Japan in transition. J. C. C. Newton.

Review of missions, vol. 22 (Aug., 1901): 100-108.

1902. Les finances du Japon. Raphael-Georges Lévy.

Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 17 (July, 1902): 444-472.

1903. The position of Japan in the Far East. Kogoro Takahira.

American Asiatic association. Journal, vol. 3 (Apr., 1903): 86-88.

1903. Japan's position in the Far East. Alfred Stead.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 74 (Aug. 1, 1903): 288-302.

[Pg 33]

1904. The Japan of 1903. J. H. De Forest.

Independent, vol. 56 (Jan. 21, 1904): 127-130.

1904. The religious awakening in Japan. Kiichi Kaneko.

Missionary review, vol. 27 (Jan., 1904): 41-42.

1904. Japanischer Nationalcharakter. Karl Rathgen.

Die Nation (Berlin), vol. 21 (Jan. 16, 1904): 244-245.

1904. Die Arbeiterbewegung im modernen Japan. Gustav Eckstein.

Die Neue Zeit, 22. Jahrgang (Jan. 16-Feb. 20, 1904): 494-665.

1904. Le Japon industriel. Francis Marre.

Correspondant, vol. 214 (Feb. 25, 1904): 654-662.

1904. The financial and economic situation in Japan. W. Petrie Watson.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (Feb., 1904): 211-232.

1904. Japan and her people. Charles H. Brent.

Outlook, vol. 76 (Feb. 20, 1904): 449-453.

1904. Le panmongolisme japonais. Alexandre Ular.

La Revue, vol. 48 (Feb. 15, 1904): 413-443.

1904. L'Européanisation du Japon. Félicien Challaye.

Revue de Paris, 11. année, vol. 1, pt. 1 (Feb. 1, 1904): 648-672.

1904. Our [Japan's] ambition. S. Shimada.

Sun trade journal, vol. 10 (Feb., 1904): 18-21.

1904. Au Japon: religions d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. Ch. Desfontaines.

À travers le monde, vol. 10 (Mar. 26, 1904): 97-100.

1904. Scènes le la vie japonaise. Pierre Loti. [Julien Viaud.]

Annales politiques et littéraires, 22. année (Mar. 27, 1904): 195-196 .

1904. The hour of the pink ticket in Japan. Frederick Palmer.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Mar. 12, 1904): 10-12, 25-28.

1904. The psychology of militant Japan. E. H. Vickers.

Nation, vol. 78 (Mar. 3, 1904): 165-166.

1904. Le Japon et l'étranger d'après un consul russe. P. Camena d'Almeida.

Revue commerciale, 22. année (Mar. 19, 1904): 3.

1904. Le Japon industriel. J. P. Armand Hahn.

Revue d'économie politique, vol. 18 (Mar., 1904): 230-249.

1904. Le Japon et ses ressources dans la guerre actuelle. Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu.

Revue des deux mondes, 5. période, vol. 20 (Mar. 15, 1904): 389-419.

1904. Every day life in Japan. Onoto Watanna. [ Mrs. W. E. Babcock.]

Harper's weekly, vol. 48 (Apr. 2, 1904): 500-502, 527, 528.

1904. Japan's financial position. O. Eltzbacher.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 55 (Apr., 1904): 543-554.

1904. L'expansion japonaise. Henri Cordier.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Apr. 1, 1904): 473-476.

1904. Okoubo Tosimitsi et les origines du Japon actuel. Louis Farges.

Revue universelle, vol. 4 (Apr. 1, 1904): 189-190.

[Pg 34]

1904. The rise of modern Japan. Jihei Hashiguchi.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4626-4646.

1904. The genius of Japan. Alexander Tison.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4699-4701.

1904. Fifty years of Japan. Adachi Kinnosuke.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (May, 1904): 553-557.

1904. What the people read in Japan.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (May, 1904): 577-578.

1904. Japan's new gospel of civilization. Harold Bolce.

Booklovers' magazine, vol. 3 (June, 1904): 723-742.

1904. Marquis Ito, the Japanese statesman. John W. Foster.

International quarterly, vol. 9 (June, 1904): 261-273.

1904. First impressions of Japan. George Kennan.

Outlook, vol. 77 (June 11, 1904): 355-360.

1904. The little brown men of Nippon. Joaquin Miller.

Arena, vol. 32 (July, 1904): 18-21.

1904. The magna charta of Japan. Kentaro Kaneko.

Century magazine, vol. 68 (July, 1904): 484-487.

[Pg 35]


Allen , H. N. Korean tales; being a collection of stories translated from the Korean folk lore, together with introductory chapters descriptive of Korea.

New York & London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1889. (4), 193 pp. 12 o .

Bishop , Isabella L. Bird. Korea and her neighbors; a narrative of travel, with an account of the recent vicissitudes and present position of the country.

New York, [etc.]: F. H. Revell company, 1898. (2), 480 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8 o .

Blakeney , William. On the coasts of Cathay and Cipango forty years ago. A record of surveying service in the China, Yellow and Japan seas and on the seaboard of Korea and Manchuria.

London: Elliot Stock, 1902. xx, 353 pp. Plates. Folded maps. 8 o .

Campbell , Charles W. A journey through North Korea to the Ch'ang-pai Shan.

( In Royal geographical society. Proceedings, vol. 14, March, 1892, pp. 141-161. Folded map. London, 1892. 8 o .)

Carles , William Richard. Life in Corea.

London: Macmillan and co., 1888. xiv, 317 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Folded map. 8 o .

Cavendish , Alfred Edward J. Korea and the sacred white mountain; being a brief account of a journey in Korea in 1891; together with an account of an ascent of the white mountain, by Captain H. E. Goold-Adams.

London: George Philip & son, 1894. 224 pp. Illustrations. Plates (partly colored). Folded maps. 8 o .


( In Australasian association for the advancement of science. Report of the sixth meeting held at Brisbane, Queensland, January, 1895, pp. 483-532. Plates (partly colored). Maps. Sydney, [1896]. 8 o .)

Contents : 1. General paper on Corea, by Christopher Thomas Gardner; 2. Notes of travels in Corea, by J. S. Gale; 3. Land tenure and land tax, by J. H. Hunt; 4. Corean custom of taboo, by G. H. Jones; Notes on Corean agriculture, industries, and social institutions of Corea, by M. N. Trollope; Seven notes on Corea (Corean rivers and their navigability; Different kinds of and rotation of crops, &c., &c.), by L. O. Warner; Fauna of Corea, from "Korea and the sacred white mountain;" Constitution and government, by C. T. Gardner.

Frazar , Everett. Korea, and her relations to China, Japan and the United States. A paper read before the New England society, of Orange, New Jersey, in Music hall, November 15th, 1883.

Orange, N. J.: Chronicle book and job printing office, 1884. 52 pp. 8 o .

Gale , James S. Korean sketches.

New York, [etc.]: Fleming H. Revell company, 1898. 256 pp. Plates. Portraits. 12 o .

[Pg 36]

Gifford , Daniel L. Every-day life in Korea; a collection of studies and stories.

Chicago, [etc.]: F. H. Revell company, [1898]. 231 pp. Plates. Folded map. 12 o .

Gilmore , George W. Korea from its capital: with a chapter on missions.

Philadelphia: Presbyterian board of publication and sabbath-school work, [1892]. 328 pp. Plates. 12 o .

Griffis , William Elliot. Corea, the hermit nation. I.—Ancient and mediæval history. II.—Political and social Corea. III.—Modern and recent history. 6th ed., revised and enlarged, with additional chapter on Corea in 1897.

New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1897. xxxi, (3), 492 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Maps. 8 o .

—— Corea, without and within: chapters on Corean history, manners and religion, with Hendrick [sic] Hamel's narrative of captivity and travels in Corea, annotated.

Philadelphia: Presbyterian board of publication, [1885]. 315 pp. Plates. Portraits. Map. 12 o .

Hamilton , Angus. Korea, with a newly prepared map and numerous illustrations.

New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1904. xlii, 315 pp. Illustrations. Map in pocket. 4 o .

The Korea review. [v. 1-3.] Edited by H. B. Hulbert.

Seoul, Korea, 1901-1903. 3 vols. 8 o .

In course of publication.

The Korean repository.

[Seoul]: 1895-1898. 4 vols. Plates (partly folded). 8 o .

Library has [vols. 2-3] 1895-1896; vol. 4, 1897; vol. 5, 1898.

Kotô , Bundjirô, and S. Kanazawa. A catalogue of the Romanized geographical names of Korea.

[Tokio]: Published by the university of Tōkyō, [1903]. (4), vi, 90, 88 pp. 12 o .

Pt. 1. Index of the Romanized names; Pt. 2. Index to the names of Chinese characters.

Landor , A. Henry Savage. Corea or Cho-sen, the land of the morning calm.

London: William Heinemann, 1895. xiii, (3), 304 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. 8 o .

Lowell , Percival. Chosön, the land of the morning calm; a sketch of Korea.

Boston: Ticknor and company, 1886. x, 412 pp. Illustrations. Plates (photogravures). Folded maps. 4 o .

Miln , Louise Jordan. Quaint Korea.

London: Osgood, McIlvaine & co., 1895. viii, 306 pp. 12 o .

Oppert , Ernest. A forbidden land: voyages to the Corea. With an account of its geography, history, productions, and commercial capabilities, &c., &c.

London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1880. xix, (1), 349, (2) pp. Illustrations. Plates. Folded charts. 8 o .

Underwood , Mrs. Lillias Horton. Fifteen years among the top-knots; or, Life in Korea. With introduction by Frank F. Ellinwood.

Boston, New York, [etc.]: American tract society, [1904]. xviii, 271 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8 o .

[Pg 37]

United States. Bureau of statistics. Commercial Korea in 1904. Area, population, production, railways, telegraphs, and transportation routes, and foreign commerce, and commerce of United States with Korea.

Washington: Government printing office, 1904. iii, (1), 2449-2482 pp. Maps. 4 o .


Reprinted from the Monthly summary of commerce and finance for Jan., 1904.

Villetard de Laguérie , R. La Corée, indépendante, russe, ou japonaise.

Paris: Hachette et c ie , 1898. viii, 304 pp. Illustrations (incl. portraits). 12 o .

Whigham , H. J. Manchuria and Korea.

London: Isbister and company, 1904. (6), 245 pp. Plates. Map. 8 o .


1897. Railroads in Korea. J. Henry Dye.

Railroad gazette, vol. 29 (March 12, 1897): 185, 188-189.

1898. The first railway in Korea.

Engineering news, vol. 40 (Sept. 11, 1898): 133-134.

1900. À travers la Corée. Marcel Monnier.

La géographie, vol. 1 (Jan., 1900): 35-49.

1900. Korea—the hermit nation. Harrie Webster.

National geographic magazine, vol. 11 (April, 1900): 145-155.

1900. Korea, the pearl of the Orient: traditional, historical, descriptive. Charlotte M. Salwey.

Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review, 3d series, vol. 10 (July, 1900): 154-167.

1903. The question of Korea. Alfred Stead.

Fortnightly, n. s., vol. 74 (Nov., 1903): 846-863.

Living age, vol. 239 (Dec., 1903): 705-718.

1903. The Korean question: Russia and Japan.

Harper's weekly, vol. 47 (Nov. 28, 1903): 1893-1894.

1903. Situation économique de la Corée. Robert Doucet.

Monde économique, 13. année (Nov. 21, 1903): 647-650.

1904. The crisis in the Far East: views and experiences in Korea. Helen Gregory-Flesher.

Harper's weekly, vol. 48 (Jan. 30, 1904): 166-168.

1904. La Corée et le conflit Russo-Japonais. F. Le Beschu.

Monde illustré, vol. 94 (Jan. 30, 1904): 84-86.

1904. Walking through Korea. T. Philip Terry.

Outing, vol. 43 (Jan., 1904): 433-440.

1904. La Corée d'après de nouvelles publications. P. Camena d'Almeida.

Revue commerciale, 22. année (Jan. 23, 1904): 3-4.

1904. La Corée. Victor Bérard.

Revue de Paris, 11. année (Jan. 15, 1904): 423-448.

1904. Situation politique et économique actuelle de la Corée. B. de Zenzinoff.

À travers le monde, vol. 10 (Feb. 20, 1904): 61-62.

[Pg 38]

1904. À travers la Corée. Jean de Pange.

À travers le monde, vol. 10 (Feb. 27, 1904): 65-68; (Mar. 5, 1904): 73-76; (Mar. 12, 1904): 81-84.

1904. Korea as the prize of war. J. Sloat Fassett.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (Feb., 1904): 167-175.

1904. La Corée: son gouvernement: ses mœurs: ses légends. J. H. Rosny.

Annales politiques el litteraires, 22. année (Feb. 14, 1904): 99-101.

1904. La Corée: le pays: caractère des habitants: arts et manufactures: gouvernement: le catholicisme en Corée. A.-A. Fauvel.

Correspondant, vol. 214 (Feb. 10, 1904): 446-473.

1904. Korea: the bone of eastern contention.

Current literature, vol. 36 (Feb., 1904): 158-163.

1904. Yi-Hyeung empereur de Corée. Maxime de Mérilhan.

France illustrée, 31. année (Feb. 20, 1904): 140-141.

1904. Séoul et les Coréens. Li-Tuyen.

France illustrée, 31. année (Feb. 20, 1904): 141-142.

1904. The fate of Korea.

Harper's weekly, vol. 48 (Feb. 20, 1904): 269-270.

1904. An ambition of Japan. A. M. Latter.

Independent review, vol. 2 (Feb., 1904): 117-123.

Living age, vol. 240 (Mar. 12, 1904): 663-667.

1904. Current notes on international law: Korea. G. G. Phillimore.

Law magazine review, vol. 29 (Feb., 1904): 216-217.

1904. Some facts about Korea.

National geographic magazine, vol. 15 (Feb., 1904): 78.

1904. Japanese relations with Korea. Joseph H. Longford.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 55 (Feb., 1904): 207-218.

Living age, vol. 240 (Mar. 5, 1904): 577-587.

Eclectic magazine, vol. 142 (Apr., 1904): 540-550.

1904. Korea, the cockpit of the East.

Review of reviews (London), vol. 29 (Feb., 1904): 176-181.

1904. La Corée. Villetard de Laguérie.

Revue des deux mondes, 5. période, vol. 19 (Feb. 1, 1904): 682-696.

1904. La Corée. Matignon.

Société des études coloniales et maritimes. Bulletin, 29. année (Feb. 29, 1904): 57-59.

1904. La Corée & les puissances étrangères. Maurice Courant.

Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 19 (Mar. 15, 1904): 253-267.

1904. La Corée monastique. Jean de Nettancourt-Vaubecourt.

Monde illustré, vol. 94 (Mar. 12, 1904): 234-235.

1904. Kim the Korean. William Elliot Griffis.

Outlook, vol. 76 (Mar. 5, 1904): 543-549.

[Pg 39]

1904. Japan and Korea.

Pilot, vol. 9 (Mar. 5, 1904): 214-215.

1904. The Japanese in Korea.

Pilot, vol. 9 (Mar. 26, 1904): 281-282.

1904. Korean headdresses in the National museum. Foster H. Jenings.

Scientific American supplement, vol. 57 (Mar. 26, 1904): 23608-23609; (Apr. 2, 1904): 23624-23626.

1904. Korea and the Far East (with maps).

Scottish geographical magazine, vol. 20 (Mar., 1904): 157-158.

1904. Un voyage en Corée. A. Hagen.

Tour du monde, vol. 10 (Mar. 19, 1904): 133-144; (Mar. 26, 1904): 145-156.

1904. About Korea. C. T. Collyer.

Royal geographical society. Journal, vol. 23 (April, 1904): 481-492.

1904. Korea and the Koreans.

World's work, (London) vol. 3 (Apr., 1904): 445-452.

1904. Unhappy Korea. Arthur Judson Brown.

Century magazine, vol. 68 (May, 1904): 147-150.

1904. Korea, the bone of contention. Homer B. Hulbert.

Century magazine, vol. 68 (May, 1904): 151-154.

1904. The actual situation of Korea. W. F. Sands.

Messenger, vol. 41 (May, 1904): 491-496.

1904. Falsehood and truth about Korea missionaries. Arthur Judson Brown.

Missionary review, vol. 27 (May, 1904): 332-336.

1904. Korea: its history and prospects. Walter C. Hillier.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (June 1, 1904): 946-954.

1904. Korea, Japan, and Russia. von Zepelin.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 30 (July, 1904): 93-94.

[Pg 40]


Lawrence , Thomas J. War and neutrality in the Far East.

London: Macmillan & co., 1904. 240 pp. 12 o .

Japan. Imperial diet. Translation. Correspondence regarding the negotiations between Japan and Russia. (1903-1904.) Presented to the Imperial diet, March, 1904.

[Washington, D. C.: Gibson brothers, 1904.] xii, 59 pp. 8 o .


1903. Russia and Japan.

Gunton's magazine, vol. 25 (July, 1903): 16-19.

1903. Russia and the nations. W. M. Ivins, jr.

World's work, vol. 6 (July, 1903): 3642-3646.

1903. The cloud in the Far East.

Macmillan's magazine, vol. 88 (Sept., 1903): 354-362.

1903. The far eastern problem.

Gunton's magazine, vol. 25 (Oct., 1903): 312-317.

1903. The storm-cloud in the Far East. Charles Johnston.

Independent, vol. 55 (Oct. 15, 1903): 2446-2448.

1903. Russia and Japan.

Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, vol. 174 (Nov., 1903): 585-600.

1903. La Russie et le Japon.

Comité de l'Asie française. Bulletin mensuel, 3. année (Nov., 1903): 484-486.

1903. The Far East. E. J. Dillon.

Contemporary review, vol. 84 (Dec, 1903): 885-899.

1903. Japan and Russia.

Nation, vol. 77 (Dec. 31, 1903): 519-520.

1903. Russia and Japan.

Spectator, vol. 91 (Dec. 26, 1903): 1116.

1903-1904. Asia in transition. W. C. Jameson Reid.

Gunton's magazine, vol. 25 (Dec., 1903): 485-494; vol. 26 (Jan., 1904): 29-37; (Feb., 1904): 118-128.

1904. Russia and Japan: a grave situation. Albert Shaw.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (Jan., 1904): 4-8.

1904. The Russo-Japanese crisis.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Jan. 9, 1904): 7-8.

[Pg 41]

1904. The Russian and Japanese naval situation. French E. Chadwick.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Jan. 16, 1904): 14-15.

1904. Admiral Alexieff. William R. Stewart.

Cosmopolitan, vol. 36 (Jan., 1904): 374-375.

1904. The far eastern problem. Alfred Stead.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (Jan., 1904): 137-142.

1904. Russia's movements in the Far East. A. Maurice Low.

Forum, vol. 35 (Jan., 1904): 336-343.

1904. The Russo-Japanese imbroglio. Muhammad Barakatullah.

Forum, vol. 35 (Jan., 1904): 458-470.

1904. The complications of an eastern war.

Independent, vol. 56 (Jan. 7, 1904): 45-46.

1904. Russes et Japonais en extrême orient. F. Le Beschu.

Monde illustré, vol. 94 (Jan. 16, 1904): 48.

1904. La Russie et le Japon. Michel Méry.

Mouvement géographique, 21. année (Jan. 10, 1904): cols. 20-23.

1904. The Russian and Japanese forces.

Nation, vol. 78 (Jan. 14, 1904): 25-26.

1904. Der russisch-japanische Konflikt. M. Beer.

Neue Zeit, 22. Jahrgang (Jan. 2, 1904): 427-433.

1904. The Russo-Japanese peril and its bearing on Anglo-French relations. Frederic Lees.

New liberal review, vol. 6 (Jan., 1904): 711-721.

1904. The "yellow peril" bogey. Demetrius C. Boulger.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 55 (Jan., 1904): 30-39.

Living age, vol. 240 (Feb. 6, 1904): 321-329.

1904. Japan and Russia.

Outlook, vol. 76 (Jan. 9, 1904): 102-104.

1904. Russia and Japan face to face.

Outlook, vol. 76 (Jan. 16, 1904): 161-165.

1904. Japan and Russia.

Outlook, vol. 76 (Jan. 23, 1904): 193-195.

1904. La crise russo-japonaise. Robert de Caix.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Jan. 16, 1904): 81-94.

1904. La politique des grandes puissances en extrême-orient. Jean de La Peyre.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Jan. 16, 1904): 113-131.

1904. Etiquette and the East.

Saturday review, vol. 97 (Jan. 23, 1904): 101-102.

1904. Russia and Japan.

Spectator, vol. 92 (Jan. 16, 1904): 78.

1904. The far-eastern crisis.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (Feb., 1904): 131-136.

[Pg 42]

1904. Russia and Japan: the naval outlook. Active List.

Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, vol. 175 (Feb., 1904): 275-293.

1904. Russia and Japan. John A. Ewan.

Canadian magazine, vol. 22 (Feb., 1904): 385-389.

1904. The war fleets of Japan and Russia. Archibald S. Hurd.

Cassier's magazine, vol. 25 (Feb., 1904): 287-318.

1904. Appreciations of conditions in the Russo-Japanese conflict. Alfred T. Mahan.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Feb. 20, 1904): 7-8.

1904. Russia's transportation problem in Siberia. Chase S. Osborn.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Feb. 20, 1904): 11.

1904. The complete readiness of Japan. Arthur May Knapp.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Feb. 20, 1904): extra p. 2.

1904. The theatre of war. Cyrus C. Adams.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Feb. 20, 1904): extra p. 6.

1904. On the eve of war in Japan. Arthur May Knapp.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Feb. 27, 1904): 10.

1904. A nation calm and self-contained. Frederick Palmer.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Feb. 27, 1904): 11-12.

1904. La guerre russo-japonaise et la politique de la France. Robert de Caix.

Comité de l'Afrique française. Bulletin, 14. année (Feb., 1904): 43-44.

1904. The Far East. E. J. Dillon.

Contemporary review, vol. 85 (Feb., 1904): 281-289.

"The Corean question is vital to Japan."

1904. Les éventualités d'extrême-orient. I. Le Japon. II. Les perspective actuelles. Paul Leroy-Beaulieu.

Économiste français, 32. année, vol. 1 (Feb. 6, 1904): 169-171; (Feb. 13, 1904): 205-208.

1904. La guerre en extrême-orient et les bourses européennes. Paul Leroy-Beaulieu.

Économiste français, 32. année, vol. 1 (Feb. 20, 1904): 237-239.

1904. Les événements d'orient et d'extrême-orient et les bourses européennes: nécessité d'une période de recueillement. Paul Leroy-Beaulieu.

Économiste français, 32. année, vol. 1 (Feb. 27, 1904): 273-275.

1904. First principles in the Far East. Calchas.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (Feb., 1904): 194-210.

1904. Russland und Japan. Karl Schultz.

Grenzboten, 63. Jahrgang (Feb. 11, 1904): 313-326.

1904. Some considerations of the far eastern crisis. Colgate Baker.

Independent, vol. 56 (Feb. 4, 1904): 239-241.

1904. Some lessons of the Japanese torpedo attack. Park Benjamin.

Independent, vol. 56 (Feb. 18, 1904): 353-356.

1904. Circumstances in the Far East. A. J. Herbertson.

Independent review, vol. 2 (Feb., 1904): 107-116.

[Pg 43]

1904. La guerre russo-japanaise. F. Le Beschu.

Monde illustré, vol. 94 (Feb. 20, 1904): 152.

1904. La guerre russo-japonaise et ses conséquences. Ambroise Rendu.

Moniteur industriel, 31. année (Feb. 20, 1904): 113-114.

1904. The crisis in the Far East. Robert Machray.

Monthly review, vol. 14 (Feb., 1904): 27-42.

1904. The eastern crisis and its origin. E. H. Vickers.

Nation, vol. 78 (Feb. 11, 1904): 105-106.

1904. Japanese and Russian finances.

Nation, vol. 78 (Feb. 25, 1904): 143-144.

1904. Der Kriege. P. Nathan.

Nation (Berlin), 21. Jahrgang (Feb. 13, 1904): 307-308.

1904. Russia and Japan. By the Bystander.

New liberal review, vol. 7 (Feb., 1904): 62-68; (April, 1904): 335-340.

1904. The far eastern situation. Edwin Maxey.

Overland monthly, n. s., vol. 43 (Feb., 1904): 110-114.

1904. The Russo-Japanese conflict.

Public opinion, vol. 36 (Feb. 18, 1904): 201-203; (Feb. 25, 1904): 233-234.

1904. Europe and the war.

Public opinion (London), vol. 85 (Feb. 26, 1904): 253-257.

1904. La France et la guerre. Robert de Caix.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Feb. 15, 1904): 225-232.

1904. Le réveil de l'Asie et le mouvement pan-asiatique. Argus.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Feb. 15, 1904): 266-271.

1904. La guerre russo-japonaise.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Feb. 15, 1904): 272-282.

1904. The railways at the seat of war.

Railway world, vol. 48 (Feb. 20, 1904): 199-200.

1904. Les intérêts français en extrême-orient. Henri Lorin.

Revue commerciale, 22. année (Feb. 13, 1904): 3.

1904. Les finances comparées de la Russie et du Japon.

Revue de statistique, vol. 7 (Feb. 14, 1904): 50-55.

1904. La lutte pour le Pacifique. René Pinon.

Revue des deux mondes, 5. période, vol. 19 (Feb. 15, 1904): 772-807.

1904. [La guerre en extrême-orient]. Francis Charmes.

Revue des deux mondes, 5. période, vol. 19 (Feb. 15, 1904): 947-958.

1904. Marines russe et japonaise. C. Cilvanet.

Revue française, vol. 29 (Feb., 1904): 97-111.

1904. Le conflit russo-japanais. Alexandre Charlot.

Revue générale; vol. 79 (Feb., 1904): 330-342.

1904. La guerre fatale. B. de Zenzinoff.

Revue politique et littéraire, 5. sér., vol. 1 (Feb. 20, 1904): 237-241.

[Pg 44]

1904. Britain and the far eastern question.

Westminster review, vol. 161 (Feb., 1904): 117-119.

1904. The conflict in the Far East. Alfred Stead.

World's work (London), vol. 3 (Feb., 1904): 240-244.

1904. Russia, Japan, and who else? Edwin Maxey.

Albany law journal, vol. 66 (Mar., 1904): 71-73.

1904. L'armée japonaise. B.

Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 19 (Mar. 15, 1904): 236-252.

1904. The opening of the war. Active List.

Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, vol. 175 (Mar., 1904): 438-448.

1904. Causes de la guerre russo-japonaise. Comte de Fontaine de Resbecq.

Carnet, vol. 19 (Mar., 1904): 371-373.

1904. Economic changes in Asia. Arthur Judson Brown.

Century magazine, vol. 67 (Mar., 1904): 732-737.

1904. The making of the Japanese soldier. Durham White Stevens.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Mar. 5, 1904): 7-8.

1904. Russia calls out her Baltic fleet. Cyrus C. Adams.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Mar. 5, 1904): extra p. 13.

1904. The battle of Port Arthur. James F. J. Archibald.

Collier's weekly, vol. 32 (Mar. 26, 1904): 7.

1904. Japan and Russia. E. J. Dillon.

Contemporary review, vol. 85 (Mar., 1904): 305-322.

"Mr. Dillon's knowledge of Russia is so extensive that his article on Japan and Russia in the current Contemporary claims special attention. The object of his paper is to fix the responsibility of the war. Dismissing the Russian people and the professional diplomats, he comes to the conclusion that the appointment of Admiral Alexeieff as Viceroy of the Far East was a huge blunder, and that the supersession of wiser and more cautious statesmen by a zealous but inexperienced sailor precipitated the crisis."— Spectator, Mar. 5, 1904: 376.

1904. Ce que coutera la guerre russo-japonaise pour une campagne de six mois d'après des documents inédits.

Correspondant, vol. 214 (Mar. 25, 1904): 1025-1041.

1904. The war and the powers. Calchas.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (Mar. 1, 1904): 415-430.

Living age, vol. 241 (Apr. 2, 1904): 1-13.

"'Calchas' sums up the results of the war strategically, and points out what he believes to have been Russia's best course when she found herself attacked and unprepared."— Spectator, Mar. 5, 1904: 377.

1904. The war in the Far East. Alfred Stead.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (Mar. 1, 1904): 431-444.

1904. La guerre russo-japonaise. Ardouin-Dumazet et Paul Fontin.

France de demain, n. s., vol. 1 (Mar. 5, 1904): 3-19.

1904. Leaders in the Far eastern conflict.

Independent, vol. 56 (Mar. 31, 1904): 701-708.

1904. Along the Yalu river. Margherita Arlina Hamm.

Independent, vol. 56 (Mar. 31, 1904): 709-714.

[Pg 45]

1904. Russia's plan to exhaust her foe.

Literary digest, vol. 28 (Mar. 12, 1904): 374-376.

1904. A plain statement about Russia and Japan. Frederick McCormick.

Metropolitan magazine, vol. 19 (Mar., 1904): 883-889.

1904. Manchuria and Korea.

National geographic magazine, vol. 15 (March, 1904): 128-129.

Accompanying is a war map of Manchuria and Korea, 36 by 42 inches.

1904. The collapse of Russia in the Far East. Ignotus.

National review, vol. 43 (Mar., 1904): 29-34.

1904. Some French opinions on the Russo-Japanese conflict. Frederic Lees.

New liberal review, vol. 7 (Mar., 1904): 181-189.

1904. Why Japan resists Russia. Kogoro Takahira.

North American review, vol. 178 (Mar., 1904): 321-327.

1904. England and the war. Sydney Brooks.

North American review, vol. 178 (Mar., 1904): 328-337.

1904. What defeat would mean to Russia. Wanda Ian-Ruban.

Outlook, vol. 76 (Mar. 19, 1904): 687-694.

1904. La situation en extrême-orient: les faits et les perspectives. Robert de Caix.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Mar. 1, 1904): 305-311.

1904. La guerre russo-japonaise et ses leçons. Jean de La Peyre.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Mar. 1, 1904): 321-336; (Mar. 16, 1904): 407-418; (Apr. 1, 1904): 489-501.

1904. Port-Arthur. H. T.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Mar. 1, 1904): 337-340.

1904. The struggle over Korea. Robert E. Speer.

Record of Christian work, vol. 23 (Mar., 1904): 155-159.

1904. Russo-Japanese war: an authoritative statement of both sides of the case. I. The Japanese case. II. The Russian case.

Review of reviews (London), vol. 29 (Mar., 1904): 231-239.

1904. La guerre russo-japonaise.

Revue de géographie, 28. année (Mar. 1, 1904): 65-69.

1904. Le conflit russo-japonais. Francis Mury.

Revue de géographie, 28. année (Mar. 1, 1904): 70-77.

1904. L'attaque de Port-Arthur—8 février 1904. Lieutenant X.

Revue de Paris, 11. année, vol. 2, (Mar. 15, 1904): 1-14.

1904. Obligation juridique de la déclaration de guerre. H. Ebren.

Revue générale de droit international public, 11. année (Mar.-Apr., 1904): 133-148.

1904. Les hostilités sans déclaration de guerre. À propos de la guerre russo-japonaise. F. de Martens.

Revue générale de droit international public, 11. année (Mar.-Apr., 1904): 148-150.

[Pg 46]

1904. La guerre russo-japonaise et l'alliance franco-russe. Jean Jaurès.

Revue socialiste, vol. 39 (Mar., 1904): 305-316.

1904. Le conflit russo-japonais. C. Béguin.

Revue universelle, vol. 4 (March 1, 1904): 121-124.

1904. Vladisvostock, Port Arthur, Tchemoulpo.

Revue universelle, vol. 4 (March 1, 1904): 125-126.

1904. The war in the Far East. P. Kropotkin.

Speaker, vol. 9 (Mar. 5, 1904): 544-546.

Living age, vol. 241 (Apr. 9, 1904): 121-126.

1904. La guerre russo-japonaise: l'attaque et la défense des côtes. Gaston Jougla.

Vie illustrée, 7. année (Mar. 11, 1904): 372-377.

1904. Korea, Japan, and Russia. Robert E. Speer.

World's work, vol. 7 (Mar., 1904): 4514-4525.

1904. The war—and after. Henry Norman.

World's work (London), vol. 3 (Mar., 1904): 323-329.

1904. The struggle for the Pacific.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (Apr., 1904): 484-485.

Review of, La lutte pour la Pacifique by René Pinon.

1904. Japan is prepared for a long war. Frederick Palmer.

Collier's weekly, vol. 33 (Apr. 9, 1904): 6-7.

1904. Appreciation of conditions in the Russo-Japanese conflict. Alfred T. Mahan.

Collier's weekly, vol. 33 (Apr. 30, 1904): 10-13.

1904. Japan and Russia [Russia's prospects of success]. E. J. Dillon.

Contemporary review, vol. 85 (Apr., 1904): 577-591.

1904. The beginning in the Far East. David Hannay.

Cornhill magazine, vol. 16 (Apr., 1904): 523-535.

1904. Russia and the war. Œdipus.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (Apr., 1904): 547-560.

1904 . Port Arthur—Its strategic value. Angus Hamilton.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (Apr., 1904): 662-669.

1904. Les Cosaques. Kto-to.

France de demain, n. s., vol. 1 (Apr. 20, 1904): 205-213.

1904. The case for Japan. D. W. Stevens.

Frank Leslie's popular monthly, vol. 57 (Apr., 1904): 690-696.

1904. The war and the two civilisations. A. M. Latter.

Independent review, vol. 2 (April, 1904): 348-359.

1904. The destiny of the Far East. Alexander Hume Ford.

Munsey's magazine, vol. 31 (Apr., 1904): 1-11.

1904. New stars rise above the Pacific. Peter Mac Queen.

National magazine (Boston), vol. 20 (Apr., 1904): 79-82.

1904. Sea power and strategy. T. Miller Maguire.

National review, vol. 43 (April, 1904): 263-274.

1904. Russia's charge against Japan. Sir F. Maurice.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 55 (Apr., 1904): 676-684.

[Pg 47]

1904. The causes of the Russo-Japanese war. Frank Brinkley.

Outlook, vol. 76 (Apr. 16, 1904): 921-927.

1904. Russia and Japan.

Quarterly review, vol. 199 (Apr., 1904): 576-610.

1904. La croix-rouge en Russie et au Japon. Maurice Buret.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (Apr. 1, 1904): 502-509.

1904. Tchemoulpo et Vladivostock. Lieutenant X.

Revue de Paris, 11. année, vol. 2 (Apr., 1904): 650-668.

1904. La révolte de l'Asie. Victor Bérard.

Revue de Paris, 11. année, vol. 2 (April 15, 1904): 867-890; 11. année, vol. 3 (May 15, 1904): 409-448.

1904. The naval situation in the East.

Saturday review, vol. 97 (Apr. 23, 1904): 513-514.

1904. The war and the chances of intervention.

Spectator, vol. 92 (Apr. 30, 1904): 685-686.

1904. What Japan is fighting for. Kogoro Takahira.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4620-4622.

1904. The cost of war to Russia and Japan. Frank A. Vanderlip.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4647-4650.

1904. Stories of Russian and Japanese soldiers.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4658-4675.

1904. The rebound on Russia. Gilson Willets.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4683-4698.

1904. The cause of the war. John Foord.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4705-4709.

1904. What Russia fights for. Edwin Winthrop Dayton.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4710-4712.

1904. Will Russia use the North-east passage? Frederick T. Jane.

World's work (London), vol. 3 (Apr., 1904): 433-435.

1904. Vice-admiral Togo: a type of the Japanese fighting man. Hirata Tatsuo.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (May, 1904): 551-552.

1904. Japan on the American attitude.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (May, 1904): 578-580.

1904. The effect of the war on the international affairs of Russia.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (May, 1904): 580-581.

1904. Climatic features of the field of the Russo-Japanese war. Frank Waldo.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (May, 1904): 582-584.

1904. If Japan should win. Harold Bolce.

Booklovers' magazine, vol. 3 (May, 1904): 579-598.

1904. Torpedo craft vs. battleships. Alfred T. Mahan.

Collier's weekly, vol. 33 (May 21, 1904): 16-17.

1904. Japan, Russia, France. Ivanovich.

Contemporary review, vol. 85 (May, 1904): 668-685.

[Pg 48]

1904. Problems of the Far East. Alfred Stead.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (May, 1904): 817-829.

1904. Some questions of international law arising from the Russo-Japanese war. Amos S. Hershey.

Green bag, vol. 16 (May-July, 1904): 306, 375, 452.

1904. Russia and Japan. Frank Brinkley.

National review, vol. 43 (May, 1904): 393-405.

1904. Russia in the Far East. A statement to the "North American review." Comte Cassini.

North American review, vol. 178 (May, 1904): 681-689.

1904. Japan and Korea: why, in the light of history, Japan is fighting for Korea. Colgate Baker.

Pearson's magazine, vol. 11 (May, 1904): 470-478.

1904. La crise d'extrême-orient. Paul Doumer.

Revue économique internationale, vol. 1 (May, 1904): 573-597.

1904. La guerre russo-japonaise et ses leçons. Jean de La Peyre.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 (May 1, 1904): 664-674; (May 16, 1904): 725-735.

1904. The position of Russia. Henry Norman.

World's work (London), vol. 3 (May, 1904): 529-532.

1904. Russian finance: the gold reserve. Henry Norman.

World's work (London), vol. 3 (May, 1904): 532-535.

1904. Some of the issues of the Russo-Japanese conflict. K. Asakawa.

Yale review, vol. 13 (May, 1904): 16-50.

1904. International aspects of the Russo-Japanese war. T. Baty.

Albany law journal, vol. 66 (June, 1904): 189-190.

1904. A question of staying power: the comparative resources of Russia and Japan. N. T. Bacon.

Booklovers' magazine, vol. 3 (June, 1904): 743-748.

1904. Japan's object-lessons in naval warfare. Excubitor.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (June 1, 1904): 931-945.

1904. The war in the Far East. Alfred Stead.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (June I, 1904): 955-965.

1904. The conflict of new world-forces in the Far East. Valentine Chirol.

National review, vol. 43 (June, 1904): 578-596.

1904. The Russo-Japanese war and European opinion.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 30 (July, 1904): 87-90.

1904. Japan at war. E. Emerson.

Contemporary review, vol. 86 (July, 1904): 6-17.

1904. The war: Korea and Russia. Alfred Stead.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 76 (July, 1904): 90-102.

1904. International questions and the present war.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 56 (July, 1904): 142-151.

1904. The course of the war. Henry Norman.

World's work, vol. 4 (July, 1904): 109-112.

[Pg 49]


Adams , Brooks. America's economic supremacy.

New York: The Macmillan company, 1900. 222 pp. 12 o .

Contents : The Spanish war and the equilibrium of the world; The new struggle for life among nations; England's decadence in the West Indies; Natural selection in literature; The decay of England; Russia's interest in China.

—— The new empire.

New York: The Macmillan company, 1902. xxxvi, (2), 243 pp. Folded maps. 12 o .

American academy of political and social science. The foreign policy of the United States: political and commercial. Addresses and discussions at the annual meeting, April 7-8, 1899.

Philadelphia: American academy of political and social science, 1899. (4), 216 pp. 8 o .

The commercial relations of the United States with the Far East, by Worthington Chauncey Ford, pp. 107-130.

The commercial relations of the United States with the Far East, by Robert T Hill; with a discussion by John Foord, Dr. W. P. Wilson, Prof. E. R. Johnson, pp. 131-160.

The political relations of the United States with the Far East, by John Bassett Moore, pp. 163-167.

China's relations with the West, by Wu Ting-fang, pp. 168-176.

The political relations of the United States with the European powers in the Far East, by Lindley Miller Keasbey, pp. 177-183.

The real menace of Russian aggression, by Frederick Wells Williams, pp. 184-197.

Bancroft , Hubert Howe. The new Pacific.

New York: The Bancroft company, 1900. iv, (2), 738 pp. Map. 8 o .

Beresford , Lord Charles. China and the powers.

( In The Crisis in China, pp. 169-185. New York, 1900. 12 o .)

Beveridge , Albert Jeremiah. The Russian advance.

New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1903. iii, (5), 485, (1) pp. Maps. 8 o .

American needs in the Orient, pp. 173-186.

American progress in the Far East, pp. 187-207.

Russian opinions of American institutions, pp. 385-400.

Appendix: Treaty of Shimonoseki, by which southern Manchuria was ceded to Japan. Mikado's rescript withdrawing from Manchuria. The (reputed) Cassini convention. The Russo-Manchurian railway agreement. Anglo-Russian agreement respecting spheres of influence in China. Treaty of offensive and defensive alliance between Great Britain and Japan. Specimen of the regulations concerning foreign joint stock companies operating in Russia.

Boulger , Demetrius C. America's share in a partition of China.

( In The Crisis in China, pp. 215-235. New York, 1900. 12 o .)

Callahan , James Morton. American relations in the Pacific and the Far East, 1784-1900.

Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins press, 1901. 177 pp. 8 o . (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series xix nos. 1-3.)

[Pg 50]

Colquhoun , Archibald Ross. Greater America.

New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1904. ix, (3), 435, (1) pp. Frontispiece (portrait). Maps. Diagrams. 8 o .

—— The Far Eastern crisis.

( In The Crisis in China, pp. 109-134. New York, 1900. 12 o .)

—— The mastery of the Pacific.

New York, London: The Macmillan co., 1902. xvi, 440 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

Contents : Introduction.—The United States in the Pacific.—Great Britain in the Pacific.—The Dutch in the Pacific.—Japan in the Pacific.—Other powers in the Pacific.—Conclusion.

Conant , Charles A. The United States in the Orient. The nature of the economic problem.

New York: Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1900. (2), x, 237 pp. 8 o .

Dilke , Sir Charles W. The American policy in China.

( In The Crisis in China, pp. 265-271. New York, 1900. 12 o .)

Foster , John W. American diplomacy in the Orient.

Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1903. xiv, 498 pp. 8 o .

Contents : Early European relations; America's first intercourse; The first Chinese treaties; Independent Hawaii; The opening of Japan; The transformation of Japan; The crumbling wall of China; Chinese immigration and exclusion; Korea and its neighbors; The enfranchisement of Japan; The annexation of Hawaii; The Samoan complication; The Spanish war: its results. Appendix: Protocol between China and the treaty powers, Sept. 7, 1901; The emigration treaty between China and the United States, 1894; Treaty between the United States and Japan, 1894; Joint resolution for annexing the Hawaiian islands, 1898; The Samoan treaty between the United States, Germany, and Great Britain, 1899; Protocol between the United States and Spain, August 12, 1898; Treaty of peace between the United States and Spain, 1898.

Griffis , William Elliot. America in the East; a glance at our history, prospects, problems, and duties in the Pacific Ocean.

New York: A. S. Barnes & co., 1899. x, (2), 244 pp. Plates. Portraits. 12 o .

Nitobe , Inazo Ota. The intercourse between the United States and Japan: an historical sketch.

Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins press, 1891. ix, 198 pp. 8 o . (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science. Extra vol. viii.)

Potter , Henry Codman. The East of to-day and to-morrow.

New York: The Century co., 1902. (8), 190 pp. 12 o .

Contents : Chinese traits and western blunders.—The problem of the Philippines.—Impressions of Japan.—Impressions of India.—Impressions of the Hawaiian Islands.—India: its people and its religions.

Reinsch , Paul Samuel. World politics at the end of the nineteenth century; as influenced by the oriental situation.

New York & London: The Macmillan co., 1900. xviii, 366 pp. Map. 12 o . (The citizen's library.)

Contents : National imperialism; The opening of China; The consequences of the opening of China in world politics; German imperial politics; Some considerations on the position of the United States as a factor in oriental politics.

Waldstein , Charles. The expansion of Western ideals and the world's peace.

[Pg 51]

John Lane, New York and London, 1899. 194 pp. 16 o .

Wilson , James H. America's interests in China.

( In The Crisis in China, pp. 239-261. New York, 1900. 12 o .)

Wu Ting-fang. Mutual helpfulness between China and the United States.

( In The Crisis in China, pp. 189-211. New York, 1900. 12 o .)


1898. American competition with British trade in Japan.

Board of trade journal, vol. 25 (July, 1898): 43-45.

1898. Our policy in China. Mark B. Dunnell.

North American review, vol. 167 (Oct., 1898): 393-409.

1898. Eastward expansion of the United States. A. R. Colquhoun.

Harper's new monthly magazine, vol. 97 (Nov., 1898): 932-938.

1898-1899. America in the Far East. W. E. Griffis.

Outlook, vol. 60 (Nov. 26, 1898): 761-766; (Dec. 10, 1898): 902-907; (Dec. 24, 1898): 1004-1011; (Dec. 31, 1898): 1051-1057; vol. 61 (Jan. 14, 1899): 110-113.

1899. American interests in the Far East. John Foord.

Anglo-American magazine, vol. 1 (Jan., 1899): 1-14.

1899. The commercial future. The new struggle for life among nations. Brooks Adams.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 65 (Feb., 1899): 274-283.

1899. The new struggle for life among nations. Brooks Adams.

McClure's magazine, vol. 12 (Apr., 1899): 558-564.

1899. The commercial relations of the United States with the Far East. Worthington Chauncey Ford.

American academy of political and social science. Annals, Supplement to May, 1899: 107-160.

1899. American policy in the Far East. J. M. King, jr.

Anglo-American magazine, vol. 1 (May, 1899): 432-439.

1899. Relation of the United States to Asiatic politics. J. B. Moore.

Independent, vol. 51 (May 4, 1899): 1206.

1899. Shall the United States unite with England or Russia.

Independent, vol. 51 (July 13, 1899): 1895.

1899. The paramount power of the Pacific. John Barrett.

North American review, vol. 169 (Aug., 1899): 165-179.

1899. America, England, and Germany as allies for the open door. John Barrett.

Engineering magazine, vol. 17 (Sept., 1899): 893-902.

1899. America and England in the East. Sir Charles W. Dilke.

North American review, vol. 169 (Oct., 1899): 558-563.

1901. American interests in the Orient. Charles A. Conant.

International monthly, vol. 3 (Feb., 1901): 117-133.

[Pg 52]

1903. The status of the United States in the Orient. John Barrett.

Independent, vol. 55 (Apr. 23, 1903): 952-953.

1903. The Asiatic problem and its relation to the United States. W. C. Jameson Reid.

Political science quarterly, vol. 18 (June, 1903): 181-196.

1903. The reopened door.

Nation, vol. 77 (July 23, 1903): 65-66.

1903-1904. Japan and the United States: a proposed economic alliance. Kentaro Kaneko.

International quarterly, vol. 8 (Dec.-Mar., 1903-1904): 399-404.

1904. American interests in Asia.

Outlook, vol. 76 (Jan. 23, 1904): 205-206.

1904. Pourquoi les sympathies des États-Unis vont au Japon.

À travers le monde, vol. 10 (Mar. 12, 1904): 86-87.

1904. America's opportunity in the East. Harold Bolce.

Booklovers' magazine, vol. 3 (Mar., 1904): 287-309.

1904. The coming conflict from an American standpoint. Hugo Erickson.

Overland monthly, n. s., vol. 43 (Mar., 1904): 204-206.

1904. The coming of the Russian ships in 1863. Rush C. Hawkins.

North American review, vol. 178 (Apr., 1904): 539-544.

1904. Russia: our friend in need. John S. Cooper.

Saturday evening post, vol. 176 (April 9, 1904): 1-2.

1904. Our trade in the war zone. O. P. Austin.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4650-4654.

1904. The victory of our eastern diplomacy.

World's work, vol. 7 (Apr., 1904): 4675-4679.

1904. Japan on the American attitude. A. K.

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 29 (May, 1904): 578-580.

1904. Russia and ourselves.

Outlook, vol. 13 (May 7, 1904): 345.

1904. England and Russia in our civil war, and the war between Russia and Japan. Henry Clews.

North American review, vol. 178 (June, 1904): 812-819.

[Pg 53]


Boulger , Demetrius C. Central Asian questions. Essays on Afghanistan, China, and Central Asia.

London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1885. xvi, 457 pp. Portrait. Maps. 8 o .

Brandt , Max August Scipio von. Dreiunddreissig Jahre in Ost-Asien. Erinnerungen eines deutschen Diplomaten.

Leipzig: G. Wigand, 1901. 3 vols. Portraits. 8 o .

Contents : Bd. 1. Die preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien. Japan, China, Siam. 1860-1862. Zurück nach Japan. 1862.—Bd. 2. Japan. 1863-1875. 1866. In und durch Amerika. 1871. 1872.—Bd. 3. China. 1875 bis 1893.

—— Die Zukunft Ostasiens; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und zum Verständnis der ostasiatischen Frage. 3., umgearb. und verm. Auflage.

Stuttgart: Strecker & Schröder, 1903. iv, 118 pp. 8 o .

Busley , C. Der Kampf um den ostasiatischen Handel.

Berlin: Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, 1897. 195-244 pp. Folded map. Tables. 8 o . (Deutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen, 1896-97. Heft 6.)

Chirol , Valentine. The Far Eastern question.

London: Macmillan and co., 1896. viii, (4), 196 pp. Plates. Folded maps. 8 o .

Curzon , George Nathaniel, 1st baron . Problems of the Far East; Japan-Korea-China. New and revised edition. [4th ed.]

Westminster: A. Constable & co., 1896. xxiv, 444 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8 o .

Contents : The Far East: Japan; The evolution of modern Japan; Japan and the powers; 1. Treaty between Great Britain and Japan (July, 1894); 2. Protocol. Korea: Life and travel in Korea; The capital and court of Korea; Political and commercial symptoms in Korea; The political future of Korea. China: The country and capital of China; China and the powers; The so-called awakening of China; Monasticism in China. The prospect: After the war; The destinies of the Far East; Great Britain in the Far East. Appendix: 1. Treaty ... between Japan and China. 2. Imperial rescript (May, 1895).

Dennys , Nicholas B., ed. The treaty ports of China and Japan. A complete guide to the open ports of those countries.

London: Trübner, 1867. viii, (2), 668, (2), xxvi pp. Maps. Plans. 8 o .

Krausse , Alexis. The Far East: its history and its question.

London: Richards, 1900. xiv, (2), 372 pp. Maps. Plans. 8 o .

"The Far East" is, as far as some three or four hundred pages permit, a complete account of the history of the Oriental Asiatic world in its relations with Western civilization, with an examination of the existing factors in the Far Eastern question, and a statement of the evidence bearing upon the subject.

The appendices to the book are particularly useful for reference, as they include a chronology of the history of the Far East, the text of the more important treaties and conventions, and furnish a bibliography of authorities on the Far East.

[Pg 54]

La Barre de Nanteuil , Amaury de, baron . L'Orient et l'Europe depuis le XVII e siècle jusqu'aujourd'hui. Ouvrage contenant des cartes de l'Orient aux principales époques de son histoire.

Firmin-Didot et cie, Paris, [1898]. xx, 251 pp. Folded maps. 8 o .

Leroy-Beaulieu , Pierre. La rénovation de l'Asie (Sibérie, Chine, Japon).

Paris: Armand Colin et c ie , 1900. xxvii, (1), 482 pp. 12 o .

"L'ouvrage de M. Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu, 'La rénovation de l'Asie (Sibérie, Chine, Japon),' a eu un grand succès. Les pages où le jeune voyageur a jugé avec tant de clairvoyance les pays d'Extrême-Orient, qu'il a étudiés sur place, ont fait, uon seulement en France, mais à l'étranger, la plus vive impression. En trois mois la première édition de cet ouvrage a été épuisée; la deuxième vient de paraître, avec une nouvelle préface, chez l'éditeur Colin.... En même temps, l'on en prépare une traduction anglaise et une traduction allemande."— L'Economiste français.

"M. Leroy-Beaulieu, in his interesting work, 'La rénovation de l'Asie,' deals with the Japanese question at some length. His book is doubly interesting because it is the first serious contribution to the discussion of the Far Eastern question by a French writer, and because, like Mr. Colquhoun's book, it regards the Chinese problem not as an isolated fact, but as part of a vast evolution."

—— Same.

Paris: A. Colin, 1901. xxix, 482 pp. 12 o .

"La plus grande partie du présent ouvrage a paru durant les deux dernières années sous forme d'articles publiés dans la Revue des deux mondes, et de correspondances adressées à l'Économiste français."

—— The awakening of the East: Siberia, Japan, China. [Translated by Richard Davey.] With a preface by Henry Norman.

New York: McClure, 1900. xxvii, (1), 298, (1) pp. 12 o .

—— Same.

London: W. Heinemann, 1900. xxvii, (1), 299 pp. 12 o .

Mahan , Alfred T. The problem of Asia and its effect upon international policies.

Boston: Little, Brown and company, 1900. xxvi, 233 pp. Folded map. 12 o .

Norman , Henry. Asia. The peoples and politics of the Far East. Travels and studies in the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese colonies, Siberia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam and Malaya. [Fifth impression.]

London: T. F. Unwin, 1900. xvi, 608 pp. Frontispiece (colored). Plates. Portraits. Folded maps. 8 o .

China, pp. 195-322; Korea, pp. 323-374; Japan, pp. 375-406; Siam, pp. 407-522; Malaya, pp. 523-588.

Pouvourville , Albert de. La question d'extrême-orient. Avec une préface par Gabriel Hanotaux.

Paris: A. Pedone, 1900. xii, 274 pp. 8 o . (Études coloniales, vol. 5.)

Reclus , Élisée. La Chine et la diplomatie européenne.

Paris: Éditeurs de l'Humanité nouvelle, 1900. 16 pp. 8 o .

"Thinks that the alliance against China, beyond capturing Pekin, will accomplish no good; is inimical to Russia. Thinks Russian advance has been checked to the advantage of the world."

Reid , Gilbert. The powers and the partition of China.

( In The Crisis in China, pp. 35-50. New York, 1900. 12 o .)

Siebold , Alexander, Freiherr von. Japan's accession to the comity of nations. Translated from the German with an introduction by Charles Lowe.

London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., 1901. xiii, 119, (1) pp. 12 o .

Appendix: Treaty of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and Japan. 1894.

"The substance of this little work ... has already appeared in the form of a series of articles in the magazine Ost-Asien" (Berlin, 1899).— Preface.

[Pg 55]

Smith , D. Warres. European settlements in the Far East; China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay states, Siam, Netherlands, India, Borneo, the Philippines, etc.

London: S. Low, Marston & co., 1900. xiii, 331 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Map. 8 o .

Speer , Robert E. Missions and politics in Asia. Studies of the spirit of the Eastern peoples, the present making of history in Asia, and the part therein of Christian missions.

New York: Fleming H. Revell company, 1898. 271 pp. 12 o . (Students' lectures on missions, Princeton theological seminary, 1898.)

Townsend , Meredith. Asia and Europe; studies presenting the conclusions formed by the author in a long life devoted to the subject of the relations between Asia and Europe.

New York: G. P. Putnam's sons; London: A. Constable & co., 1901. xii, 388 pp. 8 o .

Papers originally published in the Contemporary review, the National review, and the Spectator.

"The conclusions of the author concerning the possible influence of the West Europeans upon Asia are absolutely pessimistic and—quite correct.... Where our author is entirely right is when he proves by so many illustrations that up to the present time the Europeans have had no influence upon the mind of the populations of Asia."— Kropotkin in The Speaker, March 19, 1904, page 600.

Walton , Joseph. China and the present crisis. With notes on a visit to Japan and Korea.

London: Sampson Low, Marston & company, 1900. viii, 319 pp. Folded map. 12 o .

"Mr. Walton has only recently returned from an eight months' journey in the Far East; he had interviews with many of those who figure so prominently in the present crisis, and his work will be found as interesting as it is opportune."

[Pg 56]


Bérard , Victor, i. e. , Eugène Victor. Questions extérieures (1901-1902). Créances et routes turques. Panama. La Tripolitaine. L'alliance anglo-japonaise. La guerre sud-africaine. La royauté espagnole. L'Angleterre et la paix.

Paris: A. Colin, 1902. vii, 321, (1) pp. 12 o .

Reprinted from the Revue de Paris.

Boulger , Demetrius C. England and Russia in Central Asia. With two maps and appendices (one map being the latest Russian official map of Central Asia).

London: W. H. Allen & co., 1879. 2 vols. Maps. 8 o .

Chirol , Valentine. The middle eastern question; or, Some political problems of Indian defence. With maps, illustrations, and appendices.

London: J. Murray, 1903. xiv, 512 pp. Plates. Maps. Genealogical table. 8 o .

"Bibliography": pp. 499-500.

Based on a series of letters written for the Times. Preface.

Cobbold , Ralph P. Innermost Asia: travel and sport in the Pamirs.

London: Heinemann, 1900. xviii, 354 pp. Illustrations. Portrait. Maps. 8 o .

Contains a bibliography of innermost Asia. p. 346.

"In Mr. Cobbold's opinion, the destiny of Afghanistan is to be absorbed and to be divided between the rival empires, though, if the reigning Ameer is succeeded by a son of his own mold, the inevitable crisis will be deferred. To sum up his political survey, what chiefly struck him in his travels in innermost Asia was 'the barbarous insistence of the Russian Government system, the brilliant success which invariably attends Russian aims, and the puerile weakness of the British Government in the protecting of the country's interests.'"

Colquhoun , Archibald Ross. English policy in the Far East. Being the Times special correspondence.

London: Field & Tuer, The Leadenhall press, 1885. 32 pp. 8 o .

—— Russia against India, the struggle for Asia.

London and New York: Harper & bros., 1900. vii, (2), 246 pp. Maps. 12 o .

Curzon , George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st baron . Persia and the Persian question.

London and New York: Longmans, Green & co., 1892. 2 vols. Illustrations. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

—— Russia in Central Asia in 1889, and the Anglo-Russian question. With appendices, maps, illustrations, and an index.

London and New York: Longmans, Green, and co., 1889. xxiii, (1), 477 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Folded maps. 8 o .

"Bibliography of Central Asia": pp. 440-468.

"The nucleus of this book—less than one-third of its present dimensions—appeared in the shape of a series of articles, entitled 'Russia in Central Asia,' which [were] contributed to the (Manchester Courier) and other ... newspapers, in ... November and December, 1888, and January, 1889."— Preface.

Lebedev , V. T. Russes et Anglais en Asie centrale. Vers l'Inde. Esquisse militaire statistique et stratégique. Projet de campagne russe. Traduit du russe par le capitaine du génie breveté Cazalas.

[Pg 57]

Paris: Chapelot, 1900. 251 pp. Map. 12 o .

Popowski , Józef. The rival powers in Central Asia; or, The struggle between England and Russia in the East. Tr. from the German of Josef Popowski by Arthur Baring Brabrant, and ed. by Charles E. D. Black. With a map of the north-western frontier of India, showing the Pamir region and part of Afghanistan.

Westminster: A. Constable and company, 1893. xxii, 235 pp. 8 o .

The map mentioned in the title is lacking in this copy.

German original published anonymously.

Rees , J. D. Russia, India and the Persian gulf; with speeches by Sir Charles W. Dilke, Sir George Birdwood, and H. F. B. Lynch.

London: Harrison & sons, 1903. 39 pp. 8 o .


Reprinted from the Asiatic quarterly review for April, 1903.

Russia's march towards India by 'an Indian officer.'

London: S. Low, Marston & co., 1894. 2 vols. Folded map. 8 o .

Stuart , Donald. The struggle for Persia.

Methuen & co., London, 1902. x, 268 pp. Portrait. Folded map. 12 o .

Vámbéry , Ármin. Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian frontier question: a series of political papers by Arminius Vambéry. Tr. by F. E. Bunnètt.

London: Smith, Elder, & co., 1874. viii, 385 pp. 12 o .

First published in "Unsere Zeit," 1867-1873.

Whigham , H. J. The Persian problem; an examination of the rival positions of Russia and Great Britain in Persia, with some account of the Persian Gulf and the Bagdad railway.

London: Isbister and company, 1903. xvi, 424 pp. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

"The substance of a series of articles written for the Morning post."— Introd.

Contents : Introduction.—French intrigues at Maskat.—The pearl islands of the Gulf.—Cruising on the Persian coast.—Shall we give Russia Bunder Abbas?—Visit to the pirate coast.—The importance of Koweit.—Persian rule in the delta of the Shat-al-Arab.—The position of Turkey in the Gulf.—The commerce of the Gulf.—The politics of the Gulf.—By the waters of Babylon.—On the Euphrates.—The sacred cities of the Shiahs.—Bagdad.—The passage of the Taurus.—The Bagdad railway.—The oil fields of Persia.—Kermanshah.—Persian carpets.—Routes in Western Persia.—Teheran.—Great Britain versus Russia.—Russia's policy.—Wanted—a British policy in Persia.—On the Russian road.—Russia's advance on Persia via the Caucausus.


1898. Anglo-Russian duel in the Far East.

Public opinion, vol. 24 (March 17, 1898): 332.

1898. The policy of playing dog in the manger. (Russia and England in China.)

Spectator, vol. 80 (March 12, 1898): 364.

1898. England and Russia in China.

Spectator, vol. 80 (Apr. 30, 1898): 612.

1898. Russia and England in China.

Saturday review, vol. 85 (May 7, 1898): 610-611.

1898. Russia and Mr. Chamberlain's long spoon. (China.) W. T. Stead.

Contemporary review, vol. 73 (June, 1898): 761-777.

1898. Our policy in the Far East. William Des Vœux.

Contemporary review, vol. 73 (June, 1898): 795-802.

[Pg 58]

1898. Splendid isolation or what? Henry M. Stanley.

Nineteenth century, vol. 43 (June, 1898): 869-878.

Living age, vol. 218 (July 9, 1898): 67-73.

Eclectic magazine, vol. 131 (Aug., 1898): 234-240.

1898. England and Russia. (China.)

Independent, vol. 50 (Aug. 11, 1898): 427-428.

1898. England and Russia.

Outlook, vol. 59 (Aug. 13, 1898): 901-902.

1898. England and Russia. Charles Frederick Hamilton.

Canadian magazine, vol. 11 (Sept., 1898): 444-447.

1898. England and Russia in the Far East. Geoffrey Drage.

Forum, vol. 26 (Oct., 1898): 129-135.

1898. China, England, and Russia.

Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review, 3d series, vol. 6 (Oct., 1898): 300-317.

1899. Russia and England in China. Paul S. Reinsch.

Arena, vol. 21 (Jan., 1899): 75-84.

1899. Is it Russia versus England?

American monthly review of reviews, vol. 19 (Apr., 1899): 401-403.

1899. England and Russia.

Independent, vol. 51 (May 11, 1899): 1315-1316.

1899. Russia and England in China.

Outlook, vol. 62 (May 13, 1899): 100-101.

1899. The Anglo-Russian agreement.

Public opinion, vol. 26 (May 25, 1899): 650.

1899. The coming struggle for Persia. R. Popham Lobb.

Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review, 3d series, vol. 8 (Oct., 1899): 284-313.

1900. Lettre d'extrême-orient: Le Japon, l'Angleterre et la Russie. Jean de Cuers de Cogolin.

Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, 4. année (Feb. 1, 1900): 139-142.

1900. British and Russian diplomacy. By a diplomat.

North American review, vol. 170 (June, 1900): 871-883.

1900. Antagonism of England and Russia. Demetrius C. Boulger.

North American review, vol. 170 (June, 1900): 884-896.

1900. Afghanistan: the key to India. Archibald R. Colquhoun.

Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review, 3d series, vol. 10 (July, 1900): 25-36.

1900. A plea for peace—An Anglo-Russian alliance. J. W. Gambier.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 68 (Dec, 1900): 998-1008.

1901. L'état actuel des rapports anglo-russes dans l'Asie centrale. G. Saint-Yves. With maps.

Comité de l'Asie française. Bulletin, vol. 1 (1901): 99-105.

1901. England and Russia. J. Novicow.

Contemporary review, vol. 79 (Jan., 1901): 49-56.

[Pg 59]

1901. Great Britain and Russia. A. Rustem Bey de Bilinski.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 50 (Nov., 1901): 723-736.

1902. Les rivalités internationales en Perse et dans le golfe Persique. Jean Imbart de la Tour.

Revue de géographie, 26. année (Dec, 1902): 491-501.

1903. English and Russian politics in the East. Ali Haydar Midhat.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 53 (Jan., 1903): 67-78.

1903. England, Russia, and Germany.

Saturday review, vol. 95 (Jan. 10, 1903): 37-38.

1903. England and Russia in the politics of Europe: the eastern question. Frederic Austin Ogg.

Chautauquan, vol. 36 (Feb., 1903): 463-474.

Bibliography, p. 474.

1903. The lion and the bear in the Far East. Frederic Austin Ogg.

Chautauquan, vol. 37 (Apr., 1903): 14-25.

1903. The relations of Great Britain with Russia. Scrutator.

Spectator, vol. 90 (May 16, 1903): 776-777.

1903. The Latin rapprochement and Anglo-Russian relations. "Calchas."

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 73 (June, 1903): 953-970.

1903. The government of Asiatics by England and Russia. F. H. Skrine.

East and west, vol. 2 (Oct., 1903): 1145-1155.

1904. British sympathies in the Far East.

Spectator, vol. 92 (Jan. 2, 1904): 5.

1904. England, Russia, and Manchuria.

Public opinion (London), vol. 85 (Feb. 19, 1904): 224.

1904. Russia, Japan, and ourselves. C. A. W. Pownall.

Nineteenth century and after, vol. 55 (Mar., 1904): 368-374.

1904. India's dual problem. Sir Walter Lawrence.

National review, vol. 43 (April, 1904): 245-262.

1904. Can we trust Russia? Coloniensis.

Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 75 (May, 1904): 754-764.

1904. The obstacles to an Anglo-Russian convention. An unpublished chapter of diplomatic history. E. J. Dillon.

Contemporary review, vol. 85 (June, 1904): 800-828.

1904. The crisis in Thibet. E. John Solano.

National review, vol. 43 (July, 1904): 823-846.

1904. The English in Tibet: a Russian view. Prince Esper Oukhtomsky.

North American review, vol. 179 (July, 1904): 24-29.

[Pg 60]


Ball , James Dyer. Things Chinese; being notes on various subjects connected with China. 3d ed. revised and enlarged.

London: S. Low, Marston, and co., 1900. (6), 666, xxv, pp. 8 o .

Bard , E. Les Chinois chez eux. 2. éd.

Paris: A. Colin, 1900. (4), 360 pp. Plates. 12 o .

"The author, a merchant in China, describes more especially agriculture, finances, money, and other economic aspects."

Barrows , John Henry. The Christian conquest of Asia. Studies and personal observations of Oriental religions.

New York: Charles Scribner's sons, 1899. xvii, (1), 258 pp. 12 o . (Morse lectures of 1898.)

Chapter VII: Confucianism and the awakening of China.

Chapter VIII: Success of Asiatic missions; America's responsibility to the Orient.

Beals , Zephaniah Charles. China and the Boxers. A short history on the Boxer outbreak, with two chapters on the sufferings of the missionaries and a closing one on the outlook.

New York: M. E. Munson, [1901]. 158 pp. Illustrations. Portrait. 12 o .

Beresford , Lord Charles. The break-up of China. With an account of its present commerce, currency, waterways, armies, railways, politics, and future prospects.

New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1899. xxii, 491 pp. Portraits. Folded maps. 8 o .

Bishop , Isabella L. Bird. The Yangtze Valley and beyond. An account of journeys in China, chiefly in the province of Sze Chuan and among the Man-tze of the Soms territory.

New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1900. 2 vols. Portrait. Plates. Map. 8 o .

Reviewed in "Spectator," January, 1900, under title "Spheres of influence in China."

Boulger , Demetrius C. The history of China. New and revised edition.

London: W. Thacker & co., 1898. 2 vols. Portraits. Maps. 8 o .

—— Same. A new edition, revised and brought up to date. Containing chapters on the recent concessions to the European powers.

London: W. Thacker & co., 1900. 2 vols. Portraits. Maps. 8 o .

—— A short history of China. An account for the general reader of an ancient empire and people. A new edition, with an additional chapter continuing the history from 1890 to date.

London: Gibbings & company, 1900. (6), 436 pp. 8 o .

Pp. 356-373 contain "How China is governed."

The "Reign of Kwangsu, 1890-1900," (pp. 374a-374l) said to be written "by a competent authority."

[Pg 61]

Brandt , M. von. Industrielle und Eisenbahn-Unternehmungen in China. Mit einer Kartenakizze.

Berlin: Reimer, 1899. 121-140 pp. 8 o . (Deutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen, 1898-99. Heft 4.)

Brenier , Henri. La mission lyonnaise d'exploration commerciale en Chine, 1895-97. Avec cartes, plans, et gravures d'après les documents rapportés par la mission.

Lyons: A. Rey et cie, 1898. (6), xxxvi, 386, 473 pp. Illustrations. Folded maps. F o .

Contents : 1 re partie. Récits de voyages. 2 me partie. Rapports commerciaux et notes diverses.

"Of all the commercial missions to which the immediate prospect of the development of the resources of China by modern methods has recently given rise, the most fully equipped and that with the most extensive and elaborate programme is that organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Lyons, and the report published by the director of this mission, Mr. Henri Brenier, is of corresponding interest and value."

Bretschneider , E. History of European botanical discoveries in China.

London: S. Low, Marston & co., 1898. 2 vols. 4 o .

"Dr. Bretschneider's present magnum opus is by no means a mere botanical work, as its name would seem to imply, but also a magnificent political and geographical record of all that Europeans have ever done in China from Marco Polo down to Mr. G. M. H. Playfair, and there is hardly any subject connected with the Far East but what accurate light is shed upon it by the dates, data, itineraries, geographical and biographical details, commercial notes, and other information furnished by the industrious and scrupulously painstaking author, than whom there is no one in the sinological field more worthy of absolute confidence."

Brinkley , Frank. China; its history, arts, and literature. [Library ed.]

Boston and Tokyo: J. B. Millet company, [1902]. 4 vols. Plates (partly colored). Folded map. 8 o . (Oriental series, v. 9-12.)

Chang-Chih-tung. China's only hope. An appeal by her greatest viceroy. Translated from the Chinese edition by Samuel I. Woodbridge. Introduction by Griffith John.

New York, etc.: F. H. Revell company, 1900. (2), 151 pp. Portrait. 12 o .

La Chine. Expansion des grands puissances en extrême-orient (1895-1898).

Paris: R. Chapelot & cie., 1899. viii, 223 pp. Folded map. 8 o .

Contents : 1. Géographie économique de la Chine; Description économique des provinces chinoises; Statistique économique de la Chine.

2. Rapports de la Chine avec les grandes puissances de 1894 à 1898; L'Europe au traité de Simonosaki; Les premiers progrès de la Russie en Chine et en Corée; L'intervention de l'Allemagne à Kiao-tchéou; Les conséquences de l'occupation de Kiao-tchéou; Le rôle de la France.

3. L'exploitation du marché chinois; Les concessions obtenues par les étrangers en Chine; L'exploitation économique de la Chine; La pénétration des provinces méridionales par l'Indo-Chine française; Conclusion: Le partage éventuel de l'empire chinois. With folded map: carte économique de la Chine.

Colquhoun , Archibald Ross. China in transformation.

New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1898. ix, (1), 382 pp. Plate. Folded maps. Diagrams. 8 o .

—— Overland to China.

New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1900. xi, (1), 464 pp. Plates. Portrait. Colored maps. 8 o .

—— The problem in China and British policy.

[Pg 62]

London: P. S. King, 1900. 50 pp. Map. 12 o .

Cordier , Henri. Histoire des relations de la Chine avec les puissances occidentales 1860-1900.

Paris: F. Alcan, 1901-1902. 3 vols. 8 o .

[Vol. 1.] L'Empereur T'Oung Tché (1861-1875).

[Vol. 2.] L'Empereur Kouang-Siu, Premiere partie: (1875-1887).

[Vol. 3.] L'Empereur Kouang-Siu, Deuxième partie: (1888-1902).

The Crisis in China. Reprinted by permission from the North American review.

New York & London: Harper & bros., 1900. v, 271 pp. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 12 o .

Contents : Smyth, G. B. Causes of the antiforeign feeling in China.—Reid, G. The powers and the partition of China.—Johnston, C. The struggle for reform in China.—Barrett, J. Political possibilities in China.—Lewis, R. E. The gathering of the storm.—Colquhoun, A. R. The Far Eastern crisis.—Mikhailoff, M. The great Siberian railway.—Beresford, Lord C. China and the powers.—Wu Ting-fang. Mutual helpfulness between China and the United States.—Boulger, D. C. America's share in a partition of China.—Wilson, J. H. America's interests in China.—Dilke, Sir C. W. The American policy in China.

Cumming , Constance F. Gordon-. Wanderings in China. Illustrated by the author.

William Blackwood and sons, Edinburgh and London, 1900. vi, (2), 528 pp. Plates (photogravures). Folded map. 8 o .

Douglas , Robert K. China. Revised and enlarged. With many illustrations and an index.

Chicago, New York: The Werner company, 1895. 604 pp. Plates (woodcuts). 12 o .

—— China.

New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1901. (2), xv, 474 pp. Illustrations. Portraits. Folded map. 8 o . (The Story of the nations.)

—— Li Hung Chang.

London: Bliss, Sands and Foster, 1895. 251 pp. Portraits. 12 o . (Public men of to-day.)

—— Society in China.

London: A. D. Innes & co., 1894. xvi, 415 pp. Plates. 8 o .

—— Same. Popular ed.

London: A. D. Innes & co., 1895. xii, 434 pp. 12 o .

Edkins , Joseph. Religion in China; containing a brief account of the three religions of the Chinese. Revised edition.

London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., 1893. xx, 260 pp. 8 o . (Trübner's oriental series.)

Favier , Alphonse. Péking. Histoire et description. Ouvrage orné de 524 gravures anciennes et nouvelles, reproduites ou executées par des artistes chinois d'après les plus précieux documents.

Bruxelles: Desclée de Brouwer et cie, 1900. 416 pp. Sm. 4 o .

Giles , Herbert Allen. A Chinese biographical dictionary.

Leyden: E. J. Brice, 1897 [1898]. xii, 1022 pp. 8 o .

Glass , J. G. H. Report on the concessions of the Pekin Syndicate, limited, in the provinces of Shansi and Hoonan, China, with estimates of cost of railways and other works necessary for their development.

Pekin, 1899. 174 pp. Map. 4 o .

"A comprehensive report on the resources of the territories for the commercial exploitation of which the Pekin Syndicate has obtained a concession from the Chinese government."

[Pg 63]

Gorst , Harold E. China: on the economic resources of China, and the present political and commercial conditions of the country.

London: Sands & co., 1899. xx, 300 pp. Illustrations. Map. 8 o . (The Imperial interest library, edited by H. Hendry.)

"Mr. Gorst has produced a very readable book, and has certainly succeeded in showing up very clearly some of the chief points in the political problems which present themselves to us, now that up-to-date events have altered the bearings of the general outlook in the Far East."

Great Britain. Foreign office. China. No. 3 (1903). Report by Acting Consul Litton on a journey in north-west Yünnan. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. November 1903.

London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery office, [1903]. (2), 23 pp. Maps. F o . [Cd. 1836.]

—— —— China. No. 1 (1904). Report by C. W. Campbell, His Majesty's consul at Wuchow, on a journey in Mongolia. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. January 1904.

London: Printed for His Majesty's stationery office, [1904]. 43 pp. Folded map. F o . [Cd. 1874.]

Gundry , R. S. China present and past. Foreign intercourse, progress and resources, the missionary question, etc.

London: Chapman & Hall, 1895. xxxi, (1), 414 pp. Map. 8 o .

Hart , Sir Robert, 1st bart. "These from the land of Sinim." Essays on the Chinese question. With appendices.

London: Chapman & Hall, 1901. (8), 254 pp. 8 o .

Helmolt , H. F. The world's history, a survey of man's record. Vol. II. Oceania, Eastern Asia, and the Indian Ocean.

London: William Heinemann, 1904. x, (2), 642 pp. Plates (partly colored). Portraits. Facsimile. Maps. 4 o .

China, pp. 56-114.

Hertslet , Sir Edward. Treaties and tariffs regulating the trade between Great Britain and foreign nations: and extracts of treaties between foreign powers, containing most favoured-nation clauses applicable to Great Britain. China. In force on the 1st January, 1877.

London: Butterworths, 1877. iv, 251 pp. 8 o .

—— Treaties between Great Britain and China, and between China and foreign powers. In force on the 1st January, 1896.

London: Harrison & sons, 1896. 2 vols. 8 o .

Not now in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered.

Hesse-Wartegg , Ernst von. China und Japan. Erlebnisse, Studien, Beobachtungen auf einer Reise um die Welt.

Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1897. viii, 508 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Map. 8 o .

—— Same. 2te vermehrte Auflage.

Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1900. x, 658 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Map. 8 o .

—— Schantung und Deutsch-China. Von Kiautschou ins heilige Land von China und vom Jangtsekiang nach Peking im Jahre 1898.

Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1898. vii, 294 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

Holcombe , Chester. The real Chinese question.

New York: Dodd, Mead & company, 1900. xx, 386 pp. 8 o .

"An endeavor to consider the subject from a Chinese standpoint."

[Pg 64]

Howorth , Henry H. History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th century.

London: Longmans, Green and co., 1876-1888. 3 parts in 4 volumes. Folded maps. 8 o .

Part I. The Mongols proper and the Kalmuks. Part II. The so-called Tartars of Russia and Central Asia. Part III. The Mongols of Persia.

Ireland , Alleyne. China and the powers; chapters in the history of Chinese intercourse with western nations.

Boston: Privately printed for L. Maynard [by G. H. Ellis co.], 1902. x, 140 pp. Tables. 8 o .

Contents : The Chinese problem.—Early western intercourse with China, B. C. 1000- A. D. 1600.—The United States and China.—England and China.—Russia and China.—Appendices: Comparative tables, showing an analysis of Chinese trade from 1880 to 1899, inclusive.

"The chapters contained in this volume were originally written to form part of a larger work, which ... was to have contained chapters on China's relations with France, Germany, and Japan.... Owing to ill-health, Mr. Ireland was compelled to abandon this work.... One hundred and fifty copies are ... being printed for private sale, after which printing the plates will be destroyed."

Jack , R. Logan. The back blocks of China; a narrative of experiences among the Chinese, Sifans, Lolos, Tibetans, Shans and Kachins, between Shanghai and the Irrawadi.

London: E. Arnold, 1904. xxii, 269 pp. Plates. Folded maps. 8 o .

Krausse , Alexis. China in decay. A handbook to the Far Eastern question.

London: Chapman & Hall, 1898. ix, 400 pp. Illustrations. Maps. 8 o .

—— China in decay. The story of a disappearing empire. 3d ed.

London: Chapman & Hall, 1900. xiv, (2), 418 pp. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8 o .

"The present issue of 'China in Decay' has been thoroughly overhauled and revised, and contains a considerable amount of added matter. It includes a record of the recent events in China down to the reported fall of the legations, and will be found to contain all that is requisite to insure a complete understanding of the present crisis in China."

—— The story of the Chinese crisis. Specially prepared map and a plan of Peking.

London: Cassell, 1900. vi, (2), 237, (1) pp. Map. Plan. 12 o .

"Summarizes the history of European political relations with China. Closes with the capture of Peking by the allies, with discussion of the future of China."

Landor , Arnold Henry Savage. China and the allies.

New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1901. 2 vols. Illustrations. Plates (partly colored). Maps. 8 o .

Lansdell , Henry. Chinese Central Asia; a ride to Little Tibet.

London: S. Low, Marston, & company, 1893. 2 vols. Illustrations (including portraits). Plates. Folded maps. 8 o .

"This book is intended to be a companion and a complement to my Russian Central Asia."— Preface.

Appendices: A. Some of the specimens of fauna collected by Dr. Lansdell in Central Asia. B. Bibliography of Chinese Central Asia.

"List of authors, with reference numbers to their works in the foregoing bibliography": pp. 477-480.

[Pg 65]

Lansdell , Henry. Russian Central Asia, including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv.

London: S. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1885. 2 vols. Illustrations (including portraits, plan). Plates. Folded maps. 8 o .

Appendices: A. The fauna of Russian Turkistan. B. The flora of Russian Turkistan. C. Bibliography of Russian Central Asia.

"List of authors, with reference numbers to their works in the foregoing bibliography: pp. 681-684.

"These volumes may be considered as a record of the completion of the philanthropic object that originally prompted my first visit to Asiatic Russia as detailed in the work entitled 'Through Siberia.'"— Preface.

Letters from a Chinese official; being an eastern view of western civilization.

New York: McClure, Phillips & co., 1903. xiv, 75 pp. 12 o .

"The author, who holds a brief for the Chinese, states his case with ability and with an appearance of justice. But by ignoring all that there is to be said to their detriment, and laying emphasis on the weak side of the Western position, he has drawn an unreal and misleading picture. He professes to be a Chinaman. This may be set aside. There is only one Chinaman who could write such a book, the present Chinese Minister at the Court of St. James, but it is not in his vein."— Athenæum, Nov. 30, 1901, p. 734.

Little , Archibald John. Through the Yang-tse gorges; or, Trade and travel in Western China. 3d and rev. ed.

London: Sampson Low, Marston, & co., 1898. xxiv, 315 pp. Plate. Map. 8 o .

Little , Alicia H. N. B. Intimate China. The Chinese as I have seen them. By Mrs. Archibald Little.

London: Hutchinson & co., 1899. xv, (1), 615 pp. Illustrations. L. 8 o .

—— Li Hung-chang, his life and times. By Mrs. Archibald Little.

London [etc.]: Cassell & company, [1904]. viii, 356 pp. Portraits. Folded map. 8 o .

Lynch , George. The war of the civilizations, being the record of a "foreign devil's" experiences with the allies in China.

Longmans, Green, and co., London, 1901. xx, 319 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8 o .

Lyons , France . Chambre de commerce.

See Brenier , H.

Macgowan , J. A history of China from the earliest days down to the present.

London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and co., 1897. ix, (1), 622 pp. Folded map. 8 o .

Michie , Alexander. China and Christianity.

Boston: Knight and Millet, 1900. xiv, (2), 232 pp. 12 o .

—— The Englishman in China in the Victorian era, as illustrated in the life of Sir Rutherford Alcock, many years consul and minister in China and Japan.

London: Blackwood, 1900. 2 vols. Plates. Portraits. Folded map. 8 o .

Mitford , Algernon Bertram Freeman. The attaché at Peking.

[Pg 66]

London: Macmillan & co., 1900. lviii, 386 pp. Plan. 8 o .

Parker , Edward Harper. China, her history, diplomacy, and commerce, from the earliest times to the present day.

London, J. Murray, 1901. xx, 332 pp. Portrait. Maps. 8 o .

—— China, past and present.

London: Chapman & Hall, 1903. xi, (1), 424 pp. Folded map. 8 o .

—— John Chinaman and a few others.

London: John Murray, 1901. xx, 380 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8 o .

Parsons , William Barclay. An American engineer in China.

New York: McClure, Phillips & co., 1900. 321 pp. Illustrations. Map. 12 o .

Pinon , René, and Jean de Marcillac . La Chine qui s'ouvre. Ouvrage ... augmenté d'appendices et de documents.

Paris: Perrin & c ie , 1900. xi, (1), 306 pp. Maps. 12 o .

Contents : La guerre sino-japonaise et la pénetration étrangère en Chine de 1894 à 1897; L'affaire de Kiao-tcheou et le protectorat religieux en Chine; La France et la question d'extrême-orient en 1900.

Appendices: 1. Les chemins de fer en Chine. 2. La question de la concession française à Chang-hai. 3. L'extension de Hong-Kong; Documents; Cartes et plans.

Reprint of articles from the "Revue des deux mondes" and the "Revue des questiones diplomatiques et coloniales."— Preface.

Poole , Stanley Lane-. The life of Sir Harry Parkes.

London and New York: Macmillan & co., 1894. 2 vols. Portrait. Folded maps. Plan. 8 o .

Reclus , Elisée and Onésime Reclus . L'empire du milieu; le climat, le sol, les races, la richesse de la chine.

Paris: Hachetts et c ie , 1902. (6), 667 pp. Frontispiece. Maps. 8 o .

Scidmore , Eliza Ruhamah. China. The long-lived empire.

New York: The Century co., 1900. xiii, (3), 459 pp. Plates (photogravures). 12 o .

Smith , Arthur H. China in convulsion.

New York, Chicago, [etc.]: F. H. Revell co., 1901. 2 vols. Plates, Portraits. Maps. 8 o .

Paged continuously.

—— Chinese characteristics. 2d ed., rev.

New York, Chicago, [etc.]: F. H. Revell co., [1894]. 342 pp. Plates. 8 o .

—— Same. 5th ed., rev.

Edinburgh and London: Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, 1900. 342 pp. Illustrations. 8 o .

—— Village life in China; a study in sociology.

New York, Chicago, [etc.]: F. H. Revell company, [1899]. 360 pp. Plates. 8 o .

"It is a great mistake to approach the Chinese in an insular and contemptuous frame of mind, and it is a relief to one who can not altogether forego his belief in a future for China to take up such a book as that by Arthur H. Smith, and to trace in 'Village Life in China' the sympathetic touch of the writer of 'Chinese Characteristics,' the most brilliant book ever written on that subject."

Thomson , H. C. China and the powers. A narrative of the outbreak of 1900.

Longmans, Green, and co., London, New York, 1902. xii, 285 pp. Plates. Maps. 8 o .

[Pg 67]

Thomson , John. Through China with a camera.

Westminster: A. Constable & co., 1898. xiv, 284 pp. Plates (photogravures). 8 o .

United States. Bureau of statistics. Commercial China in 1904. Area, population, production, railways, telegraphs, and transportation routes, and foreign commerce and commerce of United States with China.

Washington: Government printing office, 1904. iv, 2325-2446 pp. Folded map. 4 o .


Reprinted from the Monthly summary of commerce and finance for Jan., 1904.

Wen Ching. The Chinese crisis from within. Edited by G. M. Reith.

London: Grant Richards, 1901. xvi, 354, (1) pp. 8 o .

Wildman , Rounsevelle. China's open door: a sketch of Chinese life and history; with an introduction by C. Denby.

Boston: Lothrop publishing company, [1900]. xvi, 318 pp. Portrait. Plates. 12 o .

"Writing from the modern American point of view, Mr. Wildman could hardly fail to treat quite fully of the commercial and economic problems of the Far East. His residence at Hongkong as the official representative of the United States has afforded him many opportunities for accurate judgment on these subjects."

Williams , Samuel Wells. A history of China, being the historical chapters from "The Middle Kingdom;" with a concluding chapter narrating recent events.

New York: Charles Scribner's sons, 1897. xiv, 474 pp. Plan. 8 o .

—— The middle kingdom, a survey of the geography, government, literature, social life, arts and history of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. Revised edition, with illustrations and a new map of the empire.

New York: Charles Scribner's sons, 1883. 2 vols. Plates. Map. 8 o .

Wilson , James Harrison. China. Travels and investigations in the "Middle Kingdom"—a study of its civilization and possibilities. Together with an account of the ... Boxer war, the relief of the legations, and the re-establishment of the peace. 3d edition, revised throughout, enlarged, and reset.

New York: D. Appleton and company, 1901. xxxvii, (1), 429 pp. Folded maps. Portrait. 12 o .

[Pg 69]



Adam, G. Mercer, 9

Adams, Brooks, 49 , 51

Adams, Cyrus C, 42 , 44

Adams, H. E. Goold-, 35

Ali Haydar Midhat. See Midhat, Ali Haydar .

Allen, H. N, 35

American academy of political and social science, 49

Anderson, William, 28

André, A, 10

Anspach, Alfred, 7

Archibald, James F. J, 44

Ardouin-Dumazet, 44

Argus, pseud , 43

Asakawa, K, 48

Aulagnon, Claudius, 12

Austin, O. P, 32 , 52

Aveling, Edward, 11

Babcock, Mrs. Winifred (Eaton), 33

Bacon, Alice Mabel, 28

Bacon, N. T, 48

Baker, Colgate, 42 , 48

Ball, James Dyer, 60

Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 49

Barakatullah, Muhammad, 41

Bard, E, 60

Barnaby, Charles W, 15

Barré, Paul, 27

Barrett, John, 51 , 52 , 62

Barrows, John Henry, 60

Baty, T, 48

Bealby, J. T, 22

Beals, Zephaniah Charles, 60

Beer, M, 41

Béguin, C, 46

Benjamin, Park, 42

Bérard, Victor, i. e. , Eugène Victor, 22 , 37 , 47 , 56

Beresford, Lord Charles, 49 , 60 , 62

Beschinoff, Ivan, 16

Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah, 12 , 49

Bigelow, Poultney, 14

Bilinski, A. Rustem Bey de, 15 , 59

Birdwood, Sir George, 14 , 57

Bishop, Isabella L. Bird, 28 , 35 , 60

Black, Charles E. D, 57

Blakeney, William, 35

Bolce, Harold, 34 , 47 , 52

Bonar, H. A, 21

Bookwalter, John Wesley, 12

Boulangier, Edgar, 17

Boulger, Demetrius C, 41 , 49 , 53 , 56 , 58 , 60 , 62

Bower, Hamilton, 22

Brabrant, Arthur Baring, 57

Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen, 7

Brandt, Max August Scipio von, 53 , 61

Brenier, Henri, 61

Brent, Charles H, 33

Bretschneider, E, 61

Brice, Arthur Montefiore, 21

Brinkley, Frank, 28 , 47 , 48 , 61

Brisse, André, 21 , 27

Brooks, Sydney, 15 , 45

Brown, Arthur Judson, 39 , 44

Browne, George Waldo, 28

Brownell, Clarence Ludlow, 28

Browning, Oscar, 7

Brüggen, Ernst von der, 7

Bujac, Jean Léopold Émile, 7

Bunnètt, F. E, 57

Buret, Maurice, 47

Bush, H. Fulford, 27

Busley, C, 53

The Bystander, pseud , 43

Caix, Robert de, 27 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 45

Calchas, pseud , 42 , 44 , 59

Callahan, James Morton, 49

Camena d'Almeida, P, 33 , 37

Campbell, Charles W, 35 , 63

Carles, William Richard, 35

Carol, Jean, 12

[Pg 70] Cary, Clarence, 17 , 20 , 21

Cassini, Arthur, graf , 48

Cavendish, Alfred Edward J, 35

Cazalas, 56

Chadwick, French E, 41

Challaye, Félicien, 33

Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 29

Chang-Chih-tung, 61

Charlot, Alexandre, 43

Charmes, Francis, 43

Chirol, Valentine, 12 , 22 , 48 , 53 , 56

Cilvanet, C, 43

Clarke, Sir George Sydenham, 7

Clavedy, 21

Clews, Henry, 52

Cobbold, Ralph P, 56

Collyer, C. T, 39

Coloniensis, pseud , 59

Colquhoun, Archibald Ross, 14 , 17 , 20 , 23 , 24 , 26 , 50 , 51 , 56 , 58 , 61 , 62

Conant, Charles A, 50 , 51

Conder, Josiah, 29

Cooper, John S, 52

Cordier, Henri, 33 , 62

Couderc, Camille, 10

Courant, Maurice, 38

Crawford, John Martin, 10 , 17 , 18

Crosby, Oscar T, 23

Croze, J. L, 16

Cuers de Cogolin, Jean de, 58

Cumming, Constance F. Gordon-, 62

Curtis, William Eleroy, 29

Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st baron , 53 , 56

Danielson, Nikolaĭ Frantsovich, 7

Davey, Richard, 54

Davidson, James W, 21 , 27

Dayton, Edwin Winthrop, 47

Deasy, Henry Hugh Peter, 22

Debibert, A, 21

De Forest, J. H, 33

Delage, Émile, 7

Delavaud, L, 10

Delines, Michel, 10

Denby, C, 67

Deniker, J, 15

Dennys, Nicholas B, 29 , 53

Deschamps, Philippe, 8

Desfontaines, C, 33

Desgodins, C. H, 22

Des Vœux, William, 57

De Windt, Harry, 12

Dilke, Sir Charles W, 50 , 51 , 57 , 62

Dillon, E. J, 25 , 26 , 40 , 42 , 44 , 46 , 59

Diósy, Arthur, 29

A Diplomat, pseud , 58

Dmitrief-Mamonof, A. J, 18

Dole, Nathan Haskell, 10

Doucet, Robert, 37

Douglas, Robert K, 62

Doumer, Paul, 48

Dowding, H. H, 24

Drage, Geoffrey, 8 , 58

Dramas, P, 9

Du Chaylard, G, 24

Dumolard, Henry, 29

Dunnell, Mark B, 51

Durban, William, 20

Durrieux, Alcée, 12

Dye, J. Henry, 37

Eastman, Samuel C, 7

Ebren, H, 45

Eckstein, Gustav, 33

Edkins, Joseph, 62

Ellinwood, Frank F, 36

Eltzbacher, O, 33

Emerson, E, 48

Enselme, Hippolyte Marie Joseph Antoine, 24

Erickson, Hugo, 52

Ewan, John A, 42

Excubitor, pseud , 48

Farges, Louis, 33

Fassett, J. Sloat, 38

Fauvel, A. A, 38

Favier, Alphonse, 62

Fawcett, Waldon, 20

Flesher, Helen Gregory-, 37

Fontaine de Resbecq, Comte de, 44

Fontin, Paul, 44

Foord, John, 47 , 49 , 51

Ford, Alexander Hume, 14 , 21 , 27 , 46

Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 49 , 51

Foster, John W, 34 , 50

Foulke, William Dudley, 8

Franconie, J, 32

Fraser, John Foster, 24

Fraser, Mary Crawford, 29

Frazar, Everett, 35

Freshfield, Douglas W, 22

Gale, James S, 35

Gambier, J. W, 58

Gardner, Christopher Thomas, 35

Gerrare, Wirt, 12 , 26

Ghercevanof, Michel Nicolaevich, 19

Gifford, Daniel L, 36

[Pg 71] Giles, Herbert Allen, 62

Gilmore, George W, 36

Girard de Rialle, 10

Glass, J. G. H, 62

Golovin, Konstantin Fedorovich, 8

Goodlet, R, 14

Gorst, Harold E, 63

Gourdet, Paul, 17

Grand-Carteret, J., 10

Grant, R. W., 32

Great Britain. Foreign office , 17 , 22 , 24 , 29 , 63

Griffis, William Elliot, 29 , 36 , 38 , 50 , 51

Grunzel, Josef, 20

Guillemard, F. H. H, 14

Gulick, Sidney Lewis, 30

Gundry, R. S, 63

Hagen, A, 39

Hahn, J. P. Armand, 33

Hamilton, Angus, 36 , 46

Hamilton, Charles Frederick, 58

Hamm, Margherita Arlina, 44

Hannay, David, 46

Hanotaux, Gabriel, 54

Hart, Sir Robert, 1st bart , 63

Hashiguchi, Jihei, 34

Hawes, Charles H, 12

Hawkins, Rush C, 52

Hawks, Francis L, 31

Hearn, Lafcadio, 30

Hedin, Sven Anders, 22

Hellwald, Friedrich von, 12

Helmolt, H. F, 30 , 63

Henning, Georg, 15

Herbertson, A. J, 42

Herr, Lucien, 9

Hershey, Amos S, 48

Hertslet, Sir Edward, 30 , 63

Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst von, 63

Heyfelder, O, 13

Hill, Robert T, 49

Hillier, Walter C, 39

Holcombe, Chester, 63

Hosie, Alexander, 24

Howorth, Henry H, 64

Hulbert, H. B, 36 , 39

Hunt, J. H, 35

Hurd, Archibald S, 42

Ian-Ruban, Wanda, 45

Ignotus, pseud , 45

Imbart de la Tour, Jean, 59

Inagaki, Manjiro, 30

'An Indian Officer,' pseud , 13 , 57

Institut colonial international, 17

Ireland, Alleyne, 64

Ivanovich, pseud , 47

Ivins, W. M., jr , 40

Jack, R. Logan, 64

James, Henry Evan Murchison, 24

Jane, Frederick T, 8 , 30 , 47

Japan. Imperial diet , 40

Jaurès, Jean, 46

Jefferson, Robert L, 17

Jenings, Foster H, 39

John, Griffith, 61

Johnson, Emory R, 49

Johnston, Charles, 15 , 40 , 62

Jones, G. H, 35

Jougla, Gaston, 46

K., A, 52

Kanazawa, S, 36

Kaneko, Kentaro, 34 , 52

Kaneko, Kiichi, 33

Keasbey, Lindley Miller, 49

Khoritz, 27

Kennan, George, 34

King, J. M., jr , 51

Kinloch, A, 21

Kinnosuke, Adachi, 32 , 34

Kleist, von, 26

Knapp, Arthur May, 42

Koch, W, 30

Kolossowski, M, 8

Kotô, Bundjirô, 36

Kovalevskiĭ, Maksim Maksimovich, 8

Kovalevskiĭ, Vladimir Ivanovich, 8

Krafft, Hugues, 13

Krahmer, Gustav, 13 , 17

Krausse, Alexis, 13 , 53 , 64

Kropotkin, Petr A, 25 , 46

Kto-to, 46

Kúkol-Yasnopólsky, L, 18

Kupchanko, Grigoriĭ Ivanovich, 8

La Barre de Nanteuil, Amaury de, baron , 54

Labbé, Paul, 15 , 17 , 26

Lacoste, H. de Bouillane de, 24

Laguérie, Villetard de, 38

Landor, Arnold Henry Savage, 22 , 36 , 64

Lang, Leonora B, 9 , 10

Lansdell, Henry, 64 , 65

La Peyre, Jean de, 41 , 45 , 48

Larivière, C. de, 7

Latimer, Mary Elizabeth Wormeley, 9

[Pg 72] Latter, A. M, 38 , 46

Lawrence, Thomas J, 40

Lawrence, Sir Walter, 23 , 59

Lebedev, V. T, 56

Le Beschu, F, 21 , 37 , 41 , 43

Lecroix, Désiré, 10

Lees, Frederic, 41 , 45

Leger, Louis, 10

Legras, Jules, 13

Lehr, Ernest, 10

Lejeal, G, 10

Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole, 9 , 10

Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, 42

Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre, 19 , 33 , 54

Lévy, Raphael Georges, 32

Lewis, R. E, 62

Litman, S, 21

Little, Alicia H. N. B, 65

Little, Archibald John, 65

Little, Mrs. Archibald. See Little, Alicia H. N. B.

Li-Tuyen, 38

Lobb, R. Popham, 58

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 9

Lodian, L, 21

Long, R. E. C, 15 , 20

Longford, Joseph H, 16 , 38

Lorin, Henri, 43

Loti, Pierre. See Viaud, Julien .

Low, A. Maurice, 15 , 41

Lowe, Charles, 54

Lowell, Percival, 30 , 36

Loyd, Lady Mary, 11

Lütschg, A, 18

Lynch, George, 18 , 65

Lynch, H. F. B, 57

Lyons, France . See Brenier, H.

McCormick, Frederick, 45

Macgowan, J, 65

Machat, J, 9

Machray, Robert, 43

Maclean, J. M, 21

MacQueen, Peter, 46

Maguire, T. Miller, 46

Mahan, Alfred T, 42 , 46 , 47 , 54

Marcillac, Jean de, 66

Marre, Francis, 33

Marshall, John, 18

Martens, F. de, 45

Mason, W. B, 29

Matignon, 38

Maurice, Sir F, 46

Maxey, Edwin, 23 , 43 , 44

Meakin, Annette M. B, 13

Mérilhan, Maxime de, 38

Méry, Michel, 41

Michelsen, Henry, 20

Michie, Alexander, 65

Midhat, Ali Haydar, 59

Mikhailoff, M, 20 , 62

Miliukov, Pavel Nikolaevich, 9

Miller, Henry B, 27

Miller, Joaquin, 34

Miln, Louise Jordan, 36

Miner, L, 26

Mitford, Algernon Bertram Freeman, 30 , 65

Monnier, Marcel, 37

Montalbo, Baron de, 10

Montorgueil, Georges, 7

Moore, John Bassett, 49 , 51

Morfill, William Richard, 9

Morris, J, 30 , 32

Morse, Edward S, 30

Mumford, John Kimberly, 15

Murray, David, 30

Mury, Francis, 27 , 45

Nathan, P, 43

Nettancourt-Vaubecourt, Jean de, 38

Newton, J. C. C, 32

Niet, pseud , 9

Nitobe, Inazo Ota, 50

Norman, Henry, 13 , 20 , 31 , 46 , 48 , 54

Novicow, J, 13 , 58

Œdipus, pseud , 46

Ogg, Frederic Austin, 15 , 59

Okakura, Kakasu, 28 , 31

Okuma, Count , 32

Onoto Watanna. See Babcock, Mrs. Winnifred (Eaton).

Oppert, Ernest, 36

Osborn, Chase S, 42

Oukhtomsky, Prince Esper. See Ukhtomskiĭ, Esper Esperovich, kniaz´ .

Ozaki, Y, 32

Palmer, Francis H. E, 9

Palmer, Frederick, 33 , 42 , 46

Pange, Jean de, 38

Papinot, E, 31

Parker, Edward Harper, 24 , 25 , 66

Parsons, William Barclay, 66

Paschkof, Lydie, 10

Passy, Frédéric, 12

Peirce, Herbert H. D, 19

Pène-Siefert, 15

[Pg 73] Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 31

Petit, Maxime, 10

Peyre, Jean de la. See La Peyre, Jean de .

Phillimore, G. G, 38

Pinon, René, 43 , 66

Poole, Stanley Lane-, 66

Popowski, Józef, 57

Potter, Henry Codman, 50

Pougin, Arthur, 10

Pouvourville, Albert de, 54

Pownall, C. A. W, 59

Quincy, Josiah, 14

Rabot, Ch, 10

Raffalovich, Arthur, 10 , 24

Ragozin, Zénaïde A, 9

Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas, 9 , 10 , 13 , 14

Ransome, Stafford, 31

Rathgen, Karl, 33

Ravenstein, E. G, 13

Reclus, Élisée, 54 , 66

Reclus, Onésime, 66

Rees, J. D, 57

Regelsperger, Gustave, 10

Reich, Emil, 15

Reid, Arnot, 13

Reid, Gilbert, 54 , 62

Reid, W. C. Jameson, 15 , 23 , 40 , 52

Rein, Johann Justus, 31

Reinsch, Paul Samuel, 50 , 58

Reith, G. M, 67

Rendu, Ambroise, 43

Rijnhart, Susie Carson, 23

Rockhill, William Woodville, 23

Rosny, J. H, 38

Ross, Edward Denison, 13

Ross, John, 25

Ruge, Sophus, 18

Russia, 10 , 18

Rustem Bey de Bilinski, A. See Bilinski, A. Rustem Bey de .

Saint-Yves, G, 14 , 58

Salwey, Charlotte M, 37

Sands, W. F, 39

Sandwith, M, 7

Sarachchandra Dāsa, 23

Scherer, James Augustin Brown, 31

Schierbrand, Wolf von, 10

Schönfeld, Hermann, 19

Schultz, Karl, 42

Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah, 66

Scrutator, pseud , 59

Semenov, Petr Petrovich, 13

Shaw, Albert, 40

Shimada, S, 33

Shoemaker, Michael Myers, 18

Siebold, Alexander, Freiherr von , 54

Simmerbach, Bruno, 16

Simpson, James Young, 18

Singleton, Esther, 31

Skrine, Francis Henry, 13 , 59

Sladen, Douglas, 32

Smith, Arthur H, 66

Smith, D. Warres, 55

Smyth, G. B, 62

Sniper, pseud , 26

Solano, E. John, 23 , 59

Soskice, D, 9

Speer, Robert E, 45 , 46 , 55

Stadling, Jonas Jonsson, 14

Stahl, A. F, 18

Stanley, Henry M, 58

Stead, Alfred, 21 , 26 , 32 , 37 , 41 , 44 , 48

Stead, W. T, 57

Stevens, Durham White, 44 , 46

Stewart, William R, 41

Strannik, Ivan, 10

Stuart, Donald, 57

T., H, 45

Tacchella, P, 18

Takahira, Kogoro, 28 , 32 , 45 , 47

Takenouchi, Keishū, 28

Tatsuo, Hirata, 47

Terry, T. Philip, 37

Thompson, E. R, 26

Thompson, Herbert M, 11

Thomson, H. C, 66

Thomson, John, 67

Tikhomirov, Lev Aleksandrovich, 11

Tison, Alexander, 34

Tomes, Robert, 31

Tourneux, Maurice, 10

Townsend, Meredith, 55

Treffel, G, 16

Trollope, M. N, 35

Turley, Robert T, 25 , 27

Ukhtomskiĭ, Esper Esperovich, kniaz´ , 14 , 59

Ular, Alexandre, 23 , 26 , 33

Underwood, Mrs. Lillias Horton, 36

United States. Bureau of statistics , 11 , 18 , 32 , 37 , 67

Vachon, Maurice, 10

Vallée, Léon, 20

Vámbéry, Ármin, 57

Vandal, Albert, 10

[Pg 74] Vanderlip, Frank A, 47

Van Norman, Louis E, 16

Viaud, Julien, 33

Vickers, E. H, 33 , 43

Villetard de Laguérie, R, 37 , 38

Vladimir, pseud , 19

Vogüe, E. M. de, 10

Waldo, Frank, 19 , 47

Waldstein, Charles, 50

Waliszewski, Kazimierz, 11

Walker, John Brisben, 15

Wallace, D. Mackenzie, 11

Walton, Joseph, 55

Warner, L. O, 35

Watson, Gilbert, 32

Watson, W. Petrie, 32 , 33

Weale, B. L. P, 25

Webster, Harrie, 37

Wellby, M. S, 23

Wen Ching, 67

Whigham, H. J, 25 , 37 , 57

Wiedenfeld, Kurt, 19 , 20

Wildman, Rounsevelle, 67

Willets, Gilson, 47

Williams, Frederick Wells, 49

Williams, S. M, 15

Williams, Samuel Wells, 67

Wilson, James Harrison, 51 , 62 , 67

Wilson, W. P, 49

Wirgman, Theodore, 12

Witte, Sergei Iulitch, 27

Woodbridge, Samuel I, 61

Wright, George Frederick, 14 , 16 , 26

Wu Ting-fang, 49 , 51 , 62

X, Lieutenant, pseud , 45 , 47

Yorck von Wartenburg, Maximilian, Graf , 14

Younghusband, Francis Edward, 25

Zabel, Rudolf, 25

Zdsiarsky, A. F, 18

Zenzinoff, B. de, 14 , 15 , 27 , 37 , 43

Zepelin, von, 39

Transcriber's Notes

Made minor punctuation corrections and the following changes:

Page 41 : Changed extêrme to extrême.
Orig: 1904. Russes et Japonais en extêrme orient. F. Le Beschu.

Page 63 : Changed show-up to showing up.
Orig: book, and has certainly succeeded in show-(end of line)
up very clearly some of the chief points in the political problems

Page 66 : Changed Illlustrations to Illustrations.
Orig: Edinburgh and London: Oliphant, ... Illlustrations.