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Title : Pictures and Stories

Publisher : George Pond Daniels

Release date : March 16, 2012 [eBook #39169]

Language : English

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The Bird let loose.

One morning Susan had promised to give her little bird his liberty. When she had opened the door of the cage, she ran to her Mamma, and they both watched him. He flew down and warbled the sweetest song Susan ever heard. When he had flown away, she watched him until her eyes pained her, and the tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt sorry to part with him, but she knew it was wrong to deprive him of his liberty.

The Poor Little Girl.

This little girl is the daughter of a poor woman, who lives in the cottage just beyond the bridge over which you see she is passing. In her basket she is carrying some radishes, which she sells to her more wealthy neighbors. They all know her; and though poor, she is respected and treated kindly by them. She has improved very much at school, though she cannot attend as regularly as those who do not have to work for a living.

The Crying Girl.

I wonder what this little girl is crying about? O! I have found out. John has taken the kittens from the old cat, and has drowned them in the pond; and she is ready to call him a heartless creature for doing so. Do you think he is? O, no. It would be cruel, indeed, to torment the kittens as some children do; but John was told to drown them for the convenience of the family; so dry up your tears, Miss Lucy.

Good Manners.

I hope every child who reads this book will take notice of the manner in which this little boy comes into the room where his elders are. He does not run with all his might, neither does he forget he had a hat on. But with his hat in his hand, and with cautious looks and becoming modesty, he approaches to make known his errand. Many children grow up without restraint. When they go abroad, their actions excite laughter, instead of respect.

The Little Party.

Ellen Carter was a good girl. She always loved to obey her mamma. Unlike many naughty children, she did not stop to inquire whether it would be agreeable to herself; but did what she was bid cheerfully and promptly. For this reason, her mamma loved her. One fine afternoon, she permitted her to receive a visit from two of her schoolmates, whom you see with her, regaling themselves at the table. They behave so prettily that I cannot think they will indulge themselves with eating to excess.

Leap Frog.

This is a pretty game, and it affords proper exercise to the body; but how often have I seen little boys after playing a while, get in a rage with each other. They are apt to be too rough when it comes their turn to leap, and of course the others do not like to be hurt, so the play is soon broken up. Boys who easily fall into the habit of quarreling, had better give up this game and indulge in others less exciting. Good children, however, can play at any harmless game, and always preserve their temper.

The Country School Boy.

This little boy's parents live in the country, and when they wish any thing from the town, they are obliged to go, or send a great distance for it. He is going to town to buy some books for himself to study in at school. His mother and sister have come out with him so far, and now they are talking about his errand. I hope he will get the books and arrive safe home again; and the next time we meet him he will no doubt be a better scholar.

Taking a Walk.

It is early in the morning, and little George Hervy is taking a walk with his Papa. He arose before the sun, and having said his prayers and washed his face, here he is skipping along by the side of his Papa, with a bunch of flowers in his hand. What a delightful scene is spread out before him. His little heart swells with emotions of gratitude to his Maker, for having opened his eyes on so lovely a morning.

The Kite and Ball.

These little boys are talking about their Kite and Ball. I wonder if they have learned their lessons. Children should not neglect to learn for the sake of playing with their toys; but when their task is done it affords their teachers pleasure to see them join in the innocent amusements of their playmates.—These give vigor to their bodies, and prepare them to renew their studies with cheerfulness.

The New Doll.

Miss Charlotte is well pleased with the Doll her aunt gave her. She has already made several new dresses for it. See how delighted she appears as she holds it up.

Are not its clothes pretty? She now knows why she learned at school to use her needle. She can occupy her time when she is not studying, in making up the silks and other nice articles, which her Mamma gives her to adorn her little Doll.

Little Flora.

Flora loves to walk in the garden with her Mamma when all the flowers look so beautiful, and scent the air so sweetly. Do you see that seat? When the mornings are fresh and lovely in spring, Flora often takes her book and retires to it to study by herself.—And many times before other little girls have left their pillows, she has her lesson ready to recite.

Sailing a Vessel.

Be careful, Charles; do not go too near the water; it would be a sad affair to fall in and wet your clothes. Take care, too, not to drop the string and let your little vessel sail out beyond your reach. It would be a pity, indeed, to lose the fruits of so much labor as she has cost, in so careless a manner. Now she sits beautifully on the smooth water; the light breeze fills her sails, and her streamers are flying gaily.

Henry and Emma.

What a fine horse Miss Emma has got.—I have no doubt she can manage him better than she could the one her papa drives.—Take care Henry; do not stumble and fall down. Take care Emma; do not use the whip. A whip for a plaything, is quite harmless; but if used as though you were driving a real horse, it would be quite another thing. Brother is very kind, to take the place of a dumb animal. It would be cruel to repay his kindness with blows. Do Henry and Emma never hurt those, who treat them kindly?

Calling Names.

Do you see that little boy crying? What do you think is the cause of it? Why, his playmate who is pointing his finger at him, called him hard names. It is a naughty trick for children to excite each other's passions in this way. They had much better use each other kindly. The little girl you see, is trying to soothe him by persuasion. He should not cry; but ought to show by his conduct, that he is above such petty feelings. If he should do so, his companion would soon turn away with shame.


Mary delighted in swinging, and she had a brother who was fond of her, and who did all that he could to please her. You see him here indulging her with her favorite play. It is to his skill, she is indebted for this beautiful swing, which you see he has put up in a pleasant part in the garden. How much more agreeable it is, to behold children thus uniting to make each other happy, than it would be to see them always jealous of each other's enjoyment.




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Is extensively engaged in the publication of JUVENILE and TOY BOOKS, of different sizes and prices. His little Books are all got up with great taste, and illustrated with beautiful cuts. Very great care has been taken, both in the original and selected matter, that not a word should be introduced into them, which the most judicious parent would object to place in the hands of his children.