The Project Gutenberg eBook of A catalogue of technical and scientific books published by Constable & Company Ltd

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Title : A catalogue of technical and scientific books published by Constable & Company Ltd

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19 Aeronautics
58 Agriculture, Farming and Forestry
55 Arts and Crafts
55 Business and Management
27 Civil Engineering, Building Construction, etc.
33 Electrical Engineering
7 Electro-Chemistry
13 Fuel and its Combustion
21 Hydraulics and Turbines
10 Internal Combustion Engines
17 Iron, Steel, and other Metals
31 Irrigation and Water Supply
61 Law, Patents, etc.
39 Lighting
15 Machinery, Power Plants, etc.
51 Manufacture and Industries
20 Marine Engineering
50 Mathematics
49 Metallurgy
23 Mining
61 Miscellaneous
19 Motor-Cars and Engines
30 Municipal Engineering
57 Natural History, Botany, Nature Study, etc.
8 Outlines of Industrial Chemistry
40 Physics and Chemistry
17 Pumps
24 Railway Engineering
26 Reinforced Concrete and Cement
12 Steam Engines, Boilers, etc.
29 Surveying
32 Telegraphy and Telephony
39 Thermodynamics
56 Useful Handbooks and Tables


7 A Treatise of Electro-Chemistry
9 The D.-S. Technical Dictionaries in Six Languages
4 The Glasgow Text-Books of Civil Engineering
65 Messrs. Franklin & Charles’ List
9 Metallurgical Series
8 Outlines of Industrial Chemistry
7 Practical Manuals for Practical Men
3 Staple Trades and Industries
3 The Chadwick Library
4 “The Engineer” Library
5 The “Westminster” Series
8 Thresholds of Science
66 Index



MESSRS. CONSTABLE & CO., LTD., are the European, Australian and South African Agents for publications of Messrs. D. Van Nostrand, New York, and of Messrs. Franklin & Charles of Bethlehem, Pa.


The cost of postage is to be added to all net prices of books in this list. Where the cost of postage is not stated, 6d. on books published at 10/- or less, and 9d. on books published at more than 10/- will generally cover the inland postal charges.

[Owing to the fluctuating costs of material and manufacture the published price of books is liable to be changed without notice.]


The Chadwick Library

Altitude and Health. Prof. F. F. Roget. Demy 8vo. 12/6 net.

Rainfall, Reservoirs and Water Supply. Sir Alexander Binnie. 9/- net. ( See p. 30. )

Health in Camp. Austin T. Nankivell, M.D., Capt. R.A.M.C. , with an Introduction by Sir Shirley Murphy, F.R.C.S., R.A.M.C. (T.) . Paper, 1/- net; Cloth, 1/6 net.

The Future Citizen and his Mother. Charles Porter, M.D., B.Sc. , with a Foreword by Sir James Crichton Browne, M.D., D.Sc. 3/6 net.

Forests, Woods and Trees in relation to Hygiene. Augustine Henry, M.A., F.L.S. , etc. Price, 18/- net. ( See p. 60. )

The Colloids in Health and Disease. A. B. Searle. Demy 8vo. 8/- net.

Domestic Fuel Consumption. A. H. Barker, B.A., B.Sc. , Author of “The Theory and Practice of Heating and Ventilation,” etc. Demy 8vo. 180 pp. 14/- net.

Written so as to be readily comprehensible by any person without scientific training, this book will be read with interest and profit by all who, whether for private or public purposes, are desirous of checking the present lavish waste of our fuel resources.

Staple Trades and Industries

Edited by GORDON D. KNOX . Demy 8vo. Illustrated.

First Volumes now Ready.

Wool. Frank Ormerod. 16 Illustrations. 6/6 net.

Contents. —The Genesis of Wool. The Coming of the Weavers. How England Took the Lead. Sheep and Wool Fibre. The World’s Wool Supply. Australia’s Pastoral Romance. The Marketing of Wool. Shearing and Sorting. Preparation and Manufacture. Finishing Processes. Extremes of Woollen Production. Varied Uses. The Future. Salient Facts and Figures.

Cotton. George Bigwood. 16 Illustrations. 6/6 net.

Contents. —History of the Cotton Plant. The Development of Spinning. The Cotton Fields. Triumph of Mechanical Invention. Cotton Growing under the British Flag. Classification of the World’s Crop. Modern Spinning and Weaving. “Where Merchants Most do Congregate.” Gambling in Cotton. Cotton Fabrics; An Art Manufacture. Organisation and Strikes. A General Utility Plant. Appendices: The Cotton Trade in War Time; Spindles and Looms; “Futures.”

Linen. Alfred S. Moore. (In Preparation.)

The Nitrogen Industry. J. M. Partington, M.Sc. (do.)


The Glasgow Text-Books of Civil Engineering

Edited by G. MONCUR, B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. , Professor of Civil Engineering at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow.

Railway Signal Engineering (Mechanical). Leonard P. Lewis , of the Caledonian Railway; Lecturer on Railway Signalling at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. 2nd Edition. 14/- net. ( See p. 25. )

Modern Sanitary Engineering. Gilbert Thomson, M.A., F.R.S.E., M.Inst.C.E. Part I. House Drainage. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. 2nd Edition. 16/- net. ( See p. 31. ) Part II. Sewerage. 18/- net.

Reinforced Concrete Railway Structures. J. D. W. Ball, A.M.Inst.C.E. Illustrated. Demy 8vo. 9/- net. (p. 25.)

Surveying and Field Work. J. Williamson, A.M.INST.C.E. Demy 8vo. 9/- net. ( See p. 29. )

Hydraulics of Pipe Lines. W. F. Durand , Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Leland Stanford University, California. Demy 8vo.

Earthwork in Railway Engineering. J. W. P. Gardner, M.I.C.E. Demy 8vo. Illustrated.

Dock and Lock Machinery. William Hunter, M.Inst.C.E. Demy 8vo. Illustrated.

Other Volumes in Preparation.

“The Engineer” Library

What Industry Owes to Chemical Science. Richard B. Pilcher and Frank Butler-Jones, B.A. With an Introduction by Sir George Beilby, LL.D., F.R.S. Crown 8vo. 4/- net. ( See p. 48. )

The authors show how science has advanced the methods and processes of production and laid the foundation for the establishment of new manufactures. Many important industries are surveyed with the particular object of informing students of chemistry and engineering of the vast field open to them in their professional careers.

The Production and Treatment of Vegetable Oils. Including chapters on the Refining of Oils, Hydrogenation of Oils, Generation of Hydrogen, Soap Making, Recovery and Refining of Glycerine, and the Splitting of Oils. T. W. Chalmers, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. Imperial 8vo. 9 Folding Plates, 95 Illustrations. 21/- net. ( See p. 52. )


Paper Making and its Machinery. T. W. Chalmers. Imperial 8vo. 26/- net. Illustrated. ( See p. 52. )

Electric Welding and Welding Appliances. H. Carpmael. Imperial 8vo. 18/- net. Illustrated. ( See p. 34. )

The Gyroscopic Compass. a non-Mathematical Treatment of the Theory and Practical Construction of the Gyroscopic Compass. T. W. Chalmers. Demy 8vo. Illustrated. ( See p. 20. ) 11/- net.

The “Westminster” Series

Uniform. Extra Crown 8vo. Fully Illustrated.

Soils and Manures. J. Alan Murray, B.Sc. 2nd Imp. 8/6 net. ( See p. 59. )

The Manufacture of Paper. R. W. Sindall, F.C.S. 8/6 net. 2nd Edn. Revised. ( See p. 52. )

Timber. J. R. Baterden, A.M.I.C.E. 7/6 net.

Electric Lamps. Maurice Solomon, A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E. 7/6 net.

The Precious Metals: comprising Gold, Silver, and Platinum. Thomas K. Rose, D.Sc. 7/6 net.

Decorative Glass Processes. A. L. Duthie. 2nd Imp. 8/6 net. ( See p. 53. )

The Railway Locomotive. Vaughan Pendred. 7/6 net.

Town Gas for Lighting and Heating. W. H. Y. Webber, C.E. 7/6 net.

Liquid and Gaseous Fuels, and the Part they Play in Modern Power Production. The late Vivian B. Lewes, F.I.C., F.C.S. , Professor of Chemistry, Royal Naval College, Greenwich. 2nd Edn., Edited by J. B. C. Kershaw, F.I.C. 12/6 net.

Electric Power and Traction. F. H. Davies, A.M.I.E.E. 7/6 net.

Coal. James Tonge, M.I.M.E. (Lecturer on Mining at Victoria University, Manchester). 7/6 net.


India-Rubber and its Manufacture. With chapters on Gutta-Percha and Balata. H. L. Terry, F.I.C., A.Inst.M.M. 8/6 net.

The Book: Its History and Development. Cyril Davenport, F.S.A. 7/6 net.

Glass Manufacture. Walter Rosenhain , Superintendent of the Department of Metallurgy in the National Physical Laboratory. 2nd Edn., largely rewritten. 12/6 net. ( See p. 53. )

The Law and Commercial Usage of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks. Kenneth R. Swan, B.A.(Oxon.) , of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. 7/6 net.

Precious Stones. With a chapter on Artificial Stones. W. Goodchild, M.B., B.Ch. 7/6 net.

Electro-Metallurgy. J. B. C. Kershaw, F.I.C. 7/6 net. ( See p. 39. )

Natural Sources of Power. Robert S. Ball, B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E. 7/6 net.

Radio-Telegraphy. C. C. F. Monckton, M.I.E.E. 7/6 net.

Introduction to the Chemistry and Physics of Building Materials. Alan E. Munby, M.A.(Cantab.). 7/6 net.

The Gas Engine. W. J. Marshall, A.M.I.M.E. , and Captain H. Riall Sankey, R.E., M.I.C.E. ( See p. 11. ) 12/6 net.

Photography. Alfred Watkins , Past-President of the Photographic Convention, 1907. 2nd Edn. Revised. 12/6 net. ( See p. 55. )

Wood Pulp. Charles F. Cross, B.Sc., F.I.C. , E. J. Bevan, F.I.C. , and R. W. Sindall, F.C.S. 2nd Edn. Revised. 8/6 net. ( See p. 52. )

Welding and Cutting of Metals by the Aid of Gases or Electricity. Dr. L. A. Groth. 2nd Imp. 8/6 net.

General Foundry Practice. William Roxburgh. 3rd Imp. 8/6 net.

Commercial Paints and Painting. Arthur Seymour Jennings. 7/6 net.

Textiles and Their Manufacture. New Edition in Preparation. Demy 8vo. Illustrated. About 18/- net.


A Treatise of Electro-Chemistry.

Edited by BERTRAM BLOUNT, F.I.C. , etc.

The Manufacture of Chemicals by Electrolysis. A. J. Hale. Demy 8vo. 6/- net. ( See p. 39. )

Ozone. By Dr. E. K. Rideal, Ph.D. , etc. Demy 8vo. 12/- net. ( See p. 39. )

Other Volumes in Preparation.

Practical Manuals for Practical Men

Foundations and Machinery Fixing. Francis H. Davies. 2/6 net. ( See p. 28. )

Electric Wiremen’s Manuals

Testing and Localizing Faults. J. Wright. 2/- net.

Arc Lamps and Accessory Apparatus. J. H. Johnson, A.M.I.E.E. 2/- net.

Motors, Secondary Batteries, Measuring Instruments and Switchgear. S. K. Broadfoot, A.M.I.E.E. 2nd Edition. 2/- net.

Mill and Factory Wiring. R. G. Devey. 2nd Edition. 2/6 net.

Electric Mining Installations. P. W. Freudemacher, A.M.I.E.E. 2/6 net.

Ship Wiring and Fitting. T. M. Johnson. 2/- net.

Bells, Indicators, Telephones, Alarms, etc. J. B. Redfern and J. Savin . 2/- net.

Switchgear and the Control of the Electric Light Power Circuits. A. G. Collis, A.M.I.E.E. 2/- net.


Thresholds of Science


Crown 8vo. 2/6 net per volume.

Mechanics. C. E. Guillaume. 200 + xiii pages. 50 Illustrations.

Chemistry. Georges Darzens. 122 + x pages. 31 Illustrations.

Botany. E. Brucker. 185 + xv pages. 235 Illustrations.

Zoology. E. Brucker. 219 + xiii pages. 165 Illustrations.

Mathematics. C. A. Laisant. 158 + viii pages. Over 100 Illustrations.

Astronomy. Camille Flammarion. 191 + xi pages. 184 Illustrations.

Outlines of Industrial Chemistry


Edited by GUY D. BENGOUGH, M.A., D.Sc.

An Introduction to the Study of Fuel. F. J. Brislee, D.Sc. With many Illustrations. New Edn. 9/6 net. ( See p. 14. )

The Chemistry of Dyeing and Bleaching of Vegetable Fibrous Materials. Julius Hübner, M.Sc. Tech., F.I.C. Demy 8vo. Illustrated. 20/- net. ( See p. 44. )

The Chemistry of the Rubber Industry. Harold E. Potts, M.Sc. Demy 8vo. 7/6 net. ( See p. 43. )

Iron and Steel. An Introductory Text-Book for Engineers and Metallurgists. O. F. Hudson, M.Sc., A.R.C.S. , and Guy D. Bengough, M.A., D.Sc. Demy 8vo. Illustrated. 8/- net. ( See p. 18. )

The Chemistry of the Oil Industries. J. E. Southcombe, M.Sc., F.C.S. Demy 8vo. Illustrated. 9/- net. ( See p. 43. )

Cement, Concrete and Bricks. A. B. Searle. Demy 8vo. Illustrated. 10/6 net. ( See p. 43. )

Other Volumes in Preparation.


Metallurgy: A Series

Edited by WALTER ROSENHAIN, F.R.S., D.Sc. , etc.

An Introduction to the Study of Physical Metallurgy. Walter Rosenhain, B.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. 12/6 net. ( See p. 17. )

Volumes on The Metallurgy of Brass, Zinc, Aluminium, on Strain , and the Refractory Metals are in preparation.

The D.-S. Series of Technical Dictionaries in Six Languages

English. Spanish. German. Russian. French. Italian.

With each word, term, or item, so far as it is possible, a diagram, formula, or symbol is given, so that error or inaccuracy is almost impossible.

Vol. I. The Elements of Machinery and the Tools most frequently used in Working Metal and Wood. 10/6 net.
Vol. II. Electrical Engineering , including Telegraphy and Telephony. 30/- net.
Vol. III. Steam Boilers and Steam Engines . 18/- net.
Vol. IV. Internal Combustion Engines . 12/- net.
Vol. V. Railway Construction and Operation . 15/- net.
Vol. VI. Railway Rolling Stock . 14/- net.
Vol. VII. Hoisting and Conveying Machinery . 12/- net.
Vol. VIII. Reinforced Concrete in Sub- and Superstructure . 8/6 net.
Vol. IX. Machine Tools
(Metal Working; Wood Working). 14/- net.
Vol. X. Motor Vehicles
(Motor Cars, Motor Boats, Motor Air Ships, Flying Machines). 18/- net.
Vol. XI. Metallurgy . 12/6 net.
Vol. XII. Pneumatics
(Compressed Air, Air Pumps, Windmills, etc.) 30/- net.
Vol. XIII. Structural Engineering . 22/- net.

“The best book, or series of books, of its kind yet attempted.”— The Engineer .

“Anyone desiring a Technical Dictionary for a foreign language will find this the most comprehensive and explicit that has ever been issued.”— Mechanical Engineer.


Internal Combustion Engines

Hot Bulb Oil Engines and Suitable Vessels. Walter Pollock, M.I.N.A., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.M. Demy 8vo. Fully Illustrated. 42/- net.

Contents. —Scope of Book. Introductory Remarks. Comparison for Power. Demand for Engines. Owner’s Requirements. Makes of Engines. Design of Engine. Materials. Workmanship. Hot Bulbs. Fuel Pumps. Oil v. Coal. Advantages, Disadvantages. Supply of Oil Fuels. Designs of Vessels, Coefficients of Fineness. Notes on Working. Stopping the Engine. Attention while Running. Manœuvring and Running Light. Maintenance and Overhauling. Engineers’ Log. Tools. Spares for Engines. Superintendence. Notes on Installing. Classification. Lloyd’s Scantlings. Port Authorities. Passenger Certificates. Auxiliary Machinery.

The Internal Combustion Engine. Being a Text-Book on Gas, Oil, and Petrol Engines, for the use of Students and Engineers. H. E. Wimperis, M.A., M.I.E.E. 3rd Edition Revised and Enlarged. Demy 8vo. 8/6 net.

Contents. —Preface. List of Symbols. Tables of Constants. Molecular Weights of Gases. Elementary. Thermodynamic Cycles, Combustion and Explosion. Thermodynamics. The Gas Engine. The Gas Producer. Blast-Furnace and Coke-Oven Gases. Oil and Petrol Engines. Petrol Engine Efficiency and Rating. Problems and Solutions. Index.

A Primer of the Internal Combustion Engine. A Text-Book for First and Second Year Students. H. E. Wimperis, M.A., M.I.E.E. , etc. Crown 8vo. 3rd Imp. 4/- net.

Contents. —List of Symbols. Useful Constants. Introductory. Theory of Heat. Behaviour of Gases and Vapours. The Ideal Engine. The Real Engine. Fuels and Gas Producers. Engine Details. Engine Tests. Bibliography. Examples and Answers. Index.

Governors and the Governing of Prime Movers. Trinks. ( See p. 16. )

Diesel Engine Design. H. F. P. Purday. Demy 8vo. 271 Illustrations. 21/- net.

Contents. —First Principles. Thermal Efficiency. Exhaust, Suction and Scavenge. The Principle of Similitude. Crank. Shafts. Fly-Wheels. Framework. Cylinders and Covers. Running Gear. Fuel Oil System. Air and Exhaust System. Compressed Air System. Valve Gear. Index.

The Diesel Engine for Land and Marine Purposes. 4th Edn. Revised and brought up to date. A. P. Chalkley, B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.I.E.E. Demy 8vo. 12/6 net.

Contents. —Introduction. General Theory of Heat Engines, with Special Reference to Diesel Engines. Action and Working of the Diesel Engine. Construction of the Diesel Engine. Installing and Running Diesel Engines. Testing Diesel Engines. Diesel Engines for Marine Work. Construction of the Diesel Marine Engine. The Future of the Diesel Engine. Appendix. Index.


High Power Gas Engines. H. Dubbel. Translated, edited and expanded to include British Engines and Practice, by F. Weinreb. 197 + xii pages. 436 Illustrations. 18/- net.

Contents. —Author’s Preface. Translator’s Preface. The Cycle of the Gas Engine. Output and Cylinder Dimensions. The Governing of the Four-Cycle Engines. Valve Gear of Four-Cycle Engines. The Two-Cycle Engine. Valve Gears. Ignition. The Cylinders. Valves and their Cooling. Pistons and their Cooling. Stuffing Boxes. General Design of Principal Parts. Calculation of the Flywheel Weight. Starting. Piping.

The Gas Turbine. Norman Davey. 248 + xiv pages. 100 Illustrations. Demy 8vo. 15/- net.

The Gas Engine. W. J. Marshall, A.M.I.M.E. , and Captain H. Riall Sankey , late R.E., M.I.M.E. , etc. Extra Crown 8vo. 12/6 net.

Contents. —Theory of the Gas Engine. The Otto Cycle. The Two-Stroke Cycle. Water Cooling of Gas Engine Parts. Ignition. Operating Gas Engines. Arrangement of a Gas Engine Installation. The Testing of Gas Engines. Governing. Gas and Gas Producers.

The Energy-Diagram for Gas. F. W. Burstall, M.A. , Chance Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the University of Birmingham. With Descriptive Text. 5/- net. The Diagram sold separately, 2/- net.

American Gas-Engineering Practice. M. Nisbet-Latta , Member American Gas Institute, M.Am.Soc.M.E. 142 Illustrations. Demy 8vo. 18/- net.

Gas Engine Design. Charles Edward Lucke, Ph.D. , Mechanical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York City. Demy 8vo. 12/6 net.

Gas Engine Construction. By Henry V. A. Parsell, Jr., M.A.I.E.E. , and Arthur J. Weed, M.E. 2nd Edn. Demy 8vo.

Gas, Gasoline, and Oil Engines. Gardner D. Hiscox, M.E. , Author of “Mechanical Movements,” “Compressed Air,” etc. 22nd Edn, largely rewritten and brought up to date, by Victor W. Page, M.E. Demy 8vo. 18/- net.

A complete practical work defining the elements of internal combustion, engineering, treating exhaustively on the design, construction and practical application of all forms of gas, gasoline, kerosene and crude petroleum oil engines, describing auxiliary systems, the theory and management of explosive motors for stationary and marine work, automobiles, aeroplanes and motor cycles, also producer gas and its production.

British Progress in Gas Works Plant and Machinery. C. E. Brackenbury, C.E. , Author of “Modern Methods of Saving Labour in Gas Works.” Super-Royal 8vo. 6/- net.


Steam Engines, Boilers, etc.

Governors and the Governing of Prime Movers. Trinks. 22/6 net.

A Manual of the High-Speed Steam Engine. H. Keay Pratt, A.M.I.Mech.E. Demy 8vo. 6/- net.

Contents. —I. History and General Remarks. II. Steam Cylinders and Adjuncts. III. Valves. IV. Pistons. V. Connecting-rods, Piston-rods, Crank-shafts, etc. VI. Baseplates, Flywheels, etc. VII. Governors. VIII. Cast-iron and other Details. IX. Indicator-Cards and Effort Diagrams. X. Testing. XI. Foundations, Pipe Connections, etc. XII. Practical Notes on the Working of High-Speed Engines. XIII. A Description of Various Engines. Index.

The Modern Steam Engine. Theory, Design, Construction, Use. John Richardson, M.Inst.C.E. With 300 Illustrations. Demy 8vo. 7/6 net.

Boiler Explosions, Collapses and Mishaps. E. J. Rimmer, B.Sc. , etc. Demy 8vo. 4/6 net.

The Steam Engine and Turbine. Robert C. H. Heck, M.E. Demy 8vo. 27/6 net.

Test Methods for Steam Power Plants. A reference book for the use of Power Station Engineers, Superintendents, and Chemists. E. H. Tenney, B.A., M.E. Ex Crown 8vo. 85 Illustrations. 24/- net.

Contents. —Purchase and Testing of Coal. Investigation of the Economy of Combustion. Treating and Testing Water for Boiler-feed Purposes. Evaporating Tests. Testing Prime Movers. Power Plant Lubricants.

Engine Tests and Boiler Efficiencies. J. Buchetti. Translated and Edited from the 3rd Edition by Alexander Russell, M.I.E.E. , etc. Demy 8vo. 10/6 net.

Boiler Draught. H. Keay Pratt, A.M.I.M.E. Crown 8vo. 4/6 net.

Contents. —Draught. Calculations relating to Air. Chimneys. Construction. Artificial Draught. Forced Draught. Induced Draught. A comparison. The Application of Mechanical Draught for Land Installations. The Application of Mechanical Draught in Marine Practice. The Chemistry of Combustion. Index.

Practical Design of Marine Single and Double-Ended Boilers, including Uptakes, etc. John Gray , Member of North-East Coast Inst. of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Contains New Board of Trade and Lloyd’s rules relating to Marine Boilers. 2nd Edition Revised and Enlarged. Demy 8vo. 12/6 net.


Steam Boilers: Their History and Development. H. H. Powles, M.I.M.E. , etc. Imperial 8vo. 25/- net.

Steam Pipes: Their Design and Construction. W. H. Booth , Author of “Liquid Fuel,” etc.

New Edition in Preparation.

The New Steam Tables. Calculated from Professor Callendar’s Researches. Professor C. A. M. Smith, M.Sc. , and A. G. Warren, S.Sc. 4/6 net.

Experimental Researches on the Flow of Steam through Nozzles and Orifices. To which is added a note on the Flow of Hot Water. A. Rateau. Crown 8vo. 5/- net.

Fuel and its Combustion

Fuel, Water and Gas Analysis for Steam Users. John B. C. Kershaw, F.I.C. Demy 8vo. 2nd Edn., revised and enlarged. 12/6 net.

Contents. —Origin of Natural Fuels. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Wood, Peat, Lignite, Bituminous Coal, Semi-Anthracite, Anthracite, and Coke. Liquid Fuels. Briquette Fuels. Sampling and the Preliminary Test for Moisture. Apparatus and Methods used for the Approximate Analysis of Fuels. Special Tests for Sulphur. Apparatus and Methods used for the Calorific Valuation of Solid Fuels. The Practical Application of the Test Results. Forms of Fuel Contract Based upon the Test Results. Sources of Feed-water Supply. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Well, River, Surface, and Rain Water. Collecting Samples. Apparatus and Methods used for the Approximate Analysis of Feed-waters. Special Tests for Oil. The Practical Applications of the Test Results. The Use of Softening Apparatus and Reagents, and the Tests necessary for obtaining the Best Results. Chemical and Physical Characteristics of the Waste Gases from Various Fuels. Collecting Gas Samples. Apparatus and Methods used for the Approximate Analysis of the Waste Gases. The Applications and Use of Continuous and Recording Gas-testing Apparatus. The Practical Applications of the Gas Test Results. Rules for Sampling Fuel. Typical Tests of English and South Wales Coals. Goutal’s Formula for Calculating the Calorific Value from the Results of the Approximate Analysis. The Use of Fuels of Low Calorific Value for Steam-raising Purposes. Tests of Natural and Feed Waters from Various Sources. Typical Tests of Exit Gases.

Powdered Coal as a Fuel. C. F. Herington. Medium 8vo. 84 Illustrations. New Edition. 30/- net.

Contents. —Introductory. Coals Suitable for Powdering. Preparation of Powdered Coal. Feeding and Burning. Use in the Cement Industry. Reverberatory Furnaces. In Metallurgical Furnaces. Under Boilers. For Locomotives. Explosions.

Oil Fuel Equipment for Locomotives. Alfred H. Gibbings, A.M.Inst.C.E. Demy 8vo. Tables. 8/6 net.


An Introduction to the Study of Fuel. A Text-Book for those entering the Engineering, Chemical and Technical Industries. F. J. Brislee, D.Sc. Demy 8vo. 2nd Edn. 9/6 net. (Outlines of Industrial Chemistry.)

Contents. —General Chemical Principles. Weight and Volume of Air required for Combustion. Analysis of Fuel and Flue Gases. Calorimetry and Determination of the Heating Value of a Fuel. Measurement of High Temperatures. Pyrometry. Calculations of Combustion Temperatures. Natural Solid Fuels. Artificial Solid Fuels. Gaseous Fuel. The Manufacture of Producer Gas and Water Gas. Theory of the Producer Gas and Water Gas Reactions. Explosion and the Explosion Engine. Air Supply and Measurement of Draught. Furnace Efficiency and Fuel Economy. Heat Balances, Furnace and Boiler Tests. Liquid Fuels.

Liquid Fuel and its Combustion. W. H. Booth, F.G.S., M.Am.Soc.C.E. , Author of “Water Softening and Treatment,” “Steam Pipes: Their Design and Construction.” With Illustrations and Diagrams. Imperial 8vo. 24/- net.

Liquid Fuel and its Apparatus. William H. Booth, F.G.S., M.Am.Soc.C.E. , Author of “Liquid Fuel and its Combustion,” etc. Demy 8vo. New Edition. 9/- net.

Part I. Theory and Principles. Part II. Practice. Part III. Tables and Data.

Low Grade and Waste Fuels for Power Generation. J. B. C. Kershaw, F.I.C. Demy 8vo. Illustrated. 17/- net.

Contents. —Part I. Fuels : Introduction. Peat. Lignite, Bagasse and Wood Waste. Coke and Coke-Breeze. Culm and Washery. Waste. Towns’ Refuse and Garbage. Pitch. Waste Gases.—Part II. Scientific Control : Fuel Sampling and Testing. Calorimetric Tests. Boilers and Furnaces. Automatic CO₂ Apparatus. Index.

Liquid and Gaseous Fuels and the Part they Play in Modern Power Production. Vivian B. Lewes, F.I.C., F.C.S. , late Professor of Chemistry, Royal Naval College, Greenwich. 2nd Edition Revised and Enlarged. Edited by J. B. G. Kershaw, F.I.C. Ex. Crown 8vo.

Coal. James Tonge, M.I.M.E., F.G.S. , etc. Lecturer on Mining at Victoria University, Manchester. Ex. Crown 8vo. 7/6 net.

Domestic Fuel Consumption. A. H. Barker, B.A., B.Sc. , Author of “The Theory and Practice of Heating and Ventilation,” etc. Demy 8vo. 180 pp. 14/- net.

Written so as to be readily comprehensible by any person without scientific training, this book will be read with interest and profit by all who, whether for private or public purposes, are desirous of checking the present lavish waste of our fuel resources.

Oil Firing for Kitchen Ranges and Steam Boilers. E. C. Bowden-Smith, M.I.Mech.E. Demy 8vo. 9/- net.

A concise and practical account of the methods of employing heavy residues and fuel oil in a kitchen range for culinary purposes, and also for steam boilers.


Machinery, Power Plants, etc.

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Iron, Steel, and other Metals

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Marine Engineering.

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This book is designed for students of marine and mechanical engineering and naval architecture. It reviews the principles of graphics and their application both to frame structures and to mechanism.

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Hydraulics and Turbines.

Ship Form, Resistance, and Screw Propulsion.

( See above. )


Stability and Equilibrium of Floating Bodies. Bernard C. Laws, B.Sc., A.R.C.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.N.A. ( See p. 20. )

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Railway Engineering.

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Civil Engineering, Building Construction, etc.

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Reinforced Concrete Railway Structures. J. D. W. Ball, A.M.Inst.C.E. ( See p. 25. )

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Rainfall, Reservoirs and Water Supply. Sir Alexander Binnie, M.Inst.C.E., etc. ( See p. 30. )

Timber. J. E. Baterden, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Extra Crown 8vo. 7/6 net.

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Surveying, etc.

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Municipal Engineering.

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These diagrams and tables with accompanying descriptive letterpress and examples are based on Kutter’s formula with a coefficient of roughness of 0·013 and give the discharges in cubic feet per minute of every inch diameter of pipe from 3 to 48 inches when running full on inclinations from 1 to 15 per 1000.

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Irrigation and Water Supply.

Water Purification and Sewage Disposal. Dr. J. Tillmans . ( See p. 30. )

Rainfall, Reservoirs and Water Supply, Sir Alexander Binnie, M.Inst.C.E. ( See p. 30. )


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Telegraphy and Telephony.

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Electrical Engineering.

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Electric Wiremen’s Manuals. ( See p. 7. )


Electro-Chemistry, etc.

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Business and Management.

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Useful Handbooks and Tables, etc.

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Agriculture, Farming and Forestry.

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“This is the first attempt to give a comprehensive view of the history of British science in all its branches by men who occupy the position of authorities, and we congratulate them on the success of their efforts.”— British Medical Journal.

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Panama. Its Creation, Destruction, and Resurrection. Philippe Bunau-Varilla. Royal 8vo. 12/6 net.


Messrs. Franklin and Charles’ List of Publications

Practical Physics. Franklin, Crawford and Macnutt.

Vol. I. Precise Measurements—Mechanics and Heat. 9/- net.

Vol. II. Elementary and Advanced Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism. 9/- net.

Vol. III. Photometry. Experiments in Light & Sound. 7/- net.

The Elements of Electrical Engineering. W. S. Franklin and William Esty .

Vol. I. Direct Current Machines: Electric Distribution and Lighting. 28/- net.

Vol. II. Alternating Currents. 26/- net.

Advanced Theory of Electricity & Magnetism. W. S. Franklin and Barry MacNutt . 16/6 net.

Elements of Electricity and Magnetism. W. S. Franklin and Barry MacNutt . 12/- net.

The Elements of Electrical Engineering. W. S. Franklin. A Simplified Version of the “Elements” by Franklin and Esty (see above).

Vol. I. Direct and Alternating Current Machines and Systems. 28/- net.

Vol. II. Electric Lighting and Miscellaneous Applications of Electricity. 20/- net.

A Calendar of Leading Experiments. W. S. Franklin and Barry MacNutt . 16/6 net.

The Elements of Calculus. Franklin , MacNutt and Charles . 16/6 net.

Dynamo Laboratory Manual. W. S. Franklin & William Esty.

Vol. I. Direct-Current Studies and Tests. 12/- net.

Elementary Electricity and Magnetism. W. S. Franklin and Barry MacNutt . 9/- net.

Elementary Statics. Franklin and MacNutt . 4/- net.

Bill’s School and Mine. A Collection of Essays by W. S. Franklin . 2nd Edn. 5/6 net.

Electric Waves. W. S. Franklin. 24/- net.

Lessons in Mechanics (1919). W. S. Franklin and B. MacNutt . 12/- net.

Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism (1919). W. S. Franklin and B. MacNutt . 12/6 net.



The Mayflower Press, Plymouth, England. William Brendon & Son, Ltd.