The Project Gutenberg eBook of A Short List of Scientific Books Published by E. & F. N. Spon, Ltd. September 1915

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Title : A Short List of Scientific Books Published by E. & F. N. Spon, Ltd. September 1915

Author : E. & F. N. Spon

Release date : May 7, 2019 [eBook #59453]

Language : English

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September, 1915

E. & F. N. SPON, L TD.

57, Haymarket, London, S.W.

Telephone–3450 Gerrard.
Telegrams–Fenspon, Charles, London.
Agriculture 2
Architecture 2
Artillery 4
Aviation 4
Bridges and Roofs 5
Building 2
Cement and Concrete 7
Civil Engineering 8
Curve Tables 11
Dictionaries 11
Domestic Economy 12
Drawing 12
Earthwork 13
Electrical Engineering 13
Foreign Exchange 19
Gas and Oil Engines 19
Gas Lighting 20
Historical: Biographical 21
Horology 21
Hydraulics; Pumps 21
Industrial Chemistry 23
Institutions 50
Interest Tables 25
Irrigation 25
Logarithm Tables 26
Manufactures 23
Marine Engineering 27
Materials 28
Mathematics 29
Mechanical Engineering 30
Metallurgy 33
Metric Tables 34
Mineralogy and Mining 34
Miscellaneous 49
Model Making 36
Motor Body Building 4
Municipal Engineering 41
Naval Architecture 27
Organization 36
Physics 37
Price Books 38
Railway Engineering 39
Sanitation 41
Structural Design 5
Surveying and Levelling 9 , 10
Telegraph Codes 43
Useful Tables 47
Valuation 41
Warming: Ventilation 43
Water Supply 44
Workshop Practice 45


Established 1830.

Publicity 61

[Pg 2]


Hemp. A Practical Treatise on the Culture for Seed and Fibre. By S. S. Boyce . 13 illus., 112 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1912. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Farm Drainage. By H. F. French . 100 illus., 284 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1913. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Talks on Manures. By J. Harris . New edition, 366 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1902. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

Coffee , its Culture and Commerce in all Countries. By C. G. W. Lock . 11 plates, 274 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1888. ) 12 s. 6 d.

Sugar, a Handbook for Planters and Refiners. By the late J. A. R. Newlands and B. E. R. Newlands . 236 illus., 876 pp., 8vo. ( 1909. ) £1 5 s. net.

Hops , their Cultivation, Commerce and Uses. By P. L. Simmonds . 143 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1877. ) 4 s. 6 d.

Estate Fences , their Choice, Construction and Cost. By A. Vernon . Re-issue, 150 illus., 420 pp., 8vo. ( 1909. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.


The Hydropathic Establishment and its Baths. By R. O. Allsop . 8 plates, 107 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1891. ) 5 s.

The Turkish Bath , its Design and Construction. By R. O. Allsop . 27 illus., 152 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1890. ) 6 s.

The Builder’s Clerk. By T. Bales . Second edition, 92 pp. fcap. 8vo. ( 1904. ) 1 s. 6 d.

Glossary of Technical Terms used in Architecture and the Building Trades. By G. J. Burns . 136 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1895. ) 3 s. 6 d.

Chimney Design and Theory. By W. W. Christie . Second edition, 54 illus., 200 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1902. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Approximate Estimates. By T. E. Coleman . Fourth edition, 407 pp., 32mo. ( 1914. ) 5 s. net.

[Pg 3]

Stable Sanitation and Construction. By T. E. Coleman . 183 illus., 226 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1897. ) 3 s. net.

House Plans and Building Construction for General Contractors and House Builders. By M. M. Dustman . 511 illus., 239 pp., oblong folio. ( New York, 1912. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

Building Construction Drawing. By Richard B. Eaton . In Two Parts. Imperial 8vo, limp. ( 1914. )

Part I. 26 plates, 59 pp. 1 s. 6 d. net.

Part II. 26 plates, 64 pp. 1 s. 6 d. net.

Parts I and II in one volume. 3 s. net.

Architectural Examples in Brick, Stone, Wood and Iron. By W. Fullerton . Third edition, 245 plates, 254 pp., demy 4to. ( 1914. ) 15 s. net.

Building Supervision. By Geo. W. Grey . x + 146 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1913. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

The Clerk of Works’ Vade Mecum. By G. G. Hoskins . Eighth edition. ( 1914. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

A Handbook of Formulæ, Tables, and Memoranda for Architectural Surveyors. By J. T. Hurst . Fifteenth edition, new impression, 112 illus., viii + 512 pp., royal 32mo, roan. ( 1915. ) 5 s. net.

Paint and Colour Mixing. By A. S. Jennings . Fifth edition, 14 col. plates, 190 pp., 8vo. ( 1915. ) 5 s. net.

Quantity Surveying. By J. Leaning . Fifth edition, new impression, 936 pp., 8vo. ( 1912. ) £1 5 s. net.

Builders’ Quantities. By H. M. Lewis . 6 illus., 44 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 40.) ( 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Obstruction to Light. A Graphic Method of determining Problems of Ancient Lights. By H. B. Molesworth . 9 folding plates, 4to. ( 1902. ) 6 s. net.

Suburban Houses. A series of practical plans. By J. H. Pearson . 46 plates and 12 pp. text, crown 4to. ( 1905. ) 5 s. net.

Solid Bitumens , their Physical and Chemical Properties. By S. F. Peckham . 23 illus., 324 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) £1 1 s.

Roman Architecture, Sculpture and Ornament. By G. B. Piranesi . 200 plates, reproduced in facsimile from the original. 2 vols., imperial folio, in wrappers. ( 1900. ) £2 2 s. net.

[Pg 4]

The Seven Periods of English Architecture , defined and illustrated. By E. Sharpe . Third edition, 20 steel plates, royal 8vo. ( 1888. ) 12 s. 6 d.

Our Factories, Workshops and Warehouses , their Sanitary and Fire-Resisting Arrangements. By B. H. Thwaite . 183 illus., 282 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1882. ) 9 s.

Elementary Principles of Carpentry. By T. Tredgold and J. T. Hurst . Eleventh edition, 48 plates, 517 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1914. ) 7 s. 6 d. net.

Motor Body Building in all its branches. By C. W. Terry . With additional matter by Arthur Hall . Medium 8vo, 256 pp., 15 illus., 50 plates. ( 1914. ) 10 s. 6 d. net. Postage: inland, 5 d. ; abroad, 10 d.

Practical Stair Building and Handrailing. By W. H. Wood . 32 plates, 91 pp., crown 4to. ( 1894. ) 10 s. 6 d.

Spons’ Architects’ and Builders’ Pocket Price-Book. Edited by Clyde Young . Revised by Stanford M. Brooks . 16mo, green leather cloth (size 6½ in. by 3¾ in. by ½ in. thick). 2 s. 6 d. net. Revised and issued annually.

Spons’ Practical Builders’ Pocket Book. Edited by Clyde Young and Stanford M. Brooks . 74 illus., viii + 456 pp., 16mo, maroon leather cloth ( 1915 ). 5 s. net.


Guns and Gun Making Material. By G. Ede . xii + 74 pp. crown 8vo. ( 1889. ) 6 s.

Treatise on Application of Wire to Construction of Ordnance. By J. A. Longridge . 180 pp., 8vo. ( 1884. ) £1 5 s.


The Atmosphere , its Characteristics and Dynamics. By F. J. B. Cordeiro . 35 illus., 129 pp., small 4to. ( New York, 1910. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Theory and Practice of Model Aeroplaning. By V. E. Johnson . 61 illus., xvi + 148 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1910. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 5]

Natural Stability and the Parachute Principle in Aeroplanes. By W. Le Maitre . 34 illus., 48 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 39.) ( 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

How to Build a 20-ft. Bi-plane Glider. By A. P. Morgan . 31 illus., 60 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 14.) ( New York, 1909. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Flight-Velocity. By A. Samuelson . 4 plates, 42 pp., 8vo, sewed. ( 1906. ) 2 s. net.

Resistance of Air and the Question of Flying. By A. Samuelson . 23 illus., 36 pp., 8vo, sewed. ( 1905. ) 2 s. net.

The Laws of Avanzini. Laws of Planes moving at an angle in air and water. By Lieut.-Col. R. de Villamil . 2 folding plates, 3 illus., 23 pp., super royal 8vo, sewed. ( 1912. ) 2 s. net.

Aeroplanes in Gusts, Soaring Flight and Aeroplane Stability. By S. L. Walkden . Second Edition. 4 plates, 47 illus., xvi + 188 pp., 8vo. ( 1913. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.


Strains in Ironwork. By Henry Adams . Fourth edition, 8 plates, 65 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1904. ) 5 s.

Designing Ironwork. By Henry Adams . Second series. 8vo, sewed.

Part I. A Steel Box Girder. ( 1894. ) 9 d. net.

„   II. Built-up Steel Stanchions. ( 1901. ) 1 s. 3 d. net.

„   III. Cisterns and Tanks. ( 1902. ) 1 s. net.

„   IV. A Fireproof Floor. ( 1903. ) 1 s. net.

Columns and Struts. Theory and Design. By Wm. Alexander . 101 illus., xii + 265 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1912. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

A Practical Treatise on Segmental and Elliptical Oblique or Skew Arches. By G. J. Bell . Second edition, 17 plates, 125 pp., royal 8vo. ( 1906. ) £1 1 s. net.

Economics of Construction in relation to Framed Structures. By R. H. Bow . Third thousand, 16 plates, 88 pp., 8vo. ( 1873. ) 5 s.

Theory of Voussoir Arches. By Prof. W. Cain . Third edition, 201 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1905. ) 2 s. net.

[Pg 6]

Theory of Arches and Suspension Bridges. By J. Melan and D. B. Steinman , C.E., Ph.D. Demy 8vo, 303 pp., 118 illus. ( New York, 1913. ) 15 s. net. Postage: inland, 5 d. ; abroad, 10 d.

New Formulæ for the Loads and Deflections of Solid Beams and Girders. By W. Donaldson . Second edition, 11 illus., viii + 56 pp., 8vo. ( 1872. ) 4 s. 6 d.

Plate Girder Railway Bridges. By M. Fitzmaurice . 4 plates, 104 pp., 8vo. ( 1895. ) 6 s.

Pocket Book of Calculations in Stresses. By E. M. George . 66 illus., 140 pp., royal 32mo, half roan. ( 1895. ) 3 s. 6 d.

Tables for Roof Framing. By G. D. Inskip . Second edition, 451 pp., 8vo, leather. ( New York, 1905. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Stresses in Girder and Roof Frames , for both dead and live loads, by simple Multiplication, etc. By F. R. Johnson . 28 plates, 215 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1894. ) 6 s.

A Graphical Method for Swing Bridges. By B. F. La Rue . 4 plates, 104 pp., 18mo, boards. Second Edition. ( New York, 1904. ) 2 s. net.

Notes on Cylinder Bridge Piers and the Well System of Foundations. By J. Newman . 144 pp., 8vo. ( 1893. ) 6 s.

Calculation of Columns. By T. Nielsen . 4 plates, 36 pp., 8vo. ( 1911. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

A New Method of Graphic Statics applied in the Construction of Wrought Iron Girders. By E. Olander . 16 plates, small folio. ( 1887. ) 10 s. 6 d.

Steel Bar and Plate Tables. Giving Weight of a Lineal Foot of all sizes of L and T Bars, Flat Bars, Plates, Square and Round Bars. By E. Read . On large folding card. 1 s. net.

Reference Book for Statical Calculations. By F. Ruff . With diagrams, 140 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1906. ) 5 s. net.

Suspension Bridges and Cantilevers. By D. B. Steinman . vii + 185 pp., 18mo, boards. ( Van Nostrand Series , No. 127.) ( New York, 1911. ) 2 s. net.

The Anatomy of Bridgework. By W. H. Thorpe . 103 illus., 190 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1914. ) 6 s. net.

[Pg 7]


Portland Cement , its Manufacture, Testing and Use. By D. B. Butler . Third edition, 135 illus., including 17 plates, xii + 450 pp., 8vo. ( 1913. ) 16 s. net.

Theory of Steel-Concrete Arches and of Vaulted Structures. By W. Cain . Fifth ed., 27 illus., 212 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1909. ) 2 s. net.

Reinforced Concrete Construction. Elementary Course. By M. T. Cantell . 65 illus., 135 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1911. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Reinforced Concrete Construction. Advanced Course. By M. T. Cantell . 242 illus., xvi + 240 pp., super royal 8vo. ( 1912. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Graphical Reinforced Concrete Design. A series of Diagrams on sheets (measuring 17½ in. by 22½ in.) for Designing and Checking. With 48-page pamphlet. By J. A. Davenport . Complete in roll. ( 1911. ) 5 s. net.

Cement Users’ and Buyers’ Guide. By Calcare . 115 pp., 32mo, cloth. ( 1901. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Diagrams for Designing Reinforced Concrete Structures. By G. F. Dodge . 31 illus., 104 pp., oblong folio. ( New York, 1910. ) 17 s. net.

Cements, Mortars, and Concretes ; their Physical properties. By M. S. Falk . 78 illus., 176 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1904. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Concrete Construction, Methods and Cost. By H. P. Gillette and C. S. Hill . 310 illus., 690 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1908. ) £1 1 s. net.

Works by A. A. HOUGHTON.

Practical Silo Construction. 18 illus., 69 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 27.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Moulding Concrete Chimneys, Slate and Roof Tiles. 15 illus., 61 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 28.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Moulding and Curing Ornamental Concrete. 5 illus., 58 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 29.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 8]

Concrete Wall Forms. 16 illus., 62 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 30.) ( New York, 1912. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Concrete Monuments, Mausoleums and Burial Vaults. 18 illus., 65 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 31.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Concrete Floors and Sidewalks. 8 illus., 63 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 32.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Moulding Concrete Baths, Tubs, Aquariums and Natatoriums. 16 illus., 64 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 33.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Concrete Bridges, Culverts, and Sewers. 14 illus., 58 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 34.) ( New York, 1912. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Constructing Concrete Porches. 18 illus., 62 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 35.) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Moulding Concrete Flower-Pots, Boxes, Jardinières , etc. 8 illus., 52 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 36.) ( New York, 1912. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Moulding Concrete Fountains and Lawn Ornaments. 14 illus., 56 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 37.) ( New York, 1912. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. By H. A. Reid . 715 illus., 884 pp., royal 8vo. ( New York, 1907. ) £1 1 s. net.

Specification for Concrete Flags. Issued by the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers . Folio, sewed. ( 1911. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.


Canals, Surveying.
( See also Irrigation and Water Supply .)

Practical Hints to Young Engineers Employed on Indian Railways. By A. W. C. Addis . 14 illus., 154 pp., 12mo. ( 1910. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

Levelling , Barometric, Trigonometric and Spirit. By I. O. Baker . Third edition, 15 illus., 145 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1910. ) 2 s. net.

River and Canal Engineering. By E. S. Bellasis . 72 illus., x + 220 pp., 8vo. ( 1913. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 9]

Punjab Rivers and Works. By E. S. Bellasis . Second edition, 47 illus., viii + 64 pp., folio. ( 1912. ) 8 s. net.

Notes on Instruments best suited for Engineering Field Work in India and the Colonies. By W. G. Bligh . 65 illus., 218 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 5 s. 6 d.

The Civil Engineers’ Cost Book. By Major T. E. Coleman , R.E. xii + 289 pp. Pocket size (6½ × 3⅝ in.), leather cloth. Second edition. ( 1915. ) 5 s. net.

Retaining Walls in Theory and Practice. By T. E. Coleman . 104 illus., 160 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1914. ) 5 s. net.

On Curved Masonry Dams. By W. B. Coventry . 8vo, sewed. ( 1894. ) 2 s.

A Practical Method of Determining the Profile of a Masonry Dam. By W. B. Coventry . 8vo, sewed. ( 1894. ) 2 s. 6 d.

The Stresses on Masonry Dams (oblique sections). By W. B. Coventry . 8vo, sewed. ( 1894. ) 2 s.

Handbook of Cost Data for Contractors and Engineers. By H. P. Gillette . 1,854 pp., crown 8vo, leather, gilt edges. Second ed. ( New York, 1914. ) £1 1 s. net.

High Masonry Dams. By E. S. Gould . 2nd edit. With illus., 88 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1905. ) 2 s. net.

Railway Tunnelling in Heavy Ground. By C. Gripper . 3 plates, 66 pp., royal 8vo. ( 1879. ) 7 s. 6 d.

Levelling and its General Application. By Thomas Holloway . Revised by H. T. Tallack. 8vo, 71 illus., 149 pp. Third ed. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net. Postage: inland, 4 d. ; abroad, 6 d.

Waterways and Water Transport. By J. S. Jeans . 55 illus., 520 pp., 8vo. ( 1890. ) 9 s. net.

Table of Barometrical Heights to 20,000 Feet. By Lieut.-Col. W. H. Mackesy . 1 plate, 24 pp., royal 32mo. 3 s.

Aid Book to Engineering Enterprise. By E. Matheson . Third edition, illustrated, 916 pp., medium 8vo, buckram. ( 1898. ) £1 4 s.

A Treatise on Surveying. By R. E. Middleton and O. Chadwick . Third edition, royal 8vo. ( 1911. )

Part I. 11 plates, 162 illus., 285 pp. 10 s. 6 d.

„   II. 152 illus. and 2 plates, 340 pp. 10 s. 6 d.

[Pg 10]

A Pocket Book of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda , for Civil and Mechanical Engineers. By Sir G. L. Molesworth and H. B. Molesworth . With an Electrical Supplement by W. H. Molesworth . Twenty-seventh edition, 800 illus., viii + 936 pp., oblong 32mo, leather. ( 1913. ) 5 s. net.

The Pocket Books of Sir G. L. Molesworth and J. T. Hurst , printed on India paper and bound in one vol. Royal 32mo, russia, gilt edges. 10 s. 6 d. net.

Metallic Structures: Corrosion and Fouling and their Prevention. By J. Newman . 38 illus., xii + 374 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1896. ) 9 s.

Scamping Tricks and Odd Knowledge occasionally practised upon Public Works. By J. Newman . New imp., 129 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1908. ) 2 s. net.

Compensation Discharge in the Rivers and Streams of the West Riding (Yorkshire, England). By M. M. Paterson . 55 pp., 8vo. ( 1896. ) 2 s. net.

Co-ordinate Geometry applied to Land Surveying. By W. Pilkington . 5 illus., 44 pp., 12mo. ( 1909. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Pioneering. By F. Shelford . 14 illus., 88 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1909. ) 3 s. net.

Topographical Surveying. By G. J. Specht . 4th edition, 2 plates and 28 illus., 210 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1910. ) 2 s. net.

Spons’ Dictionary of Engineering , Civil, Mechanical, Military and Naval. 10,000 illus., 4,300 pp., super royal 8vo. ( 1874 , Supplement issued in 1881. ) Complete, in 4 vols. £3 3 s. net.

Surveying and Levelling Instruments. Theoretically and practically described. By W. F. Stanley . Revised by H. T. Tallack. For Construction, Qualities, Selection, Preservation, Adjustments and Uses; with other apparatus and appliances used by Civil Engineers and Surveyors in the field. Fourth ed. 433 illus., 606 pp. ( 1914. ) 7 s. 6 d. net. Postage: inland, 5 d. ; abroad, 10 d.

Surveyor’s Handbook. By T. U. Taylor . 116 illus., 310 pp., crown 8vo, leather, gilt edges. ( New York, 1908. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

Logarithmic Land Measurement. By J. Wallace . 32 pp., royal 8vo. ( 1910. ) 5 s. net.

[Pg 11]

Land Drainage. A Treatise on the Design and Construction of Open and Closed Drains. By J. L. Parsons , Assoc. M. W. Socy. of Engineers. Demy 8vo, 36 illus., 22 tables, 165 pp. ( New York, 1915. ) 7 s. 6 d. net. Postage: inland, 4 d. ; abroad, 6 d.

The Drainage of Fens and Low Lands by Gravitation and Steam Power. By W. H. Wheeler . 8 plates, 175 pp., 8vo. ( 1888. ) 12 s. 6 d.

Stadia Surveying , the theory of Stadia Measurements. By A. Winslow . Ninth ed., 148 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1913. ) 2 s. net.

Handbook on Tacheometrical Surveying. By C. Xydis . 55 illus., 3 plates, 63 pp., 8vo. ( 1909. ) 6 s. net.


Grace’s Tables for Curves , with hints to young engineers. 8 figures, 43 pp., oblong 8vo. ( 1908. ) 5 s. net.

Data relating to Railway Curves and Super-elevations , shown graphically. By J. H. Haiste . On folding card for pocket use. 6 d. net.

Tables for setting-out Railway Curves. By C. P. Hogg . A series of cards in neat cloth case. 4 s. 6 d.

Tables for setting out Curves for Railways, Roads, Canals, etc. By A. Kennedy and R. W. Hackwood . 32mo. 2 s. net.

Spiral Tables. By J. G. Sullivan . 47 pp., 12mo, leather. ( New York. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

Tables for Setting out Curves from 101 to 5,000 feet radius. By H. A. Cutler and F. J. Edge . Royal 32mo. 2 s. net.

Tables of Parabolic Curves for the use of Railway Engineers, and others. By G. T. Allen . Fcap. 16mo. 4 s.

Transition Curves. By W. G. Fox . Second edition, 80 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York. ) 2 s. net.


Technological Dictionary in the English, Spanish, German and French Languages. By D. Carlos Huelin Y Arssu . Crown 8vo.

Vol. I. English-Spanish-German-French. 609 pp. ( 1906. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 12]

Vol. II. German-English-French-Spanish. 720 pp. ( 1908. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Vol. III. French-German-Spanish-English. In preparation.

Vol. IV. Spanish-French-English-German. 750 pp. ( 1910. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Dictionary of English and Spanish Technical and Commercial Terms. By W. Jackson . 164 pp., fcap. 8vo. ( 1911. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

English-French and French-English Dictionary of the Motor-Car, Cycle and Boat. By F. Lucas . 171 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1915. ) 2 s. net.

Spanish-English Dictionary of Mining Terms. By F. Lucas . 78 pp., 8vo. ( 1905. ) 5 s. net.

English-Russian and Russian-English Engineering Dictionary. By L. Meycliar . 100 pp., 16mo. ( 1909. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.


Food Adulteration and its Detection. By J. P. Battershall . 12 plates, 328 pp., demy 8vo. ( New York, 1887. ) 15 s.

The Cooking Range , its Failings and Remedies. By F. Dye . 52 pp., fcap. 8vo, sewed. ( 1888. ) 6 d.

Spices and How to Know Them. By W. M. Gibbs . With 47 plates, including 14 in colours, 179 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 15 s. net.

The Kitchen Boiler and Water Pipes. By H. Grimshaw . 8vo, sewed. ( 1887. ) 1 s. net.

Spons’ Household Manual. 250 illus., 1,043 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1902. ) 7 s. 6 d.

Ditto    ditto    half-bound French morocco. 9 s.


The Ornamental Penman’s , Engraver’s and Sign Writer’s Pocket Book of Alphabets. By B. Alexander . New Impression. Oblong 12mo, sewed. 6 d. net.

Slide Valve Diagrams : a French Method for their Construction. By L. Bankson . 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1892. ) 2 s. net.

[Pg 13]

A System of Easy Lettering. By J. H. Cromwell . Twelfth edition, 39 plates, oblong 8vo. ( New York, 1912. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Key to the Theory and Methods of Linear Perspective. By C. W. Dymond , F.S.A. 6 plates, 32 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 20.) ( 1910. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Plane Geometrical Drawing. By R. C. Fawdry . Illustrated, 185 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1901. ) 3 s. net.

Hints on Architectural Draughtsmanship. By G. W. T. Hallatt . Fourth ed., 80 pp., 18mo. ( 1906. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

A First Course of Mechanical Drawing (Tracing). By G. Halliday . Oblong 4to, sewed. 2 s.

A Text-Book of Graphic Statics. By C. W. Malcolm . 155 illus., 316 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Drawings for Medium-sized Repetition Work. By R. D. Spinney . 47 illus., 130 pp., 8vo. ( 1909. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

Mathematical Drawing Instruments. By W. F. Stanley . Seventh ed., 265 illus., 370 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1900. ) 5 s.


Tables for Computing the Contents of Earthwork in the Cuttings and Embankments of Railways. By W. Macgregor . 1 plate, 59 pp., royal 8vo. 6 s.

Tables for facilitating the Calculation of Earthworks. By D. Cunningham . 120 pp., royal 8vo. 10 s. 6 d.

Grace’s Earthwork Tables. 36 double-page tables, 4to. 12 s. 6 d. net.

Earthwork Slips and Subsidences on Public Works. By J. Newman . 240 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1890. ) 7 s. 6 d.


Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Edited by P. F. Rowell , Secretary. Issued in quarto parts. The number of parts are from 12 to 16 annually. Annual Subscription, 46 s. post free, payable in advance. Single copies, 3 s. 9 d. post free.

[Pg 14]

Practical Electric Bell Fitting. By F. C. Allsop . Tenth edition, 186 illus., including 8 folding plates, 185 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Telephones : their Construction and Fitting. By F. C. Allsop . Eighth edition, new imp., 184 illus., 222 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Electric Bell Construction. By F. C. Allsop . New imp., 177 illus., xii + 131 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Induction Coils and Coil Making. By F. C. Allsop . Second edition, new imp., 125 illus., xii + 172 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Auto-Transformer Design. By A. H. Avery . 25 illus., 60 pp., 8vo. ( 1909. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Principles of Electric Power (Continuous Current) for Mechanical Engineers. By A. H. Bate . 63 illus., 204 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1914. ) ( Finsbury Technical Manual. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Practical Construction of Electric Tramways. By W. R. Bowker . 93 illus., 119 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 6 s. net.

Dynamo Lighting for Motor Cars. By M. A. Codd . Second edition, 140 illus., vi + 107 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Design and Construction of Induction Coils. By A. F. Collins . 155 illus., 272 pp., demy 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Switchboard Measuring Instruments for Continuous and Polyphase Currents. By J. C. Connan . 117 illus., 150 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

Electric Cables, their Construction and Cost. By D. Coyle and F. J. O. Howe . With many diagrams and 216 tables, 466 pp., crown 8vo, leather. ( 1909. ) 15 s. net.

Management of Electrical Machinery. By F. B. Crocker and S. S. Wheeler . Eighth edition, 131 illus., 223 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Electric Lighting : A Practical Exposition of the Art. By F. B. Crocker . Royal 8vo. ( New York. )

Vol. I. The Generating Plant. Sixth edition, 213 illus., 470 pp. ( 1904. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Vol. II. New edition in preparation.

[Pg 15]

The Care and Management of Ignition Accumulators. By H. H. U. Cross . 12 illus., 74 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 19.) ( 1910. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Elements of Telephony. By A. Crotch . 51 illus., 90 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 21.) ( 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Elementary Telegraphy and Telephony. By Arthur Crotch . New impression, 238 illus., viii + 223 pp., 8vo. ( Finsbury Technical Manual. ) ( 1912. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Electricity and Magnetism in Telephone Maintenance. By G. W. Cummings . 45 illus., 137 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1908. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

Grouping of Electric Cells. By W. F. Dunton . 4 illus., 50 pp., fcap. 8vo. ( 1914. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Wireless Telegraphy for Intending Operators. By C. K. P. Eden . 16 illus., 80 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 24.) ( 1913. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Magnets and Electric Currents. By J. A. Fleming , M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. An elementary treatise for the use of Electrical Artisans and Science Teachers. Cr. 8vo, 136 illus., 408 pp. Third ed. ( 1914. ) 3 s. 6 d. net. Postage: inland, 4 d. ; abroad, 8 d.

Notes on Design of Small Dynamo. By George Halliday . Second edition, 8 plates, 8vo. ( 1895. ) 2 s. 6 d.

Practical Alternating Currents and Power Transmission. By N. Harrison . 172 illus., 375 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1906. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Plans and Specification for Wireless Telegraph Sets. By A. F. Collins . Crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , Nos. 41 and 42.) ( New York, 1912. ) 1 s. 6 d. each net.

Part I. An Experimental Set and a One to Five Miles Set. 37 illus., viii + 45 pp.

Part II. A Five to Ten Mile Set and a Ten to Twenty Mile Set. 63 illus., viii + 72 pp.

Practical and Experimental Wireless Telegraphy. A Handbook for Operators, Students and Amateurs. By W. J. Shaw , Member of the Wireless Society of London. 42 illus., 102 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1914. ) 3 s. 6 d. net. Post free, 3 s. 10 d.

[Pg 16]

Making Wireless Outfits. By N. Harrison . 27 illus., 61 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 11.) Second ed. ( New York, 1914. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Wireless Telephone Construction. By N. Harrison . 43 illus., 73 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 12.) ( New York, 1913. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Wireless Time Signals , Radio-Telegraphic Time and Weather Signals transmitted from the Eiffel Tower and their Receipt. Authorised Translation of the Report of the Bureau of Longitudes with additional Tables and Data. Cr. 8vo, 133 pp., 1 folding plate, 30 illus. ( 1915. ) 3 s. 6 d. net. Postage 4 d.

Testing Telegraph Cables. By Colonel V. Hoskiœr . Third edition, 11 illus., viii + 75 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1889. ) 4 s. 6 d.

Long Distance Electric Power Transmission. By R. W. Hutchinson . 136 illus., 345 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1907. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Theory and Practice of Electric Wiring. By W. S. Ibbetson . 119 illus., 366 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1914. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

Practical Electrical Engineering for Elementary Students. By W. S. Ibbetson . 61 illus., 155 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Form of Model General Conditions , recommended for use in connection with Contracts for Electrical Works. Issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers . Fcap, 19 pp. Revised April, 1914. 6 d. net. Postage 1 d.

Telegraphy for Beginners. By W. H. Jones . 19 illus., 58 pp., crown 8vo. Second ed. ( New York, 1913. ) 2 s. net.

A Handbook of Electrical Testing. By H. R. Kempe . Seventh ed., 285 illus., 706 pp., 8vo. ( 1908. ) 18 s. net.

Electromagnets , their Design and Construction. By A. N. Mansfield . 36 illus., 155 pp., 18mo, boards. Second ed. ( New York, 1908. ) 2 s. net.

Telephone Construction, Methods and Cost. By C. Mayer . With Appendices on the cost of materials and labour by J. C. Slippy . 103 illus., 284 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1908. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Practical Electrics : a Universal Handybook on Every Day Electrical Matters. Ninth ed., 126 illus., 135 pp., 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 13.) ( New York, 1909. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 17]

Wiring Houses for the Electric Light. By N. H. Schneider . 40 illus., 85 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 25.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Induction Coils. By N. H. Schneider . 79 illus., 285 pp., crown 8vo. Second ed. ( New York, 1909. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

How to Install Electric Bells, Annunciators and Alarms. By N. H. Schneider . Second edition. ( 1913. ) 70 illus., 83 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 2.)

Modern Primary Batteries , their construction, use and maintenance. By N. H. Schneider . 54 illus., 94 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 1.) ( New York, 1910. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Practical Engineers’ Handbook on the Care and Management of Electric Power Plants. By N. H. Schneider . 203 illus., 274 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1906. ) 5 s. net.

Electrical Circuits and Diagrams , illustrated and explained. By N. H. Schneider . 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , Nos. 3 and 4.) ( New York. )

No. 3, Part 1. Second edition. 217 illus., 72 pp. ( New York, 1914. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

No. 4, Part 2. 73 pp. Second ed. ( 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Electrical Instruments and Testing. By N. H. Schneider and J. Hargrave . Fourth edition, 133 illus., xxiv + 256 pp., cr. 8vo. ( New York, 1913. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Experimenting with Induction Coils. By N. H. Schneider . 26 illus., 73 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 5.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Study of Electricity for Beginners. By N. H. Schneider . 54 illus., 88 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 6.) ( New York, 1910. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Wiring Houses for the Electric Light : Low Voltage Battery Systems. 44 illus., 86 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 25.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Low Voltage Electric Lighting with the Storage Battery. By N. H. Schneider . 23 illus., 85 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 26.) ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Dry Batteries : how to Make and Use them. By a Dry Battery Expert . With additional notes by N. H. Schneider . 30 illus., 59 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 7.) ( New York, 1910. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 18]

The Diseases of Electrical Machinery. By E. Schulz . Edited, with a Preface, by Prof. S. P. Thompson . 42 illus., 84 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1904. ) 2 s. net.

Electricity Simplified. By T. O. Sloane . Thirteenth edition, 29 illus., 158 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1905. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

How to become a Successful Electrician. By T. O. Sloane . Fifteenth edition, 4 illus., 202 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1906. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Electricity : its Theory, Sources and Applications. By J. T. Sprague . Third edition, 109 illus., 658 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1892. ) 7 s. 6 d. net.

Telegraphic Connections. By C. Thom and W. H. Jones . 20 plates, 59 pp., oblong 8vo. ( New York, 1892. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

Dynamo Electric Machinery. By Prof. S. P. Thompson . Seventh edition, demy 8vo. ( Finsbury Technical Manual. )

Vol. I. Continuous-Current Machinery. With 4 coloured and 30 folding plates, 573 illus., 984 pp. ( 1904. ) £1 10 s. net.

Vol. II. Alternating Current Machinery. 15 coloured and 24 folding plates, 546 illus., 900 pp. ( 1905. ) £1 10 s. net.

Design of Dynamos (Continuous Currents). By Prof. S. P. Thompson . 4 coloured and 8 folding plates, 243 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1903. ) 12 s. net.

Schedule for Dynamo Design , issued with the above. 6 d. each, 4 s. per doz., or 18 s. per 100, net.

Curves of Magnetic Data for Various Materials. A reprint on transparent paper for office use of Plate I from Dynamo Electric Machinery, and measuring 25 in. by 16 in. 7 d. net.

Electrical Tables and Memoranda. By Prof. S. P. Thompson . Second ed., 15 illus. viii. + 136 pp., oblong 64mo (waistcoat-pocket size), leather. ( 1913. ) 1 s. net.

Do., do., in celluloid case. 1 s. 6 d. net.

Elements of Electro-Plating. By J. T. Sprague . Cr. 8vo, 72 pp., 2 illus. ( 1914. ) ( S. & C. Series , No. 44.) 1 s. 6 d. net. Postage 2 d.

The Electromagnet. By C. R. Underhill . 67 illus., 159 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1903. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 19]

Practical Guide to the Testing of Insulated Wires and Gables. By H. L. Webb . Fifth edition, 38 illus., 118 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1902. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Wiring Rules. With Extracts from the Board of Trade Regulations and the Home Office Regulations for Factories and Workshops. Issued by The Institution of Electrical Engineers . Sixth edition, 42 pp., 8vo, sewed. ( 1911. ) 6 d. net.


English Prices with Russian Equivalents (at Fourteen Rates of Exchange). English prices per lb., with equivalents in roubles and kopecks per pood. By A. Adiassewich . 182 pp., fcap. 32mo. 1 s. net.

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English Prices with Spanish Equivalents. At Seven Rates of Exchange. English prices per lb., with equivalents in pesetas per kilogramme. By S. Lambert . 95 pp., 32mo. 1 s. net.

English Prices with French Equivalents (at Seven Rates of Exchange). English prices per lb. to francs per kilogramme. By H. P. McCartney . 97 pp., 32mo. 1 s. net.

Principles of Foreign Exchange. By E. Matheson . Fourth edition, 54 pp., 8vo, sewed. ( 1905. ) 3 d. net.


The Theory of the Gas Engine. By D. Clerk . Edited by F. E. Idell . Third edition, 19 illus., 180 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1903. ) 2 s. net.

Electrical Ignition for Internal Combustion Engines. By M. A. Codd . 109 illus., 163 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1911. ) 3 s. net.

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[Pg 20]

Gas Engine in Principle and Practice. By A. H. Goldingham . New impression, 107 illus., 195 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1912. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

Practical Handbook on the Care and Management of Gas Engines. By G. Lieckfeld . Third edition, square 16mo. ( New York, 1906. ) 3 s. 6 d.

Elements of Gas Engine Design. By S. A. Moss . 197 pp., 18mo, boards. Second ed. ( New York, 1907. ) 2 s. net.

Gas and Petroleum Engines. A Manual for Students and Engineers. By Prof. W. Robinson . ( Finsbury Technical Manual. ) Third edition in preparation.


Transactions of the Institution of Gas Engineers. Edited by Walter T. Dunn , Secretary . Published annually. 8vo. 10 s. 6 d. net.

Gas Analyst’s Manual. By J. Abady . 102 illus., 576 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1902. ) 18 s. net.

Gas Works : their Arrangement, Construction, Plant and Machinery. By F. Colyer . 31 folding plates, 134 pp., 8vo. ( 1884. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

Lighting by Acetylene. By F. Dye . 75 illus., 200 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1902. ) 6 s. net.

A Comparison of the English and French Methods of Ascertaining the Illuminating Power of Coal Gas. By A. J. Van Eijndhoven . Illustrated, crown 8vo. ( 1897. ) 4 s.

Gas Lighting and Gas Fitting. By W. P. Gerhard . Third edition, 190 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1904. ) 2 s. net.

A Treatise on the Comparative Commercial Values of Gas Coals and Cannels. By D. A. Graham . 3 plates, 100 pp., 8vo. ( 1882. ) 4 s. 6 d.

The Gas Engineer’s Laboratory Handbook. By J. Hornby . Third edition, revised, 70 illus., 330 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1911. ) 6 s. net.

Electric Gas Lighting. By N. H. Schneider . 57 illus., 101 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 8.) ( New York, 1901. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 21]


Extracts from the Private Letters of the late Sir William Fothergill Cooke , 1836-9, relating to the Invention and Development of the Electric Telegraph; also a Memoir by Latimer Clark . Edited by F. H. Webb , Sec.Inst.E.E. 8vo. ( 1895. ) 3 s.

A Chronology of Inland Navigation in Great Britain. By H. R. De Salis . Crown 8vo. ( 1897. ) 4 s. 6 d.

A History of Electric Telegraphy to the year 1837. By J. J. Fahie . 35 illus., 542 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1889. ) 2 s. net.

Life as an Engineer : its Lights, Shades, and Prospects. By J. W. C. Haldane . New edition, 23 plates, 390 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1910. ) 5 s. net.

A Cornish Giant. Richard Trevethick, the father of the Locomotive Engine. By E. K. Harper . 12 illus., including 2 plates, 60 pp., 8vo. sewed. ( 1913. ) 1 s. net.

Philipp Reis , Inventor of the Telephone: a Biographical Sketch. By Prof. S. P. Thompson . 8vo, cloth. ( 1883. ) 7 s. 6 d.

The Development of the Mercurial Air Pump. By Prof. S. P. Thompson . 43 illus., 37 pp., royal 8vo, sewed. ( 1888. ) 1 s. 6 d.


Watch and Clock Maker’s Handbook , Dictionary and Guide. By F. J. Britten . Eleventh edition, 450 illus., 492 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1915. ) 5 s. net.

Prize Essay on the Balance Spring and its Isochronal Adjustments. By M. Immisch . 7 illus., 50 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1872. ) 2 s. 6 d.


( See also Irrigation and Water Supply .)

Hydraulics with Working Tables. By E. S. Bellasis . Second edition, 160 illus., xii + 311 pp., 8vo. ( 1911. ) 12 s. net.

Pumps : Historically, Theoretically and Practically Considered. By P. R. Björling . Second edition, 156 illus., 234 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1895. ) 7 s. 6 d.

[Pg 22]

Pump Details. By P. R. Björling . 278 illus., 211 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1892. ) 7 s. 6 d.

Pumps and Pump Motors : A Manual for the use of Hydraulic Engineers. By P. R. Björling . Two vols., 261 plates, 369 pp., royal 4to. ( 1895. ) £1 10 s. net.

Practical Handbook on Pump Construction. By P. R. Björling . Second ed., new imp., 9 plates, viii + 86 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1912. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

Water or Hydraulic Motors. By P. R. Björling . 206 illus., 287 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1903. ) 9 s.

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Practical Hydraulics. By T. Box . Fifteenth edition, 8 plates, 88 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1913. ) 5 s. net.

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Hydraulic, Steam, and Hand Power Lifting and Pressing Machinery. By F. Colyer . Second edition, 88 plates, 211 pp., imperial 8vo. ( 1892. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Pumps and Pumping Machinery. By F. Colyer .

Vol. I. Second edition, 53 plates, 212 pp., 8vo. ( 1892. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Vol. II. Second edition, 48 plates, 169 pp., 8vo. ( 1900. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Construction of Horizontal and Vertical Water-wheels. By W. Cullen . Second edition, 12 plates, 4to. ( 1871. ) 5 s.

Donaldson’s Poncelet Turbine and Water Pressure Engine and Pump. By W. Donaldson . 2 plates, viii + 32 pp., demy 4to. ( 1883. ) 5 s.

Practical Hydrostatics and Hydrostatic Formulæ. By E. S. Gould . 27 illus., 114 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1903. ) 2 s. net.

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Tables for Calculating the Discharge of Water in Pipes for Water and Power Supplies. Indexed at side for ready reference. By A. E. Silk . 63 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1914. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 23]

Simple Hydraulic Formulæ. By T. W. Stone . 9 plates, 98 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1881. ) 4 s.

A B C of Hydrodynamics. By Lieut.-Col. R. de Villamil . 48 illus., xi + 135 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1912. ) 6 s. net.

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A Text Book of Paper Making. By C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan . New edition in preparation.

C.B.S. Standard Units and Standard Paper Tests. By C. F. Cross , E. J. Bevan , C. Beadle and R. W. Sindall . 25 pp., crown 4to. ( 1903. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

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Soda Fountain Requisites. A Practical Receipt Book for Druggists, Chemists, etc. By G. H. Dubelle . Fourth ed., 157 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1911. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 24]

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Breweries and Maltings. By G. Scammell and F. Colyer . Second edition, 20 plates, 178 pp., 8vo. ( 1880. ) 6 s. net.

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Spons’ Encyclopædia of the Industrial Arts , Manufactures and Commercial Products. 2 vols. 1,500 illus., 2,100 pp., super royal 8vo. ( 1882. ) £2 2 s. net.

[Pg 25]

Tables for the Quantitative Estimation of the Sugars. By E. Wein and W. Frew . Crown 8vo. ( 1896. ) 6 s.

The Puering, Bating and Drenching of Skins. By J. T. Wood . 33 illus., xv + 300 pp., 8vo. ( 1912. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

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Irrigation Pocket Book. By R. B. Buckley . Second ed., 80 illus., viii + 475 pp., cr. 8vo, leather, gilt edges. ( 1914. ) 15 s. net.

The Design of Channels for Irrigation and Drainage. By R. B. Buckley . 22 diagrams, 56 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1911. ) 2 s. net.

[Pg 26]

The Irrigation Works of India. By R. B. Buckley . Second edition, with coloured maps and plans. 336 pp., 4to, cloth. ( 1905. ) £2 2 s. net.

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The Irrigation of Mesopotamia. By Sir W. Willcocks . 2 vols., 46 plates, 136 pp. (Text super royal 8vo, plates folio.) ( 1911. ) £1 net.

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The Assuân Reservoir and Lake Moeris. By Sir W. Willcocks . With text in English, French and Arabic. 5 plates, 116 pp., super royal 8vo. ( 1904. ) 3 s. net.

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[Pg 27]

Logarithmic Land Measurement. By J. Wallace . 32 pp., royal 8vo. ( 1910. ) 5 s. net.

A B C Five-figure Logarithms with Tables, for Chemists. By C. J. Woodward . Crown 8vo. 2 s. 6 d. net.

A B C Five-figure Logarithms for general use, with lateral index for ready reference. By C. J. Woodward . Second edition, with cut lateral Index, 116 pp., 12mo, limp leather. 3 s. net.


Marine Propellers. By S. W. Barnaby . Fifth edition, 5 plates, 56 illus., 185 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1908. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

The Suction Caused by Ships and the Olympic-Hawke Collision. By E. S. Bellasis . 1 chart and 5 illus. in text, 26 pp., 8vo, sewed. ( 1912. ) 1 s. net.

Yachting Hints , Tables and Memoranda. By A. C. Franklin . Waistcoat pocket size, 103 pp., 64mo, roan, gilt edges. 1 s. net.

Steamship Coefficients, Speeds and Powers. By C. F. A. Fyfe . 31 plates, 280 pp., fcap. 8vo, leather. ( 1907. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

How to Build a Speed Launch. By E. W. Graef . 14 plates, 32 pp., quarto. ( New York, 1903. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Steamships and Their Machinery , from first to last. By J. W. C. Haldane . 120 illus., 532 pp., 8vo. ( 1893. ) 15 s.

Structural Design of Warships. By William Hovgaard , Professor Naval Design, Mass. Inst. of Technology; M. Inst., N.A.; M.Socy. N.A. & M.E. Super Roy. 8vo. With 23 tables, 6 plates, and 186 illus. 384 pp. ( 1915. ) 21 s. net. Postage: inland, 6 d. ; abroad, 1 s. 2 d.

Tables for Constructing Ships’ Lines. By A. Hogg . Third edition, 3 plates, 20 pp., 8vo, sewed. ( 1911. ) 3 s. net.

Tabulated Weights of Angle, Tee, Bulb, Round, Square, and Flat Iron and Steel for the use of Naval Architects, Shipbuilders, etc. By C. H. Jordan . Sixth edition, 640 pp., royal 32mo, leather, gilt edges. ( 1909. ) 7 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 28]

Particulars of Dry Docks , Wet Docks, Wharves, etc., on the River Thames. Compiled by C. H. Jordan . Second edition, 7 coloured charts, 103 pp., oblong 8vo. ( 1904. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Marine Transport of Petroleum. By H. Little . 66 illus., 263 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1890. ) 10 s. 6 d.

Questions and Answers for Marine Engineers , with a Practical Treatise on Breakdowns at Sea. By T. Lucas . 12 folding plates, 515 pp., gilt edges, crown 8vo. ( New York, 1902. ) 8 s. net.

How to Build a Motor Launch. By C. D. Mower . 49 illus., 42 pp., 4to. ( New York, 1904. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Reed’s Engineers’ Handbook to the Board of Trade Examinations for certificates of Competency as First and Second Class Engineers. Nineteenth edition, 37 plates, 358 illus., 696 pp., 8vo. 14 s. net.

Key to Reed’s Handbook. 7 s. 6 d. net.

Reed’s Marine Boilers. Third edition, 79 illus., 258 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1905. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Reed’s Useful Hints to Sea-going Engineers. Fourth edition, 8 plates, 50 illus., 312 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1903. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

How to Build a Three-horse Power Launch Engine. By E. W. Roberts . 14 plates, 66 pp., folio. ( New York, 1901. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.


Practical Treatise on the Strength of Materials. By T. Box . Fourth edition, 27 plates, 536 pp., 8vo. ( 1902. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Solid Bitumens. By S. F. Peckham . 23 illus., 324 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) £1 1 s. net.

Lubricants, Oils and Greases. By I. I. Redwood . 3 plates, ix + 54 pp., 8vo. ( 1898. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

Practical Treatise on Mineral Oils and their By-Products. By I. I. Redwood . 76 illus., 336 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Silico-Calcareous Sandstones , or Building Stones from Quartz, Sand and Lime. By E. Stoffler . 5 plates, 8vo, sewed. ( 1901. ) 4 s. net.

[Pg 29]

Proceedings of the Fifth Congress, International Association for Testing Materials. English edition. 189 illus., 549 pp., 8vo. ( 1910. ) 18 s. net.

Proceedings of the Sixth Congress. ( 1913. ) 30 s. net.


Imaginary Quantities. By M. Argand . Translated by Prof. Hardy . 18mo, boards. ( New York. ) 1881. 2 s. net.

Text-book of Practical Solid Geometry. By E. H. de V. Atkinson . Revised by Major B. R. Ward , R.E. Second edition, 17 plates, 134 pp., 8vo. ( 1913. ) 7 s. 6 d.

Quick and Easy Methods of Calculating , and the Theory and Use of the Slide Rule. By R. G. Blaine . Fourth edition, 6 illus., xii + 152 pp., 16mo. ( 1912. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Symbolic Algebra , or the Algebra of Algebraic Numbers. By W. Cain . 12 illus., 131 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1884. ) 2 s. net.

Nautical Astronomy. By J. H. Colvin . 127 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1901. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Chemical Problems. By J. C. Foye . Fourth edition, 141 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1898. ) 2 s. net.

Primer of the Calculus. By E. S. Gould . Fifth ed., 24 illus., 122 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1912. ) 2 s. net.

Elementary Treatise on the Calculus for Engineering Students. By J. Graham . Fourth edition, 116 illus., xii + 355 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1914. ) 5 s. net.

Manual of the Slide Rule. By F. A. Halsey . Fourth edition, 31 illus., 84 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1907. ) 2 s. net.

Reform in Chemical and Physical Calculations. By C. J. T. Hanssen . 4to. ( 1897. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

Algebra Self-Taught. By P. Higgs . Third edition; 104 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1903. ) 2 s. 6 d.

A Text-book on Graphic Statics. By C. W. Malcolm . 155 illus., 316 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically. By G. S. Ohm . Translated by William Francis . 269 pp., 18mo. boards. Second ed. ( New York, 1905. ) 2 s. net.

[Pg 30]

Elementary Practical Mathematics. By M. T. Ormsby . Second edition, 128 illus., xii + 410 pp., medium 8vo, ( 1911. ) 5 s. net.

Elements of Graphic Statics. By K. Von Ott . Translated by G. S. Clarke . 95 illus., 128 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1901. ) 5 s.

Figure of the Earth. By F. C. Roberts . 2 illus., 95 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1885. ) 2 s. net.

Arithmetic of Electricity. By T. O’C. Sloane . Twentieth ed., 5 illus., 162 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Graphic Method for Solving certain Questions in Arithmetic or Algebra. By G. L. Vose . Second edition, 28 illus., 62 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1902. ) 2 s. net.

Problems in Electricity. A Graduated Collection comprising all branches of Electrical Science. By R. Weber . Translated from the French by E. A. O’Keefe . 34 illus., 366 pp., crown 8vo. Third ed. ( 1902. ) 7 s. 6 d. net.


Steam Engines and Boilers, etc.

Engineers’ Sketch Book of Mechanical Movements. By T. W. Barber . Fifth edition, 3,000 illus., 355 pp., 8vo. ( 1906. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

The Repair and Maintenance of Machinery. By T. W. Barber . 417 illus., 476 pp., 8vo. ( 1895. ) 10 s. 6 d.

The Science of Burning Liquid Fuel. By William Newton Best . 100 illus., 159 pp. 8vo. ( 1913. ) 9 s. net.

Practical Treatise on Mill Gearing. By T. Box . Fifth edition, 11 plates, 128 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1892. ) 7 s. 6 d.

The Mechanical Engineer’s Price Book. Edited by Geoffrey Brooks , A.M.I.Mech.E. 182 pp., pocket size (6½ by 3¼ by ½ inch). Leather cloth with rounded corners. Second ed. ( 1914. ) 4 s. net. Postage 3 d.

Safety Valves. By R. H. Buell . Third edition, 20 illus., 100 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1898. ) 2 s. net.

Machine Design. By Prof. W. L. Cathcart .

Part I. Fastenings. 123 illus., 291 pp., demy 8vo. ( New York, 1903. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 31]

Chimney Design and Theory. By W. W. Christie . Second edition, 54 illus., 192 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1902. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Furnace Draft : its Production by Mechanical Methods. By W. W. Christie . 5 illus., 80 pp., 18mo, boards. Second edition. ( New York, 1906. ) 2 s. net.

The Stokers’ Catechism. By W. J. Connor . 63 pp., limp. ( 1914. ) 1 s. net.

Treatise on the use of Belting for the Transmission of Power. By J. H. Cooper . Fifth edition, 94 illus., 399 pp., demy 8vo. ( New York, 1901. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

The Steam Engine considered as a Thermo-dynamic Machine. By J. H. Cotterill . Third edition, 39 diagrams, 444 pp., 8vo. ( 1896. ) 15 s.

Fireman’s Guide , a Handbook on the Care of Boilers. By K. P. Dahlstrom . Eleventh edition, fcap. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 16.) ( New York, 1906. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Belt Driving. By G. Halliday . 3 folding plates, 100 pp., 8vo. ( 1894. ) 3 s. 6 d.

Worm and Spiral Gearing. By F. A. Halsey . 13 plates, 85 pp., 18mo, boards. Second ed. ( New York, 1911. ) 2 s. net.

Commercial Efficiency of Steam Boilers. By A. Hanssen . Large 8vo, sewed. ( 1898. ) 6 d.

Corliss Engine. By J. T. Henthorn . Third edition, 23 illus., 95 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 23.) ( New York, 1910. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Liquid Fuel for Mechanical and Industrial Purposes. By E. A. Brayley Hodgetts . 106 illus., 129 pp., 8vo. ( 1890. ) 5 s.

Elementary Text-book on Steam Engines and Boilers. By J. H. Kinealy . Fourth edition, 106 illus., 259 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1903. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

Centrifugal Fans. By J. H. Kinealy . 33 illus., 206 pp., fcap. 8vo, leather. ( New York, 1905. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Mechanical Draft. By J. H. Kinealy . 27 original tables and 13 plates, 142 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1906. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

The A B C of the Steam Engine , with a description of the Automatic Governor. By J. P. Lisk , 6 plates, 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 17.) ( New York, 1910. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 32]

Valve Setting Record Book. By P. A. Low . 8vo, boards. 1 s. 6 d.

The Lay-out of Corliss Valve Gears. By S. A. Moss . Second edition, 3 plates, 108 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1906. ) 2 s. net.

Steam Boilers , their Management and Working. By J. Peattie . Fifth edition, 35 illus., 230 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1906. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Treatise on the Richards Steam Engine Indicator. By C. T. Porter . Sixth edition, 3 plates and 73 diagrams, 285 pp., 8vo. ( 1902. ) 9 s.

Practical Treatise on the Steam Engine. By A. Rigg . Second edition, 103 plates, 378 pp., demy 4to. ( 1894. ) £1 5 s.

Power and its Transmission. A Practical Handbook for the Factory and Works Manager. By T. A. Smith . 76 pp., fcap. 8vo. ( 1910. ) 2 s. net.

Slide Valve Simply Explained. By W. J. Tennant . Revised by J. H. Kinealy . 41 illus., 83 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1899. ) 2 s. net.

Shaft Governors. By W. Trinks and C. Hoosum . 27 illus., 97 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1906. ) 2 s. net.

Treatise on the Design and Construction of Mill Buildings. By H. G. Tyrrell . 652 illus., 490 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1911. ) 17 s. net.

Slide and Piston Valve Geared Steam Engines. By W. H. Uhland . 47 plates and 314 illus., 155 pp. Two vols., folio, half morocco. ( 1882. ) £1 16 s.

How to run Engines and Boilers. By E. P. Watson . Sixth ed., 31 illus., 160 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1913. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Position Diagram of Cylinder with Meyer Cut-off. By W. H. Weightman . On card. ( New York. ) 1 s. net.

Practical Method of Designing Slide Valve Gearing. By E. J. Welch . 69 illus., 283 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1890. ) 6 s.

Elements of Mechanics. By T. W. Wright . Eighth edition, 215 illus., 382 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 33]


Iron and Steel Manufacture

Life of Railway Axles. By T. Andrews . 8vo, sewed ( 1895. ) 1 s.

Microscopic Internal Flaws in Steel Rails and Propeller Shafts. By T. Andrews . 8vo, sewed. ( 1896. ) 1 s.

Microscopic Internal Flaws, Inducing Fracture in Steel. By T. Andrews . 8vo, sewed. ( 1896. ) 2 s.

Practical Alloying. A compendium of Alloys and Processes for Brassfounders, Metal Workers, and Engineers. By John F. Buchanan . 41 illus., 205 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1911. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Brassfounders’ Alloys. By J. F. Buchanan . 23 illus., viii + 129 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1905. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

The Moulder’s Dictionary (Foundry Nomenclature). By J. F. Buchanan . New impression, 26 illus., viii + 225 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1912. ) 3 s. net.

American Standard Specifications for Steel. By A. L. Colby . Second edition, revised, 103 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1902. ) 5 s. net.

Galvanized Iron : its Manufacture and Uses. By J. Davies . 139 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 5 s. net.

Management of Steel. By G. Ede . Seventh edition, 216 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1903. ) 5 s.

The Frodair Handbook for Ironfounders. 160 pp., 12mo. ( 1910. ) 2 s. net.

Manufacture of Iron and Steel. By H. R. Hearson . 21 illus., xii + 103 pp., 8vo. ( 1912. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Cupola Furnace. By E. Kirk . Third edition, 106 illus., 484 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1910. ) 15 s. net.

Practical Notes on Pipe Founding. By J. W. Macfarlane . 15 plates, 148 pp., 8vo. ( 1888. ) 12 s. 6 d.

Atlas of Designs concerning Blast Furnace Practice. By M. A. Pavloff . 127 plates, 14 in. by 10½ in. oblong, sewed. ( 1902. ) £1 1 s. net.

Album of Drawings relating to the Manufacture of Open Hearth Steel. By M. A. Pavloff .

Part I. Open Hearth Furnaces. 52 plates, 14 in. by 10½ in. oblong folio, in portfolio. ( 1904. ) 12 s. net.

[Pg 34]

Metallography Applied to Siderurgic Products. By H. Savoia . Translated by R. G. Corbet . 94 illus., 180 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1910. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Modern Foundry Practice. By J. Sharp . Second edition, new impression, 272 illus., 759 pp., 8vo. ( 1911. ) £1 1 s. net.

Roll Turning for Sections in Steel and Iron. By A. Spencer . Second edition, 78 plates, 4to. ( 1894. ) £1 10 s.


French Measure and English Equivalents. By J. Brook . Second edition, 80 pp., fcap. 32mo, roan. 1 s. net.

A Dictionary of Metric and other useful Measures. By L. Clark . 113 pp., 8vo. 6 s.

English Weights, with their Equivalents in kilogrammes. By F. W. A. Logan . 96 pp., fcap. 32mo, roan. 1 s. net.

Metric Weights with English Equivalents. By H. P. McCartney . 84 pp., fcap. 32mo, roan. 1 s. net.

Metric Tables. By Sir G. L. Molesworth . Fourth edition, 95 pp., royal 32mo. ( 1909. ) 2 s. net.

Metric-English and English-Metric Lengths. By G. A. Rossetti . xii + 80 pp., ob. 32mo. 1 s. net. Giving equivalents in millimetres (to five significant figures) of all English lengths from 1 / 64 th of an inch to 10 ft., advancing by 64ths of an inch; and equivalents to the nearest 64th of an inch of all Metric lengths from 1 to 3,200 millimetres, advancing by millimetres.

Tables for Setting out Curves from 200 metres to 4,000 metres by tangential angles. By H. Williamson . 4 illus., 60 pp., 18mo. 2 s. net.


Rock Blasting. By G. G. Andre . 12 plates and 56 illus. in text, 202 pp., 8vo. ( 1878. ) 5 s.

Practical Treatise on Hydraulic Mining in California. By A. J. Bowie , Junr. Eleventh ed., 73 illus., 313 pp., royal 8vo. ( New York, 1910. ) £1 1 s. net.

[Pg 35]

Tables for the Determination of Common Rocks. By O. Bowles . 64 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1910. ) 2 s. net.

Fire Assaying. By E. W. Buskett . 69 illus., 105 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1907. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Tin : Describing the Chief Methods of Mining, Dressing, etc. By A. G. Charleton . 15 plates, 83 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1884. ) 12 s. 6 d.

Gold Mining and Milling in Western Australia, with Notes upon Telluride Treatment, Costs and Mining Practice in other Fields. By A. G. Charleton . 82 illus. and numerous plans and tables, 648 pp., super royal 8vo. ( 1903. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Miners’ Geology and Prospectors’ Guide. By G. A. Corder . 29 plates, 224 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1914. ) 5 s. net.

Blasting of Rock in Mines, Quarries, Tunnels, etc. By A. W. and Z. W. Daw . Second edition, 90 illus., 316 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1909. ) 15 s. net.

Gold Dredging. By C. T. Earl . 17 maps, 78 illus., xvi + 208 pp., 8vo. ( 1913. ) 20 s. net.

Handbook of Mineralogy ; determination and description of Minerals found in the United States. By J. C. Foye . 180 pp., 18mo, boards. Fifth ed. ( New York, 1907. ) 2 s. net.

Our Coal Resources at the End of the Nineteenth Century. By Prof. E. Hull . 157 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1897. ) 6 s.

Hydraulic Gold Miners’ Manual. By T. S. G. Kirkpatrick . Second edition, 12 illus., 46 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1897. ) 4 s.

Economic Mining. By C. G. W. Lock . 175 illus., 680 pp., 8vo. ( 1895. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Gold Milling : Principles and Practice. By C. G. W. Lock . 200 illus., 850 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1901. ) £1 1 s. net.

Mining and Ore-Dressing Machinery. By C. G. W. Lock . 639 illus., 466 pp., super royal 4to. ( 1890. ) £1 5 s.

Miners’ Pocket Book. By C. G. W. Lock . Fifth edition, 233 illus., 624 pp., fcap. 8vo, leather, gilt edges. ( 1908. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones. By J. Mastin . 114 pp., fcap. 16mo, limp leather, gilt top. ( 1911. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 36]

Tests for Ores, Minerals and Metals of Commercial Value. By R. L. McMechen . 152 pp., 12mo. ( New York, 1907. ) 5 s. 6 d. net.

Practical Handbook for the Working Miner and Prospector , and the Mining Investor. By J. A. Miller . 34 illus., 234 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1897. ) 7 s. 6 d.

Theory and Practice of Centrifugal Ventilating Machines. By D. Murgue . 7 illus., 81 pp., 8vo. ( 1883. ) 5 s.

Examples of Coal Mining Plant. By J. Povey-Harper . Second edition, 40 plates, 26 in. by 20 in. ( 1895. ) £4 4 s. net.

Examples of Coal Mining Plant, Second Series. By J. Povey-Harper . 10 plates, 26 in. by 20 in. ( 1902. ) £1 12 s. 6 d. net.


How to Build a Model Yacht. By H. Fisher . 45 illus., 50 pp., 4to. ( New York, 1902. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Model Engines and Small Boats. By N. M. Hopkins . 50 illus., viii + 74 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1898. ) 5 s. 6 d. net.

Theory and Practice of Model Aeroplaning. By V. E. Johnson . 61 illus., xvi + 148 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1910. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

The Model Vaudeville Theatre. By N. H. Schneider . 34 illus., 90 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 15.) ( New York, 1910. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Electric Toy-Making. By T. O. Sloane . Twentieth ed., 70 illus., 183 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1914. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Model Steam Engine Design. By R. M. De Vignier . 34 illus., 94 pp., crown 8vo, limp. ( S. & C. Series , No. 9.) ( New York, 1907. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Small Engines and Boilers. By E. P. Watson . 33 illus., viii + 108 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1899. ) 5 s. 6 d. net.


Accounts, Contracts and Management

Organization of Gold Mining Business , with Specimens of the Departmental Report Books and the Account Books. By Nicol Brown . Second edition, 220 pp., fcap. folio. ( 1903. ) £1 5 s. net.

[Pg 37]

Cost Keeping and Management Engineering. A Treatise for those engaged in Engineering Construction. By H. P. Gillette and R. T. Dana . 184 illus., 346 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 15 s. net.

Handbook on Railway Stores Management. By W. O. Kempthorne . 268 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1907. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Depreciation of Factories , Municipal, and Industrial Undertakings, and their Valuation. By E. Matheson . Fourth edition, 230 pp., 8vo. ( 1910. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Aid Book to Engineering Enterprise. By E. Matheson . Third edition, 916 pp., 8vo, buckram. ( 1898. ) £1 4 s.

Office Management. A handbook for Architects and Civil Engineers. By W. Kaye Parry . New Edition in preparation.

Commercial Organization of Engineering Factories. By H. Spencer . 92 illus., 221 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.


Colour, Heat and Experimental Science

The Entropy Diagram and its Applications. By M. J. Boulvin . 38 illus., 82 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1914. ) 5 s.

Physical Problems and their Solution. By A. Bourgougnon . 224 pp., 18mo, boards. Second ed. ( New York, 1904. ) 2 s. net.

Heat for Engineers. By C. R. Darling . Second edition, 110 illus., 430 pp., 8vo. ( Finsbury Technical Manual. ) ( 1912. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Beaumé and Specific Gravity Tables for liquids lighter than water. By Nat H. Freeman . 27 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net. Post free, 2 s. 8 d.

Engineering Thermodynamics. By C. F. Hirschfeld . 22 illus., 157 pp., 18mo, boards. Second ed. ( New York, 1910. ) 2 s. net.

Liquid Drops and Globules , their Formation and Movements. By Chas. R. Darling . Assoc.R.C.S., Ireland; F.I.C.; F.Ph. Socy. Lecturer at the City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury. Being three Lectures delivered to Popular Audiences. Cr. 8vo, x + 84 pp., 43 illus. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net, postage 3 d.

[Pg 38]

The Dynamics of Surfaces : An introduction to the study of Biological Surface Phenomena. By Prof. Dr. Med. Leonor Michaelis . Privatdozent in the University of Berlin. Translated by W. H. Perkins, M.Sc. Demy 8vo, 118 pp., 8 illus. ( 1914. ) 4 s. net. Postage: inland, 3 d. ; abroad, 6 d.

Experimental Science : Elementary, Practical and Experimental Physics. By G. M. Hopkins . Twenty-seventh ed., 920 illus., 1,100 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1911. ) £1 1 s. net.

Reform in Chemical and Physical Calculations. By C. J. T. Hanssen . Demy 4to. ( 1897. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

The Gyroscope, an Experimental Study. By V. E. Johnson . 34 illus., 40 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 22.) ( 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

The Gyroscope. By F. J. B. Cordeiro , Author of “The Atmosphere,” etc., etc. 19 illus., viii + 105 pp., cr. 8vo. ( New York, 1913. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

Introduction to the Study of Colour Phenomena. By J. W. Lovibond . 10 coloured plates, 48 pp., 8vo. ( 1905. ) 5 s. net.

The Energy Chart. Practical application to reciprocating steam-engines. By Captain H. R. Sankey . 157 illus., 170 pp., 8vo. ( 1907. ) 7 s. 6 d. net.


The Mechanical Engineers’ Price Book. By G. Brooks . 200 pp., pocket size (6½ in. by 3¾ in. by ½ in. thick), leather cloth, with rounded corners. 4 s. net.

Approximate Estimates. By T. E. Coleman . Fourth edition, 481 pp., oblong 32mo, leather. ( 1914. ) 5 s. net.

The Civil Engineers’ Cost Book. By Major T. E. Coleman . xii + 289 pp., pocket size (6½ in. by 3¾ in.), leather cloth. ( 1912. ) 5 s. net.

Railway Stores Price Book. By W. O. Kempthorne . 490 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1909. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Spons’ Architects’ and Builders’ Pocket Price-Book. Edited by Clyde Young . Revised by Stanford M. Brooks . Forty-first ed., viii + 308 pp., green leather cloth. Published annually. (Size 6½ in. by 3¾ in. by ½ in. thick.) 2 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 39]

Handbook of Cost Data for Contractors and Engineers. By H. P. Gillette . 1,854 pp., crown 8vo, leather, gilt edges. Second ed. ( New York, 1914. ) £1 1 s. net.


Practical Hints to Young Engineers Employed on Indian Railways. By A. W. C. Addis . 14 illus., 154 pp., 12mo. ( 1910. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

Up-to-date Air Brake Catechism. By R. H. Blackall . Twenty-sixth edition, 5 coloured plates, 96 illus., 305 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1914. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

Prevention of Railroad Accidents, or Safety in Railroading. By Geo. Bradshaw . 64 illus., 173 pp., square crown 8vo. ( New York, 1912. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Simple and Automatic Vacuum Brakes. By C. Briggs , G.N.R. 11 plates, 8vo. ( 1892. ) 4 s.

Permanent-Way Material, Platelaying and Points and Crossings , with a few Remarks on Signalling and Interlocking. By W. H. Cole , M.Inst.C.E., Late Deputy-Manager, E. Bengal and N.W. State Railways, P.W.D., India. Cr. 8vo, 288 pp., 44 illus., 7th ed. ( 1915. ) 7 s. 6 d. net. Postage: inland, 3 d. ; abroad, 6 d.

Railway Engineers’ Field Book. By Major G. R. Hearn , R.E., Assoc. Inst. Civil Engrs., and A. G. Watson , C.E. 12mo, leather, 230 pp., 33 illus. ( 1914. ) 21 s. net. Postage: inland, 3 d. ; abroad, 6 d.

Statistical Tables of the Working of Railways in various countries up to the year 1904. By J. D. Diacomidis . Second edition, 84 pp., small folio, sewed. ( 1906. ) 16 s. net.

Locomotive Breakdowns , Emergencies and their Remedies. By Geo. L. Fowler , M.E., and W. W. Wood . Seventh ed., 92 illus., 266 pp., 12mo. ( New York, 1911. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Permanent-way Diagrams. By F. H. Frere . Mounted on linen in cloth covers. ( 1908. ) 3 s. net.

Formulæ for Railway Crossings and Switches. By J. Glover . 9 illus., 28 pp., royal 32mo. 2 s. 6 d.

[Pg 40]

Setting out of Tube Railways. By G. M. Halden . 9 plates, 46 illus., 68 pp., crown 4to. ( 1914. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Railway Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical. By J. W. C. Haldane . New edition, 141 illus., xx + 583 pp., 8vo. ( 1908. ) 15 s.

The Construction of the Modern Locomotive. By G. Hughes . 300 illus., 261 pp., 8vo. ( 1894. ) 9 s.

Practical Hints for Light Railways at Home and Abroad. By F. R. Johnson . 6 plates, 31 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1896. ) 2 s. 6 d.

Handbook on Railway Stores Management. By W. O. Kempthorne . 268 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1907. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Railway Stores Price Book. By W. O. Kempthorne . 490 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1909. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Railroad Location Surveys and Estimates. By F. Lavis . 68 illus., 270 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1906. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Pioneering. By F. Shelford . 14 illus., 88 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1909. ) 3 s. net.

Handbook on Railway Surveying for Students and Junior Engineers. By B. Stewart . 55 illus., 98 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1914. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Modern British Locomotives. By A. T. Taylor . 100 diagrams of principal dimensions, 118 pp., oblong 8vo. Second ed. ( 1914. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Locomotive Slide Valve Setting. By C. E. Tully . Illustrated, 18mo. 1 s. net.

The Railway Goods Station. By F. W. West . 23 illus., xv + 192 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1912. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

The Walschaert Locomotive Valve Gear. By W. W. Wood . 4 plates and set of movable cardboard working models of the valves, 193 pp., crown 8vo. Third ed. ( New York, 1913. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

The Westinghouse E.T. Air-Brake Instruction Pocket Book. By W. W. Wood . 48 illus., including many coloured plates, 242 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 41]


Valuations. By Samuel Skrimshire , F.S.I. A Textbook on Valuation applied to the Sale and Purchase of Freehold, Lifehold, Copyhold and Leasehold Property, Assessments to Duties under the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, the Enfranchisement of Copyhold Estate, Assessments for Rating Purposes, Compensation on Compulsory Purchase, and Valuations for Advances on Mortgage. Demy 8vo, 200 fully worked examples, 460 pp. ( 1915. ) 10 s. 6 d. net. Postage: inland, 5 d. ; abroad, 10 d.

Engineering Work in Public Buildings. By R. O. Allsop . 77 illus., ix + 158 pp., demy 4to. ( 1912. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Public Abattoirs , their Planning, Design and Equipment. By R. S. Ayling . 33 plates, 100 pp., demy 4to. ( 1908. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

Sewage Purification. By E. Bailey-Denton . 8 plates, 44 pp., 8vo. ( 1896. ) 5 s.

Water Supply and Sewerage of Country Mansions and Estates. By E. Bailey-Denton . 76 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1901. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Sewerage and Sewage Purification. By M. N. Baker . Second edition, 144 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1905. ) 2 s. net.

Bacteriology of Surface Waters in the Tropics. By W. W. Clemesha . viii + 161 pp., 8vo. ( Calcutta, 1912. ) 7 s. 6 d. net.

Housing and Town-Planning Conference, 1913. Being a Report of a Conference held by the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers at Great Yarmouth. Edited by T. Cole . 42 folding plates, 227 pp., 8vo. 10 s. 6 d. net.

Housing and Town Planning Conference, 1911. Report of Conference held by the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers at West Bromwich. Edited by T. Cole , Secretary. 30 plates, 240 pp., 8vo. 10 s. 6 d. net.

Sanitary House Drainage , its Principles and Practice. By T. E. Coleman . 98 illus., 206 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1896. ) 3 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 42]

Stable Sanitation and Construction. By T. E. Coleman . 183 illus., 226 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1897. ) 3 s. net.

Discharge of Pipes and Culverts. By P. M. Crosthwaite . Large folding sheet in case. 2 s. 6 d. net.

A Complete and Practical Treatise on Plumbing and Sanitation. By G. B. Davis and F. Dye . 2 vols., 637 illus. and 21 folding plates, 830 pp., 4to, cloth. ( 1899. ) £1 10 s. net.

Standard Practical Plumbing. By P. J. Davies .

Vol. I. Fourth edition, 768 illus., 355 pp., royal 8vo. ( 1905. ) 7 s. 6 d. net.

Vol. II. Second edition, 953 illus., 805 pp. ( 1905. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Vol. III. 313 illus., 204 pp. ( 1905. ) 5 s. net.

Conservancy, or Dry Sanitation versus Water Carriage. By J. Donkin . 7 plates, 33 pp., 8vo, sewed. ( 1906. ) 1 s. net.

Sewage Disposal Works. By W. C. Easdale . 160 illus., 264 pp., 8vo. ( 1910. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

House Drainage and Sanitary Plumbing. By W. P. Gerhard . Eleventh ed., 6 illus., 231 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1905. ) 2 s. net.

The Treatment of Septic Sewage. By G. W. Rafter . 137 pp., 18mo, boards. Third ed. ( New York, 1913. ) 2 s. net.

Reports and Investigations on Sewer Air and Sewer Ventilation. By R. H. Reeves . 8vo, sewed. ( 1894. ) 1 s.

Sewage Drainage Systems. By Isaac Shone . 27 folding plates, 47 illus., 440 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 25 s. net.

Drainage and Drainage Ventilation Methods. By Isaac Shone , C.E. 7 folding plates, 36 pp., 8vo, leather. ( 1913. ) 6 s. net.

The Law and Practice of Paving Private Street Works. By W. Spinks . Fourth edition, 256 pp., 8vo. ( 1904. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.


( See Bridges and Roofs )

[Pg 43]


New Business Code. 320 pp., narrow 8vo. (Size 4¾ in. by 7¾ in. and ½ in. thick, and weight 10 oz.) ( New York, 1909. ) £1 1 s. net.

Miners’ and Smelters’ Code (formerly issued as the Master Telegraph Code ). 448 pp., 8vo, limp leather, weight 14 oz. ( New York, 1899. ) £2 10 s. net.

General Telegraph Code. Compiled by the Business Code Co . 1,023 pp., small 4to, with cut side index for ready reference. ( New York, 1912. ) 63 s. net. Postage: inland, 6 d. ; abroad, 1 s. 4 d.

Billionaire Phrase Code , containing over two million sentences coded in single words. 56 pp., 8vo, leather. ( New York, 1908. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.


Hot Water Supply. By F. Dye . Fifth edition, new impression, 48 illus., viii + 86 pp., 8vo. ( 1912. ) 3 s. net.

A Practical Treatise upon Steam Heating. By F. Dye . 129 illus., 246 pp., 8vo. ( 1901. ) 10 s. net.

Practical Treatise on Warming Buildings by Hot Water. By F. Dye . 192 illus., 319 pp., 8vo. ( 1905. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

Charts for Low Pressure Steam Heating. By J. H. Kinealy . Small folio. ( New York. ) 4 s. 6 d.

Formulæ and Tables for Heating. By J. H. Kinealy . 18 illus., 53 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1899. ) 3 s. 6 d.

Centrifugal Fans. By J. H. Kinealy . 33 illus., 206 pp., fcap. 8vo, leather. ( New York, 1905. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Mechanical Draft. By J. H. Kinealy . 27 original tables and 13 plates, 142 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1906. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

Theory and Practice of Centrifugal Ventilating Machines. By D. Murgue . 7 illus., 81 pp., 8vo. ( 1883. ) 5 s.

Mechanics of Ventilation. By G. W. Rafter . Third ed., 143 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1912. ) 2 s. net.

Principles of Heating. By W. G. Snow . New edition, 59 illus., xii + 224 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1912. ) 9 s. net.

[Pg 44]

Furnace Heating. By W. G. Snow . Fourth edition, 52 illus., 216 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1909. ) 6 s. 6 d. net.

Ventilation of Buildings. By W. G. Snow and T. Nolan . 83 pp., 18mo, boards. ( New York, 1906. ) 2 s. net.

Heating Engineers’ Quantities. By W. L. White and G. M. White . 4 plates, 33 pp., folio. ( 1910. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.


( See also Hydraulics )

Potable Water and Methods of Testing Impurities. By M. N. Baker . 97 pp., 18mo, boards. Second ed. ( New York, 1905. ) 2 s. net.

Manual of Hydrology. By N. Beardmore . New impression, 18 plates, 384 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Boiler Waters , Scale, Corrosion and Fouling. By W. W. Christie . 77 illus., 235 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1907. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Bacteriology of Surface Waters in the Tropics. By W. W. Clemesha . 12 tables, viii + 161 pp., 8vo. ( Calcutta, 1912. ) 7 s. 6 d. net.

Water Softening and Purification. By H. Collet . Second edition, 6 illus., 170 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1908. ) 5 s. net.

Treatise on Water Supply , Drainage and Sanitary Appliances of Residences. By F. Colyer . 100 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1899. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Purification of Public Water Supplies. By J. W. Hill . 314 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1898. ) 10 s. 6 d.

Well Boring for Water, Brine and Oil. By C. Isler . Second edition, 105 illus., 296 pp., 8vo. ( 1911. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Method of Measuring Liquids Flowing through Pipes by means of Meters of Small Calibre. By Prof. G. Lange . 1 plate, 16 pp., 8vo, sewed. ( 1907. ) 6 d. net.

On Artificial Underground Water. By G. Richert . 16 illus., 33 pp., 8vo, sewed. ( 1900. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Notes on Water Supply in new Countries. By F. W. Stone . 18 plates, 42 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1888. ) 5 s.

[Pg 45]

The Principles of Waterworks Engineering. By J. H. T. Tudsbery and A. W. Brightmore . Third edition, 13 folding plates, 130 illus., 447 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1905. ) £1 1 s. net.


For Art Workers and Mechanics

Alphabet of Screw Cutting. By L. Arnaudon . Fifth edition, 92 pp., cr. 8vo, sewed. ( 1913. ) 4 s. net.

A Handbook for Apprenticed Machinists. By O. J. Beale . Third ed., 89 illus., 141 pp., 16mo. ( New York, 1901. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Practice of Hand Turning. By F. Campin . Third edition, 99 illus., 307 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1883. ) 3 s. 6 d.

Artistic Leather Work. By E. Ellin Carter . 6 plates and 21 illus., xii + 51 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1912. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

Calculation of Change Wheels for Screw Cutting on Lathes. By D. de Vries . 46 illus., 83 pp., 8vo. ( 1914. ) 3 s. net.

Milling Machines and Milling Practice. By D. de Vries . 536 illus., 464 pp., medium 8vo. ( 1910. ) 14 s. net.

French-Polishers’ Manual. By a French-Polisher . New impression, 31 pp., royal 32mo, sewed. ( 1912. ) 6 d. net.

Art of Copper-Smithing. By J. Fuller . Fourth edition, 483 illus., 319 pp., royal 8vo. ( New York, 1911. ) 12 s. 6 d. net.

Saw Filing and Management of Saws. By R. Grimshaw . Third ed., 81 illus., 16mo. ( New York, 1912. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Cycle Building and Repairing. By P. Henry . 55 illus., 96 pp., cr. 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 43.) 1 s. 6 d. net.

Paint and Colour Mixing. By A. S. Jennings . Fourth edition, 14 coloured plates, 190 pp., 8vo. ( 1910. ) 5 s. net.

The Mechanician : a Treatise on the Construction and Manipulation of Tools. By C. Knight . Fifth edition, 96 plates, 397 pp., 4to. ( 1897. ) 18 s.

Turner’s and Fitter’s Pocket Book. By J. La Nicca . 18mo, sewed. 6 d.

[Pg 46]

Tables for Engineers and Mechanics , giving the values of the different trains of wheels required to produce Screws of any pitch. By Lord Lindsay . Second edition, royal 8vo, oblong. 2 s.

Screw-cutting Tables. By W. A. Martin . Seventh edition. New imp., oblong 8vo. 1 s. net.

Metal Plate Work , its Patterns and their Geometry, for the use of Tin, Iron and Zinc Plate Workers. By C. T. Millis . Fourth ed., New imp., 280 illus., xvi + 456 pp., cr. 8vo. ( 1912. ) 9 s.

The Practical Handbook of Smithing and Forging. Engineers’ and General Smiths’ Work. By T. Moore . New impression, 401 illus., 248 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1912. ) 5 s. net.

Modern Machine Shop Construction , equipment and management. By O. E. Perrigo . 208 illus., 343 pp., crown 4to. ( New York, 1906. ) £1 1 s. net.

Turner’s Handbook on Screw-cutting , Coning, etc. By W. Price . New impression, 56 pp., fcap. 8vo. ( 1912. ) 6 d. net.

Introduction to Eccentric Spiral Turning. By H. C. Robinson . 12 plates, 23 illus., 48 pp., 8vo. ( 1906. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

Manual of Instruction in Hard Soldering. By H. Rowell . Sixth edition, 7 illus., 66 pp., crown 8vo. ( New York, 1910. ) 3 s. net.

Forging, Stamping, and General Smithing. By B. Saunders . 728 illus., ix + 428 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1912. ) £1 1 s. net.

Pocket Book on Boilermaking, Shipbuilding , and the Steel and Iron Trades in General. By M. J. Sexton . Sixth edition, new impression, 85 illus., 319 pp., royal 32mo, roan, gilt edges. ( 1912. ) 5 s. net.

Power and its Transmission. A Practical Handbook for the Factory and Works Manager. By T. A. Smith . 76 pp., fcap. 8vo. ( 1910. ) 2 s. net.

Spons’ Mechanics’ Own Book : A Manual for Handicraftsmen and Amateurs. Sixth edition, New impression, 1,430 illus., 720 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1914. ) 6 s.

Ditto ditto half French morocco, 7 s. 6 d.

[Pg 47]

Spons’ Workshop Receipts for Manufacturers, Mechanics and Scientific Amateurs. New and thoroughly revised edition, crown 8vo. ( 1909. ) 3 s. each net.

Vol. I. Acetylene Lighting to Drying . 223 illus., 532 pp.

Vol. II. Dyeing to Japanning . 259 illus., 540 pp.

Vol. III. Jointing Pipes to Pumps . 257 illus., 528 pp.

Vol. IV. Rainwater Separators to Wire Ropes . 321 illus., 540 pp.

Gauges at a Glance. By T. Taylor . Second edition, post 8vo, oblong, with tape converter. ( 1900. ) 5 s. net.

Simple Soldering , both Hard and Soft. By E. Thatcher . 52 illus., 76 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 18.) ( New York, 1910. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

The Modern Machinist. By J. T. Usher . Fifth edition, 257 illus., 322 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1904. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Practical Wood Carving. By C. J. Woodsend . 108 illus., 86 pp., 8vo. Second ed. ( New York, 1908. ) 4 s. 6 d. net.

American Tool Making and Interchangeable Manufacturing. By J. W. Woodworth . Second Ed. 600 illus., 535 pp., 8vo. ( New York, 1911. ) 18 s. net.


See also Curve Tables , Earthwork , Foreign Exchange , Interest Tables , Logarithms , and Metric Tables .

Weights and Measurements of Sheet Lead. By J. Alexander . 32mo, roan. 1 s. 6 d. net.

Barlow’s Tables of Squares , Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots and Reciprocals, of all Integer Numbers from 1 to 10,000. 200 pp., crown 8vo, leather cloth. 4 s. net.

Tables of Squares. Of every foot, inch and 1 / 16 of an inch from 1 / 16 of an inch to 50 feet. By E. E. Buchanan . Eleventh edition, 102 pp., 16mo. 4 s. 6 d. net.

Land Area Tables. By W. Codd . For use with Amsler’s Planimeter. On sheet in envelope with explanatory pamphlet, 1 s. 6 d. net. Or separately: tables on sheet 1 s. net. Pamphlet, 6 d. net.

[Pg 48]

Calculating Scale. A Substitute for the Slide Rule. By W. Knowles . Crown 8vo, leather. 1 s. net.

Planimeter Areas. Multipliers for various scales. By H. B. Molesworth . Folding sheet in cloth case. 1 s. net.

Tables of Seamless Copper Tubes. By I. O’Toole . 69 pp., oblong fcap. 8vo. 3 s. 6 d. net.

Steel Bar and Plate Tables. Giving Weight per Lineal Foot of all sizes of L and T Bars, Flat Bars, Plates, Square, and Round Bars. By E. Read . On large folding card. 1 s. net.

Rownson’s Iron Merchants’ Tables and Memoranda. Weight and Measures. 86 pp., 32mo, leather. 3 s. 6 d.

Spons’ Tables and Memoranda for Engineers. By J. T. Hurst , C.E. Twelfth edition, 278 pp., 64mo, roan, gilt edges. ( 1915. ) 1 s. net.

Ditto ditto in celluloid case, 1 s. 6 d. net.

Optical Tables and Data , for the use of Opticians. By Prof. S. P. Thompson . Second edition, 130 pp., oblong 8vo. ( 1907. ) 6 s. net.

Traverse Table , showing Latitudes and Departure for each Quarter degree of the Quadrant, and for distances from 1 to 100, etc. 18mo, boards. 2 s. net.

The Wide Range Dividend and Interest Calculator , showing at a glance the percentage on any sum from £1 to £10,000, at any Interest from 1% to 12½%, proceeding by ¼%; also Table of Income Tax deductions on any sum from £1 to £10,000, at 9 d. , 1 s. , and 1 s. 2 d. in the £. By Alfred Stevens . 100 pp., super royal 8vo. 6 s. net. Quarter morocco, cloth sides. 7 s. 6 d. net.

The Wide Range Income Tax Calculator , showing at a glance the tax on any sum from One Shilling to Ten Thousand Pounds at the Rates of 9 d. , 1 s. , and 1 s. 2 d. in the £. By Alfred Stevens . 8 pp., printed on stiff card, royal 8vo. 1 s. net.

Fifty-four Hours’ Wages Calculator. By H. N. Whitelaw . Second edition, 79 pp., 8vo. 2 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 49]

Wheel Gearing. Tables of Pitch Line Diameters, etc. By A. Wildgoose and A. J. Orr . 175 pp., fcap. 32mo. 2 s. net.


The Atmosphere : Its Characteristics and Dynamics. By F. J. B. Cordeiro . 35 illus., 129 pp., crown 4to. ( New York, 1910. ) 10 s. 6 d. net.

Popular Engineering. By F. Dye . 704 illus., 477 pp., crown 4to. ( 1895. ) 5 s. net.

The Phonograph , and how to construct it. By W. Gillett . 6 folding plates, 87 pp., crown 8vo. ( 1892. ) 5 s.

Engineering Law. By A. Haring . Demy 8vo, cloth. ( New York. )

Vol. I. The Law of Contract. 518 pp. ( 1911. ) 17 s. net.

Particulars of Dry Docks , Wet Docks, Wharves, etc., on the River Thames. By C. H. Jordan . Second edition, 7 coloured charts, 103 pp., oblong 8vo. ( 1904. ) 2 s. 6 d. net.

New Theories in Astronomy. By W. Stirling . 335 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1906. ) 8 s. 6 d. net.

Inventions, How to Protect, Sell and Buy Them. By F. Wright . 118 pp., crown 8vo. ( S. & C. Series , No. 10.) Second edition. ( New York, 1911. ) 1 s. 6 d. net.

[Pg 50]

The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute.

Edited by G. C. Lloyd , Secretary .
Published Half-yearly, 8vo. 16 s. net.

Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs.

Published Annually, 8vo. 10 s. net.

The Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Edited by P. F. Rowell , Secretary .

Issued in quarto parts. The number of parts are from 12 to 16 annually. Annual Subscription, 46 s. , payable in advance. Single numbers, 3 s. 9 d. post free.

The Proceedings of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers.
Edited by Thomas Cole , Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Secretary .

Issued in monthly parts (fortnightly during April, May, June and July). Price 1 s. 9 d. , post free, each part.

Transactions of the Institution of Gas Engineers.

Edited by Walter T. Dunn , Secretary .

Published Annually, 8vo. 10 s. 6 d. net.

Proceedings of the International Association for Testing Materials.
(English Edition.)

Proceedings of 5th Congress, 18 s. net. Proceedings of 6th Congress, 30 s. net.

Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Published Annually, 8vo. 30 s. net.

Transactions of the Paint and Varnish Society.

Annual Subscription, inland, 5 s. 4 d. ; abroad, 5 s. 8 d. , post free. Bound Volumes, each, 5 s. net. Issued Annually.

Butler & Tanner Frome and London

Transcriber’s Notes:

Minor inconsistencies in punctuation and formatting were corrected.

Steinmann was changed to Steinman on page 6 .