Title : Mesa Verde: Junior Ranger Booklet
Author : United States. National Park Service
Release date : July 19, 2019 [eBook #59949]
Language : English
: Produced by Stephen Hutcheson, Lisa Corcoran and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Mesa Verde National Park
The National Park Service and its park rangers care for special places like Mesa Verde for today’s and future generations to enjoy. That means YOU, as well as your children and grandchildren!
Hi! My name is Kathy and this is my new friend, Gentle Rain. Gentle Rain and her family used to live in a Mesa Verde cliff dwelling 750 years ago. She helped me become a Junior Ranger, and now both of us want to help you.
Becoming a Junior Ranger is fun! As you explore the park, you will learn about Gentle Rain’s culture, look for items her family and friends might have used, and visit their homes. Just follow our directions and you’ll earn a Mesa Verde Junior Ranger badge in no time!
To earn your Mesa Verde Junior Ranger badge, just complete the following steps :
1. Complete the activity called “Being A Good Steward.”
2. Then, complete at least 3 more activities . Once you choose the activities you want to do, use these special codes to know which questions to answer for your age group:
Ages 4-7 | Ages 8-9 | Ages 10-up |
3. Once you have finished steps 1 and 2 above, take your booklet to any park information center to receive your Mesa Verde Junior Ranger badge.
Suggested Activities | |
Half Day (2-3 hours) | |
Being a Good Steward | 3 |
Ancestral Puebloan Life | 4 |
Times Have Changed | 6 |
Cliff Dwelling Bingo | 10 |
Suggested Activities | |
Full Day or More | |
Being a Good Steward | 3 |
Ancestral Puebloan Life | 4 |
Generations (Mesa Top Loop Drive) | 8 |
A-Mazing Migration | 11 |
or more..... |
This Junior Ranger booklet was created through the partnership of the National Park Service (NPS), the National Park Foundation (NPF), and the Student Conservation Association (SCA) and was made possible through the generous support of Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc., a National Corporate Partner of NPF. Thanks, also, to Junior Ranger Ambassador, Clint Herriman. To learn more about the online Junior Ranger program, visit www.nps.gov/webrangers.
Illustrations and artwork by Mary Lloyd, Talela Hales, Marna Bastian, DJ Webb, and Jim Tschetter. Use of “Through a Child’s Eyes,” on the cover and throughout booklet, courtesy of Mesa Verde Museum Association.
Activity can be done anywhere.
Kathy : To become a Junior Ranger we need to be good stewards. A steward is someone who helps take care of something that belongs to everyone. Since we share our national parks with thousands, even millions of other people, a Junior Ranger should know how to be a good steward while visiting these special places. It’s easy. All you have to do is learn and follow the rules of the park. Learning the rules lets us know how to stay safe and take care of the park.
Circle 4 | Circle 4 | Circle 4 |
Describe 1 | Describe 2 | Describe 4 |
Directions —Look at the picture below.
Activity for the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum.
Gentle Rain : Mesa Verde National Park protects over 700 years of history about my people, the Ancestral Pueblo people. Throughout the museum, you will discover how we learned to adapt to our environment in order to meet our basic needs of food, water, and shelter.
Directions —Have fun as you explore the dioramas and exhibits to find the answers to the museum activity questions.
Look carefully around the diorama. What did the Ancestral Pueblo people (Modified Basketmakers) NOT eat?
Find the place where residents of this Mesa Verde pueblo got their water. What is it?
Look for a circular room being built in the ground in front of the cliff dwelling. What is it?
Mesa Verde pottery is known for its beautiful designs. Draw your own design on the jar below. ( If you want an example, see the pottery exhibits. )
Find a tool they used to plant corn. What is it?
Find an item that women used to carry the water from the springs to their homes. What is it called?
What is a kiva? How was it used?
Place an X over the plants and animals you find as you go through the museum exhibits.
Bighorn Sheep |
Corn |
Turkey |
Yucca |
Rabbit |
Squash |
Beans |
Prickly pear |
Pinyon nuts |
Use the clues below to complete the crossword puzzle. Begin in the exhibit room across from the dioramas.
Activity can be done anywhere.
Gentle Rain : My family learned how to adapt and survive at Mesa Verde by using what nature provided. Because of this, my life at Mesa Verde was very different from your everyday life. At a young age, children helped with daily chores. We didn’t go to school, but we learned valuable life lessons everyday. We learned how to grow crops, hunt, make pottery, and build houses with mud and stone. We gathered materials from our surroundings to make what we needed. We also learned about our history through stories told by our grandparents.
Directions —Discover how we lived in Mesa Verde by completing the following activities for your age group.
Draw a line from each item in the left column (things we use or do today) with an item in the right column (things the Ancestral Pueblo people used or did then.)
Now | Then |
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
The boxes list items used by Ancestral Pueblo people at Mesa Verde. Read the items in each box, then use the blanks beside the box to write the name of the natural resource used to make everything in the box. One is started for you. ( Hint: Answers are in the 10-up activity word list below. )
Bone tools and jewelry
Warm blanket
Pine nuts (food)
Timber for building
Pitch for waterproofing
To learn more about Gentle Rain’s life in Mesa Verde, fill in the blanks to read the following story. If you have little brothers or sisters, they might like to hear the story when you are done. ( Use the word list to fill in the blanks and complete the story. )
My family and I live in a stone room of a cliff dwelling. The people of my village wake up very early and start cooking fires in the rooms and courtyards. Every morning, my mother goes to collect water from the nearest
As soon as the morning meal is eaten, the men and boys climb up the cliff face using
Throughout the year, the men hunt mule deer and
When the
No matter the time of the year, my people are busy with the daily tasks needed to survive in Mesa Verde.
Activity for the Mesa Top Loop Drive.
Gentle Rain : My people did not always live in cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde. For the first 600 years they lived on the mesa top. As you drive the Mesa Top Loop you will see changes in our housing styles from pithouse, to pueblo, and finally to cliff dwelling.
Directions —Find the answers for your age group in this activity by driving the Mesa Top Loop and visiting Stops A, B, and C below.
PART 1—Connect the Dots:
After driving the Mesa Top Loop , connect the dots to see one of the Ancestral Puebloan homes.
Go to PART 3 to draw your favorite type of home . ⇒
PART 1—Scavenger Hunt:
Drive the Mesa Top Loop Road and read the signs at each of the three stops listed below. Use the signs to find the missing word in each sentence and fill in the blanks. ( Don’t forget to ask your parents for help if you need it. )
Next, go to PART 2 at the top of the next page to copy your answers in the blanks and complete the word search . ⇒
Locate all twelve words in the word search puzzle below. Circle or draw a line through each word in the puzzle to finish it. ( Find the three missing words by completing “PART 1—Scavenger Hunt” above. )
y | t | i | n | u | m | m | o | c | h | m | p | t |
r | p | p | e | r | m | a | n | e | n | t | i | l |
c | o | o | p | e | r | a | t | i | o | n | t | o |
s | e | v | o | c | l | a | t | k | o | a | h | l |
u | m | a | s | o | n | r | y | l | r | r | o | b |
a | v | i | k | l | o | b | i | l | o | p | u | e |
g | s | p | r | i | n | g | i | r | o | s | s | u |
t | i | p | e | r | i | f | a | p | m | v | e | p |
g | n | i | l | l | e | w | d | f | f | i | l | c |
PART 3 : Draw the type of house you would most like to live in.
Activity can be done at any cliff dwelling.
Gentle Rain : Visit a cliff dwelling, such as Spruce Tree House, to see many of the same things I did when I lived here. Remember to be a good steward by not touching, climbing, or leaning on the walls.
Directions —Look for the items below and place an “X” over the ones you find. Find four in a row across or diagonally.
Ladder |
T-shaped Door |
Juniper Berries |
Mano and Metate |
Viga (roof beam) |
Yucca |
Kiva |
Seep Spring |
Prickly Pear Cactus |
Ranger Hat |
Two-story Building |
Soot-blackened Wall |
Lizard |
Fire Pit |
Pinyon Pine |
Bird |
Activity can be done anywhere.
Kathy : For some time, it was thought that Gentle Rain’s family and the rest of the Ancestral Pueblo people simply vanished from Mesa Verde. We now know that they migrated south over 700 years ago. Their descendants include the Rio Grande Pueblos in New Mexico, the Hopi in Arizona, and the Ysleta del Sur in Texas.
Directions —Follow the paths through the maze from Mesa Verde to find the present-day locations of the Ancestral Puebloans’ descendants. You must travel through and find at least one Ancestral Puebloan item along the way to each pueblo, and avoid any modern items.
Find the Hopi Pueblos.
Find the Hopi and Rio Grande Pueblos.
Find the Hopi, Rio Grande, and Ysleta del Sur Pueblos.
Be An Artist!
Draw a picture or write about what you liked BEST
What I experienced at Mesa Verde National Park...
Place a check mark next to the cliff dwellings you visited:
Place a check mark next to other activities you did:
This Certifies That
has completed the Junior Ranger Program at
Mesa Verde National Park
As a Mesa Verde Junior Ranger, I promise to be a good steward by protecting Mesa Verde and all national Parks. I will stay on the trails, not feed the wildlife, not litter, and recycle when I can. I also promise to be respectful of other cultures whose way of life may be different from my own.
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