"Lännen tähtien alla" by Zane Grey is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story is set against the backdrop of the American West and centers around Madeline Hammond, a young woman who arrives in El Cajon, New Mexico, only to find herself alone in a rough and unfamiliar environment. Her journey appears to be one of self-discovery, challenging the norms of her privileged upbringing and exposing her to the harsh realities of frontier life. The opening portion introduces Madeline as she arrives at the train station late at night, where she encounters the unsettling atmosphere of the town. She reflects on her life, grappling with feelings of dissatisfaction despite her privileged status. As she awaits her brother, Alfred, who is not there to meet her, complications arise when a drunken cowboy, Gene Stewart, enters the scene. Tension escalates as Gene, in a moment of reckless behavior, inadvertently thrusts Madeline into a precarious situation. The events establish a gripping beginning, hinting at the adventure and challenges that await Madeline as she navigates her new world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)