"Erik Autio" by John Stenius is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the titular character, Erik Autio, and his family, particularly his father Antero, as they navigate their lives in a changing social landscape, dealing with the complexities of education, ambition, and familial expectations. At the start of the novel, Antero Autio expresses his concern over Erik's studies in Helsinki, revealing a strained relationship between them. Antero is frustrated by Erik's lack of contact and the perception that he has turned away from his roots and values. As Antero prepares to travel to the city to confront Erik about his choices and the influences surrounding him, the opening chapters delve into themes of family loyalty, social change, and the tension between personal ambition and traditional expectations. Erik wakes from a troubled dream that suggests his inner conflict, setting the stage for his journey of self-discovery that lies ahead as he grapples with his identity and the fraught legacy of his family. (This is an automatically generated summary.)