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Title : Sweaters He and She

Creator : American Thread Company

Release date : July 7, 2021 [eBook #65789]

Language : English

Credits : Stephen Hutcheson and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at

Star BOOK No. 223: Sweaters He and She


He AND She

american thread

american thread ®



Aran Cardigan
He and She

including continuation from pages 20-22

Ladies’: Small to Medium; Medium to Large
Men’s: Small to Medium; Medium to Large
Materials Required:
8 (9)— 10 , 11 —4 oz. skeins Fisherman for cardigan
4 oz. Fisherman for Beanie; 5 oz. for Beret
Double Pointed Needle
6 (6)— 8, 8 Buttons
½ yd. grosgrain ribbon ½ inch wide
GAUGE: 11 sts = 2 inches (pattern on No. 8 needles, allowing for “take-in” of pattern).

Directions are given for ladies’ small to medium size. Changes for medium to large size are given in parentheses. Men’s small to medium and medium to large sizes are given in bold face type .

Width across back at underarm:
17½ (19)— 20½, 22 inches
Width across each front at underarm:
11 (11¾)— 12½, 13¼ inches
Width around underarms, buttoned:
37½ (40½)— 43½, 46½ inches

BACK: With No. 6 needles, cast on 98 (106)— 114, 122 sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 5 rows. START PATTERN: Change to No. 8 needles. 1st ROW (right side): K 2 (2)— 2, 2, P 12 (16)— 20, 24, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, work bubble st over next 11 sts as follows: * P 3, work K 1, yo, K 1, yo, K 1 in next st (5 sts in 1 st), repeat from * once, P 3, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, * P 2, K 8, repeat from last * twice, P 2, (cable st section) K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, * P 3, work K 1, yo, K 1, yo, K 1 in next st (5 sts in 1 st), repeat from last * once, P 3, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 12 (16)— 20, 24, K 2 (2)— 2, 2. 2nd ROW: P 2 (2)— 2, 2, * work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st (3 sts in 1 st) P 3 tog, repeat from * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, (trinity pattern) P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, * K 3, P 5, repeat from last * once, K 3, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, * K 2, P 8, repeat from last * twice, K 2, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, * K 3, P 5, repeat from last * once, K 3, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, * work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, P 3 tog, repeat from last * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 2 (2)— 2, 2. 3rd ROW: K 2 (2)— 2, 2, P 12 (16)— 20, 24, skip 1 st, K in front of 2nd st but leave on needle, then K skipped st and sl both sts off needle, skip next st, K 2nd st through back loop and leave on needle, then K skipped st and sl both sts off needle (sl st twist over 4 sts), * P 3, K 5, repeat from * once, P 3, sl st twist over next 4 sts, * P 2, K 8, repeat from last * twice, P 2, sl st twist over next 4 sts, * P 3, K 5, repeat from last * once, P 3, sl st twist over next 4 sts, P 12 (16)— 20, 24, K 2 (2)— 2, 2. 4th ROW: P 2 (2)—2, 2, * P 3 tog, work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, repeat from * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 4, * K 3, yarn to front, sl 1 as if to P, P 4 tog, p.s.s.o., repeat from last * once, K 3, P 4, * K 2, P 8, repeat from last * twice, K 2, P 4, * K 3, yarn to front, sl 1 as if to P, P 4 tog, p.s.s.o., repeat from last * once, 20 K 3, P 4, * P 3 tog, work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, repeat from last * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 2 (2)— 2, 2. 5th ROW: K 2 (2)—2, 2, P 12 (16)— 20, 24 , K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 5, work K 1, yo, K 1, yo, K 1 in next st (5 sts in 1 st), P 5, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, * P 2, sl next 2 sts to dpn and hold in back of work, K 2, then K 2 sts from dpn, sl next 2 sts to dpn and hold in front of work, K 2, then K 2 sts from dpn (cable twist), repeat from * twice P 2 (3 cables), K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 5, work 5 sts as before in next st, P 5, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 12 (16)— 20, 24 , K 2 (2)—2, 2. 6th ROW: P 2 (2)— 2, 2 , * work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, P 3 tog, repeat from * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, K 5, P 5, K 5, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, * K 2, P 8, repeat from last * twice, K 2, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, K 5, P 5, K 5, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, * work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, P 3 tog, repeat from last * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 2 (2)— 2, 2 . 7th ROW: K 2 (2)— 2, 2 , P 12 (16)— 20, 24 , work sl st twist over next 4 sts, P 5, K 5, P 5, work sl st twist over next 4 sts, * P 2, K 8, repeat from * twice, P 2, work sl st twist over next 4 sts, P 5, K 5, P 5, work sl st twist over next 4 sts, P 12 (16)— 20, 24 , K 2 (2)—2, 2. 8th ROW: P 2 (2)— 2, 2 , * P 3 tog, work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, repeat from * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 4, K 5, yarn to front, sl 1 as if to P, P 4 tog, p.s.s.o., K 5, P 4, * K 2, P 8, repeat from last * twice, K 2, P 4, K 5, yarn to front, sl 1 as if to P, P 4 tog, p.s.s.o., K 5, P 4, * P 3 tog, work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, repeat from last * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 2 (2)— 2, 2 . Repeat from 1st through 8th rows for pattern until back measures 16 (16)— 19, 19 inches from beg, or desired length to underarm, ending with 8th pattern row. SHAPE ARMHOLES: 1st DEC ROW: K 2, P 3 tog, P 1, pass dec st over last st, work in established pattern to within last 6 sts, P 3 tog, P 1, pass dec st over last st, K 2 (3 sts dec at each end). 2nd ROW: P 3, work in pattern to last 3 sts, P 3. 3rd ROW: K 2, work in pattern across, ending with K 2. 4th ROW: P 3, work in pattern across, ending with P 3. 5th ROW (dec row): K 2, P 2, pass 1st P st on right-hand needle over last P st (1 st dec), work in pattern to within last 4 sts, P 2, pass 1st P st on right-hand needle over last P st (1 st dec), K 2. 6th ROW: P 2, work in pattern across, ending with P 2. 7th ROW: K 2, work in pattern across, ending with K 2. 8th ROW: P 2, work in pattern across, ending with P 2—90 (98)— 106, 114 sts. Repeat these 8 rows 2 (3)— 4, 4 times more—74 (74)— 74, 82 sts. Then dec 1 st after the 1st 2 K sts at beg and before the 2 K sts at end every other row 4 times (all sizes)—66 (66)— 66, 74 sts. Continue even in pattern for 4 (4)— 4½, 4½ inches ending with 6th pattern row. Then dec as follows: Dec 4 sts in each cable (to dec: work 2 tog across each cable). In next row complete 8th pattern row. NEXT ROW: K 2 at each end, K 2 tog across remainder of row. Bind off.


NOTE: Work Left Front first for ladies’ and Right Front for men’s sweater for placement of buttonholes.


RIGHT FRONT: With No. 6 needles, cast on 59 (63)— 67, 71 sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing to within last 8 sts, attach another skein and work last 8 sts with double yarn throughout in garter st (K each row) for front border. Work 4 more rows in ribbing and garter st at border. START PATTERN: Change to No. 8 needles. 1st ROW (right side): Work 8 border sts, P 2 (2)— 2, 2 , K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 2, K 8, P 2, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, * P 3, work 5 sts in next st as before, repeat from * once, P 3, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 12 (16)— 20, 24 , K 2. 2nd ROW: P 2, * work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, P 3 tog, repeat from * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, * K 3, P 5, repeat from last * once, K 3, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, K 2, P 8, K 2, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, K 2 (2)— 2, 2 , K 8 border sts. 3rd ROW: K 8 border sts, P 2 (2)— 2, 2 , work sl st twist over next 4 sts, P 2, K 8, P 2, work sl st twist over next 4 sts, * P 3, K 5, repeat from * once, P 3, work sl st twist over next 4 sts, P 12 (16)— 20, 24 , K 2. 4th ROW: P 2, * P 3 tog, work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, repeat from * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 4, * K 3, yarn to front, sl 1 as if to P, P 4 tog, p.s.s.o., repeat from last * once, K 3, P 4, K 2, P 8, K 2, P 4, K 2 (2)— 2, 2 , K 8. 5th ROW: K 8, P 2 (2)— 2, 2 , K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 2, cable twist over next 8 sts, P 2, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 5, work 5 sts in next st, P 5, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 12 (16)— 20, 24 , K 2. 6th ROW: P 2, * work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, P 3 tog, repeat from * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, K 5, P 5, K 5, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, K 2, P 8, K 2, P 1, yarn to front, sl 2 as if to P, P 1, K 2 (2)— 2, 2 , K 8. 7th ROW: K 8, P 2 (2)— 2, 2 , work sl st twist over next 4 sts, P 2, K 8, P 2, work sl st twist over next 4 sts, P 5, K 5, P 5, work sl st twist over next 4 sts, P 12 (16)— 20, 24 , K 2. 8th ROW: P 2, * P 3 tog, work K 1, P 1, K 1 in next st, repeat from * 2 (3)— 4, 5 times, P 4, K 5, yarn to front, sl 1 as if to P, P 4 tog, p.s.s.o., K 5, P 4, K 2, P 8, K 2, P 4, K 2 (2)— 2, 2 , K 8. Repeat from 1st through 8th rows for pattern until same length as back to underarm, ending with 8th pattern row. SHAPE ARMHOLE: Work 8 rows of armhole dec at armhole edge in same manner as back 3 (4)— 5, 5 times—47 (47)— 47, 51 sts. Then dec 1 st every other row 4 times before 2 K sts at end of row same as back. Work even in established pattern until there is 1 less cable twist than back, ending with 6th pattern row. Dec 4 sts in cable same as back. In next row complete 8th pattern row. SHAPE NECK: Work 8 border sts and sl to st holder, bind off 6 sts (all sizes) at neck edge, complete row in pattern. Bind off 5 sts at neck edge once, 2 sts at same edge every other row twice (all sizes). In next row complete 8th pattern row. NEXT ROW: Work 2 sts tog across row. Bind off. Mark position for 6 (6)— 8, 8 buttonholes along front border, 1st one ½ inch above lower edge, last one 1½ inches from neck edge, others evenly spaced between.

LEFT FRONT: Work same as right front, reversing border sts, pattern and all shapings. BUTTONHOLES: K 3, bind off next 3 sts, work across. NEXT ROW: Cast on 3 sts over bound-off sts.

SLEEVES: With No. 6 needles, cast on 42 (46)— 50, 54 sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 2 inches, inc 10 (14)— 10, 14 sts evenly spaced in last row of ribbing—52 (60)— 60, 68 sts. Change to No. 8 needles and establish pattern as follows: 1st ROW (right side): K 2 (all sizes), P 4 (8)— 8, 12 , K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, * P 2, K 8, repeat from * twice (all sizes) P 2, K 1, sl 2 as if to P, K 1, P 4 (8)— 8, 12 , K 2 (all sizes). 2nd to 8th ROWS: Work in pattern as established. Work even until 6 inches from beg (all sizes), ending with 8th pattern row. NEXT ROW (inc row): Inc 4 sts after 2 K sts at beg and before 2 K sts at end of row (to inc: work 2 sts in each of the next 4 sts)—8 sts inc in row. Continue in pattern as established inc 4 sts at beg and end of row 1 (1)— 2, 2 times more every 4 (4)— 5, 5 inches. Continue even in pattern until sleeve measures 16 (16)— 19, 19 inches from beg, or desired length to underarm, ending with 8th pattern row. SHAPE SLEEVE CAP: Work dec same as back, then work even for same number of rows as back, dec at top same as back. Bind off remaining sts.

continuation from page 22

FINISHING: Block and steam each section slightly. Weave side and sleeve seams matching patterns. Weave sleeves in position.

COLLAR: With No. 6 needles, right side facing, starting at neck edge inside garter st border, pick up and K 71 (75)— 79, 83 sts along neck edge spacing sts evenly. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 6 rows, leave ribbing sts on needle to be completed later. With No. 8 needles, pick up border sts. Continue in double yarn and garter sts until border reaches top of ribbing; work across all sts on No. 6 needle. Pick up 8 remaining border sts. Work back and forth on border sts only until border is same length as 1st border then K 1 row across all sts 87 (91)— 95, 99 sts. Complete collar in double yarn and garter st as follows: 1st ROW: Sl 1, K 2, K 2 tog, K across to within last 5 sts, K 2 tog, K 3. 2nd ROW: Sl 1, K across. Repeat 1st and 2nd rows until 51 (51)— 55, 55 sts remain. Work remaining sts as follows: * Sl 1, K 2, K 2 tog, turn; K across. Repeat from * until 8 sts remain (all sizes). Bind off. Sew bound off ends tog. Weave sides of ribbing to front border. Overcast buttonholes with buttonhole sts. Sew buttons in place. Sew ½ inch grosgrain ribbon over ribbing along neck edge to hold collar in position.


The Accessories That Count


SIZES: Small, Medium, Large
Materials Required:
6 (7, 7)—2 oz. skeins Navy for Skirt
4—2 oz. skeins for Scarf; 1—2 oz. skein for Beret
1—2 oz. skein each White and Flame for Skirt, Scarf and Beret
⅛ yd. Lining material
⅛ yd. Buckram
2 Hooks and Eyes
1—7 inch CONMAR No/Snag Zipper
1 yd. elastic
GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch

Directions are given for small size. Changes for medium and large sizes in parentheses.

Width around lower edge: 44 (46, 48) inches
Width around waistline: 24 (26, 28) inches

With Navy cast on 221 (231, 241) sts.

1st ROW: K 1, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across row (seed st). Repeat 1st row for 3½ inches. NEXT 2 ROWS: K each row. NEXT ROW: P across row. NEXT 2 ROWS: K each row. NEXT ROW: Work in seed st. NEXT 2 ROWS: K each row. NEXT 8 ROWS: Work in stockinette st (P 1 row, K 1 row). NEXT ROW: K across row. NEXT ROW: Work in seed st. NEXT 2 ROWS: K across each row. NEXT ROW: P across row. NEXT 2 ROWS: K each row. Work in seed st until skirt measures 20 inches from beg, or length desired to waistline. Place sts on a length of yarn. Block skirt to measurements. Place sts back on needle. NEXT ROW (dec row): Work in seed st across 1st 5 (9, 15) sts, * P 2 tog, K 2 tog, repeat from * across row to within last 4 (10, 14) sts, work in seed st across remaining sts. NEXT ROW: Work in seed st. Bind off loosely.

WAISTBAND: With Navy cast on 125 (135, 145) sts. 1st ROW: K across row. 2nd ROW: Work in seed st. NEXT 2 ROWS: K across each row. NEXT 8 ROWS: Work in stockinette st (P 1 row, K 1 row). NEXT ROW: K across row. NEXT ROW: Work in seed st. NEXT 2 ROWS: K across each row. Bind off in purling (lower edge). Block.

EMBROIDERY: With contrasting thread work a running st through 1st row at top of stockinette section, then through 5th row of same section. Thread Flame into a blunt needle, insert needle up through 4th st of 1st row, skip next 3 sts, insert needle down through next st of 5th row, up through st directly below of 2nd row, down through next st directly below of 6th row, up through next st directly below of 3rd row, down through next st directly below of 7th row, up through next st directly below of 4th row, down through next st of 8th row. Reverse the procedure for 2nd half of arrow. Work next arrow in same manner with White. Repeat Flame and White arrows across band.

FINISHING: Sew lower edge of band to top edge of skirt leaving plain section of band free for underlap. Then work a 2nd row of stitching directly below. Roll 2 rows of upper edge of band to wrong side and 5 tack in position. Cut buckram ½ inch smaller in width and length than border and sew to wrong side of band. Cut lining for band allowing ½ inch larger for hems and sew in position to wrong side of band. Sew back seam of skirt leaving a 7 inch opening at top for zipper. Sew zipper in position. Sew hooks and eyes to band having the embroidered edges meet.


Cast on 41 sts and work same as skirt until scarf measures 56 inches from beg ending on wrong side. Work border to match other end, bind off.

Steam and block. Embroider at both ends same as skirt starting in 1st st.


Cast on 6 sts, * K 1, P 1, repeat from * across row. 2nd ROW: Work K 1, P 1 in each st (inc row). 3rd ROW: P 1, K 1, repeat from beg across row. 4th ROW: Repeat 2nd row (24 sts). 5th ROW: Repeat 3rd row. 6th ROW: Repeat 1st row. 7th ROW: P 1, K 1 in each of the 1st 2 sts, P 1, K 1, * P 1, K 1 in each of the next 2 sts, P 1, K 1, repeat from * across row (36 sts). 8th ROW: Repeat 1st row. 9th ROW: Repeat 3rd row. NEXT 8 ROWS: Repeat from 6th to 9th rows twice ending 7th row of 2nd repeat with P 1, K 1 (80 sts). 18th ROW: P 1, K 1 in each of the 1st 2 sts, P 1, K 1 across next 8 sts, * P 1, K 1 in each of the next 2 sts, P 1, K 1 across next 8 sts, repeat from * across row (96 sts). Then repeat 1st and 3rd rows until section measures 7½ inches from beg. BAND: NEXT ROW: K across row. NEXT 8 ROWS: Work in stockinette st. NEXT ROW: P across row. NEXT ROW: Work in seed st, bind off in Purl.

FINISHING: Embroider stockinette st section same as skirt starting in 1st st of 1st row. Sew seam and draw top tog. Run elastic through band at upper and lower edges. POMPON: Wind Navy 125 times over a 3 inch cardboard, slip off cardboard, tie in center; cut both ends and trim into shape. Attach to top of beret.



2 Needle Stockings

illustrated on page 5

One size adjusts to fit all sizes.
Materials Required:
5—1 oz. skeins White
1 set Double Pointed Needles No. 5
Pattern St: 10 sts = 2 inches
Stockinette St: 7 sts = 1 inch

Starting at top cast on 71 sts. 1st ROW: K 1, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across row (seed st). Repeat 1st row for 1½ inches.

START PATTERN: 1st ROW (wrong side): P 1, * K 4, P 5, K 4, P 1, repeat from * across row. 2nd ROW: K 1, * P 4, yo, K 2 tog through back, yo, K 1, yo, K 2 tog through front, yo, P 4, K 1, repeat from * across row. 3rd ROW: P 1, * K 4, P 7, K 4, P 1, repeat from * across row. 4th ROW: K 1, * P 4, yo, K 2 tog through back, yo, K 3, yo, K 2 tog through front, yo, P 4, K 1, repeat from * across row. 5th ROW: P 1, * K 4, P 9, K 4, P 1, repeat from * across row. 6th ROW: K 1, * P 4, yo, K 2 tog through back, yo, K 2 tog through back, K 1, K 2 tog through front, yo, K 2 tog through front, yo, P 4, K 1, repeat from * across row. 7th ROW: Repeat 5th row. 8th ROW: K 1, * P 4, yo, K 2 tog through back, K 2 tog through back, K 3 tog through front, pass the 2nd st on right needle over last knitted st, K 2 tog through front, yo, P 4, K 1, repeat from * across row. Repeat last 8 rows 3 more times. 1st DEC ROW: P 1, * K 2, K 2 tog, P 5, K 2 tog, K 2, P 1, repeat from * across row (10 sts dec). 2nd ROW: K 1, * P 3, yo, K 2 tog through back, yo, K 1, yo, K 2 tog through front, yo, P 3, K 1, repeat from * across row. 3rd ROW: P 1, * K 3, P 7, K 3, P 1, repeat from * across row. 4th ROW: K 1, * P 3, yo, K 2 tog through back, yo, K 3, yo, K 2 tog through front, yo, P 3, K 1, repeat from * across row. 5th ROW: P 1, * K 3, P 9, K 3, P 1, repeat from * across row. 6th ROW: K 1, * P 3, yo, K 2 tog through back, yo, K 2 tog through back, K 1, K 2 tog through front, yo, K 2 tog through front, yo, P 3, K 1, repeat from * across row. 7th ROW: Repeat 5th row. 8th ROW: K 1, * P 3, yo, K 2 tog through back, K 2 tog through back, K 3 tog through front, pass the 2nd st on right needle over last knitted st, K 2 tog through front, yo, P 3, K 1, repeat from * across row. Repeat last 8 rows even 3 more times omitting decs. 2nd DEC ROW: Dec 10 sts same as 1st dec row having 1 st less in each stockinette st section. NEXT 7 ROWS: Work in pattern. Continue in pattern until there are 11 more patterns. 3rd DEC ROW: Dec 10 sts same as last dec row and continue until there are 4 more completed patterns, ending with 1st row of pattern—41 sts.

SHAPE HEEL: K 14 (1st half of heel), place remaining 27 sts on st holder. Starting with a P row work in stockinette st for 1½ inches ending with a P row, then turn heel as follows: K 1, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 1, turn; sl 1, P 2, turn; K 2, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 1, turn; sl 1, P 3, turn. Continue 7 in this manner until all sts have been worked (8 sts on needle); pick up and K 11 sts on side of heel, cut yarn. Place these 19 sts and 13 instep sts on a st holder. Attach yarn and work remaining 14 sts in stockinette st for 1½ inches ending with a K row (2nd half of heel). Turn heel as follows: P 1, P 2 tog, P 1, turn; sl 1, K 2, turn; P 2, P 2 tog, P 1, turn; sl 1, K 3, turn. Continue in this manner until all sts have been worked (8 sts on needle). Pick up and P 11 sts on side of heel, cut yarn. Sl all sts to one needle (51 sts).

SHAPE GUSSET: Attach yarn, K 14, K 2 tog, K 4, work pattern over 11 instep sts, K 4, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 14. NEXT ROW: P across row working instep sts in pattern. NEXT ROW: K 13, K 2 tog, K 4, work instep sts in pattern, K 4, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 13. NEXT ROW: P across row working instep sts in pattern. Continue to dec each side of instep every other row 3 more times always working instep sts in pattern. Work even for 5½ inches or 1½ inches less than desired length ending with 1st row of pattern. SHAPE TOE: K 7, K 2 tog, K 2, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 15, K 2 tog, K 2, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 7. NEXT ROW: P across row. NEXT ROW: K 6, K 2 tog, K 2, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 13, K 2 tog, K 2, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o., K 6. NEXT ROW: P across row. Continue to dec in same manner until 21 sts remain. NEXT ROW: P 5 and sl sts to dpn, P 10 and sl sts to 2nd dpn, sl remaining sts to 1st dpn, cut yarn, leave a length. TO WEAVE TOE: Thread yarn into blunt needle, * pass needle through 1st st on front needle as if knitting, and sl st off needle, pass needle through 2nd st of same needle as if purling and leave st on needle, pass through 1st st of back needle as if purling and sl st off needle, pass through 2nd st of same needle as if knitting and leave st on needle, repeat from * until all sts are worked off, fasten securely. Weave sts of back seam and sole tog.


This is the stitch used most often for embroidering a desired motif on a knitted article. It is worked by: * bringing needle through center of stitch from the wrong side to right side of work—see ill. A. Following the outline of the knit stitch above, draw the yarn across the back of the two strands of this stitch—see ill. A and B—return needle to the center of the same stitch—see ill. B—and draw yarn through. Repeat from * starting next stitch by bringing needle through center of stitch to be duplicated—see ill. C.

ILL. A • ILL. B • ILL. C

K Knit
P Purl
YO Yarn Over
Dec. Decrease
Inc. Increase
Tog. Together
P.s.s.o. Pass slip st over st
dpn Double pointed needle

She and She


SIZES: Small, Medium, Large
Materials Required:
6 (6, 7)—2 oz. skeins Blue for Jacket
1—2 oz. skein Blue for Beret
1—2 oz. skein White for Jacket and Beret
GAUGE: 3 shells = 2¾ inches

Directions are given for small size. Changes for medium and large sizes are given in parentheses.

Width across back at underarm:
16½ (18½, 20½) inches
Width across each front at underarm including front edge:
8½ (9½, 10½) inches

BACK: 1st ROW (right side): Ch 76 (84, 92), 2 d c in 4th ch from hook, skip next 3 sts of ch, sl st in next st, * ch 3, 2 d c in same space, skip next 3 sts of ch, sl st in next st, repeat from * across ch, turn—18 (20, 22) shells. 2nd ROW: Ch 4, d c in sl st, ch 1, skip next d c, sl st in next d c, * ch 1, skip the ch 3, d c in next sl st, ch 1, skip next d c, sl st in next d c (open shell), repeat from * across row, turn. 3rd ROW: Ch 3, 2 d c in sl st, skip next ch 1 and next d c, sl st over next ch 1, * ch 3, 2 d c over same ch 1 (solid shell), skip the next sl st, next ch 1 and next d c, sl st over next ch 1, repeat from * across row, turn. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows for pattern until back measures 19 inches from beg, or desired length to underarm, ending with 2nd pattern row.

continuation from page 16


SHAPE ARMHOLES: Skip the sl st, sl st across next 4 (8, 8) sts, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, work in pattern across row omitting 1 (2, 2) patterns at end of row—16 (16, 18) shells. NEXT ROW: Skip the sl st, sl st over 1st 2 d c and ch 3, ch 1, d c in next sl st, work in pattern to last d c. NEXT ROW: Skip the sl st, sl st across next 4 sts, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, work in pattern to last ch 1, turn—14 (14, 16) shells. Continue even in pattern until armholes measure 7½ (8, 8½) inches from 1st dec, ending with 2nd pattern row. SHAPE SHOULDERS: Skip the sl st, sl st over next 8 sts, work 2 patterns, ch 3, turn. NEXT ROW: D c in same space, skip 1 d c, sl st in next d c and next ch 3, ch 1, skip next sl st and 1 d c, sl st in next d c, next ch 3 and next st already worked in, cut yarn. With wrong side of last long row toward you, attach yarn in ch 1 before the 4th sl st from end of work, work 2 patterns of 3rd pattern row. NEXT ROW: Skip the sl st and next d c, sl st in next d c and next ch 3, ch 1, skip next sl st and next d c, sl st in next d c, next ch 3, cut yarn.

LEFT FRONT: Ch 40 (44, 48). Work same as back to underarm, ending with 2nd pattern row—9 (10, 11) shells. SHAPE ARMHOLE: Skip the sl st, sl st across next 4 (8, 8) sts, work in pattern to end of row—8 (8, 9) shells. NEXT ROW: Work even in pattern. NEXT ROW: Skip the sl st, sl st across next 3 sts, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, work in pattern across—7 (7, 8) shells. Work even in pattern until armhole is 9 rows less than back armhole, ending with 3rd pattern row. SHAPE NECK: DEC ROW: Skip the sl st, sl st in next 2 d c and ch 3, ch 1, 1 d c in next sl st, work in pattern to end of row. NEXT ROW: Work 6 (6, 7) patterns, turn. NEXT ROW: Repeat dec row. NEXT ROW: Work 5 (5, 6) patterns. Repeat last 2 rows 1 (1, 2) times, having 1 less shell in each repeat. Work even until armhole measures same as back armhole. SHAPE SHOULDER: Work same as back shoulder.

RIGHT FRONT: Ch 40 (44, 48). Work same as back to underarm, ending with 2nd pattern row. NEXT ROW: Work in pattern across row omitting 1 (2, 2) patterns at end of row—8 (8, 9) shells. NEXT ROW: Skip the sl st, sl st over next 2 d c and ch 3, ch 1, 1 d c in next sl st, work in pattern to end of row. NEXT ROW: Work in pattern to end of row—7 (7, 8) shells. Continue even in pattern until armhole is 9 rows less than back armhole, ending with 3rd pattern row. NEXT ROW: Work 5 (5, 6) patterns of 2nd pattern row, ch 1, d c in next sl st, ch 1, skip next d c, pull up a loop in next d c, skip the ch 3 and next sl st, yo and pull up a loop in next d c (4 loops on hook), work off 2 loops, then work off 3 loops (dec at end). NEXT ROW: Work 6 (6, 7) patterns but work 1st pattern with only 1 d c. NEXT ROW: Work 4 (4, 5) patterns, dec at end. NEXT ROW: Work 5 (5, 6) patterns but work 1st pattern with only 1 d c. Repeat last 2 rows 1 (1, 2) times, having 1 less shell in each repeat. Work even until armhole measures same as back armhole. SHAPE SHOULDER: Work same as back shoulder.


POCKETS (Make 2): Ch 32 and work same as back for 12 rows, cut Blue, attach White (when changing color, always complete last half of last st with new color). EDGE: NEXT ROW: * Ch 3, 2 d c in same space, skip next ch 1, d c and ch 1, sl st in next sl st, repeat from * across row, cut yarn.

FINISHING: Block all sections. Sew shoulder and side seams. EDGE: Right side facing, attach White in side seam of left front, s c in same space, ch 3, 2 d c in same space as s c, * s c, ch 3, 2 d c (shell) in the sl st where d c of 2nd pattern row is worked in, repeat from * across lower edge, work shell in each sl st where shell of 3rd pattern row is worked in, along front edge to neck shaping, work shell along neck shaping in even intervals, keeping the work flat, work shell in each sl st along back of neck, complete to correspond, working shell in each sl st where open shell of 2nd pattern row is worked in along other front edge. Work around armholes in same manner. Sew pockets in place.


With Blue ch 136. Work in pattern (33 shells) same as Jacket for 7 inches ending with 3rd row, ch 1, turn. NEXT ROW: * Pull yarn up in each of the next ch 3 loops, yo and pull through all loops at one time, repeat from * across row ending with a dec in last 3 shells, cut yarn. Attach White * ch 3, 2 d c in same st, skip 1 st, s c in next st, repeat from * across row, ch 2, turn. Pull up a loop in each ch 3 loop, yo and pull through all loops, draw tog and fasten securely, cut yarn. Sew seam. BAND: With right side facing attach yarn and work 2 s c in each shell (66 s c). Working over elastic work 1 s c in each s c. Work 3 more rounds of s c, cut Blue. EDGE: Attach White * ch 3, 2 d c in same space, skip 2 s c, sl st in next st, repeat from * all around, join, cut yarn. With 2 strands of White make a chain about 24 inches long, cut yarn. Tie in bow, attach to top of beret.



SIZES: Small, Medium, Large
Materials Required:
4 (5, 5)—4 oz. skeins White for Bolero
1—4 oz. skein White for Hat
1—4 oz. skein Scarlet for Bolero and Hat
10—⅝ inch bone rings
Crochet Hook Size F
GAUGE 5 sts = 1 inch

Directions are given for small size. Changes for medium and large sizes are given in parentheses.

Width across back at underarm:
17 (18, 19) inches
Width across each front at underarm:
8 (9, 10) inches

BACK: With White cast on 74 (78, 82) sts. 1st ROW: K 2, * P 2, K 2, repeat from * across row. Repeat 1st row for pattern. Inc 1 st each side every 1½ (1¾, 1) inches 5 (6, 7) times—84 (90, 96) sts. Work even in pattern until back measures 9 inches from beg, or desired length to underarm. SHAPE ARMHOLES: Bind off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each end every other row 3 times (all sizes)—68 (74, 80) sts. Work even until armholes measure 6½ (7, 7½) inches from beg of armhole shaping. SHAPE NECK AND SHOULDERS: Work 22 (24, 26) sts, bind off next 24 (26, 28) sts for back of neck, work to end of row. Working on one shoulder, dec 1 st at neck edge every row 4 times. Work 2 rows even. Bind off 9 (10, 11) sts at armhole edge twice. Complete other shoulder to correspond.

continuation from page 15


RIGHT FRONT: Cast on 30 (34, 38) sts. 1st ROW (wrong side): Work in pattern across. 2nd ROW (inc row): Inc 1 st at beg of row (front edge), work across. Repeat last 2 rows 5 times. At the same time, inc at side edge same as back—41 (46, 51) sts. Work even until same length as back to underarm. SHAPE ARMHOLE: Work same as back. Work until 1 inch above beg of armhole shaping, ending at front edge. SHAPE NECK: Bind off 10 (12, 14) sts, complete row in pattern. Dec 1 st at neck edge every other row 5 (6, 7) times—18 (20, 22) sts. Work even until armhole measures same as back armhole. SHAPE SHOULDER: Work same as back.

LEFT FRONT: Work same as right front, reversing all shaping.

SLEEVES: Cast on 50 (54, 58) sts. Work in pattern same as back, inc 1 st each side every 2 (1½, 1½) inches 5 (6, 7) times—60 (66, 72) sts. Work even until sleeve measures 11 inches from beg, or desired length to underarm. SHAPE CAP: Bind off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Then dec 1 st at beg of each row until 22 sts remain (all sizes). Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Bind off remaining 14 sts.

FINISHING: Block each section. Sew shoulder and side seams. Sew sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in position. With right side facing, work 2 rows of s c around entire Bolero and sleeve edges. EYELETS: With Scarlet, work 10 s c over a bone ring, join. NEXT ROUND: * Ch 1, sl st in next st, repeat from * all around, join, cut yarn. Work remaining rings in same manner. Sew 5 eyelets along each front edge spacing evenly as illustrated. CORD: Work a ch about 1½ yds. Work a sl st in 2nd st from hook and in loop on wrong side of each remaining st of ch, cut yarn. Lace through eyelets as illustrated. POMPONS: Make 2. Wind Scarlet 150 times over a 3 inch cardboard, sl off cardboard and tie in center. Cut both ends and trim into shape. Attach to each end of cord.



Cast on 74 sts and work in stockinette st for 3 inches, then work in pattern same as bolero for 4½ inches. Bind off. Turn stockinette st band under and sew in place. Sew seam. Divide and mark top into 8 equal sections and sew tog at markers. Finish with pompons same as Bolero, but make chain ¾ yd. long. Tie chain into bow and attach to top of Hat.


Her Crocheted Jacket


as seen in color on our back cover

with continuation from page 18

SIZES: 34, 36, 38
Materials Required:
7 (7, 8)—4 oz. skeins Fisherman
Hooks and Eyes
GAUGE: 2 pattern sts = 1 inch

Directions are given for size 34. Changes for sizes 36 and 38 are given in parentheses.

Width across back at underarm:
17 (18, 19) inches
Width across each front at underarm:
10 (10½, 11) inches)

BACK: Ch 70 (74, 78), pull up a loop in 2nd ch from hook, skip next ch, pull up a loop in next st of ch, yo and work off all loops at one time, * ch 1, pull up a loop in same space where last loop was pulled up, skip next st of ch, pull up a loop in next st, yo and work off all loops at one time, repeat from * across ch, ch 1, turn. 2nd ROW (right side): Pull up a loop in ch 1 and in next st, yo and work off all loops at one time, * ch 1, pull up a loop in same space where last loop was pulled up, skip 1 st, pull up a loop in next st, yo and work off all loops at one time (pattern st), repeat from * across row, ch 1, turn—34 (36, 38) patterns. Repeat last row until back measures 18 inches from beg, or length desired to underarm, ending with an odd number row. Do not work ch 1, turn.


SHAPE ARMHOLES: 1st DEC ROW: sl st across 1st 5 sts (all sizes), ch 1, pull up a loop in same space as last sl st, skip 1 st, pull up a loop in next st, complete st, work in pattern to within last 6 sts (all sizes), sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. 2nd DEC ROW: Skip the sl st, sl st in next 2 sts, ch 1, pull up a loop in same st, skip 1 st, pull up a loop in next st, complete st, work 25 (27, 29) more patterns, sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. NEXT ROW: Skip the sl st. Pull up a loop in next 2 sts, complete st, then work 25 (27, 29) more patterns, sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. Repeat last 2 rows once but have 2 less patterns in dec row. There will be 24 (26, 28) patterns. Work even in pattern until armholes measure 7½ (8, 8¾) inches from 1st dec row ending on wrong side. SHAPE SHOULDERS: Skip the ch 1, sl st across 1st 3 (5, 7) sts, ch 1, work 5 patterns (all sizes), sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. Work 3 (3, 4) patterns, sl st in next st, cut yarn. Skip 18 sts (all sizes) of last long row, attach yarn in next st, work 5 patterns (all sizes), sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. NEXT ROW: Skip the sl st, sl st across next 4 (4, 2) sts, work 3 (3, 4) patterns, cut yarn. LEFT FRONT: Ch 42 (44, 46). Work same as back until 2 inches less than back to underarm ending at side edge. START LAPEL SHAPING: NEXT ROW: Work in pattern across row, ch 1, then pull up a loop in last st worked in and on side of same st (inc at end of row), yo and work off all loops, ch 1, turn. Work 3 rows even. Repeat last 4 rows 6 times (all sizes). At the same time, when front measures same length as back to underarm, shape armhole same as back. When armhole measures same as back armhole, shape shoulder same as right back shoulder, ending at shoulder edge, cut yarn.

RIGHT FRONT: Work same as left front, reversing shaping until armhole measures same as back armhole ending at front edge, cut yarn, turn. SHAPE SHOULDER: Attach yarn in 28th st, keeping continuity of pattern, work 5 patterns (all sizes), sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. NEXT ROW: Skip the sl st, sl st across next 4 (4, 2) sts, work 3 (3, 4) patterns, cut yarn.

SLEEVES: Ch 42 (44, 46). Work 1st 6 rows same as back. 7th and 8th ROWS: Work in pattern across row, inc 1 pattern at end of each row. Repeat these 8 rows 4 more times—30 (31, 32) patterns. Work even in pattern until sleeve measures 16 inches from beg, or length desired to underarm. Do not work ch 1, turn. SHAPE CAP: 1st DEC ROW: Sl st across 1st 5 sts, ch 1, pull up a loop in same space as last sl st, skip 1 st, pull up a loop in next st, complete st, work in pattern across row to within last 6 sts, sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. 2nd DEC ROW: Skip the sl st, sl st in next st, ch 1, pull up a loop in same st, skip 1 st, pull up a loop in next st, complete st, work 21 (22, 23) more patterns, sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. NEXT ROW: Pull up a loop in sl st and next st, complete st, then work 21 (22, 23) more patterns, sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. Repeat 19 last 2 rows 4 (4, 5) times, having 2 patterns less in each dec row, cut yarn.

COLLAR: Ch 60 loosely, pull up a loop in 2nd st from hook and in next st, yo and work off all loops at one time, * ch 1, pull up a loop in last st worked in and next st, yo and work off all loops at one time, repeat from * 5 times, * ch 1, pull up a loop in last st worked in, skip 1 st, pull up a loop in next st, yo and work off all loops at one time, repeat from last * 9 times, * ch 1, pull up a loop in last st worked and in next st, yo and work off all loops at one time, repeat from last * 3 times, * ch 1, pull up a loop in last st, skip 1 st, pull up a loop in next st, repeat from last * 9 times, ch 1, work 7 more patterns but do not skip 1 st between patterns, ch 1, turn. NEXT 8 ROWS: Work even in pattern, cut yarn.

FINISHING: Block all sections. Sew side, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in position. Sew collar in position easing collar at back of neck. EDGE: With right side facing, attach yarn at lapel shaping of left front, working down front work in s c working 1 s c at side of each row, 3 s c in corner, sl st across lower edge of fronts and back, 3 s c in corner of other front, s c up right front to corresponding row, cut yarn. 2nd ROW: Attach yarn in 1st s c of corner of right front, pull up a loop in each of the next 2 s c, yo and work off all loops at one time, * ch 1, pull up a loop in last st, skip 1 st, pull up a loop in next st, yo and work off all loops at one time, repeat from * across front to last s c, cut yarn. Attach yarn in 1st s c at lapel shaping and work left front in same manner. With wrong side of work facing, attach yarn in s c at lapel shaping already worked in, and working around lapels and collar, work 1 s c in each row at side of lapel, 1 s c in each st across top of lapel, 1 s c in each row at side of collar, 1 s c in each st across top of collar, 1 s c in each row of opposite side of collar, 1 s c in each st across top of lapel, 1 s c in each row at side of lapel, join to next s c, cut yarn, do not turn. Attach yarn in 1st s c and work in pattern same as front edge, but do not skip 1 st at corner, join, cut yarn.

If desired sew hooks and eyes at front edge.

NO. 2 • NO. 1


illustrated on page 10


He or She Coat Sweater

as seen in color on our back cover

Ladies’: Small, Medium, Large
Men’s: Small, Medium, Large
Materials Required:
9 (9, 10)—10, 11, 12—4 oz. skeins
1—4 oz. skein for Hat
1—4 oz. skein each Spruce or Moss and Burnt Orange or Tangerine (all sizes for sweater and hat)
1 yd. grosgrain ribbon ½ inch wide
2 Large Snaps
GAUGE: 10 sts = 3 inches

Directions are given for ladies’ small size. Changes for medium and large sizes are given in parenthesis. Men’s small, medium and large sizes are given in bold face type.

Width across back at underarm:
18 (19½, 21)— 21, 22, 23 inches
Width across each front at underarm:
10 (11, 12)— 12, 13½, 15 inches

BACK: With 2 strands Fisherman, cast on 61 (65, 69)— 69, 73, 77 sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 4 rows. START PATTERN: 1st ROW (wrong side): K 1, * yarn to front, sl 1 as if to P, K 1, repeat from * across. 2nd ROW: K across. Repeat these 2 rows for pattern until back measures 18 inches from beg, or length desired to underarm. SHAPE ARMHOLES: Bind off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at beg of next 6 rows—45 (49, 53)— 53, 57, 61 sts. Work even until armholes measure 7 (7½, 8)— 8, 8½, 9 inches from beg of armhole shaping. SHAPE SHOULDERS: Bind off 7 (8, 8)— 8, 9, 10 sts at beg of next 2 rows; then 7 (8, 9)— 9, 10, 10 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bind off remaining 17 (17, 19)— 19, 19, 21 sts for back of neck.

RIGHT FRONT: With 2 strands Fisherman, 11 cast on 33 (37, 41)— 41, 45, 49 sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing across to within last 6 sts, K 6 sts for border. NEXT ROW: K 6 border sts, P 1, K 1 in ribbing across row. Repeat last 2 rows once. START PATTERN: NEXT ROW: Work 1st pattern row to within last 6 sts, K 6 border sts. NEXT ROW: K 6 border sts, K across remaining sts. Repeat last 2 rows until front measures same as back to underarm, ending at front edge. SHAPE ARMHOLE, NECK AND COLLAR: K 6 border sts, inc 1 st in next st (collar), place a marker, K 3 tog through back loop of sts (a dec of 2 sts), complete row in pattern. Bind off 5 sts at beg of next row. Complete armhole dec same as back; AT THE SAME TIME continue pattern as established working collar in garter st, inc 1 st at collar before the marker every other row, and dec 2 sts at neck edge every 4th row 2 (3, 4)— 4, 5, 6 times more, there will be 27 (31, 34)— 34, 38, 41 sts on needle. Work even until armhole measures same as back. SHAPE SHOULDER: Bind off 7 (8, 8)— 8, 9, 10 sts at armhole edge once, then 7 (8, 9)— 9, 10, 10 sts at same edge once. Continue to work on remaining 13 (15, 17)— 17, 19, 21 sts for back of collar for 4 (4, 4¼)— 4¼, 4½, 4¾ inches. Bind off.

LEFT FRONT: With 2 strands Fisherman, cast on 33 (37, 41)— 41, 45, 49 sts. K 6 border sts, K 1, P 1 in ribbing across row (this reverses border). Work same manner as right front to underarm, ending at side edge. SHAPE ARMHOLE, NECK AND COLLAR: Bind off 5 sts at beg of next row, work across to within last 10 sts, K 3 tog through front loop of sts (a dec of 2 sts), place a marker, inc 1 st in next st (collar), K 6 border sts. Complete shaping to correspond to right front.

SLEEVES: With 2 strands Fisherman, cast on 31 (31, 35)— 35, 39, 39 sts. Work in pattern same as back for 3 inches. Then inc 1 st each end every 1 (1, 1)— 1½, 1½, 1½ inches 8 times (all sizes)—47 (47, 51)— 51, 55, 55 sts. Work even until 16 (17, 17½)— 18, 19, 20 inches from beg, or desired length to underarm. SHAPE CAP: Bind off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each end every 4th row 7 times (all sizes). Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Bind off remaining sts.

BELT: With 2 strands Fisherman, cast on 6 (6, 6)—7, 7, 7 sts and work in garter st for desired length. Bind off. BELT LOOPS: With 2 strands Fisherman, cast on 11 (11, 11)— 12, 12 12 sts. Bind off.

FINISHING: Steam and block each section to size. Embroider design in duplicate st (see page 7 ) using double strand of yarn. Work design over slip sts following chart No. 1 on page 19 for lower edge. Start in the 2 center sts of back and work in a continuing design from right to left of center, across back, across front, to front border. Finish design at front borders to correspond to center back. Work design according to chart No. 2 for Yoke starting in the 2 center sts of back and complete in same manner as lower edge. Repeat from A to B of chart No. 2 for design for sleeves but have only 1 st for center of sleeve. Sew shoulder and sleeve seams matching design. Sew sleeves in position. Weave collar seam. Sew collar to back of neck easing to fit. Sew belt loops in place at side seams. Lace belt through loops. Sew ½ inch grosgrain ribbon across shoulders to hold in position.


Cast on 61 sts and work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 13 rows. Repeat 1st and 2nd pattern rows 13 times (his) and desired length (hers) ending with 1st pattern row. 1st DEC ROW: * K 3 tog, K 1, repeat from * across. NEXT 5 ROWS: Work in pattern. 2nd DEC ROW: K 3 tog across row, cut yarn leaving a length. Thread into blunt needle and draw sts tog, fasten securely. Embroider as illustrated following chart for sleeve starting embroidery 1 row above ribbing. Sew back seam.


He and She Knitted Vests

Embroider them, if you please

SIZES: Small, Medium, Large
Materials Required:
3—4 oz. skeins main color for all Ladies’ and Men’s sizes
1—4 oz. skein contrasting color for Ladies’
Plastic Crochet Hook Size H
5 Bone rings for Ladies’
5 Buttons for Men’s
GAUGE: 4 sts = 1 inch

Directions are given for Ladies’ small size. Changes for medium and large sizes are given in parentheses. Men’s small, medium and large sizes are given in Bold Face Type .

Width across back at underarm:
16½ (17½, 18½); 19½, 20½, 21½ inches
Width across each front at underarm:
8 (9, 10); 11, 12, 13 inches.

BACK: Cast on 67 (71, 75); 79, 83, 87 sts. Beg with P row, work in stockinette st (P 1 row, K 1 row) until back measures 15 inches for ladies’ and 13 inches for men’s, or length desired to underarm. SHAPE ARMHOLES: Bind off 7 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each side every K row 6 times (all sizes)—41 (45, 49); 53, 57, 61 sts. Work until armholes measure 7½ (8, 8½); 9, 9½, 10 inches from bound-off sts. SHAPE SHOULDERS : Bind off 5 (6, 7); 7, 8, 8 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Bind off remaining 21 (21, 21); 25, 25, 29 sts for back of neck.

LEFT FRONT: (Note: Work Men’s right front first omitting buttonholes, but placing markers for buttons.) Cast on 3 sts. 1st ROW: P across, cast on 3 sts at end of row. 2nd ROW: K across, cast on 1 st at end of row. Repeat last 2 rows until there are 27 (31, 35); 39, 43, 47 sts on needle, ending at front edge; cast on 7 sts for front border—34 (38, 42); 46, 50, 54 sts. NEXT ROW: K 1, P 1 ribbing for 7 sts (border), P across. Continue in stockinette st keeping front border in ribbing until same length as back to underarm, ending at armhole edge. SHAPE ARMHOLE AND NECK: Bind off 7 (7, 7); 9, 9, 9 sts, work across to within last 9 sts, K 2 tog (neck dec), work 7 border sts. Dec 1 st at armhole edge every K row 6 times, AT THE SAME TIME, repeat neck dec every 6th row for all ladies’ sizes until 17 (19, 21) sts remain; dec every 4th row for men’s small and medium sizes; for men’s large sizes only work neck dec every other row 5 times, then continue to dec every 4th row (all men’s sizes) until 21, 23, 23 sts remain. Work even (all sizes) until armhole measures same as back armhole, ending at armhole edge. SHAPE SHOULDER: Bind off 5 (6, 7); 7, 8, 8 sts at armhole edge twice. Continue on 7 border sts until border reaches center back of neck, bind off. Mark front border for 5 evenly spaced buttons having 1st marker ½ inch above lower edge, and last marker at beg of neck shaping.

continuation from page 17

RIGHT FRONT: Work same as left front reversing shaping (cast on 1 st at end of P row, and cast on 3 sts at end of K row), and starting border st ribbing with P 1. Work 5 buttonholes opposite markers as follows: starting at front edge, work 2 sts, bind off next 3 sts, complete row; on next row cast on 3 sts over bound-off sts. Work neck shaping as follows: work 7 border sts, sl 1, K 1, p.s.s.o. (neck dec), and complete row.

FINISHING: Steam each section. Sew shoulder and side seams. With right side facing, attach yarn on left front border, pick up and K across front, back and other front. NEXT ROW: Bind off in P. ARMHOLE BANDS: Make 2. Cast on 5 sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 17 (18, 19); 20, 21, 22 inches, bind off. Sew band in position around armhole easing to fit. Work 1 row of sl sts around edge and around armholes. Sew buttons in place on Men’s vest. Work s c over bone rings for Ladies’ buttons, draw s c to center of bone ring and sew in position. Embroider Ladies’ left front with contrasting color following chart on page 22. Work diagonals over 2 rows in duplicate st (see page 7 ). Start right front 1 st below last st at left front edge. Finish with fringe. Cut contrasting color into 8 inch lengths, take 3 strands, insert hook in 1st st on lower edge, fold fringe in half, pick up fringe and draw through st, then pull ends through loop. Work a fringe in every other st around lower edge.



as seen in color on our front cover

Ladies’ Small, Medium, Large
Men’s Small, Medium, Large
Materials Required:
3 (4, 4); 4, 4, 5 —4 oz. skeins Fisherman

GAUGE: 9 sts = 2 inches (pattern st, blocked). Directions are given for ladies’ small size. Changes for medium and large are given in parentheses. Men’s small, medium and large sizes are given in Bold Face Type.

Width across back at underarm: 15 (17, 19); 19, 21, 23 inches. Width across each front at underarm without front band: 7 (9, 9); 11, 11, 13 inches.

BACK: Cast on 68 (77, 86); 86, 95, 104 sts. 1st ROW (right side): P 2, K 1, P 2, * K 4, P 2, K 1, P 2, repeat from * across row. 2nd ROW: K 2, P 1, K 2, * P 4, K 2, P 1, K 2, repeat from * across row. 3rd ROW: P 2, K 1, P 2, * skip 1 st, K in front of next st but do not drop from needle, K skipped st, drop both sts from needle, skip next st, K in back of next st but do not drop from needle, K skipped st, drop both sts from needle, P 2, K 1, P 2, repeat from * across row. 4th ROW: Repeat 2nd row. Repeat last 4 rows for pattern until back measures 19 inches, or length desired to underarm ending with 4th row of pattern. SHAPE ARMHOLES: Bind off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each side every other row 3 (4, 5); 5, 6, 7 times—52 (59, 66); 66, 73, 80 sts. Continue in pattern until armholes measure 7 (7½, 8); 8½, 9, 9½ inches above beg of armhole shaping, ending on wrong side. SHAPE SHOULDERS: Bind off 7 (7, 8); 8, 9, 10 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Bind off remaining 24 (31, 34); 34, 37, 40 sts for back of neck.

LEFT FRONT: Cast on 32 (41, 41); 50, 50, 59 sts. Work in pattern same as back until same length as back to underarm, ending with same row as back. SHAPE ARMHOLE AND NECK: Work armhole same as back; AT SAME TIME dec 1 st at neck edge every row as follows: Ladies’ medium 4 times; Men’s small size 10 times; Men’s medium size twice, Men’s large size 12 times; then for all sizes dec 1 st at neck edge every other row 10 (14, 15); 14, 19, 15 times; 14 (14, 16); 16, 18, 20 sts remain. Work even until armhole measures same as back. SHAPE SHOULDER: Bind off 7 (7, 8); 8, 9, 10 sts at armhole edge twice.

RIGHT FRONT: Work same as left front, reversing shaping.

FINISHING: Block each section. Sew shoulder and side seams. BIAS BAND: Make 2. Cast on 1 st. Work in garter st (K each row), inc 1 st at beg of each row until 12 sts are on needle. NEXT ROW: Continuing in garter st, dec 1 st at beg of row. NEXT ROW: Inc 1 st at beg of row. Repeat these 2 rows for 48 (50, 52); 54, 56, 58 inches, or to measure from center back of lower edge to center back of neck. Dec 1 st at beg of each row until all sts are dec. ARMHOLE BANDS: Work same as sweater bands for 16 (17, 18); 19, 20, 21 inches. Join short ends of sweater bands tog. With seams at center back of neck and at center back of lower edge, sew band around edge. Fold to wrong side, and sew in place. Sew armhole bands in position in same manner.



illustrated on page 13

Chain ch
Stitch st
Slip Stitch sl st
Single Crochet s c
Short Double Crochet s d c
Double Crochet d c
Treble Crochet tr c
Double Treble Crochet d tr c
Treble Treble Crochet tr tr c
Yarn Over yo
Increase inc
Decrease dec

Asterisk ... * This indicates that the directions immediately following are to be repeated the given number of times in addition to the ones already given. Thus “repeat from * 3 times” means 4 patterns in all.



NOTE: See back of sweater for pattern st explanation. With No. 6 needles, cast on 90 sts and work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 7 rows. Change to No. 8 needles and inc as follows: K 4, work 2 sts in next 83 sts, K 3 (173 sts). NEXT ROW: P across. START PATTERN: 1st ROW: K 1, * sl st twist over 4 sts, trinity st over next 12 sts, sl st twist over next 4 sts, bubble st over next 11 sts, sl st twist over next 4 sts, cable pattern over next 22 sts, repeat from * twice ending K 1. Continue in pattern until there are 5 cable twists ending with 5th pattern row (do not start new bubble patterns in this row), 161 sts. NEXT ROW: P 1, ** K 2 tog, P 4 tog, P 4 tog, K 2 tog, P 4 tog, P 4 tog, K 2 tog, P 4 tog, K 4 tog, K 3 tog, K 4 tog, P 4 tog, * K 4 tog, repeat from * twice, P 4 tog, then repeat from ** twice ending P 1, (50 sts). NEXT ROW: K 2 tog across row, cut yarn leaving a length. Thread yarn into blunt needle and draw sts tog.

FINISHING: Weave back seam. POMPON: Wind yarn 150 times over a 3 inch cardboard, slip off cardboard; tie in center, cut both ends and trim into shape. Attach to top of beret.


NOTE: See back of sweater for pattern st explanation. With No. 6 needles cast on 90 sts and work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 3½ inches. Change to No. 8 needles and work as follows: K 2, trinity st over next 8 sts, sl st twist over next 4 sts, bubble st over next 11 sts, sl st twist over next 4 sts, cable pattern over next 32 sts, sl st twist over next 4 sts, bubble st over next 11 sts, sl st twist over next 4 sts, trinity st over next 8 sts, K 2. Continue in pattern as established until there are 5 cable twists ending with 5th pattern row. NEXT ROW: (Dec) P 2, * P 4 tog, repeat from * twice, * P 3 tog, repeat from last * 4 times, P 4 tog, P 4 tog, * P 3 tog, repeat from last * 3 times, P 4 tog, P 4 tog, * P 3 tog, repeat from last * 3 times, P 4 tog, P 4 tog, * P 3 tog, repeat from last * 4 times, P 4 tog, P 4 tog, P 2. NEXT ROW: K across. NEXT ROW: P 1, P 2 tog across to within last st, P 1, cut yarn leaving a length. Thread into needle and draw sts tog. Sew back seam, matching patterns. Finish with pompon. POMPON: Wind yarn 100 times over a 1½ inch cardboard, slip off cardboard, tie in center and cut both ends. Trim into shape. Attach to top of beanie.


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Transcriber’s Notes