The Project Gutenberg eBook of A List of Philippine Baptismal Names

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Title : A List of Philippine Baptismal Names

Compiler : Edwin Emil Schneider

Author of introduction, etc. : David P. Barrows

Editor : Emerson Brewer Christie

Release date : April 9, 2022 [eBook #67803]

Language : English

Original publication : Philippines: Department of Public Instruction, 1905

Credits : Jeroen Hellingman and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at for Project Gutenberg (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.)

[ Contents ]

Newly Designed Front Cover.

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[ Contents ]

Original Title Page.

BULLETIN No. 9, 1905

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[ Contents ]


The following list of Philippine baptismal names originated with Mr. E. E. Schneider, a teacher in the Bureau of Education in the division of Ambos Camarines, and was submitted to the undersigned in October of last year.

Mr. Schneider found that very great difficulty is experienced by American teachers in determining the correct spelling of the proper names of Filipino pupils enrolled in our schools. Filipino teachers also are frequently careless in this matter, and, through neglect and the absence of proper standards, the spelling of proper names in the Philippines has undergone great corruption. The necessity for such a list as this is certainly apparent to anyone who has had the task of properly enrolling pupils in a school.

Mr. Schneider’s list comprises something more than 1,400 names. They were in large part taken from the Roman Catholic calendars, but other names were added by him from school registers and other sources.

It was Mr. Schneider’s recommendation that the matter be submitted to revision here in Manila, and this task was excellently performed by Mr. Emerson Christie. Mr. Christie went through a great number of the cedula lists of Manila, examining over 25,000 names, and in this way verified and corrected many doubtful names. In making corrections of the spelling of these names as they appear on the cedula lists, Mr. Christie followed an authorized edition of the Roman Martyrology, published in Madrid in 1891. In adding written accent marks he followed the rules of the Royal Spanish Academy as set forth in its authoritative grammar in Chapter III, Part IV.

Mr. Christie desired to express his deep sense of obligation to Monsignor Fowler, Father Stanton, S. J., Father O’Connell, S. J., Father Sotero, who aided him in the work and collaborated with [ 5 ] him; and to Mr. Ellis Cromwell, chief deputy collector of the Department of Assessments and Collections, who gave him free access to the tens of thousands of names preserved in his office.

David P. Barrows ,
General Superintendent of Education .

[ Contents ]


To facilitate the use of the list, the compiler begs leave to call the attention of his fellow-teachers to the following common sources of error:

  • (1) Confusing g , j , and h . H having in the native languages the same value as g before e and i and as j before all vowels, is frequently confused with them. (Examples: Heminiano and Jiminiano for Geminiano; Aleho for Alejo.)
  • (2) Confusing b and p with v and f . (Bibencia for Vivencia; PilemĂłn for FilemĂłn.)
  • (3) Confusing c , s , and z , and sometimes x . (CenĂłn for ZenĂłn; CenĂŠn for SenĂŠn; Zofronio for Sofronio; Felis and Feliz for Felix; MĂĄcsima for MĂĄxima.)
  • (4) Confusing e with i , and o with u . (EusĂ­dio for Eusebio; Froctoso for Fructuoso.)
  • (5) Omitting or inserting initial H . (Eladio for Heladio; Henrique for Enrique.)
  • (6) Writing ll for li and Ăą for ni . (Emillo for Emilio; HigiĂąo for Higinio. Ll and Ăą occur only once in the whole list, in Llorente and IĂąigo.)

The above are only a few out of hundreds of examples actually found in school registers, tax and cedula lists, etc.

Referring to the written accent in such names as DamiĂĄn (o) (a), it should be remembered that this disappears in the forms with vowel terminations, as in these the natural tonic accent falls on the penultimate syllable.

While the compiler hopes that the list may be of service to his colleagues in teaching their pupils what American children learn almost first of all—that is, to spell correctly their own names—he is at the same time well aware that this attempt is not complete nor absolutely correct, and he will acknowledge with sincere thanks any additions and corrections that teachers or others may be kind enough to send him.

E. E. Schneider.

[ Contents ]


[ Contents ]


  • AarĂłn
  • AbdĂ­as
  • AbdĂłn
  • Abercio
  • Abraham
  • AbsalĂłn
  • Abundio
  • Acacio
  • Acario
  • Acisclo
  • Acucio
  • Acudeo
  • Adalberto
  • Adela
  • Adelaida
  • Adelfo (a)
  • Adelina
  • Adolfo
  • Adriano (a)
  • Afro (a)
  • Afrodisio (a)
  • Agapito (a)
  • Agatocilia
  • AgatĂłn (a)
  • AgatĂłnico (a)
  • AgatĂłpedes
  • Aglae
  • Agoardo
  • AgrĂ­cola
  • Agripino (a)
  • Águedo (a)
  • AgustĂ­n (a)
  • Albano (a)
  • Alberico (a)
  • Alberto (a)
  • Albino (a)
  • Aldegunda
  • Alejandro (a)
  • Alejandrino (a)
  • Alejo (a)
  • Alfonso (a)
  • Alfredo (a)
  • Alipio (a)
  • Almaquio (a)
  • Alodia
  • Alvaro (a)
  • Amadeo (a)
  • Amado (a)
  • Amador
  • Amalio (a)
  • Amancio (a)
  • Amando (a)
  • Amaranto (a)
  • Amario (a)
  • Ambrosio (a)
  • Amelberga
  • Amiano (a)
  • AmĂłn (a)
  • Amonaria
  • AmĂłs
  • Amparo
  • Ana
  • Anacleto (a)
  • AnanĂ­as
  • Anastasio (a)
  • Anatolio (a)
  • Andoquio (a)
  • Andrea
  • AndrĂŠs
  • Anfiloquio (a)
  • Ángel (a)
  • Ángeles
  • AngĂŠlica
  • Aniano (a)
  • Aniceto (a)
  • Anisio (a)
  • Anselmo (a)
  • Ansia
  • Antea
  • Antelmo (a)
  • Antero (a)
  • Antidio (a)
  • Antioco (a)
  • Antipas
  • Antoliana
  • Antonio (a)
  • Antusa
  • AnunciaciĂłn
  • Apeles
  • Apias
  • Apolinar (io) (ia)
  • Apolonio (a)
  • Aproniano (a)
  • Áquila
  • AquĂ­leo (a)
  • Aquilino (a)
  • Arcadio (a)
  • ArcĂĄngel [ 9 ]
  • Areta
  • Aretas
  • ArgĂŠntea
  • Aristarco (a)
  • ArĂ­stides
  • AristĂłn (a)
  • Arnolfo (a)
  • Arsenio (a)
  • Artemio (a)
  • Arturo (a)
  • AscenciĂłn
  • Astorga
  • AsunciĂłn
  • Atalo (a)
  • Atanasio (a)
  • Atenodoro (a)
  • AtenĂłgenes
  • Atilano (a)
  • AtĂłn
  • Augurio (a)
  • Augusto (a)
  • Aureo (a)
  • Aurelio (a)
  • Aurora
  • Auspicio (a)
  • Austreberta (o)
  • AustregĂ­silo (a)
  • Austremonia
  • Avelino (a)
  • Avito (a)
  • Azas
[ Contents ]


  • Balbino (a)
  • Baldomero (a)
  • Baltasar (a)
  • BĂĄrbara
  • Barbea
  • BarlaĂĄn
  • Barsabas
  • BartolomĂŠ (ea)
  • Barula
  • BasĂ­la (eo)
  • Basiliano
  • Basilio (a)
  • Basiliso (a)
  • Basso (a)
  • Batilde
  • Baudelio (a)
  • BĂĄyulo
  • Beata (o)
  • Beatriz
  • Beda
  • Bega
  • Benedicto (a)
  • Benigna (o)
  • Benildes
  • Benito
  • BenjamĂ­n
  • Bercario
  • Berenguer
  • Berenice
  • BernabĂŠ
  • Bernabela
  • Bernardino (a)
  • Bernardo (a)
  • Berta
  • Bertila
  • Bertino
  • Bertoldo
  • Bibiano (a)
  • Bienvenido (a)
  • Blanca
  • Blanda
  • Blandina
  • Blas (a)
  • Bona
  • Bonifacio
  • Bonosa
  • Borromeo
  • Braulio
  • Briccio
  • BrĂ­gido (a)
  • Bruno (a)
  • Buenaventura
  • Burcardo
[ Contents ]


  • Calamanda
  • Calinico (a)
  • Caliopa
  • Caliopio
  • Calixto (a)
  • Camilo (a)
  • Candelaria
  • CĂĄndido (a)
  • Cantalicio
  • Cantidio
  • Canuto (a)
  • Capitolina
  • Capiton
  • Caridad
  • Carina
  • Carlos
  • Carlota
  • Carolina
  • Carmen
  • Carpo
  • Casdoa
  • Casiano
  • Casimiro
  • Casio
  • CĂĄstido
  • Casto
  • Castor (a) (io)
  • Catalino (a)
  • Cayetano (a)
  • Cayo
  • Ceciliano [ 10 ]
  • Cecilio (a)
  • Ceferino (a)
  • Celedonio (a)
  • Celerino (a)
  • Celestino (a)
  • Celso
  • Centola
  • CĂŠsar
  • CesĂĄreo (a)
  • Cilina
  • Cipriano (a)
  • Cirenia
  • Ciriaco (a)
  • Cirilo (a)
  • Cirion (Ciria)
  • Ciro
  • Citino
  • Clarencio
  • Clarina
  • Claro (a)
  • Clateo
  • Claudiano (a)
  • Claudio (a)
  • Clemencia
  • Clemente
  • Clementino (a)
  • Cleto (a)
  • Climaco
  • Clodoaldo
  • Clotilde
  • Codrato
  • Cointa
  • Coleta
  • Colmano
  • Colomano
  • Columbano
  • Columbo (a)
  • ConcepciĂłn
  • Conceso (a)
  • Concordio (a)
  • Conrado
  • ConsolaciĂłn
  • Consolada
  • Consorcia
  • Constancio (a)
  • Constantino
  • Consuelo
  • Cordula
  • Corentino
  • Corinto (a)
  • Cornelio (a)
  • Cosme
  • CosmedĂ­n
  • Credula
    Corr. for Cordula
  • Cremencio
  • Crescenciano (a)
  • Crescencio (a)
  • Crescente
  • Crisanto (a)
  • CrisĂłgono
  • CrisĂłlogo (a)
  • CrisĂłstomo
  • CrispĂ­n (o) (a)
  • Crispiniano
  • CrĂ­spulo (a)
  • Cristeto (a)
  • Cristiano (a)
  • Cristino (a)
  • CristĂłbal
  • Cuadrado
  • Cuartilla
  • Cucufate
  • Cunegunda
  • Custodio (a)
[ Contents ]


  • Dafrosa
  • Dalmacio (a)
  • DĂĄmaso (a)
  • DamiĂĄn (o) (a)
  • Daniel (a)
  • DarĂ­o (a)
  • Dativo (a)
  • Dato
  • David
  • Davino
  • Dedicacion
  • Delfin (a)
  • Democrito (a)
  • Deogracias
  • Desiderio
  • Didimo
  • Diego (a)
  • Digna
  • Diomedes
  • Dionisio (a)
  • DiĂłscoro
  • Diosdado (a)
  • Doda
  • Dolores
  • Domiciano
  • Dominador
  • Domingo (a)
  • Domna
  • Domnino (a)
  • Domnio
  • Donatila
  • Donato (a)
  • Doroteo (a)
  • Druso
  • Dula (s)
[ Contents ]


  • Ebrulfo
  • Edgardo (a)
  • Edilberto (a)
  • Edilburga
  • Ediltrudes
  • Edita [ 11 ]
  • Edmundo (a)
  • Eduardo
  • Eduvigis
  • EfrĂŠn
  • Egidio
  • Eladio (a)
    Corr. of Heladio (a)
  • Elamo
  • EleĂĄzaro
  • Electa
  • Eleno (a)
  • Elenida
  • Eleonor
  • ElesbaĂĄn
  • Eleuterio (a)
  • ElĂ­as
  • Elifio
  • Eligio (a)
  • Elisa
  • Eliseo (a)
  • Elpidio (a)
  • Ema (or Emma)
  • Emelia
  • Emeramo
  • Emerenciana
  • Emerico
  • Emerida
  • Emeterio (a)
  • Emigdio
  • Emilio (a)
  • Emiliano (a)
  • EncarnaciĂłn
  • Engracio (a)
  • Enrique (eta)
  • Eovaldo
  • Epicarides
  • Epifana
  • EpifanĂ­a
  • Epifanio
  • Epimaco
  • Epitacio (a)
  • Erasmo (a)
  • Erena
    Corr. of Herena
  • Eriberto
    Corr. of Heriberto
  • Erico
  • Ernesto (a)
  • ErĂłn
    Corr. of HerĂłn
  • ErĂłteides
  • Erundina
    Corr. of Herundina
  • EscolĂĄstico (a)
  • Esdras
  • Esmaragdo
  • Esmeraldo (a)
  • Espectacion
    Barbarism for ExpertaciĂłn
  • Esperanza
  • EspiridĂ­on
  • Estanislao (a)
  • Esteban (fana)
  • Estefanio (a)
  • Estelita
  • Ester
  • EstratĂłn
  • Euclides
  • Eudosio (a)
  • Eufemio (a)
  • Eufrasio (a)
  • Eufromiano
  • Eufronio
  • Eufrosina
  • Eugeniano
  • Eugenio (a)
  • Eulalio (a)
  • Eulampio (a)
  • Eulogio (a)
  • Eunomia
  • Euquerio
  • Eusebio (a)
  • Eustacio (a)
  • Eustaquio (a)
  • Eustasio (a)
  • Eustoquio (a)
  • Eustorgio
  • Eustosio
  • Eustracio
  • Eutiques
  • Eutiquiano
  • Eutiquio
  • Eutropio (a)
  • Evaldo
  • Evaristo (a)
  • Evelio
  • Evodio (a)
  • ExaltaciĂłn
  • ExpectaciĂłn
  • Ezequiel
  • Exuperio
[ Contents ]


  • FabiĂĄn (o) (a)
  • Fabio
  • Fabiola
  • Fabriciano
  • Facundo (a)
  • Faina
  • Fandila
  • Fausto (a)
  • Faustiniano
  • Faustino (a)
  • FĂŠ
  • Febronia
  • Federico
  • Feliciano (a)
  • Felicidad
  • FelicĂ­simo (a)
  • FelĂ­citas
  • FelĂ­cula
  • Felino
  • Felipe (a) [ 12 ]
  • Felisa
  • Felisardo
  • FĂŠlix
  • FermĂ­n (a)
  • Fernando
  • Ferredo
  • Fiacrio
  • Fidel (a)
  • Fidencio
  • FilemĂłn (a)
  • Fileto
  • Filiberto
  • Filomeno (a)
  • FilĂłn
  • Filoteo
  • Filotero
  • Flaviana (o)
  • Flavio (a)
  • Floberto
    Corr. of Filoberto
  • Flora
  • Florencio (a)
  • Florentino (a)
  • FloriĂĄn (o) (a)
  • Focas
  • Fortunato (a)
  • Francisco (a)
  • Fraterno
  • FroilĂĄn (a)
  • Fructuoso (a)
  • Frutos
  • Fulco
  • Fulgencio (a)
  • Fusca
[ Contents ]


  • Gabino (a)
  • Gabriel (a)
  • GalaciĂłn
  • Galatas
  • Galicano
  • Galo (a)
  • Gamaliel
  • Gaspar (a)
  • Gaudencio (a)
  • Gaudioso
  • Gaudino
  • Gaugerico
  • GedeĂłn
  • Gelando
  • Gelasio
  • Geminiano (a)
  • Gemma
    Probably corr. of Emmao or Ema
  • Genadio
  • Genaro (a)
    Corr. of Jenaro (a)
  • General
  • Generoso (a)
  • Genoveva
  • Georgia
  • Gerardo (a)
  • GereĂłn
  • Gerino
  • GermĂĄn (o) (a)
  • Geroncio
  • GerĂłnimo
    Misspelling for Jeronimo
  • Gertrudis
  • Geruncio
  • Gervasio (a)
  • Getulio
  • Gil
  • GinĂŠs
  • Gisleno
  • Glafira
  • Glicerio (a)
  • Glodovaldo
    Misspelling for Clodoaldo
  • Goar
  • Godolfredo
    Corr. of Godofrido
  • Gonzalo
  • Gorgonio (a)
  • Graciano (a)
  • Gracio (a)
  • Grato (a)
  • Gregorio (a)
  • Gudelia
  • Guido
  • Guillermo (a)
  • Gumersindo
  • Gundenes
  • Gundula
    Erroneous dim. of Gundenes
  • Guniforte
  • Gurias
[ Contents ]


  • Heladio (a)
  • Heliades
  • Heliodoro
  • Heraclio
  • Heradio (a)
  • Herculano
  • Herena
  • Herenia
  • Heriberto (a)
  • Hermas
  • Hermenegildo (a)
  • Herminia
  • HermĂłgenes (ena)
  • HerĂłn
  • Herundina
  • Hieroteo
  • Higinio (a)
  • Higino (a)
    Corr. of the preceding
  • Hilario (a) (on)
  • Hilaro [ 13 ]
  • Hiltrudes
  • Hipado (a)
  • HipĂłlito
  • Honesto
  • Honorato (a)
  • Honorio (a)
  • Hortensio (a)
  • Hospicio (a)
  • Hugo
[ Contents ]


  • Ida
  • Ifigenia
  • Igmedio
    Corr. of Emigdio
  • Ignacio (a)
  • Ildefonso (a)
  • Iluminado (a)
  • Indalecio
  • IndĂŠs
  • InĂŠs
  • Inocencio (a)
  • Inocente
  • Inocentes
  • IĂąigo
  • Iradia
    Corr. of Iraides
  • Irene (eo) (ea)
  • Irmina
  • Isaac
  • Isabel
  • Isabelo
  • Isabino
  • Isacio
  • IsaĂ­as
  • Isidoro (a)
  • Isidro (a)
  • Ismael
  • Ivon
[ Contents ]


  • Jacinto (a)
  • Jacob (o) (a)
  • Jaime
  • Jantipa
  • Januario (a)
  • JasĂłn
  • Javier
  • Jenaro
  • JeremĂ­as
  • JerĂłnimo
  • JesĂşs (sa)
  • JoaquĂ­n (a)
  • Job
  • Joel
  • JonĂĄs
  • Jorge (ea)
  • JosĂŠ (fa) (fina)
  • JosuĂŠ
  • Jovito (a)
  • Juan (a)
  • Judas
  • Julio (a)
  • JuliĂĄn (a)
  • Julita
  • Justiniano (a)
  • Justino (a)
  • Justo (a)
  • Juvencio
[ Contents ]


  • Ladislao
  • Lamberto
  • Largo
  • Laurencio (a)
  • Laurentino
  • Lauriano (a)
  • Lauro (a)
  • LĂĄzaro
  • Leandro
  • Leacadio (a)
  • Leodegario
  • LeĂłn (a)
  • Leonardo (a)
  • Leoncio (a)
  • Leonides
  • Leonila
  • Leonor (or a)
  • Leopardo
  • Leopoldo
  • Leovigildo
  • Leto
  • Liberato (a)
  • Liberio
  • Liborio
  • Librada
  • Licerio
  • Licirio
  • Lidia
    Barbarism for Lydia
  • Ligorio
  • Lino (a)
  • Lioba
  • Llorente
  • Longinos
  • Lope
  • Lopez
  • Lorenzo (a)
  • Loreto
  • Lourdes
  • Lucas
  • LucĂ­a
  • Luciano
  • Lucila
  • Lucina
  • Lucio [ 14 ]
  • Lucrecio (a)
  • Ludovico
  • LuĂ­s (a)
  • Lupcino
  • Lupencio
    Misspelling of Lupcino
  • Luperio
  • Lupo
  • Lutgardes
  • Lutgardo
  • Luz
  • Lydia
[ Contents ]


  • Macario (a)
  • Macedon
  • Macedonio
  • Macra
  • Macrina
  • Macrobio
  • Madrona
    Misspelling of Matrona
  • Magdalena
  • MagĂ­n (a)
  • Magnerico
  • Magno (a)
  • MalaquĂ­as
  • Mamerto (a)
  • Mameto
    Corr. of Mamerto
  • Mamiliano
  • Manuel (a)
  • Maranto
    Corr. of Amaranto
  • Marceliano
  • Marcelino (a)
  • Marcelo (a)
  • Marcia
  • Marcial
  • Marciano (a)
  • Marcos (a)
  • Mardonio
  • Margarita
  • MarĂ­a
  • Mariano (a)
  • Marino (a)
  • Mario
  • MarĂłn
  • Marta
  • MartĂ­n (a)
  • Martiniano (a)
  • Martirio
  • Mateo (ea) (Ă­as)
  • Materno
  • Matilde
  • Matrona
  • Mauro (a)
  • Mauricio (a)
  • Maximiano (a)
  • Maximiliano (a)
  • Maximino (a)
  • Maximo (a)
  • Medardo
  • Melanio (a)
  • Melchor (a)
  • Melecio (a)
  • Melitina
  • Melito
  • Melquiades
  • Menas (eo)
  • Merced
  • Mercedes
  • Mercurio (a)
  • Metodio
  • Micaela
  • Miguel (a)
  • MirĂłn
  • Miropo
  • Modesto (a)
  • MoisĂŠs (etes)
  • MĂłnico (a)
  • Monitor
  • Montano
  • Mucio
  • MustiĂłla
[ Contents ]


  • Nabor
  • Narciso (a)
  • Natalio (a)
  • Natividad
  • Naulina
  • Naval
  • Nazario (a)
  • Nemesio
  • Nemorio
  • Neomisia
  • NeĂłn
  • Nereo
  • Nestor
  • Nestorio
  • Nicandro
  • Nicanor (a)
  • Nicasio (a)
  • NicĂŠforo
  • Niceta
  • Nicetas
  • Nicodemos
  • NicolĂĄs (a)
  • Nicomedes
  • Nieves
  • Nilo
  • Nimia
  • Nono (a)
  • Nonita
    Dim. of above
  • Norberto
  • Novato
  • Numeriano
  • NunilĂłn

[ 15 ]

[ Contents ]


  • Obdulia
  • Octaviano
  • Octavio (a)
  • OdĂłn
  • Olavo
  • Olegario
  • Olimpio (a)
  • Oliva
  • OnĂŠsimo
  • Onofre
  • Optaciano
  • Orestes
  • Oscar
  • Osmundo
  • Osorio
  • Ostiano
  • Otilia
[ Contents ]


  • Pablo
  • Paciano
  • Paciencia
  • Paciente
  • Pacifico
  • Pacita
    Dim. of Paz
  • Pafnucio
  • Paladio (a)
  • PalemĂłn
  • Pancracio
  • PĂĄnfilo
  • PantaleĂłn (a)
  • Parmenas
  • Parmenio
  • Pascasio
  • Pascual (a)
  • Pastor (a)
  • Patermucio
  • Paterno
  • Patricio (a)
  • Patrocinio
  • Patronio
    Misspelling of Petronio
  • Paulo (a)
  • Paulino (a)
  • PĂĄz
  • Pedro
  • Pelagio (a)
  • Pelayo
  • PelegrĂ­n (a)
  • Pelensio
  • Peleo
  • Pentecostes
  • Perfecto (a)
  • Peregrino
  • Perpetuo (a)
  • Perseveranda
  • Petra
  • Petrona
  • Petronilo (a)
  • Petronio
  • Piencia
  • Pilar
  • PĂ­o (a)
  • PlĂĄcido (a)
  • PlatĂłn
  • Plautila
  • Policarpo (a)
  • Policronio
  • Polixena
  • Pompeyo
  • Pomposa
  • Ponciano (a)
  • Poncio
  • Porcario
  • Porfirio (a)
  • Potamiena
  • Potamio (a) (Ăłn)
  • Potenciano (a)
  • PragmĂĄtico
  • PrĂĄxedes
  • Praxidio
    Barbarism for Presidio
  • Precioso (a)
  • PresentaciĂłn
  • Presidio
  • Primitivo (a)
  • Primo
  • Prisco (a)
  • Priscila
  • Privado
  • Probo
  • Proceso (a)
  • Procopio
  • PrĂłculo
  • PrĂłspero
  • Protasio
  • Proto
  • Prudenciana
  • Prudencio (a)
  • Publio (a)
  • Pulqueria
  • Pura
  • PurificaciĂłn
  • PurĂ­simo (a)
[ Contents ]


  • QueremĂłn
  • QuerubĂ­n
  • Quiliano
  • Quinciano
  • Quintila
  • Quintile
  • QuintĂ­n (a) (o)
  • Quiriaco
  • Quirico
  • Quirino
  • Quiterio (a)

[ 16 ]

[ Contents ]


  • Radegunda
  • Rafael (a)
  • Raimundo (a)
  • Rainaldo
  • Rainelda
  • Rainerio
  • Ramiro
  • Ramon (a)
  • Ranulfo
  • Raquel
  • Redempta
  • Regino (a)
  • RemedĂ­o
  • Remedios
  • Remigio (a)
  • Reparata
  • Reparaz
  • Resada
  • Respicio
  • Restituto (a)
  • ResurrecciĂłn
  • Ricardo (a)
  • Ricario
  • Rigoberto
  • Rita
  • Rizal
  • Roberto
  • Rodrigo (a)
  • Rodulfo
  • Rogaciano
  • Rogelio (a)
  • Roman (a) (o)
  • Romarico
  • Romualdo (a)
  • RĂłmulo (a)
  • Roque
  • Rosa
  • RosalĂ­o (a)
  • Rosario
  • Rosauro (a)
  • Rosela
    Barbarism for RĂłsula
  • Rosendo (a)
  • Roseta
  • RĂłsula
  • Rufino (a)
  • Rufo (a)
  • Ruperto (a)
  • RĂşstico (a)
[ Contents ]


  • Sabas
  • Sabel
  • Sabiniano
  • Sabino (a)
  • Sadot
  • Sagar
  • Salaberga
  • SalomĂŠ (ca) (Ăłn)
  • Salud
  • Salustia
  • Salustiano
  • Salvador
  • Salvino
  • Salvio
  • Samonas
  • Samuel
  • Sancho (a)
  • SĂĄndalo
  • Santiago
  • Santos
  • Saturnino (a)
  • Saturo
  • Saula
  • Savino (a)
  • Sebastia (ĂĄn) (a)
  • Sacundiano
  • Secundila
  • Secundino (a)
  • Segismundo
  • Segundina (o)
  • Segundo (a)
  • Semproniana
  • SenĂŠn
  • SefarĂ­n (a)
  • Serapia (o) (Ăłn)
  • Sereno (a)
  • Sergio (a)
  • Servando
  • Servideo
  • Serviliano
  • Servo
  • Servulo
  • Severiano (a)
  • Severino (a)
  • Sexto
  • Siervo
    Better spelling, Servo
  • Silvano
  • Silverio (a)
  • Silvestro (a)
  • Silvino (a)
  • Silvio (a)
  • SĂ­maco
  • SimeĂłn (a)
  • SimĂłn (a)
  • Simplicio (a)
  • Sinforoso (a)
  • Sinesio
  • SĂ­ntica
    Better spelling, Sintiques
  • Sintiques
  • Siricio
  • Siro
  • Sisenando
  • Sixto (a)
  • Socolano
    Barbarism for Solocano
  • Socorro
  • SofĂ­a [ 17 ]
  • Sofronio (a)
  • SolĂłcano
  • Sotero (a)
  • Sulpicio
  • (Surano)
  • Susana
[ Contents ]


  • Taciano (a)
  • Tadeo
  • Tais
  • Tarbula
  • Tarcila
  • Taurino
  • Tea
  • Tecla
  • Telesforo (a)
  • TemĂ­stocles
  • Teodardo
  • Teodorico (a)
  • Teodoro (a)
  • Teodosio (a)
  • Teodoto (a)
  • Teodulfo
  • Teodulo
  • TeĂłfilo (a)
  • Teopisto (es)
  • TeĂłtimo
  • Terenciano
  • Tereso (a)
  • Tiburcio (a)
  • Timolao
  • Timoteo (a)
  • Tirso
  • Tito
  • TobĂ­as
  • Tolomeo
  • TomĂĄs (a)
  • Torcuato (a)
  • Toribio (a)
  • Torpetes
  • Tranquilino (a)
  • TrasĂłn
  • TrifĂłn (a) (ia)
  • Trifosa
  • Trinidad
  • Troadio
  • Troyano
  • Turiano (a)
[ Contents ]


  • Ubaldo (a)
  • Uldarico
  • Ulpiano
  • Ulrica
  • Urbano (a)
  • Ursino
  • Urso
  • Úrsula
  • Urselino (a)
[ Contents ]


  • Valencio
  • Valente
  • ValentĂ­n (a)
  • Valeriano (a)
  • Valerio (a)
  • Vasco
  • Vedasto
  • Venancio (a)
  • Venerando (a)
  • Ventura
  • Verecundo
  • Verena
  • VerĂłnica
  • VĂŠrulo
  • Vicente (a)
  • VĂ­ctor
  • Victoriano (a)
  • Victorio (a)
  • Victorino (a)
  • Victuro
  • Vidal
  • Vigilio (a)
  • Virgilio
  • Virginia
  • VisitaciĂłn
  • Vitaliano
  • Vitalico
  • Vito
  • Viviano (a)
  • Vivencio (a)
  • Vivina
  • Voto
  • Vulpiano
[ Contents ]


  • Walfrido
  • Wenceslao
  • Wilibrordo
  • Wiro
  • Wistremundo
[ Contents ]


  • ZacharĂ­as
  • Zenaides
  • Zenas
  • Zenobio (a)
  • ZenĂłn (a)
  • Zoa
  • Zoe
  • Zoelo
  • Zoilo (a)
  • ZĂłsimo (a)
  • Zotico

Table of Contents

A 8
B 9
C 9
D 10
E 10
F 11
G 12
H 12
I 13
J 13
L 13
M 14
N 14
O 15
P 15
Q 15
R 16
S 16
T 17
U 17
V 17
W 17
Z 17



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The following corrections have been applied to the text:

Page Source Correction Edit distance
1 [ Not in source ] ) 1
11 Fabian FabiĂĄn 1 / 0
11 Felicisimo FelicĂ­simo 1 / 0