2024-06-13T11:12:56Z Buddhist Psalms translated from the Japanese of Shinran Shonin by Shinran Free eBooks since 1971. Project Gutenberg 25 1 2024-06-13T11:12:56Z Buddhist Psalms translated from the Japanese of Shinran Shonin

This edition had all images removed.

Title: Buddhist Psalms translated from the Japanese of Shinran Shonin

Series Title: Wisdom of the East

Credits: Produced by David Starner and the Online Distributed Proofreader's Team

Author: Shinran, 1173-1263

Translator: Beck, L. Adams (Lily Adams), 1862-1931

Translator: Yamabe, S.

EBook No.: 7015

Published: Dec 1, 2004

Downloads: 121

Language: English

Subject: Buddhism

LoCC: Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Buddhism

Category: Text

Rights: Public domain in the USA.

urn:gutenberg:7015:2 2004-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Public domain in the USA. Yamabe, S. Beck, L. Adams (Lily Adams) Shinran en 1
2024-06-13T11:12:56Z Buddhist Psalms translated from the Japanese of Shinran Shonin

This edition has images.

Title: Buddhist Psalms translated from the Japanese of Shinran Shonin

Series Title: Wisdom of the East

Credits: Produced by David Starner and the Online Distributed Proofreader's Team

Author: Shinran, 1173-1263

Translator: Beck, L. Adams (Lily Adams), 1862-1931

Translator: Yamabe, S.

EBook No.: 7015

Published: Dec 1, 2004

Downloads: 121

Language: English

Subject: Buddhism

LoCC: Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Buddhism

Category: Text

Rights: Public domain in the USA.

urn:gutenberg:7015:3 2004-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Public domain in the USA. Yamabe, S. Beck, L. Adams (Lily Adams) Shinran en 1