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Displaying results 1–19
The Turk and his lost provinces : Greece, Bulgaria, Servia, Bosnia
William Eleroy Curtis
The Balkans: A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
D. G. Hogarth, Arnold Toynbee, Nevill Forbes, and David Mitrany
Twenty Years' Residence among the People of Turkey: Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, and Armenians
Fanny Janet Sandison Blunt
An account of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia
William Wilkinson
Turkey; the Awakening of Turkey; the Turkish Revolution of 1908
E. F. Knight
Twenty Years of Balkan Tangle
M. E. Durham
The Balkan Peninsula
Frank Fox
The New Map of Europe (1911-1914)
Herbert Adams Gibbons
Old Europe's Suicide; or, The Building of a Pyramid of Errors
Baron Christopher Birdwood Thomson
Viribus unitis: Wie könnte die europäische Cultur nach Bosnien verpflanzt werden? (German)
Josef von Neupauer
Japan and the Pacific, and a Japanese View of the Eastern Question
Manjiro Inagaki
Yougo-Slavia (Dutch)
G. Smits
La Péninsule Des Balkans — Tome I
Emile de Laveleye
An Observer in the Near East
William Le Queux
Reminiscences of the King of Roumania
Mite Kremnitz
La Save, le Danube et le Balkan : voyage chez les Slovènes, les Croates, les Serbes et les Bulgares (French)
Louis Leger
Une Confédération Orientale comme solution de la Question d'Orient (1905) (French)
Confédération Balkanique (French)
Živojin Perić
Peace Theories and the Balkan War
Norman Angell
Displaying results 1–19